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Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
These are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call Life.

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February 4, 2016 at 8:02pm
February 4, 2016 at 8:02pm
** Image ID #2070673 Unavailable **

One Hit Wonders Week - February 1 to 7
Day 4

In A Big Country by Big Country

Guitars that sound like bagpipes... now that is rocking it!!!
Here's to my Scottish heritage. I also love the scenery in the video... it speaks to the soul. It is no wonder the Scottish settled in Cape Bretton Island... Except for the mountains it reminds me of Northern Ontario as well.

So take that look out of here, it doesn't fit you
Because it's happened doesn't mean you've been discarded
Pull up your head off the floor, come up screaming
Cry out for everything you ever might have wanted
I thought that pain and truth were things that really mattered
But you can't stay here with every single hope you had shattered

Shock, 1, 2

I'm not expecting to grow flowers in a desert
But I can live and breathe and see the sun in wintertime

In a big country, dreams stay with you
Like a lover's voice fires the mountainside
Stay alive

February 3, 2016 at 9:14pm
February 3, 2016 at 9:14pm
** Image ID #2070673 Unavailable **

One Hit Wonders Week - February 1 to 7
Day 3

Tubthumping by Chumbawumba
I love the chorus for this song. A great mantra... I get knocked down, but I get up again. I am not a drinker. This song has a great beat... you can't not sing along!

We'll be singing
When we're winning
We'll be singing

I get knocked down
But I get up again
You're never gonna keep me down
I get knocked down
But I get up again
You're never gonna keep me down
February 2, 2016 at 7:05pm
February 2, 2016 at 7:05pm
** Image ID #2070673 Unavailable **

Week One - February 1 to 7, 2016
Day 2

I'll Be There For You - The Rembrants - Day 2

I really like this song. The lyrics are great. The theme song for FRIENDS - another show I loved to watch. Here is the first verse and the chorus. The importance of having good friends. Love the video.

"I'll Be There For You (Theme From Friends)"

So no one told you life was gonna be this way
Your job's a joke, you're broke, your love life's D.O.A.
It's like you're always stuck in second gear
When it hasn't been your day, your week, your month, or even your year, but

I'll be there for you
(When the rain starts to pour)
I'll be there for you
(Like I've been there before)
I'll be there for you
('Cause you're there for me too)

February 1, 2016 at 7:31pm
February 1, 2016 at 7:31pm
** Image ID #2070673 Unavailable **

Week One: February 1 to 7, 2016
Theme: One Hit Wonders

Let's start off with something fun. For 'One Hit Wonders' week I decided to go with Tony Basil's Mickey. I know the words by heart and the song always brings a smile to my face. You can't not get up and dance to this song.
It was a 1982 pop song in the USA. I was in high school... I am sure it got played at school dances and everyone was singing it.

Word Count = 73
January 31, 2016 at 5:27pm
January 31, 2016 at 5:27pm
Welcome To My Reality - January Prompts

25. How do you choose the names of your characters in a story or book? Do you use a random method or try to come up with names no one has heard of or pick names you are familiar with?

I have been known to pick names I don't like for characters that are darker and more villainous. Some times these names are influenced by people who have had those names.

For names I like, the ones I give to my main characters are often usual or have unusual spellings. I love the letter 'y' and often incorporate it into a main characters name - Taryn, Brynn, Bronwynn.

I have been known to consult baby name books and I am drawn to Celtic names.

I will occasionally through out a name that has some element of the character... Carson is a mechanic who enjoys expensive, luxury sports cars. I also had a character with the last name of Steele who was intent on stealing other people's boyfriends.

I have been know to start with a name but have had to change it because it does not feel right.... the character wants to be called something different... I tend to go with that feeling.

26. Do you keep track of the news and if so, are you interested in mainly local, national or international news?

I find the news overwhelmingly depressing at times. I pay attention, but only so far as to keep myself aware of what is going on around me. I do not go out of my way to watch the news on television or read the newspaper. I tend to get my news from reports and comments posted on Facebook. That may seem odd but to me... it gives me just enough to be in the loop.

