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Congrats on your gifted upgraded membership!
Your writing must have already made an impact on someone who wants to encourage you to stick around!
I hope you find the community here as welcoming and helpful to you and your writing as I have. There are too many fabulous newbie resources to list here, but I encourage you to take your time getting familiar with all WdC has to offer. Hanging around on the Community Newsfeed is a great way to get to know folks become familiar with the lay of the land, as well as give your own posts, and your writing, the most exposure. (Make sure you click Community on the left menu bar, then Community Newsfeed at the top of the popup menu - the simple "Newsfeed" link will show you only those posts made my members you've favorited or fanned.)
Quick (for me
There are many generous writers and I love so many people I've met here, but I have to recommend fanning Schnujo's Giving Away GPs
Good luck and happy writing!
Nobody’s Home
And feel free to fan me as well.
Schnujo's Giving Away GPs
The same goes for activities you find, but notice that Plus on the link Mike posted? To fan that item, you have to go into the forum and click the Plus in the upper right corner. If you click it from here or in the top of the forum by the title and author's name, etc., you are only fanning the forum owner, not the forum. I did that a LOT when I was a newbie.
Anyway, welcome!