Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/reviews/james48daley
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Review of Dear Me  
Review by james4:8daley
In affiliation with God's Way Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
They say that words have the power to change lives - whether to build up or tear down.
Same is true with self-talk -- can empower us or reduce our effectiveness.
Self talk has more affect when written out like this .
A very powerful piece of writing for all to read , to be reminded of the support and encouragement that we receive along the way.
To be read and reflected on , to keep those negative thoughts of self-doubt at bay.
Keep writing , keep reading and keep encouraging yourself and others to do the same !!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by james4:8daley
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
a well written short story - all the elements of a good forbidden love story
it kept my curiosity right up until the end -- wondering why they could not remain "a couple"
nice phrasing throughout - well expressed about the emotional bonds that were felt
between the characters, bonds that a reader can easily relate to.
Darn those accepted parameters!!!
Big androids don't cry
Big androids don't cry
Keep on writing!!
Review by james4:8daley
Rated: E | (4.5)
A profound piece of work!!!!
"There is a purpose for everything under heaven"
-the urgings, the promptings,
-the searching of my soul
-the words written
-all meant to be said

yes, yes, yes and yes -- I can relate!!
God only knows what impact our words(His words) will have on others
but they will have an impact!!

Thanks for sharing,
your words have impacted me,
they have stirred something up in my soul
and I am grateful!!


Review of I AM  
Review by james4:8daley
Rated: E | (4.0)
A great piece of writing revealing how all encompassing the Great I AM is.
Filled with many truths about His comforting presence and love.

My only suggestion would be -- how about capitalizing" I AM " at the beginning of every line
as you did in the title.

Thanks for sharing , keep writing!!
Please return the courtesy and kindly review some work in my portfolio.
Review of AND I CRIED  
Review by james4:8daley
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very powerful and moving piece of work
the cries of anguish and rebellion turn to cries of joy and the cries of a surrendered heart --
I am convinced there are tears of joy in heaven each time one of His wayward lambs
are found and come back to the fold.
Blessings from one surrendered heart to another,
(Draw near to God and He will draw near to you)
Review by james4:8daley
Rated: E | (4.0)
a thought provoking poem shedding light on the topic of light
light breaks up darkness
I like the contrast between "a candle in the window" which provides a sense of hope
versus "the headlights of an oncoming train" which signifies danger or despair.
I also find it interesting that you capitalized Light toward the end of the poem--
does that signify The Light of the world" somehow??
Thank you for sharing.
Reflected Light from above Blessings,
(Draw near to God and He will draw near to you)
Write on and Reflect on!!
Review of Multivalence  
Review by james4:8daley
Rated: E | (5.0)
Very interesting theory and one that I agree whole-heartedly.
I have had similar experiences of "being used as a vessel", that is,
hearing a message from Our Creator, and being at the right place at the right time,
conveying that message to just the right person who needed to hear it.
Isaiah 55:11 states " so is my word that goes out of my mouth: It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it."
Artists and Poets "create" , a manifestation of and from Our Creator, whether they realize it or not
and those who are "in tune" with Our Creator will experience more "confirmations"
of this -- the Holy Spirit bearing witness. I have journaled and out of this journaling process
have come "messages" from The Almighty as well -- just beginning to share them publicly.
Life is full of tests, testing to see if we respond and how we respond, developing
a sensitivity to the promptings, the stirring of The Spirit, that is being used by God
to minister to the people of God, to glorify God!!
(Draw near to God and He will draw near to you)
Review of Drifting Home  
Review by james4:8daley
Rated: E | (4.5)
a beautiful poem with great phrasing
and great sea faring imagery
yes , until we surrender and make Our Saviour
the Captain of our vessels in the sea of life,
we tend to drift along -- letting wind and wave get the best of us.
I also like the imagery of light -Light of the world, warming and glowing.
Thank you for sharing.
Reflective Blessings to you,
Write on and shine on!!
Review of From Deep Within  
Review by james4:8daley
Rated: E | (5.0)
short and succinct writing
yet extremely powerful
words that I, myself can relate to very well
God has been cultivating a sensitivity to His promptings in my faith journey as well.
All of my writings have originated out of my daily faith journal that I've been keeping for several years now
Keep those ears and eyes of faith open and receptive, the Spirit will fill your cup until it overflows
and you'll find yourself writing and writing. And your words will be His words, words of encouragement.
Thank you for sharing.
Review of AND-MOSES-WEPT!  
Review by james4:8daley
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Beautiful piece of writing,
embedded with history and truth
conveyed in such a poetic manner
expressing the true character and personhood of Moses
(no wonder God chose him to be "first shepherd of His flock")
Thank you for illuminating this all to me -- deeply appreciated!
Immortal Blessings to follow,
Review of October  
Review by james4:8daley
Rated: E | (4.5)
very interesting write,
examining closely the change of seasons
a constant cycle of life and death
the order of things go on, all according to God's Divine plan
all of His creation, "chirping with joy", praising its Creator
Nothing can steal its (nature's) joy
Nothing should steal our joy
Remembering Romans 8:28 -- God is working out all things for the good
of those who love Him and are called to His purpose.
To everything turn,turn turn.
Review by james4:8daley
Rated: E | (4.5)
Nice metapors used in this writing-- we're all helpless like mice.
It always amazes me that when we take the time to study creation/creatures --
there's always a lesson to be learned, and a message from God hidden even
in the mundane -- when you look with eyes of faith. Someone once said
"there is only one thing that surpasses God's greatness -- that would be
God's gentleness" and how He gentle enough" to hold us in the palm of His hand"
Humble Blessings to you,
Review by james4:8daley
Rated: E | (4.5)
Christ commands us to love one another.
It is easy to love the "lovable" -- takes no effort at all.
The true test is to love the "unlovable", those who annoy us or even hurt us.
We truly act the most "Christlike" when we go out of our way to be at peace with each other,
forgiving those who have done wrongs to us -- this is what we are commanded to do
by the example He has set before us. He gives us "inner strength" or grace
to do such in His power not by our power.

