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383 Public Reviews Given
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In affiliation with WDC MOMs  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
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This review is for an entry into
"Invalid ItemOpen in new Window.
The judging for this contest was based on the following guidelines

 Close Call at the Mall Open in new Window. (E)
1st place, Round 4. 25 or less Hint fiction challenge.
#1712963 by Wally Setter Author IconMail Icon

*Pointright*The title of a hint fiction piece should itself be a hint at the story.

Good title choice. You used this space to pull the reader in and touch on the subject..a hint to a hint.

*Pointright*Hint fiction pieces should be able to stand on their own as complete stories
This is a complete story and can stand on its own. It has a beginning, a middle and an end.

*Vignette4*Punctuation, grammar, spelling:*Vignette4*
*Pointright*The usage of punctuation and grammar can help direct emotion and characteristics in hint fiction.

Here we have a piece which uses dialog to help tell the story. It is comprised of three sentences with the last sentence as the hint.

*Pointright*Hint fiction should be intriguing and draw the reader in for more.
Very intriguing. The characters are defined and the conflict is presented.
This left the reader questioning what happened next.

*Vignette4*Followed contest rules:*Vignette4*
*Pointright*There are only a few rules to hint fiction, item is always 25 words or less.

This story has 25 words and meets the other requirements to be qualified.

Thank you for entering my contest and good work.

This review is meant as constructive criticism and should be taken as such. This is an individual opinion and not that of a collective effort.

The Wordgoddess
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
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This review is for an entry into
"Invalid ItemOpen in new Window.
The judging for this contest was based on the following guidelines

*Vignette7* *Vignette1* *Vignette7* *Vignette1* *Vignette7* *Vignette1**Vignette7* *Vignette1* *Vignette7* *Vignette1* *Vignette7* *Vignette1*

 .... And the Note Read: Open in new Window. (E)
My entry for the contest :)
#1705629 by Peaches Author IconMail Icon

*Pointright*The title of a hint fiction piece should itself be a hint at the story.
*Vignette7* *Vignette1* *Vignette7* *Vignette1* *Vignette7* *Vignette1**Vignette7* *Vignette1* *Vignette7* *Vignette1* *Vignette7* *Vignette1*

The title was alluring and suspensfull.
It pulled the reader in.
Good job.

*Pointright*Hint fiction pieces should be able to stand on their own as complete stories
*Vignette7* *Vignette1* *Vignette7* *Vignette1* *Vignette7* *Vignette1**Vignette7* *Vignette1* *Vignette7* *Vignette1* *Vignette7* *Vignette1*

The story has the elements necessary to make it complete.
The characters are identified and the conflict is defined.
It is independent.

*Vignette4*Punctuation, grammar, spelling:*Vignette4*
*Pointright*The usage of punctuation and grammar can help direct emotion and characteristics in hint fiction.

The story consists of two sentences,both separated with commas.
The use of dialogue helps develope the plot.
Ending the story with a question leaves it open to an answer.
The language was romantic and poetic.

*Pointright*Hint fiction should be intriguing and draw the reader in for more.
*Vignette7* *Vignette1* *Vignette7* *Vignette1* *Vignette7* *Vignette1**Vignette7* *Vignette1* *Vignette7* *Vignette1* *Vignette7* *Vignette1*

The story certainly hints at a lager work.
It leaves the reader wondering what had happened before.

*Vignette4*Followed contest rules:*Vignette4*
*Pointright*There are only a few rules to hint fiction, item is always 25 words or less.
*Vignette7* *Vignette1* *Vignette7* *Vignette1* *Vignette7* *Vignette1**Vignette7* *Vignette1* *Vignette7* *Vignette1* *Vignette7* *Vignette1*

This story was 25 words, although I don't know if Cherry-Cola should be hyphenated.
I looked it up and couldn't find anything to say either way, so it passes.
The story follows the other contest rules to qualify.

