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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #2017254
My random thoughts and reactions to my everyday life. The voices like a forum.
I do not know quite what happened or when , but my hubby and I now qualify for seniors' discounts at some venues. This creates a quandary; in order to save money, but not face, we have to admit to our age. HMMMM..... We definitely do not consider ourselves to be old. In this day and age ,when people as a whole are living longer and healthier lives why are 'young seniors', those in their fifties, like moi, considered 'old'?? It's so true that age is just a perception! "Maturity" is very objective/subjective, and I object! Whew, a few years have skittered by since I composed this biography block. Those "fifties" are in the rear view mirror and they are distant, fond memories. Oh, I do not plan to stop writing any time soon.
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September 9, 2017 at 8:46pm
September 9, 2017 at 8:46pm
Creation Saturday! Explain (factually...or otherwise *Smirk*) why/how any common occurrence in nature actually happens. It can be pretty much anything you want, but it has to be real...the why/how part, however, doesn't have to be.
         Okay, I suppose we've all been listening to the doom and gloom weather reports re the latest hurricane to wreak havoc. We complain about these occurrences and wish them away. It's a destructive side to nature, and a frightening one, too. We are reminded that we have no control. Understanding the origins of severe storms doesn't lessen their impact.
         Personally, I have never weathered a violent windstorm such as a tornado, or a hurricane. Most of the time, I persevere through blizzards, and the occasional thunderstorm. They are not comparable to what has happened and is happening in the Atlantic. My neck of the woods has experienced more rainfall than usual this summer. I'll admit, I have referred to the extra moisture as a monsoon, but only because I need a word that signifies torrential-like, non-stop , flooding-conditions precipitation.
         Being continually damp, does put a damper on one's mood and outdoor activities. I miss the frozen type of precipitation. It does not seep into a basement, or flow through roof shingles.
         So, how/why does the rain fall? Hmmm, perhaps it is tied in with leprechauns and rainbows? The wee mischievous folk do more than hide cauldrons of gold at the end of those rainbows. Besides painting, with brushes and waterproof paint, the colourful paths to their treasure, leprechauns enjoy a good water fight. They toss great pots of water at each other. Eventually, the porous clouds become sodden/waterlogged and they begin to leak. It's like squeezing a soaked sponge, the water has to go someplace.
September 8, 2017 at 8:52pm
September 8, 2017 at 8:52pm
Fun Fact Friday! On this day in 1866, the first recorded birth of sextuplets took place in Chicago, Illinois. Are there any instances of twins, triplets, or more in your family? In what ways do you think your life would be different if you were a twin (and if you are/were a twin, imagine how it'd be different if you weren't)?
         Well, yes, there are twins in my family, but I am not one of a matched pair. On my maternal side, there happen to be two sets of twins. Interestingly, both twosomes are boy and girl pairings. In each instance, the brother is blonde and blue-eyed while the sister is dark-haired with brown eyes. One set are my first cousins, and the other set are children of my mother's first cousin.
         I always fancied giving birth to twins. Having a son and a daughter in one pregnancy would've been like winning the birth lottery. A two for one deal saves time and effort. Each kid would've had an instant sibling. Imagine only having to prepare for one birthday celebration.
         I've never considered what my life could have been if I was a twin. It might have seemed a bit redundant because I am a Gemini according to my birthdate. If there had been a sibling-in-residence--sharing-the-same-womb-as-I-did, we would've shared the honour of being the first, and thereby the eldest, grandchildren on my maternal side. Perhaps, I would not have been the actual eldest... Maybe the other one would have been tagged with the family dog's name? It's quite possible that my parents may have conceived just the two of us as opposed to the reality of the four of us. Hmmm, less siblings? This may have correlated to more dessert, and less sharing.
         My Mother always blurted out the wrong name when she was feeling ill, or tired. Yes, being the firstborn should've earned me an exalted position and guaranteed that she at least recalled my given name, the name she gave to me. Alas, this was not the case. I have been referred to as Mark, Laurie, and Sherry at various times. With a twin, that would've narrowed the misnaming to only one other possibility. If I had an identical twin, this might've been understandable, expected even. Ack! My twin and I could conceivably have matching/mirror names like Sandy and Mandy, or worst, Sandy and Candy. Yes, yes, Randy also rhymes.
         I honestly don't know if looking like someone else is disconcerting, or comforting. What if my twin hated her colouring, yet I liked mine which was similar? Do I commiserate?
September 7, 2017 at 9:27pm
September 7, 2017 at 9:27pm

What's been your favorite part of WDC's 17th Birthday Week? Your favorite activity, contest, event, person/place/thing/whatever? What are your thoughts on the celebration?
         I believe I like the party atmosphere here at WDC. Who doesn't appreciate celebrating another exciting year of life? Balloons have been floating everywhere throughout this site, and they are so uplifting and festive. Seventeen is such a magical age. Anything is possible. This teenager is capable of sharing and encouraging us all.
