Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/rogue_red
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
Hmm, I wonder if you'll even see this. Haven't seen you on here in a long while, my friend. In any event, happy account anniversary!!
Happy Birthday, lady. *HearT*
Thanks for being one of my fans and friends. Hope you are well. Love: Megan
Hi, Rouge. *Smile* Did you fare the earthquake alright?
I must have an angel on my shoulder! Me and kids are safe and well but lost family.
So sorry you lost family, Rogue. *Sad* But I'm glad you and your kids are alright. The destruction level is just so high, it's terrible.
Just got power and water back on. Feeling very sad for lost lives:(
*Frown* Oh man... so happy you are okay, but so sad for your loss. Hang in there... *Frown*
Happy Near Year. Hope it's great! *Heart*
(((hugs))) Hope to talk soon.
I've been praying for you and all of your family. I hope all of you are safe and well.
Thanks nita, we are safe. Kids lost their step-uncle. He is missing presumed dead in one of the many collapsed buildings.:(
Hey girl! Thanks to your incredible generosity, I got a fat check in my inbox today from WYRM. You rock!! They will come in handy this Holiday Season as I flit around spreading cheer *Bigsmile*. Thanks so much *Heart*
I am so thrilled to be back. This place really is home for me. Thank you to all those who have helped make it so.*Heart*
Thank you sweetheart *Heart*
I think you may have mentioned that on scroll as it happened, I just forgot who it was that spoke about it. Glad you're okay.
I hear you do c-notes, are they hiding around here somewhere? I liked one you did for SherriG. I'm interested in having a shop, eventually that is. I'd also like to take a peek at your web page on here, but it needs a pass key.
Yes I do c-notes and other graphics as well. I don't keep them in my port as I create them on order and send them to the person ordering. My web page is just a space I place around with different layouts and web code. If you need anything feel free to email me.
I'm glad to be alive and safe.
Were you in a car accident or something? I'm glad you're alive and safe also. I don't know you yet, but I'm sure I will eventually as we're related as SPLG
No. We had a major earthquake here on Saturday and have continued to have aftershocks of 5.5. Over half the homes in Christchurch are damaged or destroyed.
at reviewing page i found you as one of the most credited reviewers, i put a request if you find time to read, rate and review my three items portfolio. i shall be obliged at this act of kindness.

Hi Khaki, I see that your three pieces have received extensive rates and reviews. I am not an expert on haikus or poetry and prefer to review different material. Good luck.
*blink, blink* Is it true? Is that really you? I'm So HAPPY to see you've come back! How have you been? I can't wait to hear all your news *Heart*

Aww thank you sweetheart. It feels good to be back 'home'. I feel like I've hacked my way through the jungles of Borneo but it just makes me savor the sweet sweet scent of familiarity all the more. *Bigsmile*
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/rogue_red