Nice Job
Thank you for entering my contest and good work.

This review is meant as constructive criticism and should be taken as such. This is an individual opinion and not that of a collective effort.

The Wordgoddess
Review of The Body Snatcher  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
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This review is for an entry into
"Invalid ItemOpen in new Window.
The judging for this contest was based on the following guidelines


 The Body Snatcher Open in new Window. (E)
First attempt at hint fiction, a story in 25 words or less...
#1705973 by jhivan Author IconMail Icon

*Pointright*The title of a hint fiction piece should itself be a hint at the story.

The title of this story is very fittig and provoking.
It hints at the subject, as well as the plot.
You used this space well.

*Pointright*Hint fiction pieces should be able to stand on their own as complete stories

The story has a beginning, a middle, and an end.
It is complete to stand on its own.
The characters are introduced
and a conflict is presented.

*Vignette4*Punctuation, grammar, spelling:*Vignette4*
*Pointright*The usage of punctuation and grammar can help direct emotion and characteristics in hint fiction.

This is a single sentence story that uses commas and
quotations to emphasise details.
There are no spelling mistakes and the language
is descriptive and suggestive.

*Pointright*Hint fiction should be intriguing and draw the reader in for more.

This piece certainly provoked something bigger, something darker.
Good usage of vocabulary to show emotions and details.

*Vignette4*Followed contest rules:*Vignette4*
*Pointright*There are only a few rules to hint fiction, item is always 25 words or less.

The story consisted of 24 words and
followed all of the other rules
for the contest to qualify.

Thank you for entering my contest and good work.

This review is meant as constructive criticism and should be taken as such. This is an individual opinion and not that of a collective effort.

The Wordgoddess
Review of Thrown Away  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (3.5)
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This review is for an entry into
"Invalid ItemOpen in new Window.
The judging for this contest was based on the following guidelines


 Thrown Away Open in new Window. (E)
Entry for "25 or less hint fiction challenge"
#1706557 by Slurb Author IconMail Icon

*Pointright*The title of a hint fiction piece should itself be a hint at the story.

The title didn't hint at the story.
Rather than title your piece 'entry',
take advantage of those words and give your piece an exciting title.
Perhaps something like Cabin Fever would work?

*Pointright*Hint fiction pieces should be able to stand on their own as complete stories

This story was missing some elements.
It began, and then dropped off.
An ending is necesary in hint fiction to make the story stand on its own.
The characters were defined and the conflict was presented.

*Vignette4*Punctuation, grammar, spelling:*Vignette4*
*Pointright*The usage of punctuation and grammar can help direct emotion and characteristics in hint fiction.

This piece was composed of two sentences, both ending in periods.
Good word usage showed details and alluded to the conflict.
trash bag rather than just bag
This showed me part of the conflict.

*Pointright*Hint fiction should be intriguing and draw the reader in for more.

The story hinted at something larger.
A jorney about to begin.

*Vignette4*Followed contest rules:*Vignette4*
*Pointright*There are only a few rules to hint fiction, item is always 25 words or less.

The piece consisted of 25 words and followed the other contest rules to qualify.

Thank you for entering my contest and good work.

This review is meant as constructive criticism and should be taken as such. This is an individual opinion and not that of a collective effort.

The Wordgoddess
Review of The Arrival  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
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This review is for an entry into
"Invalid ItemOpen in new Window.
The judging for this contest was based on the following guidelines


 The Arrival Open in new Window. (E)
First attempt at hint fiction for contest.
#1706582 by codeguy Author IconMail Icon

*Pointright*The title of a hint fiction piece should itself be a hint at the story.

The title is effective in hinting at the story.
It underlines the overall subject of the piece and helps identify the plot.
Good job

*Pointright*Hint fiction pieces should be able to stand on their own as complete stories

This story has an active start.
The end is strong.
But the middle isn't there.
What happened between Jack running and screaming?
The characters are defined and the conflict is presented.

