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421 Public Reviews Given
957 Total Reviews Given
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Hi! *Smile* I'll be happy to tell you what I like about your item's content and what emotion it evokes in me. If I see an area or two that need attention by way of improvement, I'll make suggestions for you. I will try to word my reviews in such a way that might garner you more views for the item when seen on the public reviewing page and here, in my reviewing forum. I will always do my best to carry on the Simply Positive motto.
I'm good at...
I am particularly interested in poetry, (romantic poetry is my favorite) though I will review other item types (see below). I have a fondness for love in general, for what greater thing is there? *Heart*
Favorite Genres
Romance, Spiritual, Relationship, Humor, Emotional, Mystery, Detective, Religious
Least Favorite Genres
Fantasy, Historical, Science Fiction, Horror, Western
Favorite Item Types
Poetry, Prose, Novella, Short Story
Least Favorite Item Types
Book (time is an issue)
I will not review...
I do not have the time to read a full book at present. This may change in the future. I will not review science fiction, horror or western, as those genres do not interest me and I would not be able to do them justice. I will not review anything with relation to the occult and I WILL NOT REVIEW ANYTHING HAVING TO DO WITH AGE-INAPPROPRIATE SEXUAL CONTENT.
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Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)

Wonderful item you guys have here! Many blessings on your endeavors and prayers for your lives and loved ones. 💛
Rated: E | (5.0)

I love the availability you show in this piece. It tells of an openness of your heart, and a willingness to share your soul. And that's what is so beautiful about you. You have a beautiful soul, Anthony.
Review of Tears at Dawn.  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Beautiful work, Spiritual Dawning .

I love your metaphors. The overall tone of your poem is loving and gives me a gooey feeling of open, inviting arms.
Your loved one is so lucky to have you. She must adore you greatly.

This is my fave line *Wand*I grant you special powers so you can take to flight.

To have someone to hold you when you are in pain is such a wonderful feeling. I truly miss that, because hugs are some of my favorite things.

Great piece. Thank you for sharing your work. 💛💮

Review of The Loud Silence  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hey Lady!

How have you been?

I love this piece! I now understand from where your inspiration for Shadows and Light came.

This is an amazing personal essay and your motivation is inspiring. How I would love to hear about your history!

Are you still here? I haven't seen you around, but I haven't been as active as I once was, either.

Your word choices are perfect and will reach a large audience. They give a sort of whimsical urgency to extracting the depth of our ancestors. I hope you are really diving into the records and allowing the ghosts of the past to settle with their stories having been told.

Do you follow @PsychToday ? On Twitter, at least, oft times they give personality traits per disorder. So, if I'm writing about my narc step-monster, looking at the typical narcissistic traits is helpful for me. It helps to see what is actually happening physiologically when he behaves like a donkey. (Ahem. 'Scuse the momentary relapse in judgment.)

Great essay. I wish you all the inspiration in the world.

Love, love.


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Review of Shadow Girl.  
Rated: E | (4.0)

This is an interesting piece, and I'm thinking,

'How sad to be the Shadow Girl.'

While I understand your perspective, could you look into the heart of this person? I mean, if they exist for real? Or perhaps she lives in your heart, and even then, can't she see a little sunshine?

Shadows, after all, are created by light.

Without contrast, what possibility and hope exist? And in our work, showing light with darkness gives our readers a sense of hope. We cannot live our lives in utter despair without hope. No Jesus? Know Jesus!!

And upon further examination I see a little light in this line:

A golden sun that never sets.

So, you may be holding some kind of reverence for God's power to work within, either her or yourself.

Your diction is good. Word placement is appropriate. Descriptors are very well used.

Thank you for sharing. Write On!


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Review of Jersey  
Rated: E | (5.0)
With so very few words, words that amplify want and hope and longing to help, you captured this moment of bravery and resolve from the heart. It shows the core essence of you, as a person, of your friendship and your tenacity (or that of your character). It breathed "I am here for you..."
Well done, Lou. I miss you. Congratulations on being featured in the newsletter.
Rated: E | (5.0)
I found your piece in the poetry newsletter today. Congratulations on being featured! *ConfettiR*

I love your poem. It really speaks to the growth we, as Christians, experience from glory to glory. That you are using your temple as an expression of that growth testifies of your love for, and faith in, Him. What a poignant statement. And the fact that God has our names "written" (tattooed) on His hands tells me stuffy Christians who are against body art don't understand the basics of why Jesus came. Accept Him, and love your neighbor as yourself. Right?

Great expression of faith!

Many blessings to you, and Happy Easter! 🐰

Rated: E | (5.0)


I love this wonderful tribute to our loving God! It brings me a sense of peace and comfort in the knowledge I can rest in the everlasting arms of my heavenly Father.

Your rhyme scheme is excellent. I do read the poetry newsletter but don't usually follow forms. My knowledge of them is weak, but I see you used one here. I like the way it flows. What style/form is it?

Your flair of faith is bright! Never put it under a lampshade!

