Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/reviews/cianter
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50 Public Reviews Given
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Public Reviews
Review of Voiceless  
Review by Cianter
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is sooooo amazing, you are totally gifted! I had no idea that you could writie so welll, Amazing job!! By the way I wanted to let you know that there is a way to make books with actual chapters. If you want an example of this go into my portfolio and click on Guardians of Halveria. When you go into the create new item thing just click on book instead of static item, and it will give you the option of having up to one hundred chapters book. You can put however many chapters you have written at the time up, and then continue to add them, you just can't add more than one hundred, but you can add as few as you like:) Hope this helps, again awsome poem!!
Review of Embrace My Heart  
Review by Cianter
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
This is so sweet!! I hope I have someone like that someday who thinks of me and God, but not for some time:) Thank you for sharing this, it really is soo beautiful!! I love that no matter what,God shines through in whatever you do (Hey another rhyme, I might use that in a poem too..lol:D)
Review by Cianter
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is so GOOD. I know what you mean about listening, though sometimes it feels like God takes such a LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time to answer, but then again, I do have the patience of a fifteen year old:) Thank you for being an inspiratiion to us all, and thank you for sharing God's light(I know I said something along those lines before, but at least you know I'm sincere:D)
Review of The Lesson  
Review by Cianter
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is soooooooo good!!!!! I really love the humor!!!! I have never been skiing, but I imagine it can be very scary, and very comical for experienced skiers to watch newbies, lol:) Very well writen and very humorous! Thank you for sharing your work with us!!
Review of In a Child's Mind  
Review by Cianter
Rated: E | (4.5)
This sooo good, and so sad:( The only thing is the rhyming, and free verse mixed kind of throw off the feel of thepoem, but still this is so good!! I would recomend to keep writing, because you are sooooooooo talented!!!!! Thank you for sharing you work with WDC!
Review by Cianter
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
This is a very good short story, and I would consider continuing on with it:) The only problem is that there are several typos and missed words

" cause simply meant you were tempting fate" cause it simply
"as it been pointed out to me" as it had been pointed
" On my seventeen birthday " my seventeenth
"It was full moon." was a full moon
"members of my family was there too" family were there
Besides these typos, this is a very intriguing story:) Keep writing, you are very good!
Review of Interactive Art  
Review by Cianter
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is soo creapy, it gave me a chill! So, it is really good I have no critique, but how on earth did you come up with this? It is quite interesting, but insanely creapy!!!! Please tell me this is not from real life experience!!!:) Anyway, very nicely done:)
Review by Cianter
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow I can honestly say that I have never thought of this, and if I had not read this, I probably never would have thought of it! I really apreciate you sharing briliant ideas with us, and for continuing to be an inspiration to us all! P.S. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your blog!!! Everything you write is spot on!!!
Review by Cianter
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love your work so much! This poem is so powerful, and so true! I have just had a good cry, and after I felt so cleansed(partly thank to you:) Thank you for shining God's light, and showing the world that no matter what you CAN have the joy of the lord after the storm has passed!
Review of It's a New Day  
Review by Cianter
Rated: E | (5.0)
Their are no words to describe the respect I have for you! I know you probably get sympathy letters and what not all the time, but I really just want to encourage you. I think before I start, I should tell you a little about me. As you know I am a fifteen year old girl (I don't really know if you know I'm a girl, but you do now:) My dad is in the military, so we are now stationed in England. My family is a family of people that shine Gods light every day, more so to me than anyone else I have ever met. I have a older brother who just turned eighteen, and my parents have been maried for nearly twenty years, and my dad still thinks that my mom is the most beautiful thing he has ever laid eyes upon. Likewise my mom acknowledges what an amazing father and husband he is everyday. I have never been beaten or abused physically of emotional, essencialy, God has blessed me with a life that any child in the world would envy. I have been homeschooled my entire life, and I am pretty sure God is wanting me to stay homeschooled, unlike my brother who now goes to the DOD school. So that is me, a God fearing fifteen year old girl who lives in England, but my life isn't perfect. I have had a bad night, and lets just say I was throwing a pitty party, but then I saw your email, and read your blog (Thank you so much for what you said!!!:), which then led me to this. I know that God has blessed me beyond belief, and you helped me remember that, so thank you! Now enough about me, first I know you will have a hard time taking me seriously:) but I can not tell you how exited I am that their is someone who shares my political views, and is not afraid to tell people how it really is. Being military this whole welfare thing effects us in a different way than it does normal people, and believe me it's not better. Anyways I just wanted to let you know where I stand, and I agree with everything that I have read on your blog so far! Now, as I said in the beggining, I have more respect for you than I could ever put into words. You are using this disease to help and incourage