*Vignette4*Punctuation, grammar, spelling:*Vignette4*
*Pointright*The usage of punctuation and grammar can help direct emotion and characteristics in hint fiction.

This piece is composed of two sentences, both ending with exclamtions.
Dialouge is used to convey the plot.
The word usage was descriptive and showed alot in a few words.

*Pointright*Hint fiction should be intriguing and draw the reader in for more.

This piece did 'hint' at something bigger.
It is all reliant of who 'they' are.

*Vignette4*Followed contest rules:*Vignette4*
*Pointright*There are only a few rules to hint fiction, item is always 25 words or less.

This story had 24 words and followed the other cntest fules to be qualified.

Thank you for entering my contest and good work.

This review is meant as constructive criticism and should be taken as such. This is an individual opinion and not that of a collective effort.

The Wordgoddess
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

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Congratulations! You have been reviewed by a WDC MOM with a Simply Positive Review!
Image Protector
Self-Discovery at Midnight Open in new Window. (13+)
When the clock strikes midnight...
#1327863 by Joy Author IconMail Icon

This poem is a piece which is meant to be spoken. The nrrative flow is directed by the usage of punctuation and verbage.

*Star*I particularly liked:
The slight repitition of She leaped pulled the piece together at the right times throughout. It kept it energized and alive.

*Star*Punctuation, grammar, spelling:
There were no mistakes of this nature found. Good job.

*Star*Content/ followed a prompt:
The content was reflective, enlightening, inspiring, eventful, and creative. The prompt was the writer's heart.

I was waiting to discover who she was and what she discovered at midnight. I am not sure if I missed it, but was she suddenly free from life's burdens? Who was she?
Nice work and I enjoyed reading it,
thank you for sharing your work with us.

This review is meant as constructive criticism and should be taken as such. This is an individual opinion and not that of a collective effort.

The Wordgoddess
for WDC MOMs

Interested in becoming a MOM? Click the banner and check out what all the noise is about at WDC MOMs.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go NoticedOpen in new Window..
Review of Half-Baked Ideas  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)

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Congratulations! You have been reviewed by a WDC MOM with a Simply Positive Review!
"Half-Baked IdeasOpen in new Window.

Replacement lyrics to an old favorite, depicting the outcome of a half baked cake deliverer. GOod rhythm and rhyme with the given tune. very in sync.

*Star*I particularly liked:
The punch line really made me smile because it sounds like something that I would do. *Blush*

*Star*Punctuation, grammar, spelling:
No, no mistakes were found.

*Star*Content/ followed a prompt:
The content was adventurous, reflective, comical, witty, andcreadtive. The prompt was for "The Writer's CrampOpen in new Window.

Would make a cute picture-book sing-along for young kids!

Thank you for sharing your work with us.
This review is meant as constructive criticism and should be taken as such. This is an individual opinion and not that of a collective effort.

The Wordgoddess
for WDC MOMs

Interested in becoming a MOM? Click the banner and check out what all the noise is about at WDC MOMs.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go NoticedOpen in new Window..

In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)

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Congratulations! You have been reviewed by a WDC MOM with a Simply Positive Review!

I loved this lively limerick about the poor baker from Vermont.

*Star*I particularly liked:
the whole ting. I loved the rhyme, the rhythm, the tone. I could see this in a children's poemetry book or nursery rhyme book.

*Star*Punctuation, grammar, spelling:
NOmistakes of this nature were noticed.

*Star*Content/ followed a prompt:
The content was comical, educational, inspiring, and creative. The prompt was forLINK TEXT HERE

Publish it! *Smile*

Thank you for sharing your work with us.
This review is meant as constructive criticism and should be taken as such. This is an individual opinion and not that of a collective effort.

The Wordgoddess
for WDC MOMs

Interested in becoming a MOM? Click the banner and check out what all the noise is about at WDC MOMs.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go NoticedOpen in new Window..