May He bless you with the best of everything!


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Mirror  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This made me cry.

And I hope I'm interpreting it correctly. Because the other two ways I interpreted it made me cry, too.

Your storytelling, albeit a poem, is magnificent.

With each and every word, line by line, the intensity grows more feverish. In my head I can hear dramatic music to accompany this piece. And I understand this is your heart and soul which nagged at you until, through your quill, you spilled your blood onto the paper. That is what great writers do, and actually it's a Hemingway quote. "Writing is simple. All you have to do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed." -E.H.

I commend you for this very well-written and emotional piece.

Merry Christmas!


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Review of mistrial  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi heb..
Interesting...and in all your writing, one might find a character that is a misfit among misfits, an undermined soul only searching for validity and willing only to compromise in order that they may be viewed from That Place. You know the Place I'm talking about, heb? It's a Place that you mentioned herein. It's Authenticity. I mean, if we're not careful, our true and authentic selves may spill out from the very core of us and onto the paper. Oh. You say, "But they are not like that really." But I say, "Absolutely they are." The mouth screams. The soul speaks. But the spirit...the spirit whispers, heb. (See the story of David hiding in a cave from King Saul, who was trying to kill him. David was anointed to be Saul's successor to the throne, but in the meantime David played beautiful music on the harp for Saul, and since David had a heart for God he didn't want to attack Saul. God sent three things to speak to David, but when he heard Him, it was in the whisper of the wind.) And I believe what we read, what happens when we see on paper or screen, is the spirit whispering of goodness, mercy, grace, and peace. It may be only that those things are what we are declaring over our lives as we write our hopes and dreams, fascinations and expectations, but declaring goodness over one's life has the propensity to affect it in a most profound way.

Let us speak with authority the good things He hath prepared for us.

"Out of the mouth the heart speaks." -Proverbs

"As a man thinketh, so is he." -Proverbs

"You can't keep a good man down." -Some song by some artist.

"You can gather whatever evidence you feel is necessary, but if the narrative does not fit the character, if you have the M and the O but not the other M, what good is your character assasination?" -Me

No. You must have all three to make a case and without motive there is no case.

Thoroughly enjoyed. Thank you for sharing.

Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
This is beautiful. Saw it in the newsletter this morning and the title and description drew me in.
You've used wonderful juxtapositions in this piece.

God bless you. Have a truly wonderful day.


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Rated: E | (5.0)
This folder is fantastic from what I've read thus far, Anthony. I love the depth into which you delve to explore levels of heartfelt and emotional longings, revelations, and satisfaction.

Thank you for consistent eloquence.

Review of Rain Dance  
Rated: E | (5.0)

I found this item as I searched your port for a piece to read/review. The title drew me in. I love to dance in the rain.

This poem is filled with delightful imagery. I especially like the concept you conveyed in your last verse, as its terminology pulls the positive and negative emotions of a situation into the light of day, and gives witness to the depth of you that you offer/give to this person.

I like the form ... what is it? Rhombus, maybe? It's used consistently throughout. *ThumbsUpL*

The tone is laden with expectant love which, when read by a hopeless romantic, lends the reader toward the idealistic conclusion. If this is a true-to-you experience, I really hope you made out like a light shined on you from heaven.

Thank you for sharing this beautiful side of yourself. I truly enjoyed reading your work.

Best always,


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Review of Iridescent Blue  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow, Rick! This is wonderful.

Beautifully written prose that captured my attention and my heart.

It was lovely to read your reflections; this woman seems to be magical. When we meet people of this caliber of mystery and intrigue it's a rare delight and not one with which I'm unfamiliar.

Your vocabulary is perfect for the telling of the encounters, your feelings, and the longing which comes after having been spellbound.

A favorite line: Twenty years have come and gone, leaving me with and education only time can afford. <--- Very uniquely written!

I really love your vague description of this person. It adds to the mystery and power this woman holds within.

I truly enjoyed reading your work. You have made a lasting impression. Thank you for sharing your story with me. *Smile*

Have a Blessed day!


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Wealth Untold  
Rated: E | (3.5)
"[He'll] turn bones into armies." -EW
Nice work. Don't give up your faith, even in those "wicked" rich people.
Rated: E | (5.0)
This piece reminds me of someone I am very fond of, wishing those words could come from he to me. Unfortunately, it's a distant theory, and behind it is no reality.

Such a sweetly written poem. And pink font makes it even sweeter.
Your words are well-chosen and perfectly fitting for the topic.

Well done! Keep creating masterpieces!

Rated: E | (5.0)

I glanced at this piece the other day but, didn't have time for a review.

I simply love it. And it's so true. There's nothing better than, after a hard day, coming home to a man who knows how to love you the way you you like.

There is a great book about this topic called "The Five Love Languages" by Gary Chapman. Pretty popular book, too.

I love the way you have taken the POV from the woman and what she needs, and given sound advice to the lover in their life.

Perfect, as is. I saw no need for improvement.


Rated: E | (3.5)
Hi there!

