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Rated: 18+ · Book · Spiritual · #2170111
This blog contains responses to blog prompts, & thoughts on spiritual or religious themes
Disclaimer: Any views, about religion or sacred scriptures, expressed in this blog are my own and not the official views of the Baha'i Faith or any other religion. If you wish to know more about the Baha'i Faith, please check one of these websites: The Baha'i Faith: The Official Website of the Worldwide Baha'i Community   or Baha'is of the United States  .

"The gift of God to this enlightened age is the knowledge of the oneness of mankind and of the fundamental oneness of religion. War shall cease between nations, and by the will of God the Most Great Peace shall come; the world will be seen as a new world, and all men will live as brothers."

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Welcome to Talent Pond's Blog Harbor. The safe place for bloggers to connect.          

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This is for Snow Melt and More Snow Melt

*Snow1* *Snow2* *Snow3* *Snow4* *Snow5*

Other Blogs and Journals
Content Rating 18+

"Writing in Snow
"The Snowflake Chronicles
"Snow Melt
"More Snow Melt
"Welcome to My Life
"Melting Snow
"Memories of Snow
"Dreams of Snow
"Poem Experiments
"Devotional Poetry

Other Journals
Content Rating ASR

"Bicentenary Poems and Prose

*Snow1* *Snow2* *Snow3* *Snow4* *Snow5*

"Treasures lie hidden beneath the throne of God;
the key to those treasures if the tongue of poets."
The Bab

*Snow1* *Snow2* *Snow3* *Snow4* *Snow5*

"O my God! O my God! Unite the hearts of Thy servants, and reveal to them Thy great purpose. May they follow Thy commandments and abide in Thy law. Help them, O God, in their endeavor, and grant them strength to serve Thee. O God! Leave them not to themselves, but guide their steps by the light of Thy knowledge, and cheer their hearts by Thy love. Verily, Thou art their Helper and their Lord."

*Drop* *DropW* *DropB* *DropG* *DropO* *DropP* *DropR* *DropV* *DropY*

Merit Badge in WDC Soundtrackers
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Congratulations on successfully completing all of your entries in  [Link To Item #1970896]  (2020 Edition)! Merit Badge in Stay At Home
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Thank you for playing along with the April  [Link To Item #30dbc]  #SaferAtHome Unofficial Month! Though we are physically distanced during this time, we don't have to be socially distant! Thanks for connecting with us! Merit Badge in Blogging
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Honorable Mention for your Blog in the Bard's Hall Blogging Contest, June 2020. Merit Badge in BCOF
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Thank you for joining us on this blogging adventure. I would travel anywhere with you as my cohorts in crime. *^*Heart*^* Lyn Merit Badge in Blog Camping
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I would travel to the ends of the earth with you. It was a very enjoyable blogging experience. Thank you for participating. *^*Heart*^* Lyn Merit Badge in BCOF
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Congratulations Merit Badge in Reach For The Stars
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For winning second place in  [Link To Item #2213121] . Congratulations! Merit Badge in You Are Stronger
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You're amazing! Merit Badge in Blog City
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Impressive! Merit Badge in The Blogging Banana Bar
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  Congrats on Your Super Effort

in  NaBloPoMo 2023  

with  [Link To Item #1985857] 

The Bar is Always Open    from   Andre  Merit Badge in Celebration
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  Thank you for Celebrating at
 [Link To Item #1985857] 
for the Old2New Year Blogging Party
between 2023 and 2024.
May Ever Year be Happy.   Andre *^*CHIMP*^*  Merit Badge in Discovery
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For winning Round 14 of  [Link To Item #2213121] ; Congratulations! Merit Badge in Hot Potato
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  Thanks for helping Andre fracture some New Year's Resolutions!

1  Abdu'l-Baha in London
2  http://www.bahaiprayers.org/unity1.htm

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December 9, 2018 at 12:25pm
December 9, 2018 at 12:25pm
Jamal (Beaury), 17 Qawl (Speech) 175 B.E. - Sunday, December 9, 2018

I was offline for almost a week. I've been back online for about a week, and, in that week, I review only one item. I have to get back into the swing of reviewing and writing, while transferring poems to "Devotional Poetry and "Poem Experiments. This morning I set my goals for the coming week in "Weekly Goals for 2024. I'm not sure how much of it I will accomplish, I know I will accomplish some of it. I have to change my address to several places, which I will do either online or over the landline. My smartphone died a few days ago, and I'm waiting for a replacement to arrive.