          I delved into a wee bit of reading and reviewing. I mainly concentrated on the Newbies 'cause they are the new kids on the block and I wish for them to feel welcome. Isn't it amazing that we all received the same invitation to participate? There was no pressure to get involved in the activities. As always, I'm amazed at the different ways we all weave spells with basically the same available words.
         Bonne Fete WDC!
September 6, 2017 at 9:29pm
September 6, 2017 at 9:29pm
War Chest Wednesday! For the people who aren't familiar with this category, these are prompts that were submitted by former participants in the last few years as a requirement for signing up (...so if ya don't like 'em, don't blame me *Smirk*).

If life really is a bowl of cherries...what fruit are you?
         As I may have mentioned in other blog posts that have dealt with things fruit, I am not a lover/fan/eater of fruit. I survive long , contented periods fruit-free. I can taker it, or leave it, but mostly I opt to ignore it. But, since this particular blog prompt has posed an exceptionally important question....
          I'm most definitely not a watermelon. Besides it being an icky fruit, I cannot fathom that I am something to be spit away. I am not mushy like a banana. I don't see myself as ripe, or luscious, or juicy, so that negates many fruits right there. Exotic has never been synonymous with me and mine. Hmmmm, what is my fruit self? Is this similar to a spirit animal thing? Are you asking if I have a spirit fruit?
         Let's see.... I am home-grown. I kinda fancy hanging around a vibrant, green orchard high in a tree. A life spent absorbing sunshine sounds appealing. A round figure suits me. I'm not pretentious at all. There's no need for ceremony, or elaborate preparations. I can be enjoyed just as I am, as Mother Nature intended.
         I am diverse. Sometimes, I am sweet, yet I may also be tart. I'm versatile. Juices, sauces, and baked goods benefit from my existence. Names I have in abundance. Granny Smith, Cortland, Royal Gala, Delicious, Empire, and Macintosh are but a few of those monikers. I like to travel tucked into bags, purses, or pockets.
         Okay, okay, maybe I am an apple. I bruise easily. Just like the Macintosh apple, I am Canadian. Possibly there are times when I am thin-skinned.
September 5, 2017 at 9:36pm
September 5, 2017 at 9:36pm
Talk Tuesday! Let's continue the Birthday Week theme...imagine for a minute, as horrifying as it may sound, that there has never been such a culinary invention as cake. How terrible would that be, and what would everyone at your party gather around as they sang "Happy Birthday" to you?
         What, no cake? Inconceivable! What would Marie Antoinette have said during the French revolution? How could we describe something as easy?
         How terrible would that be? I like having my cake and eating it too. Where else would I put my icing? Where else could my mother have hidden some coins for my birthday guests, and what else could my glutton-of-a-dog have gobbled , coins, candles, and all , before those guests arrived? I'm still trying to envision this cakeless world...
         Okay, okay, sigh... One year, I decided not to bake the expected and traditional cake for my hubby's birthday. Instead of this treat, I presented him with one of his favourite desserts, a hot fudge pudding. This decadent concoction resembles both a thick pudding, and a cake. That's right, they are both combined in an ooey gooey wonder. Oh, and did I mention it is served hot right from the oven? Anyway, I may have foregone the cake, but I still wanted the birthday candles. I inserted the said candles into the depth of this steaming dessert and I lit them. By the time our family had finished singing "Happy Birthday", those poor candles were sputtering stumps fast disappearing into the dark pool of chocolate. Yep, they\d melted from the bottom up.
         Recently, at my niece's birthday, we were served a delectable cheesecake. Oh, we attempted to force the candles into this frozen dessert, but to no avail. We crippled a few of these wax wonders all because my great-nephew enjoys blowing them out. Cradling a burning candle in one's trembling hand is not quite the same thing.
         So, enough of this evasion and meandering. Hmmm, what could replace a cake at my birthday party? Maybe a portrait of me in a suitably festive photo frame could be the main focus. Of course, I'm not suggesting that my family erect a shrine, or any such thing. We just require something to sing at/to. In the past, I have hidden under tables to avoid all the attention the birthday song evokes.
         I kinda like the idea of a Birthday piƱata. Bashing something might relieve some of the aging stress.
September 4, 2017 at 6:44pm
September 4, 2017 at 6:44pm
Motivational Monday Longtime radio broadcaster Paul Harvey , born on this day in 1918, once said "Ever since I made tomorrow my favorite day, I've been uncomfortable looking back." To what extent does this make sense for you? How comfortable are you with looking ahead as opposed to looking back?
         I believe this particular quote is about embracing the future. Tomorrow brings new possibilities, adventures, and experiences. It depends upon one's willingness to attempt new things, and accept change. It can be exciting. A person can improve themselves, learn, and grow.
         I'm all for self-improvement, and trying new hobbies. There's always something new to experience. Travelling is fun, and meeting people invigorating. Doing the same-old-same-old can be stale. I'm not necessarily negating traditions. Tasting different food, listening to alternate music, reading various genres, can all be life-affirming. We can all benefit from a challenge or two.
