Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/svyatos
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Art&concept by Ol Albireo
Feel free to write your stories and give names to the artworks. Also, you're not limited to just writing stories; you can draw your own art, compose music, make toys, saw with a jigsaw, scratch with a nail, and translate into other languages for practice (and never simplify the text when translating!). And show us what you've created :)

Beyond the Black Abyss

"What's that?" asked Olaf.
"The dead part of the Dragon Land," replied Rakyar.
"The afterlife?"
"No, this is where dragons live who weren't accepted by the Magic of Nobility."
"What does that mean?"
Rakyar curled his lip in contempt and shrugged.
"It means some dragons chose power. Upon gaining might, they decided it belonged to them."
"Who does it belong to, then?"
"Everyone. They're merely its conduits."
"And that one who's burning... is that his punishment, why is he sitting by the fire and burning himself?"
"Ah, no, that's the Fire Keeper. It's Rakyar. Like me. A curator. He's here to guide those who've been saturated with the fire of knowledge back to the Dragon Land."
"Why is he scorched?"
"Those who choose to illuminate others usually burn themselves. In darkness, all light is needed."

Theorann and surroundings, AlbireoMKG
The creative challenge of the day for the game #I_am_here_eternity. You have the freedom to join the game (and quit it) whenever you want. Follow your curiosity and do the tasks that spark your interest. And those that you don't like - ignore them. The reward of the game (with consistent and diligent effort (and practice) of tasks) - a richer and happier life.
496. Well, since I didn't manage to post the assignment for the weekend, let's give you a week for it. When you're among people, choose the one you find least likable and come up with 9 respectful reasons why they might be behaving that way.
Art&concept by Ol Albireo
Feel free to write your stories and give names to the artworks. Also, you're not limited to just writing stories; you can draw your own art, compose music, make toys, saw with a jigsaw, scratch with a nail, and translate into other languages for practice (and never simplify the text when translating!). And show us what you've created :)

In the Facets of Ice
The creative challenge of the day for the game #I_am_here_eternity. You have the freedom to join the game (and quit it) whenever you want. Follow your curiosity and do the tasks that spark your interest. And those that you don't like - ignore them. The reward of the game (with consistent and diligent effort (and practice) of tasks) - a richer and happier life.
495.Choose a theme - Joy, Summer, Beauty, Sadness, Blue (or come up with your own that you find relevant). Select 7 images (draw them, ask an AI to generate them, or find them online), and print a set of postcards for yourself (including a cover!). On the back of each postcard, write your own aphorisms related to the theme.
Art&concept by Ol Albireo
Feel free to write your stories and give names to the artworks. Also, you're not limited to just writing stories; you can draw your own art, compose music, make toys, saw with a jigsaw, scratch with a nail, and translate into other languages for practice (and never simplify the text when translating!). And show us what you've created :)

The Exam Before the Phoenix

Once, during yet another debate in Kan's council, Raihm suddenly took Sherd's side. After the Council, the aristocratic schemer approached the shapeshifter and said:
"If you ever want to take the Phoenix exam, know that I'll support you."
Raihm, as always, flashed a dazzling smile and replied:
"Thank you, Sherd, but I think that in my exam before Phoenix, your support won't help me."
"You're wrong to think so," said Sherd, mentally noting Raim's Dzirovian speech pattern – 'exam before Phoenix' was what Dzirovian assassins called the judgment after death – but he didn't correct him, "I can easily become the chairman of any commission."
"At my exam, there won't be any commission, only Phoenix."
Sherd had nodded respectfully then, assuming Raihm was from some proud clan that adhered to their own wild code, which Phoenix was supposed to evaluate after the assassin's death.
And now Sherd pondered, recalling both that old conversation and the recent one in the Throne Room. Even then, Raihm had known about the coup and had meant the real god-Phoenix. Did that mean the coup had been in preparation for several centuries? And no one noticed? No one? That's impossible!

I'm here, AlbireoMKG

The creative challenge of the day for the game #I_am_here_eternity. You have the freedom to join the game (and quit it) whenever you want. Follow your curiosity and do the tasks that spark your interest. And those that you don't like - ignore them. The reward of the game (with consistent and diligent effort (and practice) of tasks) - a richer and happier life.
494.Find items on the picture

Just finished this German language book and I've gotta say, it's pretty neat! The stories are all set in the Black Forest, which is a cool twist. It's not your typical "John goes to the supermarket" language book fare.

The 16 short tales cover everyday stuff, but with a local flavor - like hitting up thermal baths or chowing down on Black Forest cake. It's a nice way to pick up some practical German while getting a feel for the region.

The vocab is definitely beginner-level, but it doesn't feel dumbed down. I liked how they weave the words into the stories naturally. And the glossary at the back is super handy.

The pics are a nice touch, though some are a bit on the small side. Still, they help you visualize the setting.

It's not groundbreaking, but it's a solid resource if you're just starting out with German. The stories can get a bit samey in structure after a while, but they're short enough that it doesn't really get boring. And it's useful for learning.

All in all, it's a decent little book. If you're into the idea of learning German through reading and want something with a bit of local color, give it a shot. It's not going to make you fluent overnight, but it's a fun way to dip your toes in.