Mystery indescribable
Essence ungraspable
December 8, 2018 at 12:31pm
December 8, 2018 at 12:31pm
Jalal (Glory), 16 Qawl (Speech) 175 B.E. - Saturday, December 8, 2018

for today
is the Day of the Lord.

The "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise prompt for DAY 1818
Creation Saturday, let your inspiration sweep you away, have fun free writing.

Each day
is the Lord's day
when you wake up and say:
Thank you for another day.

The "Blogging Circle of Friends prompt for DAY 2211
Word Prompt:bucket, juggle, clammy, heaven, tease, delirious, rose, arrange. Use these words in your blog entry. Have fun.

The clammy echoes
of a promised storm descends
on the sweltering city.

Soon the blue heaven
will open and pour buckets
of water onto
thirsty rose gardens.

"Is this the end of the drought?"
Delirious gardeners ask,
as they juggle
arms full of fresh cut flowers.

They arrange
the flowers into bouquets
that tease
both the passion and imagination
of lovers.

December 7, 2018 at 6:11pm
December 7, 2018 at 6:11pm
Istiqlal (Independence), 15 Qawl (Speech) 175 B.E. - Friday, December 7, 2018

Love melts
The icy breast
Of winter

The heart's
Broken winged bird

The "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise prompt for DAY 1817
Write a story or poem using this quote from Dylan as inspiration. Have fun!
“The crisp path through the field in this December snow, in the deep dark, where we trod the buried grass like ghosts on dry toast.” ― Dylan Thomas, Quite Early One Morning: Stories

December Snow

Waling through the snow on a cold December night, while listening to the crunch of her footsteps. A Snow Angel contemplate the beauty of the stars, sparkling like candles on a Christmas tree. She inhales the frigid breath of winter, and laughs. Life is good. Winter is a cold, but pleasant time of year. She remembers the snows of early spring or of late autumn are different from December snow. To her, December Snow seems fresher, purer, and more resilient.

December snow
reflects the light of winter stars
in scintillating joy.

December 7, 2018 at 2:16pm
December 7, 2018 at 2:16pm
Istiqlal (Independence), 15 Qawl (Speech) 175 B.E. - Friday, December 7, 2018

Random words ignite
Imaginations' fuse
Poems explode
Into multicolored shower of light.

The "Blogging Circle of Friends prompt for DAY 2210
Discuss this quote in your blog entry.....“December's wintery breath is already clouding the pond, frosting the pane, obscuring summer's memory...” ― John Geddes, A Familiar Rain

Summer's Memory

Nothing can obscure summer's memory, it is always there. Sometimes, like the brown grass of fall, it hides beneath a blanket of snow. It hides waiting for scent, sound, taste, touch, or sight to awaken it, like the warm sun of spring awakens the green grass. Summer memories are either blessing or curses depending on the emotions associated with them. Summer memories can take us back to our childhood, and bring either laughter or tears.

Evening Drive in Summer

A sphere of crystal radiance,
Sol dances
Across my field of vision.

His bright globe sways,
From left to right;
From right to left,
As my car consumes black asphalt.

Summer memories return in poems discovered written years ago and forgotten until the manuscript is discovered again. I wrote the above poem several years ago, when I was working at the Henderson Campus of the Community College of Southern Nevada. I rediscovered it while going through some items I moved with me. I had planned to put it in "Poem Experiments, but this prompt brought back fond memories of driving back and forth to Henderson.

December 6, 2018 at 10:24am
December 6, 2018 at 10:24am
Istijlal (Majesty), 14 Qawl (Speech) 175 B.E. - Thursday, December 6, 2018

The Affect of the Manifestation of God Upon the Human Soul

A mirror reflects the sun
downward through a dark tunnel
to illumine another mirror
in the Earth's heart.

I wrote this in 145 B.E. The inspiration was a story about one of the telescopes watching the night sky. I realized, as I watched the documentary, that was the way Christ, Baha'u'llah, The Bab, Muhammad, and the other Manifestations, or Mirrors, of the Almighty impacted the souls of human beings, especially those who accepted their instructions and teachings.

