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Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #1712884
Why I want to write a book
Thoughts on life and society can be pointless, but that's what books are for. I've never enjoyed reading.
It's always been difficult for me to read. Sometimes, I imagine little demons pulling at my eye lids.
The Devil is in the details. I like people, who can act. They're fun to watch. I guess I wish I could be an
actor, but I just don't have that charm and I stutter. My life is meaningless. I just lope from one place to
another. I think that's my strength. Most people need a career and family. .. Family is a nice idea, but
I've never had a nice family. Is this becoming annoying? ...

Let's start with Vertago! He's cool and a stud. He also is popping up a lot in my movie watching. The mind
can make association: like is the guy on the radio talking to me? Or why am I seeing so many eye balls in
my movie watching? Jeeeze! I just saw CASE 39. A really scary movie with an eye ball scene that's very icky.
This guy has a hornet come up out of his eye's lid.. tear duck. Any who, it's scary. Well, when I was
Veratgo on Private Games.com my picture was of my left eye.
It was trippy. Just a note to the CASE 39 writers: Lilith is not evil. I'm talking about Adam's first wife, expelled
from Eden, because she "Would not be his beast of burden." Lilith is the first feminist in Bible Lore,
she is immortal. So you can't drown her. Nope, only God can stop her.

Okay, this Vertago guy is still effecting me. Strangers will look at me and cover their right eye, cars will shut
one headlight off. That's dangerous! I had an elderly woman pinch my butt an call me "Vertago." in the mall.
There was a Vertago concert. There is a Vertago song by U2. I started writing about Vertago in the 90's on an
Australian web site Private Games.com. That's when I was working at Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart was awful.
I had an over night manager slap me in the face.
I just wish people would stop dropping pennies around me. I mentioned that Abraham Lincoln is looking to
the right, while all the other presidents are facing to the left, because he was assassinated. Now, I get penny's
dropped around me. I wish I had mentioned the dollar bill and the star of David over the eagel's head.
It has twelve stars in it for the twelve Apostles. Feel free to throw dollars at me.

Reflections: I wasn't completely honest about what I said about the penny. I was quoting the old Civil war
lore Lincoln was facing right because he freed the slaves and turned his back on the brotherhood. That's
what I wrote on Private Games.com. I'm not in favor of slavery.
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April 3, 2012 at 7:19am
April 3, 2012 at 7:19am

Let's face facts. I'm not Alex Baldwin.
I don't know how to talk about things I don't know to the media.
Alex Baldwin is an actor. He is a professional Bull Shit Artist.
In ancient times actors were also prostitutes. They had to eat.
I picture Alex reading the paper sitting on a gold toilet. His chicken lips pursed
and his balls immersed. What knew issue strikes his fancy?

To hold onto what sanity I have left. I'll ask myself what would Alex Baldwin do?
"If a Wal-Mart overnight manager punched him in the face, would he quit?"
"If a Home Depot assistant manager called him a "Faggot and a bloody hole."
would Alex sue or punch the ASM in the face?
Well, the question is mute. Alex Baldwin is a successful actor and comedian.
Just ask his ex-wife and daughter what a wonderful person he is.
There is a time in all our lives when we just have to accept the mistakes we've
made and move on or go postal.

I think Alex Baldwin would agree with me and we both like Russian escorts.
Even a successful actor like Alex Baldwin has to fork out the cash for some
love. And that's okay.

Peace out Alex!


P.S. Does he spell his name with a c?
February 13, 2012 at 9:34am
February 13, 2012 at 9:34am

Here is the boy of seven, what do you want to
teach him? "There is no rustic so rude, who does
not imagine he can hear the Holy Spirit." Rev.
Martin Luther's Diaries. How do we know God?
Stalin mentioned God often in his speeches he called
on the power of the people in communist party.
God was the state in Stalin's world view. Now, I
was raised Roman Catholic and I was sent to CCD,
Catholic Catechism Indoctrination on my 7th birthday.
The first thing the Sister Emeritas said was,

"You must have faith."

Unfortunately, I was horny as Hell and I was checking
out her legs. The nuns were dressing less formally
with the onset of the New Order in the Church.
So, Sister Emeritas was showing me her legs in black
nylons up to her knees. The black skirt rose up
further when she sat on the edge of the desk. She
was a young nun of twenty and had hot bod. ..
I was not listening to her indoctrination.. and
there were no written exams; just a manual to study.
Yup, Catholics get a manual on how to believe.
It's a Vulcan religion. They try to make it
intellectual.. but faith is emotional.