Review of Painful Pleasure  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  Open in new Window.
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)

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Congratulations! You have been reviewed by a WDC MOM with a Simply Positive Review!
 Painful Pleasure Open in new Window. (18+)
As one dies, another is energized.
#1704664 by Breanne Author IconMail Icon

An eroticly dark poem depicting murder and pleasure.

*Star*I particularly liked:
The cresendo of action, I could feel the swelling moment of the last breath.
Kuddos to you.

*Star*Punctuation, grammar, spelling:
I did notice the following for corrections:

"The crimson flowing like a mountain stream," place acomma after crimson.
"The anguishes wraps around our bodies." Shoud be anguish, the singular form.

*Star*Content/ followed a prompt:
The content was erotic, dark, gruesome, scary, emotional, and romantic.

The prompt was the writer's mind. creepy.

When reading your poems aloud, listen for the rhythm which should sli off your tongue effortlessly.
Good job!

Thank you for sharing your work with us.
This review is meant as constructive criticism and should be taken as such. This is an individual opinion and not that of a collective effort.

The Wordgoddess
for WDC MOMs

Interested in becoming a MOM? Click the banner and check out what all the noise is about at WDC MOMs.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go NoticedOpen in new Window..

In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)

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Congratulations! You have been reviewed by a WDC MOM with a Simply Positive Review!
 CAN’T YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE Open in new Window. (E)
A woman comes to know of the true nature of the lover.
#1453553 by Dr M C Gupta Author IconMail Icon

A poem reflecting on an abusinve relationship and the way out. Written in rhyme form, this poem speaks to the heart about a serious issue. Domestic violence.

*Star*I particularly liked:
The word choices and rhythm of the piece. They both lend to the expression of the subject.

*Star*Punctuation, grammar, spelling:
No mistakes of this nature found.

*Star*Content/ followed a prompt:
The content was reflective,emotional, sincere, inspiring and enlightening. The prompt was for "Invalid Item"  Open in new Window. by A Guest Visitor

Keep writing your heart out!

Thank you for sharing your work with us.
This review is meant as constructive criticism and should be taken as such. This is an individual opinion and not that of a collective effort.

The Wordgoddess
for WDC MOMs

Interested in becoming a MOM? Click the banner and check out what all the noise is about at WDC MOMs.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go NoticedOpen in new Window..

In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)

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Congratulations! You have been reviewed by a WDC MOM with a Simply Positive Review!
 How Did I Get To Here? Open in new Window. (E)
Musing about how I reached this point in my life.
#890965 by Ann Ticipation Author IconMail Icon

A reflective poem asking simple questions about how their life came to be. A pondering in poetic form. Good rhyme and meter. Kuddos to you!

*Star*I particularly liked:
Your narative voice and the tone you set within the piece. Good word choices and imagery. Nicely done.

*Star*Punctuation, grammar, spelling:
Through these eyes, no mistakes were found.

*Star*Content/ followed a prompt:
The content was reflective, romantic, pondersome, and enlightening. Th prompt was the writer's *Heart* and *Angel*.

Keep writing your heart out!

Thank you for sharing your work with us.
This review is meant as constructive criticism and should be taken as such. This is an individual opinion and not that of a collective effort.

The Wordgoddess
for WDC MOMs
Simply positive
Paper Doll Gang
and crusaders!

Interested in becoming a MOM? Click the banner and check out what all the noise is about at WDC MOMs.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go NoticedOpen in new Window..

Review of Milicent Sidget  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with WDC MOMs  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
You have been reviewed by a WDC MOM!

This is my review of
 Milicent Sidget Open in new Window. (E)
Poem about a girl who can't sit still.
#1704556 by Story Jester Author IconMail Icon

*Star*Overall:This is a cute poem in the style of Shell Sylverstein. A comical children's verse written in rhyme.