Great write on a very important aspect in the life of modern day discipleship -- forgiveness.
It needs to be brought up over and over again because we humans have extremely
short memories. Thanks for the reminder.
(Draw near to God and He will draw near to you)
Review of Enlightened  
Review by james4:8daley
Rated: E | (4.5)
I certainly agree with the theme of the poem.
Each moment of life can be very "enlightening" when one is open and receptive.
Everyday, ordinary experiences, however mundane can be great opportunities for "enlightment"--
it's all in our attitude and approach -- so much to be learned, to be appreciated
when one becomes a "seeker".
People take too much for granted these days -- thanks for the write and reawakening my senses.
(Draw near to God and He will draw near to you)
Review of Worship  
Review by james4:8daley
Rated: E | (4.5)
Yes, we need to worship God more
for all that He is and all that He does

nice poem acknowledging His presence in your life

in last stanza, might I suggest to use "fallen" instead of fell -grammatically correct

It's amazing as we grow spiritually, we become more mindfully aware of His constant presence.

(Draw near to God and He will draw near to you)
Review of A Father's Love!  
Review by james4:8daley
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
a very heart-felt and humbling poem
God is truly amazing -- He loves us despite all of our weaknesses, foibles
and frailties -- someone once said "there is only one thing that is greater
than God's power -- hard to beliieve -- that would be God's gentleness"
He knows we're going to mess up, but when we are faithful to be totally
open and honest with Him, He will be faithful to forgive us --
and He never stops LOVING US == we worship an Awesome God, worthy
of all our praise!!
Review of God I've Strayed  
Review by james4:8daley
Rated: E | (4.5)
a great write -- short and succint -- yet full of honesty and truth
awareness of the act of straying is actually a very good sign in
someon'e's faith walk, it is from the Holy Spirit giving us a red flag
God remains faithful to forgive our sins when we stray as long
as we remain open and honest with Him.
"Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world" 1John4:??
Continued Blessings and Strength to Endure,
Review by james4:8daley
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
great write filled with lots of truth
the biggest truth is that happiness is a choice
there are many people in the world who have experienced dire circumstances
yet they remain happy.It's all how one responds to life's situations.
I definitely agree you cannot find happiness in possessions - altough
many people try, especially young people.
Real happiness or "contentment " comes from connections --
connections with Our Creator and the people who He places in our path.
Review by james4:8daley
Rated: E | (4.5)
well written poem, you can really sense the longing in the woman's heart
desparetly waiting for reassurance from God above

