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So I'm applying to University of Waterloo and I have to do this thing where I answer some questions. I'd really appreciate it if anyone would be able to read it over for me!
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I'll send a review in a bit! When is it due?
Hi there, team-mate! How's prep going? All the best for Sunday and beyond.
I had not realized that Sunday was the start of November. *FacePalm*...
Ok, tomorrow'll be a prep catch up day and a finish most of my homework day.
Although I'm pretty happy with what I did with prep. I haven't been up to date with my entries, but I'm blaming a super hard semester and a new job. How 'bout you?
Hey guys! Look at "Note: ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** ** Ima..."
Ok, so I need some people's opinions/advice. I'm writing a fantasy story where one of the main characters is going to get possessed. I've written this one scene where she finds out something about her past that makes her vulnerable to the possession. Should I show that she is being possessed (it won't be a full on body take-over, more like, certain aspects of her personality is suppressed/emphasized.) or should I make it less obvious that an outside source is influencing her? *Confused*

The story follows two characters, the one I just mentioned, and her sister. If I show the possession, it's through her sister that the readers will learn what's possessing her and why, so (I think) there's still some mystery.

But if I don't make it obvious, then I could write her like a tragic hero, and reveal the possession at the end of the story. (Her sister will still be finding out info, so there'll be hints along the way) My concern is that people might feel cheated that one of the main bad guys is actually being sort of controlled.

Thanks for reading this thing and I would really like some opinions.*Smile*
Hello, Eliza Rose . I can see the dilemma. I am not sure I can offer an opinion that will fit for you though.
What I can do is offer advice on how to find the answer. I say, just write after about 4 hours of doing nothing. Allow 4 hours to pass while you are not even thinking about the story's progressions. Once you sit down to write, just go with anything that comes to you. Don't worry about editing, grammar, or even relevance. Just free-write and see what comes out.

If that doesn't work, maybe skip ahead to another scene you've been thinking about. Write a short draft of that and see if there are any possible answers to the story's progress in there - in terms of this particular area.

I know this isn't what you were asking but I wanted to help as much as I could. I know you'll find it though. It's out there.

All the best with the rest of your project.

Merry Christmas everybody, and a Happy New Year!
Thank you, thank you, thank you so much to whoever it was that gave me an upgraded membership. I really can't thank you enough!*Delight* I hope you have a wonderful holiday as well! *Heart*
Be nice Dragon is hiding ! *Laugh*
Or what, Kai Rajaniemi ? *Pthb* I was teasing. geez. *grumbles* and you said I didn't have a sense of humor! *pouts*
*Laugh* Aw, don't be grumpy Dragon is hiding ! I just teasing you! *Hug*
Congrats on winning NaNo! *Thumbsup* I knew you could do it! *Heart*
Wow... you're sooo close to finishing your NaNo novel! You're 2k ahead of me. If I can do it, you can do it! *Heart* Write write write!
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Thanks so much! Okay, there's only two more days left, WE CAN DO THIS!
Can't believe Nano's more than halfway over. *Shock* Why does my ability to write seem to disappear when I need it most? *Facepalm*

This message has been brought to you by ProcrastinationVille *Copyright*, where things don't get accomplished and even our aimed accomplishment of not accomplishing anything is never accomplished.
Hello! I'm participating in the
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#2013019 by Not Available.

Just wondering if anyone would be so kind as to sponsor me? Thanks for reading this! *Smile*
Hi everybody, and Happy WDC 14th Anniversary! I wanted to let everyone know about "WDC 14th Birthday Sr. Mod. Challenge where you can win a bunch of prizes by completing different challenges.
Someone has given me an upgraded membership and I am just so so so happy and grateful. I can't stop smiling and this has just made my year. The person wanted to stay anonymous but I just wanted to say thank you so so so very much if he/she is reading this. I cannot describe how happy I am and emoticons cannot do it justice. Although I suppose I can try: *HappyCry* *HappyCry* *HappyCry* *HappyCry* *HappyCry*Thanks a lot whoever you are and I wish that I could thank you enough but I really can't.
Well, after about a month of joining WDC and in the time since, being less active than a graveyard, I have decided to post something. I'm working on a new project. Hopefully this won't be abandoned by chapter 3 like all the others. Fingers crossed!Anyways, chapter 1 is written, just not typed and chapter 2 is in progress. Wish me luck!
Hi and welcome to W.Com.

Just thought I'd be first to write in your notebook! *Smile*

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*Star* Sisco. *Star*
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Thanks for writing! I didn't even realize I had a notebook until I got the email.*Pthb* I guess you learn something new every day!
I finally found out how to get to my notebook without clicking on the link on one of my emails.*Delight* Colours!
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/flowermonkey