Christmas is coming and, across the world, many people will be commemorating the birth of Christ or celebrating Christmas. I distinguish between the commemoration of the Birth of His Holiness Christ and the celebration of Christmas, because I suspect (this is my personal opinion) that the two have become separate festivals in the last two thousand years or so.

December 5, 2018 at 5:12pm
December 5, 2018 at 5:12pm
Idal (Justice), 13 Qawl (Speech) 175 B.E. - Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Red roses in a crystal vase echo
The music of love.

I'm Back!

I'm Back! It's a cold autumn afternoon here in Las Vegas. It's been five days since I made a blog entry, and, I think, my fingers forgot how to type. The problem could just as easily be the cold, so I need to warm my fingers ups by typing. Therefore, this entry will be poem I wrote, several years ago. I'm going through transcripts of old poems and transferring them to my poetry journals here on writing.com.

Evening in The Cactus Garden

Evening's breeze blows
through Regent Schola Trees
scenting the Henderson air.

As the sun sets
behind Mount Charleston
spring's cool breeze sing lullabies
to Torch Cactus,
California Gold,
Trailing Lantana,
and Joshua Trees.

I wrote this poem on 4 Jamal 161 B.E. The inspiration was a visit, Mom and I took, to a cactus in located in Henderson.
November 29, 2018 at 12:06am
November 29, 2018 at 12:06am
Istijlál (Majesty), 7 Qawl (Speech) 175 B.E. - Thursday, November 29, 2018

30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS  (13+)
WDC's Longest Running Blog Competition - Hiatus
#1786069 by Fivesixer

On this last Wildcard Thursday of the month, make me a list of prompts to add to the Challenge War Chest for future rounds of the 30DBC. What has been your favorite day of the week, and why?

Prompt List

*BulletBr* Say Thank You To A Soldier
*BulletGr* The Five Steps To _____ The participants describe five steps to accomplishing something.
*BulletO* You are walking through an old growth forest, when you encounter something unusual. What do you encounter? How do you respond?
*BulletP* Holiday Superstitions: Are there certain clothes, actions, or things you should or shouldn't do on specific holidays, because doing or not doing them brings good or bad luck.
*BulletB* My Declaration of Independence: Write about something you are declaring or have declared your freedom from.

My Favorite Day of the Week
Hasn't Arrived

At this point, I don't think I have a favorite day of the week. I'm in the process of moving, I have to be out of this apartment on or before December 3, and I just called the NV Energy company to see if they would turn the electricity on in the new apartment tomorrow. They can't turn it on until I show them a valid lease and a photo ID. The reason for this is that the people who lived in that apartment before left a power bill, and I have to prove that I'm not that person.

The maintenance person just told us that there is electricity in that apartment. Hopefully, it will remain on while we get moved. I'm so frustrated with all this that I'm going to post this entry, and go get me some chocolate ice cream.
November 28, 2018 at 12:39pm
November 28, 2018 at 12:39pm
‘Idál (Justice), 6 Qawl (Speech) 175 B.E. - Wednesday, November 28, 2018.
Ascension of `Abdu'l-Bahá

30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS  (13+)
WDC's Longest Running Blog Competition - Hiatus
#1786069 by Fivesixer

Write about an experience that changed your opinion on something.

Changing My Opinion

When was the last time I changed my opinion? I'm in the process of changing my opinion now. I've always hated moving, because I thought it was disrupting and, in every move I've made, I had to leave something--sometime several somethings--that I was attached to. However, I realize, now, that moving is just a metaphor for death. When the body dies, the soul ascends into the spiritual world. The soul has to leave the body, which it has become attached to, behind. Each move I have made, has forced me to downsize. They have forced me to let go of things that I was attached to, but didn't need. Each move has been a blessing in disguise.

November 27, 2018 at 9:54am
November 27, 2018 at 9:54am
Fidal (Grace), 5 Qawl (Speech) - Tuesday, November 27, 2018

30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS  (13+)
WDC's Longest Running Blog Competition - Hiatus
#1786069 by Fivesixer

Do you have any "weird" tastes in food? Carrots and ketchup? Peanut butter and ice cream? Watermelon and salt? Can you convince us to try your odd food combo?