So, here we go down the shoots and ladders of
inspired theology. What do you do in Heaven?
The Bible describes a court with God on His throne
in Job. Funny how Job's name is spelled the same
as a job.. The Devil goes to God's court and asks
if he can test Job's faith. God agrees and lets the
Devil burn down Job's house and kill Job's children
and strike Job with a pox. Job is left homeless and
his wife spits on him and leaves him, because
obviously Job has done something bad to evoke God's
wrath.(Why is there a "w" in wrath?)

Well, Job never rejects his faith in God.
And his health returns and he rebuilds his life.
Happy ending? His children are still dead and the
wife came back after he got a house and a job.
What is the moral of this story? Perhaps, it is
to be self reliant and God will .. like you?
What is the Devil doing in Heaven? We come to a
wall of faith. Yup. This story was written over
8 thousand years ago and the writer was not a
free thinker. The message is whatever happens is
God's will..

Incidentally, I saw Sister Emeritas kissing
the music teacher, a secular man in Cambridge Park.
This further pushed my skepticism. Sounds a little
simplistic, but if you believe something without
proof your stupid. When I was a kid I like to believe
I could control the wind. I breath in when the wind
paused and then breath out when the wind blew..
But, when I stopped the wind kept blowing. Ergo;
I was not controlling the wind. Do you think?
Does God want us to think? Maybe, thinking is a curse
from the Devil. There is a school of thought that
rejects logic. It's called cynicism.

The philosopher Cynica agrued that knowledge was
obscured by our animal lusts. We could never be free
our prejudices. This is the slipper slope in natural
philosophy. One advantage in blind faith is you don't
debate the Doctrines of the faith. Therefore, if
your a Druid you should believe in human sacrifices.
And no matter what the authorities say; you must
satisfy your blood lust. God told you to.

Well, I'd sit by the box fan at night when I
was seven and whisper into the fan. The sound was
erie.. It felt magical. This could be Satanic ..
possession. Who knows?

February 7, 2012 at 2:01am
February 7, 2012 at 2:01am
I just don't know what the Hell is going on.
There are so many conspiracy theories. And what
can anyone do about it? I have my own theory,
that there is a collective unconscious and we all
want the world to end our miserable lives.
Just think, both Bush Presidents said we were in
the End Times. Now if the President wants the
world to end we are all fucked.

Do you know how many times Fox News has compared
Obama to the Anti-Christ? Who is Rupert Murdoch?
He behaves like a megalomaniac .. I have no idea
who to trust. This is the way I see the world.

1. There are people who want to kill us.

2. This country is too big to police.

3. We will become a police state soon.

I'm driving home from Mission Impossible at 12am.
I'm thinking you don't need to have gadgets to
be dangerous. Anyone with a gun is a lethal weapon
or a knife. What can be done to stop random violence?
I'm sitting in a little dark theater and I'm watching
a movie about assassins .. Could I be murdered in
my seat? Yup. Could someone leave a bomb ..
Kaboom! Oh yeah. That was a popular tactic in
Northern Ireland: the planted bomb.

Before the movie I killed some time looking at
DVDs at Barnes&Nobles another book store on its
last legs. There was a movie about the Weathermen
of the anti Vietnam era terrorists. These were
radical college students, who blew up military
targets in the USA back in the 70's. They reasoned
that the military industrial complex was the
cause of Vietnam and the only way to stop it was to
tare down the government. Heavy topic for the
bargain bin.. It was $5, but I just didn't want
to relive that hate.

I remember these radical groups and how easily
they blew up banks. It was insane. They took hostages
and demanded the impeachment of Richard Nixon.
That's what I grew up in. My mom would answer the
phone and someone would be threatening her or telling
her my brother was murdering children in Vietnam.
I was forbidden to answer the phone. Dad would call
the police. Only dad spoke to the police.

So, when I see some tabloid pics of celebs, I'm
thinking if the paparazzi can get that close could
a terrorist? Open concerts are a duck shoot.
How do the paparazzi know where their targets are
going to be? Are they tracking credit cards and
reservations? Nothing is secret even cell phones
can be hacked. Paranoid? What kind of ransom could
a celebrity bring? Millions. That's how I look at
these tabloids. They're stocking celebs.

