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I've added a new entry to my book, "These Are My JOTtings, Part #2Open in new Window.:
         "Shapes and Colors in ArtOpen in new Window.

Tonight's poem has three works of art as its subjects on the wall of my crafting area. Two are tapestries made with Backstitch a few years ago. The other is a winter scene of a cardinal family purchased years ago to decorate for Christmas. Right now the area has a soft, warm light from Christmas lights of multiple colors, predominantly white. This causes the subjects to have varied distinctives, which can cause the brain "to go on an adventure." (Nod to Mr. Bilbo Baggins.)

Blessings, All!

Here is yet another signature, that has been provided for me by my good friends, WS & GG.
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.

Quill Winner Signature 2022

2023 Quill Finalist
I've added a new entry to my book, "These Are My JOTtings, Part #2Open in new Window.:
         "Limerick: "Great Need for a Kitty"Open in new Window.

I own the cat, which is the subject of today's Limerick response to the weekly challenge from
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~ The Poet's Place Cafe~ Open in new Window. (E)
A place for discussion on poetry, reviews, contests, etc.
#1937709 by Dave Author IconMail Icon
Of course, it might be more accurate to say, that Mr. Blaze Boy Cat, the orange kitty, owns me. He lets me live here because I can open the door to let him in. My hands are good at opening the cat food bin, too. I'm so gifted. *Wink*

Blessings, All!

Here is yet another signature, that has been provided for me by my good friends, WS & GG.
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.

Quill Winner Signature 2022

2023 Quill Finalist
We do love our cats. My kitty likes to know what is going on. I am thankful for cats.
Princess Megan Rose Author Icon - Indeed, Princess Megan. Indeed.
I've added a new entry to my book, "These Are My JOTtings, Part #2Open in new Window.:
         "Helping the KeelOpen in new Window.

Sometimes we need rest, especially when life has been heavy, like a long, cold winter.

The growing lawn will still be there in April. Besides, time as an English garden could be helpful to the strength of the grass. I know it will be helpful to the strength of the homeowner.

Blessings, All!

Here is yet another signature, that has been provided for me by my good friends, WS & GG.
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.

Quill Winner Signature 2022

2023 Quill Finalist
I've added a new entry to my book, "These Are My JOTtings, Part #2Open in new Window.:
         "Beauteous SunOpen in new Window.

Sitting at one of our local coffee shops,
letting my poem take on the environment of this wonderful place.

I hope you enjoy it.

Here is yet another signature, that has been provided for me by my good friends, WS & GG.
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.

Quill Winner Signature 2022

2023 Quill Finalist
I've added a new entry to my book, "These Are My JOTtings, Part #2Open in new Window.:
         "Three Cheers for Our VetsOpen in new Window.

Here's my entry for Monty's last month leading
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HONORING OUR VETERANS  Open in new Window. (ASR)
Of course there's a Veterans Day - EVERY DAY!
#423698 by Monty Author IconMail Icon

Bittersweet, but understood. Hand-Over-My-Heart SALUTE to you, Sir!

Jay O'Toole

"Stars and Stripes, Forever"

Thank you.
Monty Author Icon - Monty, you are most welcome.
I've added a new entry to my book, "How to Be SavedOpen in new Window.:
         "Eternity is So LongOpen in new Window.

How do you help someone, who doesn't believe he or she needs any help?

How do you convince an atheist, that God really does Exist?

How do you show somebody, that Eternity goes on forever when you've never seen the effects of Eternity, first-hand, yourself?

The Bible gives us every answer we will ever need. Yet, though the Bible is Absolute Truth, (John 14:6) that does no one any personal good, if Truth is not believed.

May The Lord grant us the Gift of Faith, (Ephesians 2:8-10) that we may believe The Truth.

Jay O'Toole
I've added a new entry to my book, "These Are My JOTtings, Part #2Open in new Window.:
         "Gentle WaitingOpen in new Window.

AmyJo-Spring's on the way! Author Icon's post out in the Texas Panhandle, today, reminds me of my early elementary years in the Oklahoma Panhandle. The forecast of tornadoes this weekend sparks something visceral in me. I remember the mention of potential tornadoes, making me afraid.

"Rest in the shadow of His Wings." Psalm 91:1-2, KJV That is my only real hope.

Blessings, All!

Here is yet another signature, that has been provided for me by my good friends, WS & GG.
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.

Quill Winner Signature 2022

2023 Quill Finalist
I've added a new entry to my book, "These Are My JOTtings, Part #2Open in new Window.:
         "T.K.O. (aka "Technical Keurig Out")Open in new Window.

The slight emergency has been averted. I need to leave for work in a little over an hour. The Keurig machine is still on the fritz, and the last of the coffee beans (regular roast) were used this morning. (Decaf can't help me at work.)