Weird or Odd Food Combos

I work on the primes that if I create the food combo, it isn't weird or odd if I like the combo. I will admit to creating both weird and odd combinations, which I didn't like. One of those, which seemed like a good idea at the time, was spaghetti pizza. It isn't a good idea to put leftover spaghetti on top of leftover pizza, and warm it up for breakfast (or possibly any meal). Thinking back, over the incident, the spaghetti pizza may have tasted better if I had adder a ton of spaghetti sauce and tons of cheese.

Some food combinations, which I have tried and liked are (1) coffee on cereal, (2) yogurt mixed with cereal, and (3) Spanish rice mixed with ground beef (I suspect ground chicken or turkey would be just as good). I'm always open to trying new and exotic food combinations.

November 26, 2018 at 1:52pm
November 26, 2018 at 1:52pm
Kamál (Perfection), 4 Qawl (Speech) 175 B.E. - Monday, November 26, 2018

30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS  (13+)
WDC's Longest Running Blog Competition - Hiatus
#1786069 by Fivesixer

Was there ever a time in your life when you didn’t want to do something, but motivated yourself to do it? What was the thing, and what did you do to motivate yourself?

Finding Motivation

Where do I find motivation? Sometimes it hits me in the face like a wet snowball. At other time, I have to shovel snow off the walk so that motivation can get up to the house and through the door. Right now the motivation I'm discovering concerns transcribing hard copies of poems into "Poem Experiments, "Devotional Poetry, "Memories of Snow, and getting ready to move at the end of November or the beginning of December.

Looking for motivation
on a chilly autumn day,
I look up at the Mountain
to see is snow has come our way.

I dislike moving because it is disruptive. Most disruptions I don't mind. However, I dislike moving my residence; unfortunately, it's necessary. Therefore, I'm moving from the apartment I'm living in right now to one in the building to the east. Having to do something is good motivation! I will move without kicking and screaming and being dragged down the street. During all this I will recite one of two short prayers I've memorized.

"He who puts his trust in God, God will suffice him,
He who fears God, God will send him relief."

Reciting the prayers helps me focus my mind and stop worrying about anything that I may think I've left behind or had to dispose of, which I didn't want to do. I seem to have to move my residence every few years. I think it's just God's way of letting me know that I need to let go. Moving helps me let go, especially once I convince myself it is necessary.

"Is there any Remover of difficulties save God? Say: Praised be God! He is God! All are His servants, and all abide by His bidding!"
The Báb

November 25, 2018 at 11:23am
November 25, 2018 at 11:23am
Jamál (Beauty), 3 Qawl (Speech) 175 B.E. - Sunday, November 25, 2018

30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS  (13+)
WDC's Longest Running Blog Competition - Hiatus
#1786069 by Fivesixer

As the challenge comes to a close, reflect on the Blogging Challenge so far. Have you learned anything about your blogging style or has it evolved over the course of the month? What was the most difficult part? If you do this challenge again, what would you change?

Blogging a Door to Both the Inside and the Outside

Blogging is a door
to the inside and outside
of the blogger's mind and soul;
meditation opens the door
illuminating both fear and hope.

When the door to the inside opens,
thin blades of light
penetrate the darkness revealing
kernels of yesterday's fears
and tomorrow's hopes.

When the door to the outside opens,
the blogger inscribes words,
symbols for thoughts and ideas,
in black letters
onto the white pages
of the blog,
and the kernels shrivel or grow,
as thoughts are transformed
into sentences and paragraphs.

What have I learned about my blogging style? I have learned that when I compose a blog entry in my pen and paper journal. I rewrite the entry as I attempt to transcribe it into the blog document.

Has my blogging style evolved during November? I certainly hope so.

What was the most difficult part of this challenge? Sometimes I had difficulty composing a response to some of the prompt. I think it was because I had problems relating to some of the prompts on a personal level.

What would I change when I participate in this challenge again? I don't know. I have two methods of composing a response to a prompt. I either compose it at night, in my pen and paper journal, and rewrite it the next day when I'm transcribing it into the blog. Or I set down at the computer, open a blog entry, and begin writing.

November 24, 2018 at 12:44pm
November 24, 2018 at 12:44pm
Jalál (Glory), 2 Qawl (Speech) 175 B.E. - Saturday, November 24, 2018

The "Blogging Circle of Friends prompt for DAY 2197
Have you read any good books or articles lately? While reading the book/article did you discover something you didn't know before? If possible, include a link to the item.