I would say I am more interested in local news as it pertains to me, but national and international news often brings interesting developments. News of David Bowie's death and Glen Fry saddens me, but I am also able to comment and listen to things to remember them fondly.
School shootings and fires that involve animals have been in the news lately... there is no much sadness in that and also a wondering of what is wrong with our world.

27. Describe your eating habits. Do you think the food you eat can affect things like your attitude or mental illness or do you think food only affects you physically?

I do rather well during the day... but I am weak in the evenings when I should be avoiding all those 'bad' for you foods - chips, cookies. I give in because I am tired. Ten o'clock is my 'witching hour' in the sense that I can't seem to stop myself. I am not even hungry but can't seem to stop myself.

The winter weather is not overly pleasant... I should be out walking, distracting myself from wandering aimlessly into the kitchen and searching out the unhealthy choices. It would help if I did not buy the things... but then I get complaints from my husband that we have nothing to eat in the house.

Good eating habits require planning and that includes planning for times when I am feeling weak.

Working more smoothies into my diet.... even one a day would give me a bit of sweet with a chance to get in some healthy food sources - like good fats from avocado and nuts, nutrients from kale and spinach, fibre from fruits.

Drinking water, at least two liters a day, should help to curb the appetite.

Going up to bed early and taking the time to read or do some colouring may help to ward off the night wandering and feasting on stuff. Late night TV watching is often the culprit... if I taped the shows and watched them at earlier, more focused times, I might have half a chance.

Cutting out things like bread and sugar are hard for me. I love my coffee with half and half and sugar... I have cut back, but not well enough. Cutting back is an option, but can I do it???

I could switch to tea... I only take milk in it but would that satisfy?

28. When it comes to technology, do you prefer to use a phone, computer, or tablet? Why?

I use my laptop and Surface 2 a lot.... mostly my laptop. I don't use my phone much.... I prefer bigger screens for creating and accomplishing things.

29. What is one thing that you find impossible to learn, and why?

Nothing is impossible... if one applies oneself, but we all have natural abilities and talents.
Fixing cars and the inner workings of computers are not my forte.

31. Create a top ten list of the people who mean most in your life and talk about what they mean to you and why.

I am blessed to have these people in my life... or in my past.
My mother - because she loves me unconditionally.
My favourite aunt - because she has shown me where possibilities lie and she has faith in my abilities. I believe she also loves me unconditionally
My Gramzie - she loved me unconditionally. I could do no wrong in her eyes and she supposed me at a time when the world was harsh and my parents were going through difficult times.
My friend Michelle - she is supportive. I know she will always be there for me and I hope I can be there for her just as unconditionally.
My friend Debbie - she is supportive and often my comic relief. She is a little dippy at times, but I love her just the same.
My friend Candy - like minded and supportive.

32. We all have people/situations/places that bring stress into our lives. Most people accept that as a fact without thinking about what can be done to eliminate or reduce that stress. What can you do to decrease/reduce/eliminate stress in your life for the coming year?

I need to deal with things as soon as they come up. I need to communicate my needs and not be afraid that others will abandon me if I say or do something they don't agree with.

33. Write about your favourite way to unwind after a stressful day.

If the weather is nice and it is not too cold out, I love to take a hike around the neighbourhood of the school I have been at all day. If it is not a work day, then I will walk my own neighbourhood... often ending at one of the Starbucks in the area to sit, read, write and people watch.

If the day is cold or miserable, I tend to skip the walk and go directly to the coffee shop to enjoy a coffee and a treat before switching gears and heading home.

34. Explore what role has music played in; your life, during the holidays? Are you a music lover, a musician, write song lyrics share with us why it is so important to you?

Music has always been in my life. I love to sing and dance. I find it relaxing and stress reducing.

I have been known to change the words of a song and sing out what is bothering me.....

For You are my sunshine.... I will sing... You are my A**hole, my only A**hole, You piss me off now and I could spit, You'll never know dear, How anger you make me, Please get out, get out of my way! Or some variation.... I often find myself smiling and my anger melting when I do this.