I really do think there is a group of powerful
Christians, using End Times hysteria to
exploit frightened people. They want war and they
want everyone to pay them for protection from
the Anti-Christ. If you believe in an all powerful
God, then the Anti-Christ is doing God's will.
Or God would crush him. Who is pulling the strings?
Theist are really worshiping power and the ends
justify the means. God wills good to come from evil.
Isn't that what the terrorist believe?

That's my world view: paranoid.

Peace out..

Uncle Freddy didn't understand the rules ~ Yes! I'm winning!
I'm winning! ~ The world is mine!
January 26, 2012 at 9:47pm
January 26, 2012 at 9:47pm

I know I'm not normal, but, who is?
I like movies its a safe way to escape my boring
life. I think I've become addicted to The Blaze.com.
It's a lot like porn. You watch it. You get excited.
But, it doesn't feel real. George Soros reminds me
of my History Professor, Ralf. He has those same
sad eyes. I think he disliked his job, but it was
all he knew. I don't dislike George. He's just doing
what comes naturally: hunting and gathering.
So be it.
As I look back at my bizarre life, I wonder if
there is a moral or purpose to it. I loved growing
up in Cambridge, Mass. The feminist went topless
to prove they were just as free as men to do it.
More power to them!
Recently, I had a discourse with a young man,
who maybe a father. He's not certain. He is a now
18, but might have impregnated a girl of 15 when
he was 17. He didn't believe me when I explained
that teenage sex is illegal. He thinks its legal
if both partners are teenagers. It isn't.
If his girlfriend is pregnant he will have to pay
child support and he might be prosecuted for rape.
That is the way the laws are written in Maine.
I had a buddy Tim get a girl pregnant in
Cambridge. They were both teenagers and Tim got
arrested. He was put on a sex offenders list and
had to check in with a probation officer. .
Tim made a mistake poking around a girl whose
dad was a Cambridge police officer. I'm not certain
if this is the standard procedure. Tim is my age
now and that offense is still dogging him ..
The danger from society is too great.
Here's a story. Michael and I were kissing
in the Porter Square Parking lot. We were 12.
An adult woman pulled us apart. A total stranger.
She said it was disgusting. This was Cambridge
in the 70's. My fear was she might attract more
attention to me and Michael. We had been threatened
by other boys...
This all plays into my theory that people are
impulsive hypocrites. That most people hate more
easily, than love. That's the animal instinct.
I'm pessimistic about the future. Iran is a perfect
example of religious bigotry. Just watch what comes
from all their hosannas.
It's sad. Mohamed tried to unite Judaism and
Christianity with Islam. But, religion is about
dividing people. There is only one truth.
We are all human.

Sine De

January 19, 2012 at 10:04am
January 19, 2012 at 10:04am
I think, therefore, I suffer. If I didn't care
I'd be a lot happier. Most people are bigoted about
alternative lifestyles. For example, the message
spa .. There was a massage parlor in Kittery Maine.
The police chief owned it. And for 20 years it ran
girls up from Boston to give erotic massages.

I thought, "Great!"

The FBI raided it in 2001.. Only the accountant
was convicted and sentence... I can't tell you how
much I looked forward to my massage there. Nobody
got hurt. The girls had body guards. It was safe and
clean. Each room had a bath tub... You had to take
a shower before seeing the girls. And condoms were
mandatory. .. I got to know the guy at the door
Eric, before entering the spa you payed $20.
I always payed in cash.. Then you got a ticket,
which you would give to the girl you selected in
the waiting room. There was a 100 galion African
cichlid tank there. It inspired me to get an
aquarium.. (sigh)

So, the girl hands off the ticket to Eric
and takes you to a room out back. There all the
same with a wall length mirror a massage bench
and a bath tub.. some are smaller without a tub.
I wondered if the mirror was hiding a camera.


Girl "What are you looking for?"

Muzzy "I pay a $100 for a pussy fuck
and a blow job."

Girl "For $200 dollars you can fuck
as many times as you want."

Muzzy "I want to fuck your ass too."

Girl "That's $300 and I will get the

Ass fucking got a thicker condom. I liked to bring
the thin condoms with electro-glide. It was like
a naked fuck... The girl usually did a little
dance naked in front of me and fingered my balls
and cock.. There was no music, unless I brought
a radio...

