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421 Public Reviews Given
957 Total Reviews Given
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Hi! *Smile* I'll be happy to tell you what I like about your item's content and what emotion it evokes in me. If I see an area or two that need attention by way of improvement, I'll make suggestions for you. I will try to word my reviews in such a way that might garner you more views for the item when seen on the public reviewing page and here, in my reviewing forum. I will always do my best to carry on the Simply Positive motto.
I'm good at...
I am particularly interested in poetry, (romantic poetry is my favorite) though I will review other item types (see below). I have a fondness for love in general, for what greater thing is there? *Heart*
Favorite Genres
Romance, Spiritual, Relationship, Humor, Emotional, Mystery, Detective, Religious
Least Favorite Genres
Fantasy, Historical, Science Fiction, Horror, Western
Favorite Item Types
Poetry, Prose, Novella, Short Story
Least Favorite Item Types
Book (time is an issue)
I will not review...
I do not have the time to read a full book at present. This may change in the future. I will not review science fiction, horror or western, as those genres do not interest me and I would not be able to do them justice. I will not review anything with relation to the occult and I WILL NOT REVIEW ANYTHING HAVING TO DO WITH AGE-INAPPROPRIATE SEXUAL CONTENT.
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Review of BETRAYAL  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Wow! This piece holds much power and emotion! Great job at drawing your reader in! The title is very appropriate and an attention-grabber. The rhyme-scheme is terrific, and the flow is fluent.

I have a couple of suggestions for you, and they are as follows:

a) when running a sentence from one line to the next, consider making the second line begin with a lowercase letter.

b) For your seventh line, see what you think of this: "They sent me pictures meant to shock;" followed by "images of you..." I think it has a harder hitting impact.

c) Your line beginning: "I told her that..." should end with a semicolon, and the next line should be broken up into two parts of the same line using a semicolon.

These are just suggestions (aside from (c)). Please take them only as that.

Hope you are having a terrific weekend!

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Review of Hearts  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is fantastic! You definitely need to keep writing! *Bigsmile* I don't see anything I would change. Excellent work!

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Review of the suicide game  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
This is a very passion-filled piece. Your diction is terrificly chosen to describe feelings that are obviously very painful. I'm so sorry.

For suggestions, I have the following:

There are several places where complete sentences ended with commas instead of periods. You may want to have another look at that! *Smile*

In your line beginning, "I see his lips..." the word "caressing" could be changed to "caress" to better meter the two rhyming lines.

Hope things get better for you.


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Review of A soldier's pain  
Rated: E | (4.0)

I really enjoyed reading this piece! It brought me to a place I haven't been before, and I can appreciate the soldier's life in a whole different light for having read it. Thank you for that!

I think, in your second stanza, third line, you meant to make your comments to yourself stand out. I believe the correct way to do that would be the following: "Keep strong, soldier," I sing. "It will soon be over." Note the comma before the tag line, and the period after. Then the new quotes begin, and the first letter becomes a capital.

Hope you have a fantastic night!

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Review of Flight or Folly  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very nice for a first attempt! I am impressed! You have done a wonderful job with your rhyme scheme, and your meter is nearly perfect. The only thing I would consider changing about that is in your last stanza, third line. Maybe you could consider "and with a glance up 'to' the sky." (There's that extra syllable in that one line.) Otherwise, fantastic work! Keep it up!

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for entry "Phoenix Rising
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Wow. This is simply wonderful. I am in awe of your talent. Your description of this adventure is so...vaguely vivid, if that makes any sense. I can see right into the life of the character, without guessing the meaning behind each line. I like that.

I think the only thing that stood out to me is the inclusion of the personal pronouns half-way through. I thought that if you were to omit them, and continue along making it ambiguous, it would be perfect.

Great job!

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Rated: E | (4.5)
You've done a great job relaying the feelings of your friend through this piece of work. Your diction is excellent, and the design of your verses, splendid. I believe in your third verse, however, that you should omit the comma in the second line. In your fourth stanza, last line, what do you think of the word "Shall" instead of "Should?" I especially liked the line, "A strange and wicked undoable dance." Very unique!

Great job! Write on!

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Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Harry, I wholeheartedly agree with you. In fact, over the past couple of days I have been thinking of that system of checks and balances...or lack thereof with this presidency. Our dictator...oops, I mean president, has enacted laws that put him in a bubble of safety from these checks. Therefore he can do what he pleases. Our Founding Fathers are turning in their graves as I write this.

This is an excellent piece. Thanks for sharing!

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Rated: E | (5.0)
What a wonderful tribute to your son! He's full of life and energy, huh? But, full of love is what counts the most. I know I get aggravated with mine sometimes (he's 11, not ADHD though) but when he picks me a flower and asks me to bend down so he can put it in my hair, everything is just okay. You know?

The only thing I would change about this piece, and this is just a personal preference, is the beginning letter of each line. My word processor auto-capitalizes, and I have to go and change them. You may try that here.

You've done a fabulous job with this piece! Thank you for sharing this part of your life with me!

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Rated: ASR | (5.0)
What an absolutely wonderful display of tenderness and affection...then to have it be a tribute. Amazing. I love this piece. Your description is so vivid, and diction so carefully chosen. Lovely job on this. Impressive!