*Star*I particularly liked:
The name you gave the girl is just perfect for the subject's ailment.
Good imagery and tone.

*Star*Punctuation, grammar, spelling:
No mistakes of this nature were found.

*Star*Content/ followed a prompt:
The content was reflective, comical, whimsical, and clever. Th prompt was the writer's *Heart*

*Star*Suggestions:Whe writng poetry in this style, one should pay attention to rhythm. Look at the sylabic count of each line for a pattern of repitition. Make adjustments to the lines as needed.
This would make th piece flow nicer.

Thank you for sharing your work with us.
This review is meant as constructive criticism and should be taken as such. This is an individual opinion and not that of a collective effort.

The Wordgodess
If you think it, write it down!

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Interested in becoming a MOM? Check out what all the noise is about at WDC MOMs. A group for moms.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go NoticedOpen in new Window..
Review of Just a Fairytale  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)

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Congratulations! You have been reviewed by a WDC MOM with a Simply Positive Review!
 Just a Fairytale Open in new Window. (E)
Lyrics - (Song Lyrics) Disappointed lover's second-hand lament. In love with a narcissist.
#1683169 by Siren Offspring Author IconMail Icon

written as lyrics, you can almost hear the melody. Nice versus of love lost once more.

*Star*I particularly liked:
Instead I'm lying
face down in the dirt
Tears falling - still yearning...
for the make-believe...
In love with the man
you pretended to be

This was well put.

*Star*Punctuation, grammar, spelling:
No mistakes of this nature were found*Smile*

*Star*Content/ followed a prompt:
The content was reflective, romantic, sorrowful, emotional, and inspiring. The prompt was the writer's *Heart*.

In terms of writing lyrics for songs, a chorus is needed to pull the overall theme of the song together. the chorus is often the most meldic and repetitve part of a song, ie, the part that rings in the reader's head. I suggest that you add a chorus to this piece to make it a five *Star* song that everyone will sing along to.

Thank you for sharing your work with us.
This review is meant as constructive criticism and should be taken as such. This is an individual opinion and not that of a collective effort.

The Wordgoddess
for WDC MOMs

Interested in becoming a MOM? Click the banner and check out what all the noise is about at WDC MOMs.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go NoticedOpen in new Window..
Review of Divergence  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  Open in new Window.
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
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Congratulations! You have been reviewed by The Wordgoddess with a Simply Positive Review!

Divergence Open in new Window. (ASR)
Which path would you take? (2/4 Daily FF Challenge)
#1384355 by Jeff Author IconMail Icon

A quick entertaining story about a high school trip to abandoned castle. Tennagers can be so mischevious, but this time it could be for the best.

*Bullet*I particularly liked:
The image of the cocy teen ager mocking the tour guide. perfectly depicted. An ineresting and entertaining piece.

*Bullet*Punctuation, grammar, spelling:
There were no mistakes found of this nature.*Smile*

*Bullet*Content/ followed a prompt:
The content was suspensful, engaging, creepy, and emotional. The prompt was the writer's heart and soul.

*Bullet*Suggestions:Keep writing your *Heart* out!

Thank you for sharing your work on WDC.

This review is meant as constructive criticism and should be taken as such. This is an individual opinion and not that of a collective effort.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go NoticedOpen in new Window..

The Wordgoddess
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
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Congratulations! You have been reviewed by The Wordgoddess with a Simply Positive Review!

A Wilderness Honeymoon Open in new Window. (13+)
A long storoem about a honeymoon hiking in the wilderness.
#928585 by Harry Author IconMail Icon

This was an intriguing story of newlyweds on an adventurous honeymoon. When tested by disaster, will their new found love last?

*Bullet*I particularly liked:
The incredible toneyou gave the piece, kuddos fo rhtat.*Smile*
I also found the set up interesting, with the true test of love waning in the end.

*Bullet*Punctuation, grammar, spelling:
I cannot say that I caught any errors in the piece.