I'm Reading

As everyone may, all ready, know I'm reading The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, which is composed of five novels and a short story. The novels are (1) The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, (2) The Restaurant at the End of the Universe, (3) Life the Universe and Everything, (4) So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish, and (5) Mostly Harmless; and the short story is Young Zaphod Plays It Safe. I begin reading "Life, the Universe and Everything" last night. The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide can be found on https://www.amazon.com/.

Since The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide is so large, I can't carry it with me when I leave the house. I have a smaller book I take with me when I leave the house, because I have to wait for the Paratransit bus to pick me up from wherever I am. The book I take with me is Preparing for Christ's New Name by Alex Gottdank. Preparing for Christ's New Name can be found at http://www.naturegraph.com/general/bahai/bahai.html, which is the Naturegraph catalog of Baha'i related books. The Naturegraph homepage is http://www.naturegraph.com/.

What have I discovered from my reading? The Ultimate Hithhiker's Guide, and its a good book to read before going to sleep because its humor brightens my mood. Preparing for Christ's New Name has given me insight into the prophecies in both the Old and the New Testament of the Holy Bible.

The "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise prompt for DAY 1804
What kind of Mom and Pop stores or restaurants still exist where you live? Do you frequent them as often or do you prefer the larger chains?

Mom and Pop Businesses

There are a couple of Mom and Pop businesses in my area of Las Vegas. One of them is an Oriental Restaurant and the other is ad care repair and tire shop. When it comes to restaurants, I have no preferences because I've found that most chain restaurants have the same quality food as the Mom and Pop restaurants. When it comes to car repair and tires, I found--when I had a car--that the Mom and Pop repair places do a better job, and they are normally just as expensive as the bigger places. I did find that the smaller repair shops are more inclined to work with Senior citizens when it comes to the cost of repairs.

November 24, 2018 at 10:10am
November 24, 2018 at 10:10am
Jalál (Glory), 2 Qawl (Speech) 175 B.E. - Saturday, November 24, 2018

30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS  (13+)
WDC's Longest Running Blog Competition - Hiatus
#1786069 by Fivesixer

It’s the last Creation Saturday of the month! Write a holiday related entry/story/poem using the words: festive, food, gifts, family, cheer, candy cane, and eggnog.

Festive Memories

Festive memories
of candy canes and eggnog,
of birthday and Christmas celebrations.

On Black Friday,
Grandpa purchased the Christmas Tree,
Grandma began purchasing and wrapping gifts.

At seventy-one,
going on seventy two,
joyful memories family and food
return eliciting good cheer, smiles, and laughter.

November 23, 2018 at 12:05pm
November 23, 2018 at 12:05pm
Istiqlál (Independence), 1 Qawl (Speech) 175 B.E. - Friday, November 23, 2018
Feast of Qawl

30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS  (13+)
WDC's Longest Running Blog Competition - Hiatus
#1786069 by Fivesixer

Did you know that Americans eat 46 million turkeys each Thanksgiving? *Shock2* What is your guilty pleasure food?

Guilty Pleasure Foods

My mother ascended into the spiritual realm on Thursday, November 29, 2012, one week after Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving 2013, was my first Thanksgiving without Mom. I spent it alone eating all the Thanksgiving foods that Mama liked. I had a turkey drum stick, which I cooked in the Microwave. In addition, I had dressing, which I also fixed in the Microwave, a turkey gravy--out of a can--a can of cranberry sauce, an entire Marie Calender's pumpkin pie, with Cool Whip, and several carafes of coffee. All right, maybe I should have gone to one of the Casino Coffee Shops. In the coffee shop I could have purchased a well balanced Thanksgiving dinner (green salad usually comes with the meal).

One of the things I's grateful for is that Mom and I were able to share her last Thanksgiving together. Thanksgiving 2012 wasn't a big feast. We had turkey, dressing, turkey gravy, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie (Marie Calendar's of course). We watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade, which my mother loved. I haven't watched that parade since 2012. I don't watch the Thanksgiving Day parade because, without Mom, the parade isn't as much fun. Mom always loved to watch the floats. Another parade she like to watch was the Rose parade; I haven't watched it in a while either.