January 28, 2016 at 10:39pm
January 28, 2016 at 10:39pm
Welcome To My Reality - January Prompts

13. How has your interest in writing molded your lifestyle and you as a person? How has it affected people around you?

Writing began as a way for me to cope with the world around me as a kid. At the age of seven I was dealing with my parents separation and a case of inappropriate touching from a male babysitter - who was also a family friend. Being in a small town being from a 'broken' family was not the norm. The other situation was just not talked about... it was shoved under the carpet... and that babysitter was never asked to babysit again.
Writing was my safe place.

Out of my intervertedness came stories of perfect children in perfect lives.... those stories eventually became more realistic. And as I learned more about what made stories, I began to craft better ones. I also took to poetry in high school and I find I really enjoy getting my emotions and thoughts down that way.

I don't think my writing really affected anyone beyond me until I did my first Nanowrimo in 2012. Then writing took a more important role in my life... the possibility of publishing something took hold and although I still have yet to meet that goal, I have found a great deal of pleasure in crafting stories.

Getting lost in the flow has gotten me in hot water many times... my husband does not appreciate the 'not working' component of my writing. He wonders why the house is not spotless and things are left undone. He sees it as a waste of time.

The rest of my family is curious about my writing. I am a little self conscious when they ask if I have published anything. My only shared pieces have been those here on Writing.com. I am gaining confidence... and would like to stretch out a little more this year. I am a slow little turtle.... steadily plodding along. One day I will see that goal happen, until then, I will enjoy learning and crafting my stories and poems and seeing who I can share them with.

I have shared my writing.com website with some people.... but I still keep it pretty close to my heart.

15. Have you ever used a site that is meant to raise certain skills (such as Lynda.com or Lumosity)? Tell us how you think it helped (or not).

If I think of Writing.com as a site to improve my skills - I can say yes. When I first joined this site I was nervous to share my work. Now I relish the constructive criticism and I learn from the work of others.

I have taken workshops in reviewing here on WDC. I have also taken poetry and romantica workshops. I have challenged myself by entering contests and other WDC activities.

16. Are you political-minded? What draws you into thinking about politics (candidates, issues, etc.)?

No I am not politically minded. I tend to avoid these topics.... but sometimes I voice a few comments. First of all, I am Canadian.... I tend to vote for the least annoying candidate.... tending to stick to either Liberal or Conservative.

As for American politics.... the process baffles me. Donald Trump scares the hang out of me.... and if by some crazy thing his butt gets in.... I am booking passage off this planet because I swear he will piss everyone off and have all nuclear weapons directed at his head.

What scares me is that some people agree with him and I think his views are on par with Hitler. You can't exterminate or keep a group of people out just because a few extremists spoil it. You can't function form a place of fear... that never solves anything.

I like Hillary Clinton, but I can't see the States being mature enough to vote in a woman... although they have come along way with Barack Obama - I like him as well. You never know.

17. Have you ever laughed at a funeral? Explain.

Not at the funeral, per se, but I remember my mother and I going to see my step father before the funeral was to be held. He looked so peaceful, like he was sleeping. Mom and I stood there looking at the wonderful job the funeral director and his staff had done. Then my mother said, "if his eyes pop open now you will see and Ann sized whole in that door over there.". We started to giggle. I added, "I'd be right behind you." And we could not stop giggling for at least a good five minutes.

It still brings out the giggles.

My step father was a wonderful guy. He was so good for my mother and she was very happy. They were very happy together. He had a great sense of humour, but he rarely smiled. His sister often called him 'smiley' just to see if he would crack a grin. He was a big, stern man... until you really knew him.

19. How has technology affected your life?

I am currently sitting in a coffee shop with my Surface and phone plugged in to charge. I can't leave until they are fully charged..... does that answer the question?

I am on my laptop or Surface everyday. I write at least 750 words a day on the 750words.com website. I also visit Writing.com everyday. I update my reading on Goodreads.com. I keep up with family and friends on Facebook... but try to limit my time on that site.