*Bullet*Content/ followed a prompt:
The content was romantic, adventurous, reflective, suspensfull, and emotional.

The prompt was the witer's heart.

*Bullet*Suggestions:Keep writing your *Heart* out!

Thank you for sharing your work on WDC.

This review is meant as constructive criticism and should be taken as such. This is an individual opinion and not that of a collective effort.

The Wordgoddess
Review of the beast within  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE NEWBIE REVIEWE...  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (3.5)
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Congratulations! You have been reviewed by The Wordgoddess with a Simply Positive Review!

 the beast within Open in new Window. (E)
the last of my little poems that I wrote long ago
#1691487 by mr.pennybottomwinkle Author IconMail Icon

A semi dark poem regardng a raging war with a beast. Nice tone and overall appeal.

*Bullet*I particularly liked:
You used some strong word choices.

*Bullet*Punctuation, grammar, spelling:
There was an overall lack of punctuation, which is fine in poetry, as long as you break up the rhythm with line breaks.

*Bullet*Content/ followed a prompt:
The content was dark, reflective, fantastical, and enlightening. The prompt was the writer's heart.

*Bullet*Suggestions:I have the following suggestions for you to try.

*Noter*there seems to be a lack of organization and form to the poem. You start with a long line and then the next stanza is short. Perhaps you could break the poem up so that the rhyme and rhythm stay together:
We sing a merry tune
of which the light shall dance
It dances and prances
for that we have our chance

That we can choose to win
or lose against this foe
Where it will scream “are you ready”
and we will answer “NO!”

You see, with this break up, it reinforces the end rhyme while keeping the meter of 6 sylables per line. This is merely a suggestion to help you with your poetry writing.

Keep writing!

Thank you for sharing your work on WDC.

This review is meant as constructive criticism and should be taken as such. This is an individual opinion and not that of a collective effort.

The Wordgoddess
Review of Dark Seasons  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  Open in new Window.
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)

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Congratulations! You have been reviewed by a WDC MOM with a Simply Positive Review!
Dark Seasons Open in new Window. (18+)
A Gothku 5-7-5 chain of eternal love
#1328651 by It's too hot already! Author IconMail Icon

A nice hiaku chain written about a vampire and his lover.

*Star*I particularly liked:

As leaves start to drop
he whispers upon her neck
his eternal vow.

This is great imagery and word choices.

*Star*Punctuation, grammar, spelling:
No mistakes of this nature were found.

*Star*Content/ followed a prompt:
The content was dark, romantic, reflective, inspiring. The prompt was the writer's heart.

*Star*Suggestions:I can't think of a thing to make this any better. Good job!

Thank you for sharing your work with us.
This review is meant as constructive criticism and should be taken as such. This is an individual opinion and not that of a collective effort.

The Wordgoddess
for WDC MOMs

Interested in becoming a MOM? Click the banner and check out what all the noise is about at WDC MOMs.

Review of Used to be.  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (3.5)
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Congratulations! You have been reviewed by a DOLL!!

 Used to be. Open in new Window. (E)
Things that once were...but no longer are. (:
#1701909 by K. Voulgarakis Author IconMail Icon

A nice rhyming poem about what used to be. Good rhthym/meter. Free style form with repitition.

*Bullet*I particularly liked:
The concept of what once was and what has taken its place. a dark and sinister shadow that has krept over your land.

*Bullet*Punctuation, grammar, spelling:
No mistakes of this nature were found *Smile*

*Bullet*Content/ followed a prompt:
The content was reflective, inspiring, and illusional. The prompt was the writer's soul.

Poetry can be hard to review simply because it is the expression of emotions and feelings. I felt like the repitition ws overbearing and ook away from the depth of what "used to be" Perhaps you could try somthing like
I used to be blue, now I'm green
gone but now I'm seen.

I used to be May, now I'm June
Once the sun, now the moon.