Come to think about the parlor in Rhode Island
pumped in Heavy Metal... Elana owned those too.
She was running things at The Danish Health Spa ..
When she lost the protection of the police, her
business went to a call escort services..

The last time I saw her was in Somerville, Ma.
She had an apartment with a lot of black and
Hispanic girls. They were walking around naked
in her escort service offices. .. Highland Ave
across from the The Somerville Lumber Store..
I think Home Depot bought out that lumber store..
(Sigh) It was just clean fun..

A date can cost $300 and there is no
guarantee of sex.. If someone says there is,
then that's prostitution.

"Silly rabbit tricks are for kids." Kill Bill.

I just do not understand all the hysteria over
sex for money. It's a Witch hunt for nosy church
folks.. Just a bunch of Harper Valley Hypocrites.

Just venting... (Sigh)
January 2, 2012 at 10:30am
January 2, 2012 at 10:30am
Well, all this Witch stuff is just herbal medicine.. mostly.
The Shaman has his medicine bag and Witches there potions.
There are schools offering courses of herbal medicine. It's not hokum.

2 Kings 21:6 Witches were the servants of the Kings of Israel.

1 Samuel 28:13 King Saul consulted a Witch to see the future of his battle.
She summoned the ghost of Samuel who foretold of his defeat to
the Philistines.

The Witch of Endor is described as a kindly woman who cared for Saul
and offered him a large meal.

I do not think of myself as a Witch. I am just a poor bard. I have been raised by
Wiccan practitioners .. My mom had many herbal remedies .. and my sisters liked
to practice candle magic . But, I have no formal education in the craft.

My favorite snack are Dulse. They're sea vegetables and they have a lot of iodine.
That fights cancer and radiation poisoning.


Mesmerizing is fun too. You can find this technique in music.
Marylin Manson has philosophical lyrics behind his jungle beat.
It is mesmerizing. Lady gaga as a wide range to her vocals that instantly
demands respect. It is the cry of the Banshee and Harpy. Her lyrics are
sexually driven. The message is erotic. I like this too.

A woman's siren can calm and incite. Do you remember your mother singing
to you? And then there are songs of Billy Holiday. So soulful and entrancing.
Music is magic. It is the flute of Pam.

Sea Veggies  ~ It's like potato chips.. the iodine fights cancer and radiation poisoning.
December 13, 2011 at 9:28am
December 13, 2011 at 9:28am
This is a X-Mass present I got from Uncle Freddy. Dad thought Fred was my
clone. "He's a nut job too." Dad remarked. .. Uncle Freddy had been divorced by
his wife, she thought he was gay. However, Uncle Freddy's sexual orientation
was not discussed. He has a lovely daughter Susan. She doesn't discuss the
reason for her parents divorce.

So. One X-Mass Uncle Freddy gave me a book, "Did Jesus Rise From The Dead?"
published by Harper&Row. I was not thrilled with a book present. I have trouble
reading: dyslexia. But, it started my favorite argument with pop,

"Why do we believe any of this?"

Uncle Freddy laughed. Dad was not amused. Dad was old school Irish Roman Catholic.
He did not like to be talked back to and especially did not like disrespect.
I think I mentioned the time he threw me out the third story window. Dad's answer was

"I wont have an atheist under my roof."

Essentially, every argument ended that way with pop. My sisters liked to date, but
none of their boyfriends were allowed in the house. This is not a wise rule.
Dad never knew, who or what they were doing outside the house. Any who, I've started
rereading Uncle Freddy's X-Mass present:

"we don't need evidence for faith, it's clear that Paul was attempting
to give evidence for Jesus' Resurrection by citing lists of appearances
in 1 Corinthians 15:5-7." page 55.

Halfway through the book and Bultmann, an apologist, concedes the evidence is
based of faith... Jeeze! What a shocker! Dad told me that we live in the mind of God.
So, miracles are nor impossible for God. That's dementia. Let's review. Jesus was
executed and buried in a tomb, guarded by Roman soldiers. That's imperial fact.
The story takes a leap of faith. The stone in front of the tomb was moved.
The Roman guards were asleep. Stop. Consider, that the penalty for a Roman solder
sleeping on guard was... DEATH! Okay, here comes the giant leap. Magdalene, the
prostitute, finds the tomb empty. An Angel tells her Jesus is outside. She has a
conversation with Jesus. .. . He's not dead?