Coffee, chocolate, pumpkin pie,
Tacos, and cheese stuffed Jalapeños
These are my guilty pleasure foods.

November 22, 2018 at 11:13am
November 22, 2018 at 11:13am
Istijlál (Majesty), 19 Qudrat (Power) 175 B.E. - Thursday, November 22, 2018

30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS  (13+)
WDC's Longest Running Blog Competition - Hiatus
#1786069 by Fivesixer

Write a list of five things you are thankful for. That’s it! You are free to make your entry as long or short as you choose.

Each day I compose a Gratitude List of five things I am thankful for, because gratitude is an attitude that helps me face the dtests and difficulties that regularly confront me. Gratitude is an attitude that assists spirituality and help deal with material reality. A daily list helps to refocus both the mind and soul on the positive aspect of physical life on this mortal plan.

Gratitude List for Thanksgiving 2018

Today I am grateful ...
         *BulletV* ...for BahaiTeachings.org  , because of the thought provoking and insightful articles by different authors about different aspects of chosen spiritual path.
         *BulletV* ...that when my Mother died in November of 2012, she did not pass on Thanksgiving Day. Mom and I got to spend her last Thanksgiving together. We watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade, ate pumpkin pie, and drink coffee, one last time.
         *BulletV* ...that my brother Frank and his first wife shared the Baha'i Faith with me. It is possible I would have heard about the Baha'i Faith from someone else, but Frank and his wife were the one who introduced me to it for the first time and encouraged me to go to firesides to learn more about it.
         *BulletV* ...that I can access the Baha'i scriptures online through the Bahá’í Reference Library   and search for specific themes and subjects.
         *BulletV* ...that the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada has paratransit buses that will pick me up at my door, take me to wherever I want to go, and return me to my home.

November 21, 2018 at 7:16pm
November 21, 2018 at 7:16pm
‘Idál (Justice), 18 Qudrat (Power) 175 B.E. - Wednesday, November 21, 2018

30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS  (13+)
WDC's Longest Running Blog Competition - Hiatus
#1786069 by Fivesixer

Is there a TV show/movie/book from your childhood that you still enjoy today? Tell us why it resonates with you.

Television Memories

Memories replay
television shows
from my childhood.
Howdy Doody,
Captain Kangaroo
Mr. Green Jeans

Theme songs
flow through my mind
merging into a musical collage.
M I C ... K E Y ... M O U S E
It's Howdy Doody Time

November 20, 2018 at 2:13pm
November 20, 2018 at 2:13pm
Fiḍál (Grace), 17 Qudrat (Power) 175 B.E. - Tuesday, November 20, 2018


The "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise prompt for DAY 1800
Peripheral Vision--In what ways do you think your peripheral vision is important? Has what you’ve seen through your peripheral vision ever helped you? Have you ever used your peripheral vision for poem or story writing ideas?

It's possible I have written a poem about peripheral vision. I haven't used it in short stories or novels. The only time I consider my own peripheral vision is when I go for a eye exam or when I catch a shadow out of the corner of my eye and look in that direction.

Out of the corner of my eye,
I see a shadow flit,
but when I turn to stare
I see nothing there.

The "Blogging Circle of Friends prompt for DAY 2193
When you drop any new idea in the pond of the world, you get a ripple effect. You have to be aware that you will be creating a cascade of change. Joel A. Barker ~ Write about the ripple effect in relation to any subject you like.


Every day
ripples flow
outward from the Word of God
that was dropped into the sea of humanity
by Blessed Beauty, the Glory of God, Baha'u'llah.

Ripples flow
and across Earth,
and nine-sided temples are built,
“dawning-places of the praise of God”3,
that welcome all humanity, all religions.

3  https://bahaiteachings.org/uniting-prayer-and-action-the-bahai-house-of-worship

November 20, 2018 at 10:46am
November 20, 2018 at 10:46am
Fiḍál (Grace), 17 Qudrat (Power) 175 B.E. - Tuesday, November 20, 2018

30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS  (13+)
WDC's Longest Running Blog Competition - Hiatus
#1786069 by Fivesixer

SeaWorld. Good? Bad? Ugly? What is your opinion of zoos and aquariums?