Thank The Lord, that my wife was downtown, across the street from Cool Beanz, one of our town's excellent coffee shops. She was sweet to bring me the macchiato I requested, since Quilli ☕ Author Icon's Queenly Coffee Realm doth not reach this far in this short amount of time. However, her expertise was on my mind, since the need was great, and royalty seems like it hath skills. *Wink*

Technologically-advanced coffee-makers are helpful, until they aren't *Laugh*

Blessings, All!

Here is yet another signature, that has been provided for me by my good friends, WS & GG.
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.

Quill Winner Signature 2022

2023 Quill Finalist
I've added a new entry to my book, "These Are My JOTtings, Part #2Open in new Window.:
         "The Hurrier I GoOpen in new Window.

This poem was prompted by a funny thought, but it ended with a pithy enjoinment. And so it goes. I do declare, "Sometimes the poem seems to write itself."

"What's in the heart comes out the pen."

'Tis best to open with prayer, "O, Lord, what would You teach me this day?"

Blessings, All!

Here is yet another signature, that has been provided for me by my good friends, WS & GG.
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.

Quill Winner Signature 2022

2023 Quill Finalist
I've added a new entry to my book, "How to Be SavedOpen in new Window.:
         "On the Side of the RoadOpen in new Window.

If you have ever felt like your life was a trainwreck, it's because it is for all of us, until The Lord makes us alive, spiritually. We can't save ourselves. Jesus Alone can save any of us.

"Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." (John 3:3, KJV)

"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."
(John 14:6, KJV)

Jay O'Toole
I've added a new entry to my book, "These Are My JOTtings, Part #2Open in new Window.:
         "Quality Assurance Each DayOpen in new Window.

Today's poem has been created for
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~ The Poet's Place Cafe~ Open in new Window. (E)
A place for discussion on poetry, reviews, contests, etc.
#1937709 by Dave Author IconMail Icon

This free verse poem is intended to describe my job, which is titled, "Quality Assurance," a much-needed, but sometimes challenging career. Do you understand what I am describing?

Blessings, All!

Here is yet another signature, that has been provided for me by my good friends, WS & GG.
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.

Quill Winner Signature 2022

2023 Quill Finalist
I've added a new entry to my book, "These Are My JOTtings, Part #2Open in new Window.:
         "Time ChangeOpen in new Window.

Sunday morning after the worship service, I told my pastor, "Well, the hard part's over. We got through the worship service. Now, we can enjoy the later sunsets." However, for yesterday and today, there seem to be no sunsets, due to skies filled with rain clouds in our area, and a stronger cold as well. We did get a little sunshine, but overcast has been the majority of the time.

We change the time, but do we really? He, Who is Lord over all...created Time, and He remains in charge of it.

Won't we humans be surprised when The Lord pulls back the curtain to reveal, that Eternity is already rolling, and Time is merely a dollhouse in the midst of Eternity?

Blessings, All!

Here is yet another signature, that has been provided for me by my good friends, WS & GG.
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.

Quill Winner Signature 2022

2023 Quill Finalist
I've added a new entry to my book, "How to Be SavedOpen in new Window.:
         "Born Again? What Does That Mean?Open in new Window.

What do we really want to do in this life and the next?

If there is any sort of desire for God, that animates us beyond indifference, then there is reason to believe, that we have been born again. (John 3:3-6)

Jay O'Toole

I've added a new entry to my book, "These Are My JOTtings, Part #2Open in new Window.:
         "Spring ComesOpen in new Window.

This has been a hard winter for those of us in the South. I say this with apologies to those in the Midwest and the North because, in many regards, winter continues for them.

Eventually, spring will come, and we shall all know a bit of relief if The Lord is willing.

I know we each have something concerning to deal with in our lives on a regular basis, whether it's tornadoes in the heartland or hurricanes on the coasts, whether its finding the safest route to and from work, avoiding as much traffic as possible, or dealing with deadlines in the various aspects of life.

Though I am still learning this, hope comes when we rest in The Lord, and His Care.

"He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust." (Psalm 91:1-2, KJV)

Blessings, All!

Here is yet another signature, that has been provided for me by my good friends, WS & GG.
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.

Quill Winner Signature 2022

2023 Quill Finalist
I've added a new entry to my book, "These Are My JOTtings, Part #2Open in new Window.:
         "Monchielle: "Readying for Work"Open in new Window.

Today's poem has been created for the weekly challenge from
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~ The Poet's Place Cafe~ Open in new Window. (E)
A place for discussion on poetry, reviews, contests, etc.
#1937709 by Dave Author IconMail Icon

I like creating poems in the environment, that they describe. I have to leave for work in about an hour, meaning I have to stay on-task with the preps for this event. Much to do, little time.

By the way the last line of my first cinquain is not completely true twice a year, since we must "spring forward" early this coming Sunday morning, if you are in any way aligned with the Time Change in the United States.

Blessings, All!

Here is yet another signature, that has been provided for me by my good friends, WS & GG.
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.

Quill Winner Signature 2022

2023 Quill Finalist
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/777stan