Guess what the Apostles don't believe the prostitute. But, there is a reappearance
to the Apostles. Jesus talks to the Apostles and? Leaves on a cloud.. Yup, he floats
up into the sky.. That's where Heaven is. Do you believe this? Well, dad sure did.
You know some things are too fantastic to believe. But, some people will believe anything.
I am not opposed to family values, "Do onto others as you would have them do unto you."
That's fair. But, please don't tell me to believe in magical Jews, who fly through the air.
Where is the evidence?! Here say isn't enough; show me a Jew, who can fly without an
airplane or cannon. .. I don't want to spoil the X-Mass fun, but this Jesus story is nuts.

I like Bill Murry in SCROOGED, "Stop hitting me with the toaster! I'll buy it!"
There are a lot of fun X-Mass movies, Twilight was.. fun. Ho! Ho! Ho!

Uncle Freddy did have a lot of glass figurines ... at his house in Arlington, MA.
He showed me how to make chocolate chip cookies from scratch with his friend
Tim.. who he lived with.... Ho! Ho! Ho!

Merry X-Mass!

Uncle Freddy an Me  ~ Uncle Freddy loved to play Scrabble with me.
He always won. I'm dyslexic.
November 16, 1976 ~ Saint James after Monsignor's Griffin's Retirement Mass.
I have no clue what is going on.
Uncle Freddy's X-Mass Gift ~ He visited Fatima and bought this..
November 28, 2011 at 10:33am
November 28, 2011 at 10:33am
I had a bizzare exchange with a girl at Wal-Mart.
Kate and I were on our lunch break at the sub-shop.
"Maybe, we could get together for dinner after work?" Muzzy smirked.
"You wanna fuck?" Kate flashed a toothy smile and ate some chips.
"I-ah, sure." Muzzy gulped his bottled water, "Where?"
Kate widened her eyes, "This is sexual harrasment."

We were on a lunch break, but I got called into the store manager's
office for a coaching. I didn't like Kate much after that.
Although, she continued to flirt and joke with me. I tried not to say
anything remotely suggestive of sexual harassment.
But, Kate made another complaint: "I was telling other associates
about the complaint she had made."
This was true. I needed to compare notes with other male associates,
who Kate had made complaints against.

I was naive to think that Kate would not take counter action.
She was very aware of my staring at her. I was trying to avoid her.
This is how gossip starts: "Muzzy is such a creep. He keeps staring at me
and running away."
A girl can tease and still hawler harassment. Your guilty until proven otherwise.
It's strange that in a country where feminism is all about being as tough as men,
there are so many girls suing their bosses for sexual harassment.
Is this social Darwinism?

I had a conversation about women and the PMS defense.
"If PMS is temporary insanity, then all women are mentally incompetent."
Muzzy said in the Wal-Mart lunchroom. I got another coaching and a
termination warning of lude behavior. The Sporting Goods manager had
brought up the topic: "Lorana Bobbit cut it off and she's a victim?"
Jeff almost got fired for that remark. We were a couple of guys kicking back.
There were no girls in the lunchroom, but the cash officer Debbi was in the
next room in the communication center: door shut and she still overheard
our conversation through the wall. She took offense.

Kate would eventually win out and get me fired for standing too close.
Apparently, there is an imaginary circle of three feet and if you enter that circle
your fired. I don't like Kate. She has a daughter now. I still don't like her.
If someone kicks you down a flight of stairs, should you love them?

I think I'll watch the Little Drummer Boy... or maybe Godzilla.

? ^
November 3, 2011 at 6:47am
November 3, 2011 at 6:47am
In many respects, I am insane.

Let's remember that sanity is the acceptance of
predefined structure. But, I have not accepted
the consumer driven status quo. On the contrary,
my spiritual journey upsets my keepers,
I refused to recant my belief in a living
God: GIA. I believe in natural selection.
Consider, the course this civilization is on and
the horrors that could follow its collapse.
What is truly terrifying is the belief that God
intended all this carnage .. (?)

In my logic course at Boston University I learned
the importance of terminology. What do you mean?
What is the definition of God? What evidence do
you have to support it? Positive proof requires
material evidence; otherwise your just speculating.
The question goes, "If there is a God, why hasn't
He/She shown themselves?"