As long as zoos and aquariums do a good job of educating the public about the animals in them, I have no problem. Zoos and aquariums are supposed to be educational tools that give information about the creatures, their lives in the wild, and how to protect them. I don't like seeing animals in cages that confine them, and don't reflect--in some small way--their natural habitat in the wild.

"Zoo animals are ambassadors for their cousins in the wild."
Jack Hanna

In 2012, I wrote "Incident at a Roadside Zoo, Terzanelle, using the word prompts: Tiger, artist, witnesses, and zookeeper. I don't remember which contest I wrote it for. Anyone reading this poem, may think that I don't care for zoos. This isn't necessarily true, the zoos I dislike are the privately owned zoos that are well overseen by animal control, the SPCA, or a wildlife expert. Animals in zoos need humane treatment. Many of the wild animals in zoos, today, have been bred and raised in captivity, which means there is little chance that they can be returned to the wild. Therefore, we need to treat them with respect and care because we, humans, are the ones who took their ancestor out of the wild.
November 19, 2018 at 10:23am
November 19, 2018 at 10:23am
Kamál (Perfection), 16 Qudrat (Power) 175 B.E. - Monday, November 19, 2018

Blogging Circle of Friends   (E)
A group for WDC bloggers.
#1901868 by Lyn's a Witchy Woman

As I’m sure you’re aware, November is NaNoWriMo and the site is abuzz with novelists typing furiously to reach their word count goals. What motivates you to write?

What Motivates Me To Write?

I have prayed, contemplated, and meditated about this question numerous time over the years. I have come to the conclusion that I have no choice. I have to write! It is a compulsion, an exigency, and an imperative of my soul. It is the way my mind comes to terms, copes, heals, and learns to let go of the wounds that come between humanity, my spirituality, and me. Below is one of the poems I have written about why I write.

The compulsion to write poetry
does not fulfill my body's needs
nor sate my desire.

When I am in the arms of the Muse
food is moldy leftovers,
sleep is a discarded lover
at the door of my consciousness;
shelter is the rusted husk of a topless convertible
in an Oklahoma snow storm;
and sexual satisfactions
is a stale cigarette
in the mouth of my libido.

November 19, 2018 at 10:20am
November 19, 2018 at 10:20am
Kamál (Perfection), 16 Qudrat (Power) 175 B.E. - Monday, November 19, 2018

The "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise prompt for DAY 1799
Write a thank-you letter to God, Santa, Thanksgiving Turkey, Pilgrims, Indians, or anyone else you wish. Tell why you are thanking them and how much their support has helped you in your life.

Letter to Baha'u'llah

O Thou Glory of the All-Glorious, thank You for the blessings I have received through Your revelation from the All-Glorious Creator of the Universe. Thank You for Your willingness to spend forty-years in prison for nothing more than proclaiming the unity of humanity, the unity of God's numerous names, and the unity of the foundation of all religions.

O Thou Pen of the Almighty, I will eternally be grateful to God for guiding me to You and to the sacred books that were revealed to You by the Holy Spirit. Each time I read a dew drop from the ocean of the Word of God, I find a deeper meaning or a pearl of wisdom that inspires my poetry.

O Thou Glory of God, I know that some of the poems I write do not always reflect the spiritual side of my human nature. Forgive me! I am learning to use my free will to chose good over evil, and, sometimes, my ego's fears overcomes my spiritual nature. I believed that it is a poet's duty to spotlight the injustices of the age in which she lives; I, also, believe that it is a poet's duty to creatively shine a light on the superstitions of the past that prevent humanity and the individual from achieving their full materials and spiritual potential.

Baha'u'llah, Thank You for the inspiration to write. Thank You for helping me to overcome my fears. Thank You for helping me to let go of the past. Thank You for helping me to forgive those who have wronged me. Thank You for helping me to forgive my own weaknesses. Thank You for forgiving me when I let my free will chose evil over good. Thank You for the adversities, tests, and difficulties that have shown me my weaknesses and how to overcome them or turn them into strengths.

Yours Always,
Neva F. Darbe
aka Prosperous Snow

The "Blogging Circle of Friends prompt for DAY 2192
Write about forgiveness.

Writing Forgiveness

is a place inside:
an alcove where my soul resides.

Is forgiveness
a verse I can't write
in my ego shrouded night?

is a verse I must write
before my soul can wing it flight
into the garden of divine forgiveness
where I can feel the love of the Almighty.

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