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421 Public Reviews Given
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Hi! *Smile* I'll be happy to tell you what I like about your item's content and what emotion it evokes in me. If I see an area or two that need attention by way of improvement, I'll make suggestions for you. I will try to word my reviews in such a way that might garner you more views for the item when seen on the public reviewing page and here, in my reviewing forum. I will always do my best to carry on the Simply Positive motto.
I'm good at...
I am particularly interested in poetry, (romantic poetry is my favorite) though I will review other item types (see below). I have a fondness for love in general, for what greater thing is there? *Heart*
Favorite Genres
Romance, Spiritual, Relationship, Humor, Emotional, Mystery, Detective, Religious
Least Favorite Genres
Fantasy, Historical, Science Fiction, Horror, Western
Favorite Item Types
Poetry, Prose, Novella, Short Story
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Book (time is an issue)
I will not review...
I do not have the time to read a full book at present. This may change in the future. I will not review science fiction, horror or western, as those genres do not interest me and I would not be able to do them justice. I will not review anything with relation to the occult and I WILL NOT REVIEW ANYTHING HAVING TO DO WITH AGE-INAPPROPRIATE SEXUAL CONTENT.
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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+
Hi Summer Wind. I'm enjoying my visit to your port. I had to LOL at this. I wrote something similar a long time ago, though mine was not a satirical piece. I love your word choices. "Literary skewers" and "literarily blind" = wonderful terms.

Here is the link to the piece I wrote, if you care to drop by: "Invalid Item It was written when I was fairly new to writing and I haven't edited, so 'scuse the newbie feel. *Smile*

Another excellent piece. Write ON!
Oh, BTW, I shared that last piece I reviewed on FB. Hope you don't mind.

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+
Hiya Summer Wind.

Wowzers. This poem says VOLUMES to be just 14 lines. There's that age-old addage that states "you can't please all of the people all of the time." That being said, churches these days are likely trying to appeal to younger generations, thus the rock music. Usually, though, they have a traditional early service for the older people and a contemporary later one for the younger crowd. The objective is to spread the gospel, and if they aren't doing that, (ALL of it, including the hard stuff that makes you wriggle in your seat) then they aren't doing their jobs as pastors. I will tell you of one pastor I listen to/watch who is wonderful, whose message is clear and concise (albeit hard to hear sometimes BECAUSE she's tells it like it is) and whose ministry outreaches are admirable and you can find her here---> https://joycemeyer.org Click the broadcast link on the left of the screen to watch her programs.

Your poem has an excellent rhyme scheme. The flow is great. The message is wonderfully conveyed. I especially like this line: and then he pulls your strings like a puppeteer.

I can sum up my review of your poem in one word. Excellence.

Hope you have a fantastic day!


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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)

This was a very cute poem. It made me smile and I needed that today. Thank you for posting. Good luck in your contest.



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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Red River  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hi Jessica!

I found this poem to be incredibly engaging, the suspense built with every line and it ended with a masterful climax. I read it three times aloud, it's contextual meaning sinking in more and more each time. The topic is a tad taboo which, I think, is what makes it such an enticing read. Your diction is wonderful; and, I love your word choices like "mottled patches," "savage face" and "red river swim."

You definitely have talent, so don't stop writing! Can't wait to read more of your poetry!

Best always,


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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Fragile  
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Pat!

I thought this was a beautiful representation of how we tremble with fear and brokenness when life's events flow downstream, but when we sit still and watch and listen we see Him working blessings into our lives. I love your diction and think your talent is unsurpassed. Well-written.

Best always,

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
This is incredibly beautiful Megan. I like how you have taken on the role of Mary Magdalene in this story. Definitely a stance to show your devotion to Jesus. I'd like to know more about this group, if it is still active. Well-written with clarity and substance. Thank you for sharing.


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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of To My Love  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello Morgan Lynn.

I think your poem is a wonderful example of trust. It builds in suspense from beginning to end, from a place of being lost and lonely to one of coupledom. This poem brings to mind the lyrics for Amazing Grace, actually, in that "[you] once were lost, but now [you're] found, was blind but now [you] see." I think it's beautiful that you were able to find this type of love on earth, or is it Jesus' love that you write of? Whatever the case, I like it.

Hope you have a terrific day. Good luck in the contest!


Please vote for Musical Sentiments @ "Invalid Item

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Is It Worth It?  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Oh! Tears come to my eyes as I read the final lines of this beautiful piece! It IS worth it. You've lent an exceptional voice to this generational lesson. I loved it! Wonderful, emotionally charged poem. Wisdom hovers in experience, and joy is unsurpassed as we invite new members into our families, by both marriage and birth.

I see no room for improvement.

Hope you have a fantastic day. Write ON!