I took many religious courses in college, trying
to find positive proof for God. Causation was a
good argument. However, if God doesn't need a
a creator why do we? The teleological argument
followed: "If I find a watch there must be a watch
maker." What if the watch has always existed?
Tick.. Tick.. Big Bang!

The Big Bang THEORY; sounds a lot like the Hindu
belief in a self destroying and recreating
universe. I met Depak Chopa at Harvard University.
I asked him if he could prove he has a soul.
He responded, "I exist. And why do you care?"
It was a very profound answer.

What is intelligence? A virus is the strongest
living thing on this planet. It can adapt to
almost any conditions. Viruses have been thawed
out from polar ice caps. Viruses have been
rehydrated from ash. If the definition of
intelligence is adaptability, then viruses are
genius. But, do they have a soul? They have a
purpose: to devour all living things. Is this
spiritual? No positive answer can be made, only
speculation can follow.

The fundamental purpose of evolution is to survive.
In this respect the human race could be classified
like a virus. Consider the material consumed by
humanity and its result. Pollution and weapons of
mass destruction are killing every living thing.
Is this not the goal of a virus? Survival can be
devastating to the ecosystem if left unchecked.

But, why do I care? I see children and hope they
have a better life. The winds of war are howling
and fresh water is becoming scarce.. Is
civilization becoming extinct? What will be the
new world order? What does a virus do when the
host dies? If it is not air born it waits to be
consumed by a new host.

I believe that God is nature. But, nature makes
mistakes and those mistakes are corrected with
extinction. Someone somewhere in power is thinking
the same thing. And they must take action.
This Anti-Christ could be more vicious than Hitler
or the true Messiah reborn. With limited natural
resources there must be a centralized government
to manage . this planet: our only life boat.
If it dies we all die. There is no other
habitable planet to escape to.


Was Jesus a Communist? ~ Karl Marx was a Rabbi..
October 2, 2011 at 1:21am
October 2, 2011 at 1:21am
My critics tell me I spend to much time thinking about
the past. Just how do you write a biography not thinking
about the past? We are living the choices we made.
That's retrospective. Jeeze.

If I could get in a time machine. I'd probably skip
college. What a rip off! Try and get any faculty to
explain what kind of money they're making. The
professors are broke! And schools everywhere are cutting back on their faculty and their benefits.
I had a history professor, who quit to be a plumber.
That happened in mid semester .. The substitute looked
like a grade school student. She was very petite and
liked to sit on her desk in a Buddha fashion.

All those assignments and papers and quizzes, for
what? Now, I know I can be a teacher. But, I hate
school and the bullshit! Anyway, I think you should go
to college if your certain it will get you a good job.
Otherwise, your just hanging around waiting for a job
at Wal-Mart. Do you really want a career at Wal-Mart?
I worked at Wal-Mart. I tried to shoot myself in the
head. That's what I think about Wal-Mart. But, I like
to shop there. You can't beat the prices...

How do you get over that? Of course, life continues
and that is good. But, we will always have our memories
and I do not forgive an attack on my life. It sounds
fantastic even crazy, but Wal-Mart is notorious for
its terror tactics on its employees. I'd rationalize
that it was just economics, but there is a sadistic
element in their management.

Recently, I brought my truck in for an oil change
and to have the headlights polished at a Wal-Mart.
There was a security camera in every corner on the
garage and the tiny waiting room. I could imagine a
bug being put in my truck by those NAZIs. But, I don't
have anything to hide. And the price was cheap.

A favorite trick in the Wal-Mart manual is to
play white sound in the music. They like to hypnotize
their shoppers and employees. Wal-Mart has been sued
for this illegal action. It takes years to get them
to court and they can appeal for more time. How easy
is it to hypnotize an employee, who has maybe 3 hours
sleep between jobs? You can do it in less than a hour.
That's according to the Amazing Kreskin, a magician
and debunker.

Wal-Mart has bugged employee lunchrooms and when
union busting, they even bug employee vehicles.
A bug can listen and broadcast. Yup, they can pump
white sound into your pick up. This is a brainwashing
technique used at Quantanamo Bay. They used rock music
and subliminal messages to break the prisoners.
Ideally, the perfect Wal-Mart employee works very hard
for little pay and then shoots himself in the head.
Nice, clean efficient store.

Oh, well.. who cares?

We're too smart ~ Nice boobs

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