Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/elatedie
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
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Happy WDC Anniversary! *Smile*
Within this puzzle, you'll find the following answers (don't peek if you don't want to know!)

hospital, chronic, xray, blood, preventive, exclusion, PCP, individual, outpatient, anesthesia, pharmacy, OPM, ACA, dependent, CYD, urgent, formulary, ambulance, dental, nurse, referral, covered, specialist, deductible, virtual, copay, member, employer, premium
  •   1 comment
Did I do this wrong?

Lol that face!
You wrote a story about Barney and his dog. Perhaps you'd like to read and review a story from quite a few years ago. My story in foxtale portfolio called The A-Team Cake and Buster Dog
Happy WdC Anniversary! *Party*
  •   1 comment
Thank you!
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Happy account anniversary!

*Cakeb* *BalloonP* *BalloonG* *BalloonB* *CakeB*

Hope your day is great and filled with as many words as you want it to be!
  •   1 comment
Thank you!
*Music2* Happy Account Anniversary *Cake*
  •   1 comment
see above.

Happy 4th!
Kindest Regards, Lilli
*Giftp* *Giftt* *GiftV* *Giftp* *Giftt* *GiftV*
*Party* Happy Writing.Com account anniversary. *Party*

Happy anniversary
Happy wdc anniversary
see above.
Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
Let it Be Known:
I hereby am to deliver to a special treat from the most high Queen of Red Hearts in the Kingdom of Over There Across the River.

If you take this message to Her Majesty’s baker on the Baker Street around the corner from the Avenue of the White Pawns, you will have “tarts given to you from the Knave of Hearts.”

That is all. Carry on.
  •   1 comment
This is cute. Do I need to do something? (fairly new here)

Thank you.

on your promtion to Preferred Author!!!
You look great in yellow!
Kindest Regards, Lilli
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/elatedie