Please check out "Invalid Item

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi, good afternoon. I clicked on your suitcase in the Simply Positive forum, as I am a fellow member of that group.

Wow! Just...WOW! There are so many incredibly AWESOME concepts within this poem! I love every word of it. You display such originality, such a unique perspective on love. My favorite line: "laughing and running, over love's broken glass" Beautiful!

The only place I see where there could be cause for correction would be in your fourth line. There should not be an apostrophe in "love's", as the apostrophe shows ownership.

Wonderful poem. Write ON.


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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Hi Megan!

I love this piece. It takes me into another time, another place, where stature is everything and romance is prevalent. The characters are well-described and the atmosphere is inviting. It's setting is reminiscent of the novels I loved to read when I was a teen... though, I don't think I should{/} have been reading them at that age. *Bigsmile* This poem makes me long to live as the Baroness, in love, and under the mistletoe. *Smile*

Good work! Write ON.


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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of A Confession  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Angels in my Ear .

This is indicative of how we have all felt at one time or another. There is great pain in losing friendships. I really like the line "You could not hear me wishing". That's beautiful, for a wish's sound is very powerful, though you cannot hear it at all. That would make for a beautiful poem on it's own. "The Sound of a Wish". Perhaps you could follow this up with that piece?

There is a forlorn longing in this piece. I can feel your emotions with you. That means that your word choices were excellent, and convey the spirit in which your heart lies heavy.

The way this is written is more like prose than poetry, I think. You may like to reconsider the item type.

Wonderful work, as always.


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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Awe, what a cute story! I rarely read them, mostly I land on poetry items, but your title drew me in, and your story amused and entertained me. Awesome! My favorite term you used: "Spray Gate". I laughed out loud at that terminology, as I can imagine a house with that many girls can be a tough beat. From beginning to end, the suspense and humor alike built into a wonderfully engaging story.

Spelling, punctuation and grammar were excellent. I did not notice any mistakes. Bravo!

Liked on fb, hope you don't mind.

Thank you for sharing your creativity! Excellent job!

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Please vote for my contest, Musical Sentiments, @ "Invalid Item

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Hope Defiant  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi. Good morning.

I like this a LOT. It's beautiful. This poem is an excellent representation of hope. From beginning to end, this reader was captivated by your words, which when read aloud, dripped off the tongue in a sing-songy manner. The flow was steady, and the tension built with every line all the way to the end when you ended with a promise of better things to come.

Good use of the prompt. Good luck in the contest!

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
I came across this on the reviewing page. Very nice. I learned a new word and that is always good. I, like most writers, love words! I also learned a new form. Thanks for the info and for sharing your creation. BTW, I shared on fb, hope you don't mind.

Have a super day, and write ON!


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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)

I love the message in this beautiful poem. Your diction is excellent, bringing the reader into your character's forlorn love. I can really appreciate verse 4, especially the last line, for what he should be stealing is her heart. I've been in this place, and this piece resonated with me on a very personal level. I believe it will touch a lot of people.

I did notice a couple of places that could use some attention and please note, my suggestions are just that - suggestions. You may feel free to use or discard them as they are made only in the spirit of being helpful.

a) In verse 3, I believe 'cannot' should be 'can't'. If changed it would keep the meter more steady.

b) In verse 7, last line, I believe you meant to write 'dam' but instead wrote 'damn'. Darn typos!

I really love your final line, too. It's a wonderful way to sum up this poem. You did a superb job at describing how we, as lovers, as part of a union, want to be regarded.

Have a lovely day and Write ON!

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In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (3.0)

My name is 💟Crissy~Hijacked and I'll be reviewing this piece on behalf of "The WDC Angel Army [ASR] and "Simply Positive Review Forum [E].

I think this chapter gives a very good description of the relationship you had with your father. Using his humor to break up the cooking history was a wonderful way to have a close relationship with you. Even though you begged for a break from home-cooked meals, his detailed explanation of the origins of the food created conversation, and I'd be willing to bet it opened the door for other types of chat as well, such as what was going on in school or with friends. That is very unlike the relationship I had with my parents. You are lucky.

There are a few punctuation errors I'd like to point out only for the sake of being helpful. In your second paragraph, your usage of the comma is overdone. The sentences are broken up in places where they should not be, for example: a) omit the one after 'kitchen'. b) there should be a period after 'me' in that line and a new sentence begun at 'It was...'. And etc.

I hope you take my suggestions in the spirit in which they were intended, which was only for improvement purposes. Have a lovely weekend and if you celebrate it, a Merry Christmas.

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Review of Black on White  
Rated: E | (4.0)

I really like the image this piece portrays in my mind. Are you the genealogist in your family? Aren't we all curious about our ancestors and the lives they led? I think a lot of people can relate to this poem. Wouldn't we like to know the secrets, the noble acts of valor in war, etc. of our predecessors? What I think would make this stand out is if you were to add an image to this piece....upload the photo to which you are referring.