Thank you for the review request.

I have read this about 7 times. Its meaning is sort of coming to me, which is "odd" because I'm usually pretty adept at discerning (a gift from the Spirit, Amen!) the motive or intention behind poetry.

Your poem seems to be about disaster, both inward and outward, and it may be tinged with a wee bit of sarcasm.

I really like the first 2 lines of your 3rd verse. Whatever comes your way, have a coke and a smile, then your reaction will be so peaceful it will give you resurrection power if you are in Christ Jesus. Did I get that correct?

I ran into confusion here and there. Did you mean "cooler" or "color" in last verse? "The horror you sing?" Is that about a negative attitude?

So, in conclusion, you thought you wanted something or someone, but you realized they are a terrible mess, so you skipped out and decided your life is great as it is?

Email me and let me know if I'm even close.

Thank you for the opportunity to review this piece.

Write on!
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Anna. G'morning. Thanks for the review request.

I thought your poem was really unique, and I love the title, which is fitting for the piece.

The subject line is meant to describe what the poem is about. You may want to change the info there to read something that will draw attention to your piece. Personally, I would choose "Is Your individuality propelled? Read on to find out how I push myself upwards." That would grab more eyes, I think.

The whole poem embodies my philosophy. I still, at 48!, have my first college dictionary from right after HS. Words are our thing!! Aside from my Bible, that and my thesaurus are my favorite books. So, when you say you look up all those words you don't know, I'm thinking 'friend.' Why? Because knowledge seems to run in clusters. If we are willing to do a little side investigating we will #Rise above, not to be haughty or arrogant, but to store those seeds away for when we need them. I do it with every word I don't know.

There is, I have to add, a lot of wordiness. I read it aloud twice, and at the end of nearly every sentence I was gasping for breath. I don't know what that readability scale takes into account, but maybe not breath-factor. 😁

Here are a couple of examples of places where you could condense your words while making the same impact:
A) 1st line:
'Being propelled is encouragement.
B) I would completely omit the line beginning "The anticipation of all this... If we tell our readers that we admire ourselves, they are not likely to admire us.
C) "newfangled version of your newer self" is a wee bit redundant and wordy. I would write: "newfangled version of yourself."

The reason I suggest not being overly flowery in your text is because Editors hate it. I don't know your intentions with your work, but if your aim is to become a published author, please take these tidbits into consideration. It's these tips from other WdC writers that helped me to publish, not a book, but 2 essays and 2 poems.

Overall, I think this is a really important factor to consider for anyone in life, so your audience is everyone. (Don't forget to keep your audience in mind when you use vocab. because words should be age-appropriate. )

Sending you positive Vibes and Light for your path. Blessings on your journey today!
Keep creating masterpieces!

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Crazy Faith  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Excellent. I love this piece. I am radically in love with Him, but there are days I forget to put on The Armor.
Well-executed, and in logical order. Thought-provoking and sincere.
Great job!
Keep creating masterpieces!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Words  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Indeed Words are the Creators. "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God..." John 1:1

I love the phrases you use as description in this poem. You say you're no poet but this is fine poetry, although I can't really think of how hearing "I hate you" could ever ring out without a flinch. Those aren't just words. There is extreme emotion behind them.

As Mama Joyce says, words are containers for power. We can use them to lift or to defeat.

Great poem. I especially like: "Phrases like weapons lashing at our souls..."

Very creative piece!

Have a blessed day.

Review of wisdom  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi! Long time no speakie. *Smile*

Your point is made in no subtle tones. In fact, it screams, "You fool!" For wisdom is etched into our souls as our experiences aid us in either climbing or descending the proverbial ladder of success in business and/or society.

I'm wondering about the form you have used here. It contains 17 syllables, yes, like a haiku but different. But it's a powerful message.

Thank you for sharing.

Write on!!

Review of He's Gone  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi. Thank you for the review request.
So many will be able to relate to this poem. We've all been betrayed.

The mood, however, is subtle for such a hurtful thought and this reader believes the poet must be in a stable place of faith to have accomplished this peace. Lackadaisical feelings toward an ex are a definite sign of growth.

The overall tone of your piece is one of dissociation and acceptance, which in this case are excellent occurrences.

Loved the line "Suddenly a lone thought made my heart swirl."

Have a great day, and keep creating masterpieces!

Review of Jesus Christ.  
Rated: E | (5.0)

This is a great testimony of His love for us and and what He has accomplished on this earth in the short 3 years He was in ministry. If we call on His name, and believe in our hearts and confess with our mouths, He will never leave us.

Great work, and just as I finished watching Joyce Meyer and Steven Furtick this morning. *ThumbsUpL*

Have a wonderful day!

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Review of Son.  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Amen to that.
This is a wonderful dedication to your child. It shows the pride you take in being a father and the hope you have for your son as he grows into a man.
I can really appreciate the last line, as my own son, who's 21, just told me he's going to start going to church. Woohoo.

A terrific piece indeed.

Keep creating masterpieces!

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