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Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
What a wonderful testimony of what God can do for someone! I love this piece. You have provided personal experience to accompany gentle urging toward the blessings He has to offer. Great job! I did not notice any grammatical, spelling, or syntax errors.

Keep up the great work!

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Review of I Am An Agnostic  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hi there.

I must say, some of the things which you have written here really took me by surprise. I, by the way, have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I am not a holy roller, and not a "religious freak," but do have a high level of spirituality. I do believe there is a difference. I have been to several different denominations of churches, and do not agree with the teachings, traditions, and man-made laws (or rules, if you will) in some.

I find your second line to be very interesting. Does this mean that if you have faith, you know nothing? Or if you believe scientific facts, then you are not entitled to have faith? Honestly, I don't mean to sound crass, and I do apologize if this comes across that way. I am just a little shaken by this piece. I am sorry that you feel God is one to be feared to the point of disbelief.

Religious faith is blind. The very definition of faith is: belief not based on logical proof or material evidence. Therefore, faith in anything is blind. i.e. Faith in love is a blind faith, or faith in truth, or trust. See what I mean? Why concentrate on an issue (in this case, God) that brings so many people happiness, peace, and fulfillment?

Why are people fools for wanting perfect happiness? Isn't that something to strive for in life? I'd much rather be happy than sad, angry, or bitter. "Doing sacrifices" is something that makes the heart feel good. Nevermind that it says in the Bible that God will give you double for your trouble. And yes, I do believe the Good Book.

I do agree with you on the issue of repeated prayers. In fact, one is supposed to pray about a matter, then give it to God to handle. In other words, let it go, or "cast your cares."

I also agree that children should be given the chance to make their own decisions about religion. But they should be given the right to learn about God at an early age in an effort to instill values in them.

Prayer is part of my daily life. Here is an example of how He helped me: My car broke, and I use it for work. I had no money for another one. My father and I barely ever speak. I prayed daily, thanking God for what he was doing in my life, and praising him for having a plan for me. Two weeks went by, and my father called to say he had bought me a car and for me to get a ride to come pick it up. That was not just the goodness of his heart. That was God working in him.

I do believe that praying and asking for forgiveness means you need to change your behavior.

This was very interesting to read. Here are a few suggestions for improvement:

a)there are several places where commas are needed. Reread it, and you will note that when you come to a pause in your sentences, usually one is needed.

b)you moved from first to second to third person in this piece. Editors will look for mistakes like that, so try to keep with one point of view.

c)several of your lines begin with the word "And." Try writing them without that word, or making the sentence a conjunction by using a comma, then the word "and."

I think this is the longest review I've ever given! I enjoyed reading your viewpoint.

Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Great job!

Good morning! I am proud of you for being published! Woo-hoo! I have been thinking of taking my poetry and doing a compilation also.

Your rhyme scheme is great, your message uplifting, your direction one to be followed. *Smile*

Have a great day, and lots of luck with the book!

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Rated: E | (4.0)
Your emotions shine through in this piece. I know what it is like to have loved and lost, and it is not a good feeling. You've expressed the anger, the sadness, the lonliness, and the bitterness very well. Think now, though, that as long as you stay angry, that person is renting space in your head and isn't paying a dime.

I noticed that you began this piece with the format that uses lowercase letters at the beginning of a line when sentences run through. Then, you changed to capitals at the start of all the lines. Perhaps you could rethink the combination.

Nice work! Write ON!!!

Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
This is very well-written. I love the words you have chosen. And as far as interpretation, they all remind me of being drunk. Is that what this is about?

One question. Do demons descend, or ascend?

Great job! Write ON!!!

Review of Dawn  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is fantastic rhyming poetry! I love the way you continued your lines on through while still making the verses metered and with deep meaning. Bravo!

The only thing I would change (and this is only a preference thing) would be the capitals at the beginning of every line, even though the starting word is in the middle of a sentence. Have a look at it without all caps, and see what you think.

Best of luck in Karis's contest!

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Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Jewel!

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this. But, know who you are! Never stop being you for anyone!

This is an excellent piece of work! Your rhyme scheme is terrific, you metered each verse very well, and one thought leads logically to the next.

I did not notice any spelling or grammar mistakes.

Great job! Write ON!!!

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Review of Death  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Ayman.

Unfortunately, we cannot predict the time and date on our death certificates. We can, however, live our lives gaining the most from every day! What is your ultimate passion? Writing? Drawing? Number crunching? Figuring out people? Look inside yourself for a glimpse of your destiny. Then, hone in on what interests you. Match that with any talent that you have pertaining to it, and wah-lah!

Your last two lines, I believe, should be one. Perhaps you could replace the first question mark with a comma, and begin "When" with a lowercase "w."

Good luck, and have a great day!

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Review of John  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
This piece took me on an emotional journey into the heart of a hurting man. I positively loved it. His realization that perfection is nothing compared to the personality he loved so dearly is compelling.

I did note several spots where there were punctuation errors. There were some where there could have been a semicolon instead of a comma, and some commas where new sentences should begin.

Overall, this piece really touched my heart. Great job!


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