Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/lovelesswriter
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
Hey, everyone. Just wanted to drop in and say an early Happy New Year! May y'all have a wonderfully blessed New Year's Eve. *Heart*
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Happy New Year, Ink Maiden.
Just wanted to drop in and wish everyone an early Merry Christmas! I'll be spending it with Mom and Sis. Hope y'all have a wonderfully blessed Christmas Eve and Christmas. *Heart*
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Merry Christmas, Ink Maiden!
Just wanted to say Happy early Thanksgiving since I'll be spending mine with my mom and younger sister. I hope y'all have a wonderfully blessed one. *Heart*
Can anyone tell me the best way to renew my upgraded membership, please? I need to earn the points to do so.
Joining a review group or participating in a review activity will add even more points to each review you do.

In the right-hand column, click on Recent Reviews. Then click on Most Actively Reviewing Groups. You will find links to several review groups. Some you can join, some are closed activities all ready in progress, but you can click on the individual links and learn about the group.
Happy Birthday, Ink Maiden.
Happy birthday 🎈🎂🎈🎂🎈
I've added a new item to my portfolio:
 Invalid Item Open in new Window.
This item number is not valid.

Finally! I've posted my new poem I recently wrote after a horrid dry spell of no writing at all. I'm extremely happy with how it came out. Thanks, Muse. That's what I named the moth in the poem. Enjoy! ^^
Happy 8th WDC Anniversary,
The Ink Maiden!
I've been having a really bad dry spell with my writing lately. Like after a few months I'll write a new story or poem but then I'll go months without writing again. I know some of it is due to having depression cause that causes a plethora of things, including lack of motivation, but I'm wondering if anyone else deals with this problem concerning their writing. If so, how do you overcome it and keep writing on a regular basis?
Can I humbly suggest these blog posts?

"20240517 Combatting Writer's MalaiseOpen in new Window.
"20240518 Overcoming Writer's BlockOpen in new Window.
Poetry is my most consistent remedy for depression. My very first poem was the result of a time of sadness. For me at least, poetry is the language of the heart.
Happy anniversary 🍰🎉🍰🎉🍰🎉🍰
Happy WdC Anniversary! *Party*
*Music2* Happy Account Anniversary *Cake*
Though I'm a day early I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Easter, or Resurrection Day as my family calls it. I hope you all have a wonderfully blessed one. *Heart*
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The Blessings of Resurrection Sunday to you, too.
I've added a new item to my portfolio:
 Invalid Item Open in new Window.
This item number is not valid.

Finally wrote something new after months of not writing. I'm quite proud of myself. It's a Hazbin Hotel fanfiction so if you happen to know the show enjoy. :)
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Interesting and refreshing. I'm trying to picture them. Hmmmm. *Heart* Loved reading it. Thought it was perfect.
I just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas early since tomorrow I'll be spending time with my family. May y'all's Christmas Eve and Christmas be immensely blessed. *Heart*
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Image Protector
Merry Christmas!


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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/lovelesswriter