Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/reviews/dayglow
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4 Public Reviews Given
8 Total Reviews Given
Public Reviews
Review of Torment  Open in new Window.
Review by MayDay Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I can hardly begin to start. There is so much packed into this poetic story. This girl feels trapped. Trapped in a world of lies and hate. She wants to get out to the world of beauty. She feels hope, though if I said I was not impressed with how long she hangs on to it, I would be lying. From the look of the story, she has been walking through this tunnel for a long time and may for a long time walk yet. And all through it all, she has hope that someday--somehow, she'll make it out. That is why she keeps walking, right? If she had no hope, she'd simply sit down and die. Never eating. Never drinking. But she does. She keeps herself alive so that someday she may make it out.

And she feels like God doesn't hear her, doesn't speak to her, doesn't love her. Because her world is already so filled with hate and she seems to not get a response from God, who she prays to in her hope. But God does hear you when you call. He'll answer your prayers. And He loves you so much he gave you a way out of your sin. He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to earth to die so that if we believe in Him, and that what He says He did is true, and that He rose again the third day after He died, then we can have Eternal Life. But even after we come to faith in Jesus, we are still humans, and humans will sin until the day they die. This may be why the girl feels so filthy, though everything around her recognizes her beauty. I've dealt with such things before, thinking that I am still sinfully filthy and not worthy of Jesus. When really, Jesus cleansed me in his blood, and I am a new person as long as my faith and hope still stands. That may be why she wanted to be hurt. Because blood is the price for sin, and she thought that sense no one else could pay, she would have to. But Jesus did. Jesus joined her in that place of suffering, and He paid the blood price. The ultimate blood price, so she doesn't really have to spill her blood anymore. But she feels like she has to, because she doesn't hear Jesus calling to her. Maybe one day, she will hear His call, and pass from the Tunnel of Sinners to the Tunnel of Christian's Affliction. Or maybe she already has. Maybe this tunnel, the hardships of this tunnel, are shaping her. Are trying to help her conform to the will of God.

I hope this makes sense. If not, please tell me what you are confused about and I'll try to clarify.
Review of Vivisection  Open in new Window.
Review by MayDay Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Very well written, though I think you should have one of the showing genres be horror, to warn people. The last part is pretty freaky.
Review of Scars  Open in new Window.
Review by MayDay Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is a heart-touching story, Ollieamy Author Icon. I hope those children are able to forgive their father someday, but he should repent of his sins first. Has he? Has he begged for forgiveness, not because he needs care but because he truly feels sorry? I'm glad those kids care for him now, despite what he did in his earlier years. I think if I were in the father's position, I'd feed my kids from the start.

I think if I were in the son's position, I'd love him despite what he did. I'd try to tell him about God and His mercy and grace. I might even tell him the famous line from the Lego Movie(s), "You don't have to be the bad guy."

Welcome to WDC, Ollieamy. I hope you enjoy reading and writing here.
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