My phone and the website Subfinder.ca help me get daily supply jobs for work - that is why I am currently charging my phone - no charge = no calls for jobs.

Television is a wonderful invention - a great way to veg out or to learn something... depending on your mood and choice of show,

Appliances, like stoves, fridges, washers and dryers make life so much easier. I have experienced life without, but only when visiting my grandparents farm - there was no indoor plumbing or electricity. Gramzie made that wood stove work its magic.

21. Tell us about a book that changed the way you think about something.

The Artist's Way by Julia Cameraon. This came out a long time ago, but it helped me see my creative self as important and that writing as a way for me to handle difficult situations.

Writing Down The Bones by Natalie Goldberg was also a book that helped me see that writing quick and fast gets you past the inner critic and breaks open your creativity. This book is celebrating its 30 year anniversary this year!

More recently in Brene Brown's books.... The Power of Imperfection and Daring Greatly. Both of these talk about living wholeheartedly. It is okay to be vulnerable. We must also force our shame into the open and realize we are not alone. We all face these situations. We are all human.

22. Write about the last film/TV programme/piece of music/book that made you cry.

Steel Magnolias always brings me to tears.... but it is the laughter through the tears at the end of the movie that really makes the movie a classic for me.

The strength of women when emotions are high pulls that movie into something I can see again and again. The bonds of friendship pull us through the hard times and makes life bearable. Something to remember and also appreciate.

January 19, 2016 at 10:51pm
January 19, 2016 at 10:51pm
Welcome To My Reality - January 2016 Prompts

1. How do you feel about getting older? Does it frighten you? Please you? Is there anything in particular that concerns you or that you look forward to?

January is my birth month. Getting older is inevitable. Having to act my age is not mandatory. I used to not fear getting older, but as I age... I find I am getting more anxious.

2. What sort of background noise do you like to have when you're writing? What about when you're reading, relaxing or sleeping?

With my writing it depends on the day and the time I am setting in.... it also depends on where I am. If I feel the need to be surrounded by people, but not want to interact, I go to the cafes and let the background buzz around me. Sometimes I tune in and listen, other times I tune it out and let the flow happen.

When I write at home, I generally write in the quiet... but there are times when I am able to write with the television on and ignore it.
Generally for writing - the quiet of the morning is the best at home. Cafes are best for my lagging afternoons. In the evening it can go either way depending on my energy level.

For relaxing and sleeping - I can fall asleep with the television on... if I am alone, I prefer the background noise. I don't feel so alone then.
I can read anywhere. I don't go anywhere without a book. I feel unanchored it I don't.

3. What were you like in school? Was there a certain clique or group you fit into?

I was a quiet, shy child who had the odd habit of talking to myself, occasionally... being an only child I often murmured to myself, so other children kept their distance. So I did not fit in anywhere.

When my mother moved us to Guelph, I was able to recreate myself... I was still quiet and shy, but I lost some of that oddity my earlier classmates had known. There was also a girl who had that oddity to her, I spent a little time with her, but eventually pulled away so that I would not pick up that same reputation. I feel bad about that, she needed friends, but I was not strong enough to be that person she needed. Grade six kids can be mean and nasty. Cliques are forming and judgement runs high and wild.

I stayed out of the popular group, but kept out of the oddity circle as well.

Grade 7 I made two friends. The grouping caused issues that still bother me... two would gang up on the third... we were all supposed to be friends. Why I went along with this.... I don't know. Grade 7 mentality, I suppose. By the end of the year, the girl I liked better moved to a different school and the next year the other girl became nasty to me. The saving grace was that my friend I had met many years earlier was now in grade seven. I began to hang out with her and her group of friends. Life improved dramatically... I am still friends with many of those girls. There was heart and empathy in all of those girls. They were more like me.

In high school, I shifted friendship groups again. Michelle and her girls were still back in grade eight and I had to move on. I managed to find a group similar to Michelle's - smart and friendly.