Good job! Write ON and have a great day!


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Review of Doubt  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi there!

No doubt that you still have talent, and you have a voice that screams to be heard. This piece is, whether you realized it or not, indicative of your deepest desires. They shine through your words saying, "write, write, write".

I do notice a couple of areas that can be improved, and please note, this is just my opinion, and I hope that's the spirit in which you will take my suggestions.

a.) Your rhyme scheme is good, but I think it would be better if you were to adhere to a syllabic structure. For example, in verse 2 your structure is 7, 8, 7, 6 whereas in verse 7 you follow 9, 7, 9, 7. For a rhyming poem to drip off the tongue, we want to maintain a constant syllable count for each line, each stanza. Observe which count you want to follow and stick with it throughout the entire poem. You can do this easily by either omitting, adding or changing the tense of one or two words per line. It can be however many syllables you want, so long as it's constant throughout. And contractions are helpful in this case, too, like for "ever" to become one syllable, you may use "e'er".

b.) My favorite book is the dictionary, nerd that I am. LOL But aside from that, I suggest a good thesaurus. I use Roget's Super Thesaurus 3rd Edition, my second favorite book. When you need a word that is a different syllable it really comes in handy. For example, verse 3, line 3 you use the word "music". You may need to downsize your syllable count and go to a word like "tunes".

Hope you have a good day, and didn't mind my suggestions. Write ON!

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Review of When Poets Bleed  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Whiskurz !

I really, really like this poem. I can relate to it so well. My favorite part: "When poets bleed a word is born" That's a fabulous line. Here's just a suggestion for improvement, the only one I can think of: To better emphasize your point, you may want to display the poem in red lettering.

Super work! Hope you have a wonderful day!


BTW, have you learned how to change your costumicon? I see that someone bought you one, but you haven't changed it yet. If you need any help navigating the site, please do not hesitate to ask. I'd be more than happy to help.

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Review of Well  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Pita.

This is a wonderful piece, making one think. With the folder it's in, and the text of the poem itself, I gathered (and tell me if I'm wrong) that this character was captured and is on the verge of giving up. I love the word choices, i.e. "spinning ladles" & "truth unmingled".

I don't see where I can offer any suggestions for improvement.

Awesome! Hope you have a fantastic day! Write ON!

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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Good morning Aundria.

I really like this piece because there's a sense of longing here to which many people will be able to relate. There are lessons to be learned from both sides of this coin. From the speaker, and from the unspoken mannerisms you have given to the friend. So many times we regret the choices we have made and we long to go back in time, to take back those actions which have gotten us to the place where we are unhappy or discontent, or in this case 'passionately hate-filled'.

I was thinking, what if you were to incorporate the title a little more? Perhaps visualize yourself and friend actually seeing one another through a windowpane. What would her side look like? Muddied edges, cracking glass, broken frame? And your side? What would that look like? Crystal clear visibility, etc, because you have taken the right road? I think there is an excellent message in your piece, and to add metaphors would make it outstanding.

Have a super day, and let me know if you rewrite this so I can have another look. *Smile*

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Review of Pretend  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a wonderful poem, rich with emotion and said with few words. That is what we, as writers, strive to do. Excellent word choices which captivate your audience and bring readers into a world where one's passing is only a formality. Memories are what we have and we can use them however we want, including to feel safe and accompanied by those who have left us.

I love this poem. Sharing on fb. Hope you don't mind.


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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Frogmasta ! I wanted to return the reviewing favor you did for me so I stopped by your port where I found
 Whatever comes to mind  (E)
About whatever you make it :)
#1756592 by Frogmasta

There is definitely sorrow felt here; a sadness and a despair that is unparalleled. You have effectively pulled your reader into your pain, and then whisked them away with the promise of hope in the final stanza. Good work! The only suggestions I have are that

a) I believe in the final stanza, line 3 you meant to write "we are all of one mind", whereas you wrote "of all".
b) In the final stanza, line 4 "unconceivable" should be "inconceivable".

Otherwise, good poem. Please continue to expose your soul. It's beautiful!

Review of The Entity  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi again, Lindsay. I decided after reviewing your first piece to stop by your port, and man am I glad I did! My exact expression as I read the last line of this piece was "Oh WOW!" (Out loud.) How incredibly awesome! I didn't see that coming, but terrific topic and highlight/ending! You're a great writer!

In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Lindsay!

I don't believe I've seen this form before. What do you call it? Subconscious concrete. Interesting. Its beautiful, telling of loneliness and love lost and displaced emotional stability. You say so much in so few words and that is what we, as writers, strive to do. Good job! Please keep exposing the inner you. Its wonderful!

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