Hopefully God will bring a sense of calmness and peace
despite the situation that she finds herself in

Keep kneeling, keep praying, keep connecting to God
Keep the passion and intensity growing,
don't lose hope and expect a miracle

Review of Unseen Architect  
Review by james4:8daley
Rated: E | (5.0)
Well written, great points to ponder, succinctly put yet very convincing.
Although God persistently pursues a relationship with His children, He is the perfect gentleman
and never forces His way in anyone's life unless asked first -- but He does reward those who "diligently seek Him".
In today's society, there are not many things that John Q Public does with much diligence -- a very sad commentary
on human nature but we must remember human nature is synonomous to old sin nature equalling
ego centric = me me me. Enough said about that. Someone once said you'll find in life whatever you're
looking for, reasons to prove God's existence or reasons to disprove. I love the story and testimony of
Lee Strobel, a former atheist who tried to disprove God's existence and ended up finding more convincing
evidence for God's existence and became quite vocal about his faith.
Review of A Writer's Lament  
Review by james4:8daley
Rated: E | (4.5)
lots of encouraging words -- thanks from a new writer
so right about words pouring / erupting from the heart
never want to be just going thru the motions -- mechanical as you so aptly put it
thanks again for your thoughts,
(hope to be a real writer some day)
Review by james4:8daley
Rated: E | (4.5)
So true!!! The DUMBING DOWN OF AMERICA started many, many years ago and continues today. Over time , idleness, laziness and lethargy has been fostered, encouraged and
rewarded thus ignorance runs rampant -- it takes too much effort to stay educated --
so staying lazy and ignorant becomes the status quo and people settle for mediocrity.
There have been many who have risen above this mediocrity, they have had a passion
for excellence. The truly sad part and the hardest part about dealing with ignorance is
and that is the truth!!

Someone also made a great point (a Pastor I heard on the radio)
we, in society, are facing a CRITICAL CREDIBILITY CRISIS -- we don't know Who to believe
or What to believe anymore -- its just the times in which we live

In history, people have gone through these exact same things that we're going through now
and what most people are unaware of (ignorance maximus) -- it didn't end well.

So I guess all we can do is get the word out there, as you are doing and hopefully
enough of the right people will catch on -- not all will.

In total agreement with you,
(thanks for the writing and thanks for reading this as well)
Review of Thru The Dark  
Review by james4:8daley
Rated: E | N/A (Unratable.)
a wonderful write full of truth
we all experience "seasons of darkness", pain and suffering
we will either run to God or run away from God
when we run to God, His strength, His grace will sustain us
It is His process of refining us, removing impurities and reshaping us more into
Christlikeness -- unfortunately the flesh fights it tooth and nail, we "feel " discomfort
but most "spiritual maturing" happens during these times
and some of the BEST SPIRITUAL WRITINGS (i.e David's Psalms) occur.
Our Creator is really hard at work making our "creative juices" flow through us --
very cathartic (or therapeutic) for us -- all by His Divine Design -- Praise God!!
Review of Supreme Master  
Review by james4:8daley
Rated: E | (3.5)
a well written poem about acknowledging God and His work in your life
most people attribute good fortune and blessings to just plain luck
giving God credit where credit is due, giving Him "the benefit of our faith"
honors Him and glorifies Him -- and that's exactly why He created us
for fellowship,
contnue to be a bold witness for Him by telling others what He's done for you
Many Blessings,
Review of Who was Jesus?  
Review by james4:8daley
Rated: E | (4.5)
I believe in the authority and inerrancy of God's Word, The Holy Bible.
There is no other book like it, full of truths, promises and fulfilled prophecies --
many that have come true and many that will come true in the near future.
The Bible = the Written Word; Jesus is the Living Word of God.
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