Just a thought and idea on how you could break up the repitition without changing the mood and meaning. Whatever you do,

Keep writing!

Thank you for sharing your work on WDC, i am so glad I had a chance to read it.

This review is meant as constructive criticism and should be taken as such. Remeber that three stars is average. This is an individual opinion and not that of a collective effort.

The Wordgoddess
Review of Your Poem  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
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Congratulations! You have been reviewed by The Wordgoddess with a Simply Positive Review!

Your Poem Open in new Window. (13+)
I'll immortalize you.
#695334 by Erika Author IconMail Icon

What a delicious spin on poetry. Creative and refreshing. You speak to the reader through the subject of the poem. A poem about a poem, interesting indeed.

*Bullet*I particularly liked:
Your word choices were excellent and put a flavor of lust in my mouth as I read them.

*Bullet*Punctuation, grammar, spelling:
NO mistakes of this nature were found in this piece.

*Bullet*Content/ followed a prompt:
The content was emotional, romantic, reflective, inspiring, and lustfull. The prompt was the writer's heart.

*Bullet*Suggestions:I would love to read the 'poem' you write about in this piece. Is there such a poem?
Keep writing!

Thank you for sharing your work on WDC.

This review is meant as constructive criticism and should be taken as such. This is an individual opinion and not that of a collective effort.

The Wordgoddess
Review of Accused  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
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Congratulations! You have been reviewed by The Wordgoddess with a Simply Positive Review!

 Accused Open in new Window. (13+)
Tomas is accused. Can he live with it?
#698590 by Write-fully Loti Author IconMail Icon

This piece reads like prose. Thoughts flowing from the writer's soul, like a fog. Nice job bringing emotions to the surface.

*Bullet*I particularly liked:
The comparison of guilt to a fog rolling in and out. The reiteration of this works as it rings endlessly in the writer's head.

*Bullet*Punctuation, grammar, spelling:
NO mistakes of this nature were found.

*Bullet*Content/ followed a prompt:
The content was emotional, reflective, remorseful, enlightening, regretful, and inspiring. The prompt was the writer's heart.

*Bullet*Suggestions:Could you take this a step further and show the internal struggle with the subject's guilt through his actions, body language? Nice job! Keep writing!

Thank you for sharing your work on WDC.

This review is meant as constructive criticism and should be taken as such. This is an individual opinion and not that of a collective effort.

The Wordgoddess
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Congratulations! You have been reviewed by a DOLL!!

Image Protector
Touching the Hand of Fate (2nd Place) Open in new Window. (E)
Kara's life was full of activity, and deadlines, but it wasn't always so.
#1700277 by BScholl Author IconMail Icon

A Twight Zone sort of story. Part dream, part reality, who knows for sure? I really enjoyed this tale from behind the glass. very refreshing approach.

*Bullet*I particularly liked:
The use of time travel and existence to move the character around the story.

*Bullet*Punctuation, grammar, spelling:
I did not notice any mistakes of this nature.

*Bullet*Content/ followed a prompt:
The content was sureal, emotional, spiritual, enlightening, and empowering. The prompt was for the "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window.

*Bullet*Suggestions:Keep writing!

Thank you for sharing your work on WDC.

This review is meant as constructive criticism and should be taken as such. This is an individual opinion and not that of a collective effort.

The Wordgoddess
Review of Her Tears  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)

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Congratulations! You have been reviewed by a WDC MOM with a Simply Positive Review!
Her Tears Open in new Window. (E)
Listen when there is no sound*Hear when no one speaks*Then you may just...
#1511694 by Siren Offspring Author IconMail Icon

A dark and emotional poem which asks the reader to question their motives. Once it is too late you cannot reach out to help.

*Star*I particularly liked:
How you played the first line off of the old " a tree in the forrest" addage.

*Star*Punctuation, grammar, spelling:
I did not notice any mistakes of this nature in this piece.