I grew away from these girls during my years in high school... much of that came with becoming friends with another girl, Debbie. Debbie was a free spirit. I met her in drama class... the class that help me with my shyness. Eventually I reconnected with Michelle's group. They were not so fond of Debbie either, but eventually Michelle and Debbie became friends and we are still all friends to this day.

Friendship is an odd thing. We need friends... but we also need to find friends with souls that meld with ours.

Interestingly, all my friends are first born children with one younger brother.

4. Describe yourself in 5 words. Now, explain why you chose those particular words.

Introverted - I need to recharge after a particularly social day. I can 'act' extroverted when I am out socially, but once I get home I need quiet time to recharge.

Creative - I enjoy using my creative gifts to write poems and stories, as well as drawing and coming up with lesson plans that engage students.

Laid back - at least on the surface. I try to stay calm and relaxed, even if I am feeling anxious underneath.

Positive - I try to keep a positive outlook on life. It makes life so much easier to see the good in all situations.

Empathetic - I have a big heart for those who are struggling. I want to help and lift them up.

7. Read a new book lately? Write a review and tell us what you liked/disliked about it.

Have I read a book lately? I am always reading something. I have started the year with many romances. The best of them is by Jill Shalvis. It is called My Kind Of Wonderful. It is the story of Bailey Moore and Hudson Kincade. Hudson is one of the brothers that runs the family business - a ski resort in Cedar Ridge. Bailey is a cancer survivor. She has a list of things she wants to accomplish now that she is not going to die... she has been fighting the cancer since grade 9. Skiing is one item on her list... and so is painting a mural. She is able to accomplish both things by going to this ski resort. Hudson's mother hires her... his mother with dementia. His brothers and sister agree that the mural is a great idea... and Hudson has to go along with it.

Both of them are in this for the day to day, but love finds them both. Hudson is not sure he deserves this gift of love, but eventually he finds that letting Bailey go is more painful than anything else he has ever experienced.

As with all of Jill Shalvis's books... I loved it. She tells a great story with characters who are authentically flawed and worthy of love. When the story is over you don't want the characters to go... thank goodness the next book in the series comes out in the spring!

9. What are your goals or resolutions for 2016?

I prefer to make goals instead of resolutions... that way I can pick myself, dust myself off and try again when I mess up.

In the area of health... I need to lose weight and be more active. I try to aim for a least 10,000 steps each day and three twenty minute sessions of yoga a week. I also want to try to eat better - more fruits and veggies. More home cooked meals and smoothies so that I can control what nutrients go into my body. My overall goal is to lose at least twenty pounds - that will get my BMI back into the normal range with a healthy distance from the overweight area. I need to stop the night snacking.

For my writing... I will write everyday... at least 750 words on www.750words.com. I will continue to work on last year's Nano novel and get it finished. I will write poetry and stay active on the Writing.com website that is my online home.

I would like to stretch out beyond that website and send out stories and poems to contests.

I will continue to blog on Writing.com. I enjoy my friends on the website and get encouragement to build my confidence. I am extremely grateful for that.

For work... I will continue to take supply jobs and hope to get work each day.

I will apply to LTOs and hopefully I will get a position to teach in my own classroom.... allowing me to develop my skills and make a positive difference in children's lives.

I may have to get a part time job to be able to pay my bills.

I also want to keep in touch with my friends and stay more connected to friends and family.
December 23, 2015 at 10:13am
December 23, 2015 at 10:13am
Today's blog...

Welcome To My Reality - December Prompts

27. Share a childhood memory that fits the current season wherever you are.

I have few memories of Christmases with my parents together as a couple. My main memory is of seeing the front window painted with Christmas designs. Mom used paint made for window painting and I loved those designs.

Most of my memories are from after my parents separated. Christmas Eve with my Dad. We would go over to his Aunt and Uncle's place. His cousins were older than me... I was seven or eight and they were all finished high school (I think). I enjoyed being over there... part of a big family - there were four of them. Auntie Eileen was a favourite great aunt of mine - she was my Grandmother's youngest sister and she and I share the same birthday - January 12.