others! Tonight at my youth group we had a guest speaker, and he was speaking on James 1:2-4 "My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials , knowing that the testing of your Faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing" The speaker was saying that he had been tested, but it was how God refined him into the gold that he should be. Now I imagine that what you are going through is the ultimate test, but what is truly amazing is that through all this, God is your rock! I can only hope that I will grow to be as strong in my faith as you are, but just to let you know, you just became a huge role model for me! I can't even imagine how life is for you, and this may be the wrong thing to say,but God bless you for having fibromyalgia. God is using you, and your disease, in extrodinary ways. He is using you to help and encourage others, and to bring people of all ages closer to God. I am going to pray for you in my nightly prayers, I am going to ask God to bless you with all the happiness in the world, because if any of his children deserve it, it is you! I will pray that one day you will be healed from this terrible disease, and I will thank God everynight for bringin you into my life, because you have helped me, helped me see how God can turn the ugliest situation into the most beautiful rainbow. A rainbow that reminds us that no matter what, God will never give us more than we can handle, and no matter what he will stick with us and help us through. I am sorry that this is so long, but I just wanted to let you know what an amzing person, and amazing child of God you are (I say children because no matter what, we are God's children, and we can always learn more from our father:) Thank you so much for shining God's light so bright, no one will ever be able to extinguish it. I will carry your story through my life, and remember that God can use anything to acomplish his goal for our life. For reminding me that God has a plan for our life, and we need to trust him! Thank you for letting God refine you into pure gold to shine for all the world to see! P.S. I have a poem called Hope that I think you might like:)
Review of Defining Oneself  
Review by Cianter
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
I love this!!! Now of course I am a fifteen year old girl, and am not quite ready to be a mom or wife, but a child of the most high God, deffinitely! Though I am not labeled, I guess, like that, I still know what its like for people to see you in a certain role. The role that I probably hate most is the annoying little sister:) but at least I have an awesome big brother that will put up with me:) Thank you so much for sharing your work, you are amazing!
Review of My Weakness?  
Review by Cianter
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is very basic, yet very cool! I really have no critique for this, though it is so basic that it doesn't capture your readers attention like you might want, but it is still very good:) Just remember to keep writing no matter what, because you are good, and can always get better:)
Review by Cianter
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is sooooooooo AMAZING! It is so true that prayer truly is our post powerful weapon and defense agains both physical emotional and spiritual attack! It is so awesome that you are sharing this with the world, sharing your experience, and most of all, sharing the love of our lord and savior! thank you soo much for being such an inspiration!
Review of TheTwist  
Review by Cianter
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is sooooooo good!! I seriously felt like I was reading a book from a best selling author, no joke, and believe me I read ALLOT of books by best selling authors! In the whole first chapter my only complaint was there was a slight typo
"No wonder he needed he some help, Tim thought" but besides that, well this is probably the best work I have read on this site ever(granted I have only been a member for a couple of days:) I encourage you to keep writing, because you sre DEFFINITELY talented! It's so good, I'm going on to chapter two, which is rare for me!
Review by Cianter
Rated: E | (4.5)
WoW this is soooooo amazing! I love how you captured God/Jesus love for us! It is so true that air is like love, and it is so encouraging that you would write this about our lord and savior! The only thing that I would critique is that some of what you wrote did not make sense such as, "For straying off land into the sea, where light and air are soon to found in want" but besides a few unexplained parts, perfect story!!!!!
Review of Crimson Moon  
Review by Cianter
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is really good, there are just some things you could work on. "Beware the beast that hides in sight" does not really make all that much sense, but can easily be fixed:) "and the
Blood moon glows in the sky" could maybe be described a little better, but all in all this poem is very good:) keep at it because you are very good, and no matter what, always keep writing:)
Review of The Making of Me  
Review by Cianter
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow, this is so awsome! I know it's kind of weird me reviewing this, but it was the first thing I clicked on. I really like that you summed up your artistic careare, I guess you can call it that:), in five hundred charatcers. I can really relate too, though my story is slightly different, I understand the jumping from one thing to another and then finally realizing you can write:). I really don't have anything bad to say about it, though I know your supposed to, sorry;) . I loved this so much, I might just have to write my own litttle story:)
Review of Lesson of Nature  
Review by Cianter
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
This is a really good poem!! The only thing that I would comment on is that at some points what you were trying to relay seamed a little unclear, but all in all, a really impressive poem. I really liked how you capture the spirit and strength of the plantt!!
Review by Cianter
Rated: E | (5.0)
This poem is sooooo AWSOME!! It's really encouraging that there are other Christian writers on this website!!! Keep on wrting, you have a gift!
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