You can find it here:
  •   1 comment
Thanks for posting the link. Looks interesting!
Art&concept by Ol Albireo
Feel free to write your stories and give names to the artworks. Also, you're not limited to just writing stories; you can draw your own art, compose music, make toys, saw with a jigsaw, scratch with a nail, and translate into other languages for practice (and never simplify the text when translating!). And show us what you've created :)

A Small Mistake
"What? You call this a forest, do you? 'We'll appear in a forest, with lots of birds and mice,' you said. My head nearly split open! How did you calculate this?" The she-cat struggled to pull her head free from between concrete slabs.
"Don't screech so, Reseda! Or my head will split open.
I think I knocked it when we landed..." The tom cat looked around, dazed.
"Don't screech? Don't screech?!" Reseda finally freed herself. "Who calculated the jump? You did! Whose fault is it that we had to break through concrete with our heads? Yours! Oh, he hit himself! You..."
"Oh, kitties!" a child's voice rang out.
Reseda turned and shot a disgruntled look at the couple with the smiling child.
"Let's run already! Stop lollygagging!" Reseda hissed. "If the Malevolents reach the Station, there won't be any of these human kittens left, nor any kitties!"
"Yes, I'm coming, I'm coming..." The tom shook his head once more and dashed after his partner. "How could I have made such a mistake? Ah! I dripped milk on the formula! I told you not to put the bowl on my desk!"
"Of course, now it's my fault!"
"Alright, don't grumble! It was just a small mistake, after all!"
The creative challenge of the day for the game #I_am_here_eternity. You have the freedom to join the game (and quit it) whenever you want. Follow your curiosity and do the tasks that spark your interest. And those that you don't like - ignore them. The reward of the game (with consistent and diligent effort (and practice) of tasks) - a richer and happier life.

493. Walk barefoot on the grass. If you can't walk, touch it with your hand. If you can't do anything, vividly imagine walking on the grass.
Art&concept by Ol Albireo
Feel free to write your stories and give names to the artworks. Also, you're not limited to just writing stories; you can draw your own art, compose music, make toys, saw with a jigsaw, scratch with a nail, and translate into other languages for practice (and never simplify the text when translating!). And show us what you've created :)

"You claim that everyone is equal, yet you only associate with them," Golden Maiden said, shaking her head towards the Five. "You fly off with them, lead them to the Tower, and visit them in the evenings! I cook just as well as Sharizat, and I read no less! Do we not deserve your attention?"

Ladzoy let out a nervous smirk, his honey eyes darkening as they fixed on the student. He was ready to respond, but Edos warmly placed a hand in front of his friend, stopping him.

"So you don't want to, Talayla," said Edos.

He smiled his usual sunny and bright smile, stood up easily, and surveyed the class.

"Don't want to? I'm simply not invited to all these gatherings! If they stand and laugh at something, and when I approach, they fall silent. I've asked Sard several times where their party is, and he always says it's not a party! Of course, then I hear them sitting in a room laughing! And the music! And you say I don't want that?!"

The girl was breathless with indignation.

"You don't want to," Edos repeated, "when we were clearing the rubble in locked rooms, you said to do it without you. When we flew southeast to turn waves into rivers, you said you were fine in the capital. When we flew to clean up trash on Tamatis, you said trash was outside your interests. So it's not that you don't deserve it, you just don't want it. And Ladzoy goes with them along Kan-Dziru to clean up trash. They meet to discuss the cleanup. You'd be bored at their parties. And you'd have nothing to discuss with them.

I am here, AlbireoMKG.

I've been working on editing 'Elohim - is a plural' in Bulgarian. For some reason, it's going very slowly compared to yesterday's 'Love with hazelnut Eyes.' I keep editing and editing, and bam, only six pages done. The volume of 'Love' and 'Elohim' is roughly the same. I've hit some sort of sludge, which happens sometimes. I hate it. But 'Love with hazelnut Eyes' has already been translated and posted in Bulgarian. ...And yet not in English... In general, of course, I don't want to do anything, don't want to translate, edit, or proofread))) I just want to write. ^_^

But Elohim is available for free in English here: https://albireo-mkg.com/product/elohim-is-a-plural
Love with hazelnut eyes in Bulgarian is here, free too: https://albireo-mkg.com/free/rbg/llo
The creative challenge of the day for the game #I_am_here_eternity. You have the freedom to join the game (and quit it) whenever you want. Follow your curiosity and do the tasks that spark your interest. And those that you don't like - ignore them. The reward of the game (with consistent and diligent effort (and practice) of tasks) - a richer and happier life.
492.Find on the picture
Art&concept by Ol Albireo
Feel free to write your stories and give names to the artworks. Also, you're not limited to just writing stories; you can draw your own art, compose music, make toys, saw with a jigsaw, scratch with a nail, and translate into other languages for practice (and never simplify the text when translating!). And show us what you've created :)

The New Home

Olaf stumbled and came to a halt.
"Please, don't dawdle," his companion said evenly, though it was clear he was irritated.
"Why are the trees red?"
"It's blood. What other color would it be?" the man explained impatiently. "Come on, move along!"
"I don't want to," Olaf shook his head.
"Then you have no choice," his companion smirked. "The Black Abyss is a place of certainty. All choices are made above. Down here, you simply do as you're told."
"Who says?" Olaf retorted stubbornly.
"In your case — me," the Abyss dweller began to spread darkness around him again.
"Alright! Alright! No need for darkness! I'll go!" Olaf cried out, recalling the viscous non-existence.
The companion flashed a sharp smile and nodded towards the gates.

Teorann and its environs, AlbiereoMKG

The creative challenge of the day for the game #I_am_here_eternity. You have the freedom to join the game (and quit it) whenever you want. Follow your curiosity and do the tasks that spark your interest. And those that you don't like - ignore them. The reward of the game (with consistent and diligent effort (and practice) of tasks) - a richer and happier life.
491.Create a sound map of your neighborhood. Take a map (or draw one, or simply make notes), walk around your neighborhood, and record sounds that you find characteristic of each location. Then mark on the map how each place sounds. You can do this at different times of the day, in your own city or while on vacation.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/svyatos