          While I'm all for enthusiastically embracing the future, I must confess that I I retain a fondness for the past, mine, and history's. I find it fascinating. Nostalgia is appealing and illuminating. I cannot disregard my past entirely. It shaped me and taught me. I hold tight to many of my memories. They are cherished friends.
September 3, 2017 at 8:27pm
September 3, 2017 at 8:27pm
The Sunday News! This week in Utah, police arrested a nurse because she wouldn't allow the investigators to take blood from an unconscious man who could not give consent and wasn't under arrest. According to a prior Supreme Court ruling, the nurse was actually doing the right thing and protecting the patient's privacy. There's a fine line between law enforcement and medical professionals, who both have tremendous obligations. How do you feel about this? Were the police in the right to physically restrain the nurse, or did she handle the situation properly by stating what her role in the situation was? (If you ask me, I'm just shocked that an officer's body-cam actually worked for a change.)
         How do I feel? Well, I feel incredulous. The question is how does this particular nurse feel? She was only doing her job. Obviously, I don't know exactly how she felt in that nasty situation, but I can surmise that she was totally flabbergasted, frightened, indignant, and angry. She was faced with an impossible situation. She probably struggled to understand what was happening to her. She'd reported for her shift and expected it to be a usual one. Arrested for being a nurse and protecting her patient?
         No, that officer was not in the right! He overreacted, and over stepped his boundaries. The nurse was simply doing her job. As she said, "I'm just trying to do what I'm supposed to do." She knew the law and was not willing to break it, bend it, or ignore it. She attempted to explain, calmly, what the hospital's, her employer's, policies were. She also thought to contact a supervisor via phone to reiterate that policy. She was being a responsible nurse, and a patient advocate.
         That officer was clearly frustrated, and he fixated on the nurse. He took liberties that were not his to take. He is supposed to know what is considered legitimate evidence, and how it may be legally obtained. He interfered with the nurse doing her job. He left the hospital short-staffed.
         He disagreed with the nurse, and unnecessarily man-handled her. Physical force and restraints were clearly overkill. He meant to intimidate.
September 3, 2017 at 8:01pm
September 3, 2017 at 8:01pm
Creation Saturday! You and a loved one have decided not to buy each other birthday gifts this year...but being the creative genius you are, you're going to make them... September 2nd.....
         Hmmm, I suppose I could create a birthday gift, if I was motivated, and if I had to make it. Let's see....
         Next month will be hubby's official birthday, and he'll be one year shy of a milestone. Like all of us, he's undeniably aging. He can no longer ignore the persistent, and eye-catching grey hairs. His muscles protest a little more. His eyesight has diminished to the point that he needs a new eyeglass prescription/ He seems to believe that packaging printing is significantly smaller than it used to be. For some strange reason, movie sound tracks are now almost muted.
         Anyway, my life partner is routinely absent from home for weeks at a time. He appreciates home-cooked meals when he's not on the road. He has reached the age when he believes fancy, expensive gifts are no longer important. Oh, he's also a car fanatic, particularly a Mopar fan.
         So..... recently I viewed a YouTube video in which a pair of anonymous hands, magic hands, created a wonderful vehicle-paint-like finish on a cake. Incredibly, it resembled a shiny, metal finish. If I could recreate that miracle, I'd make a car cake for my hubby. It would have to be black 'cause he appreciates a glossy black paint job. Somehow, I'd also have to make chrome rims, and chrome bumpers. Hmm, deciding upon the make and model will be more difficult.... He claims to have so many favourite vehicles. Should it be a 'Cuda, or a Nova, or a GTO?
         I wonder if I could rig the headlights to light up, the horn to honk, and the engine to rev throatily like the actual motor?
September 1, 2017 at 5:54pm
September 1, 2017 at 5:54pm
FUN FACT FRIDAY! As most of you are aware, September 1st marks the start of WDC's Birthday Week! Take a look at the activities going on around the site and tell us some of the ones you're looking forward to.
         Is it really that time of year again? WDC is celebrating another milestone birthday? Well,Happy Birthday!! *CakeB* *PartyHatR* I love an excuse to eat cake and sing....
         I recently returned from a virtual trek through South America. I've not had time to unpack, or unwind. Every day was a new adventure. I'm still assimilating the memories.
         In my real life, I am camping. Although it hasn't been much of a banner summer weather-wise, this is the final long weekend of that all too fleeting season. Already, the tress' leaves are assuming their autumn colours of red, orange, and yellow. The evenings are cooler necessitating long pants and jackets. I still refuse to don socks. It's not snowing yet. Sigh, summer is fading fast. At least I shall enjoy a family campfire tonight. *Fire*
         So, I suppose I have dithered long enough... Hmmm... What WDC Birthday activities am I anticipating? Well, I like the Special WDC Birthday Comedy Club Short Story Challenge. It has three intriguing sections that just might jumpstart some creativity.
         Okay, September is here, and I'll adjust....

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