*Star*Content/ followed a prompt:
The content was remourseful, emotional, inightful, enlightening, and sincere. The prompt was the writer's heart.

Keep writing!

Thank you for sharing your work with us.
This review is meant as constructive criticism and should be taken as such. This is an individual opinion and not that of a collective effort.

The Wordgoddess
for WDC MOMs

Interested in becoming a MOM? Click the banner and check out what all the noise is about at WDC MOMs.

In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)

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Congratulations! You have been reviewed by a WDC MOM with a Simply Positive Review!
A Birthday Limerick (revised) Open in new Window. (E)
Revised with the help of Jenny and later my SP friends
#1426148 by Marsha Musselman Author IconMail Icon

A cute lymmeric about a friend who is like a mother on her birthday. Good rhyme and rhythm throughout and good use of words.

*Star*I particularly liked:
How you captured her life in this poem. You did a good job taking us through the years and up until her birthday. Nicely done

*Star*Punctuation, grammar, spelling:
No mistakes of this nature found.

*Star*Content/ followed a prompt:
The content was reflective, fun, sincere, comical, and witty. The prompt was the writer's heart.

Keep writing!!!

Thank you for sharing your work with us.
This review is meant as constructive criticism and should be taken as such. This is an individual opinion and not that of a collective effort.

The Wordgoddess
for WDC MOMs

Interested in becoming a MOM? Click the banner and check out what all the noise is about at WDC MOMs.

Review of The Dark...  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **
Congratulations! You have been reviewed by a WDC MOM with a Simply Positive Review!
The Dark... Open in new Window. (13+)
Poem'edy for one of Acme's Scream Halloween, events
#1479768 by Ẃeβ࿚Ẃỉtcĥ Author IconMail Icon

This is a cute poem about the love of a mannequin. The rhythm bgins nicely, but then breaks apart. The rhyme scheme works, but the meter is fored.

*Star*I particularly liked:
The concept, the idea of personifying a love relationship from this perspective is creative and fun.

*Star*Punctuation, grammar, spelling:
For the purpose of rhythm and meter, commas may help in certain areas as a guide for the reader.

*Star*Content/ followed a prompt:
The content was humorous, witty, fun, and original. The prompt was for a Halloween event.

The only suggestion I have here is for you to count sylables to keep the rhythm flowing. It was a cute piece and I enjoyed reading it.

Thank you for sharing your work with us.
This review is meant as constructive criticism and should be taken as such. This is an individual opinion and not that of a collective effort.

The Wordgoddess
for WDC MOMs

Interested in becoming a MOM? Click the banner and check out what all the noise is about at WDC MOMs.

In affiliation with WDC MOMs  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)

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Congratulations! You have been reviewed by a WDC MOM with a Simply Positive Review!
 Mommy's mixed bag of feelings Open in new Window. (E)
Sweet moments with a toddler
#1658853 by Olla Author IconMail Icon

this is a really touching revelation and moment. An innocent child looking to her mother for comfort and finding it, in turn leaving themother to feel afraid and unsure of her abilitiesto protect her child. Full of doubt and fear and love and passion.

*Star*I particularly liked:
Yupu narrative voice and the way you projected your daughter's words. I could hear them from her mouth.

*Star*Punctuation, grammar, spelling:
No eror's notied on this point.

*Star*Content/ followed a prompt:
The content was emotional, sincere, enlightening, inspiring, and fearful.

YOu anr correct when you say that mother's everywhere have these fears, which is why I created a group here just for moms. we would love tohave you join us and share your writing and stories with the group. "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window.

You should also concider starting a blog to help ou expressyour thoughts on a regular basis.

Thank you for sharing your work with us.
This review is meant as constructive criticism and should be taken as such. This is an individual opinion and not that of a collective effort.

The Wordgoddess
for WDC MOMs

Interested in becoming a MOM? Click the banner and check out what all the noise is about at WDC MOMs.

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