That year, I stayed overnight with my Dad, then in the morning after gift opening and a little play time, we headed over to my Mother's place. Dad stayed with us the first year. I am thinking mom and I would headed out to my Grandparent's farm for dinner... but I can't fully remember.
I slept at mom's on Christmas night and then in the morning Dad picked me up and we headed up to Timmins to see my Grandparents, my Dad's mother and her husband.

One year Mom and I went to Thessalon for Christmas. My mother's other sister lives there. I think I was nine or ten. I remember getting my first camera and a stuffed Bert and Ernie. It was a great Christmas.

Most of my childhood Christmas memories that I remember were after my Mom and I moved to Guelph. That first year I was eleven I did not see my Dad or his side of the family for Christmas. I did talk to him on the phone. He died the February afterwards.

Since then Christmas has been with my Mother's family. My mother's younger sister had her first child the year I was twelve and things have improved since them.
December 22, 2015 at 11:52am
December 22, 2015 at 11:52am
Today's blogs...

Welcome To My Reality - December Prompts

28. What gives you a sense of joy this time of year?

Kindness and smiles. Goodwill and sharing with others. Children's joy and laughter. Seeing Santa Claus. Christmas songs... particularly the more religious songs and hymns.

33. What are your ten favourite words and why?

ridiculous - the word is as crazy and as ridiculous as it sounds
empathetic - caring for others by being open to their situation
frenzy - zig zagging back and forth without a mind to guide you.
frantic - a relative of frenzy, but with a tiny bit more focus
fluid - smooth and flowing
farce - a funny, physical humour, comedic relief.
Christmas putting Christ back in the festive season
holiday - who doesn't like a holiday.... a holi... day as my Gramzie would say.
bliss - follow what makes you happy
creative - we all have an essence of this spark
intuitive - a sense of knowingness that it is wise to listen to.

December 20, 2015 at 9:53pm
December 20, 2015 at 9:53pm
Today's blogs...

Welcome To My Reality - December Prompts.

15. List all the books in your 'To Be Read' pile, and tell us which books you'd like to read next year. Do you have a reading goal? Have you ever considered taking part in a reading challenge?

I am a member of Goodreads.com. I sign up each year for a number of books... I made a goal of 80 books and have surpassed it. I will be doing that again next year. Goodreads also allows me to list the books I would like to read... there are currently over 224 books on that list. There is everything on that list from teacher resources and writing reference books to novels of various genres, particularly romance.
I also do a monthly reading challenge here on WDC.

Book Riot also runs a yearly reading challenge - I tried to follow that challenge, but lost track of what I was supposed to be reading so there are things I did not get to... I have printed out the one for next year and hope to do a better job of following it.

17. Tell us about a Christmas or holiday memory from your past.

Snow rode high and white. Pristine sparkles as the moon shone down full in the sky. I sat bundled in my many layers warmed by the Back to BC book with its $5 slip into the folds of the pages. My father drove us through the deserted streets and I was amazed to see that the lights in town... both of them, flashed their red and yellow in a rhythmic blinking that set the night on fire. I watched my breath furrow out in a cloud in front of me and smiled sleepily over at my dad.

"We'll get home before Santa comes?" I asked feeling a little nervous about being out so late. It was after eleven and I had never been out so late before.

"Oh course. Lot's of time yet. Santa doesn't arrive until your well asleep."

I nodded, knowing my dad would always tell me the truth.

He drove us the rest of the way. Carols played on the radio. One right after the other with nobody to breakup the steady music. I wondered why nobody was announcing the groups as they stepped up to take their turn on the radio.

When we arrived home dad pulled up as close to the door as he could. He got out and I slid across the seat and followed him up to the side door after pushing the truck's door with a heavy clunk.

Dad passed through the upper hall pushing the cat out of his way with his foot as passed into the main part of the house. He left the door open for me, but I stopped and bent down to let Kerry crawl up into my lap. She reached her nose up and let me rub it with my own. I snuggled her in.
"Santa may be coming soon." I heard my dad say and I gave her one last Christmas Eve kiss before setting her down and heading into the house. She followed, but my father scooped her up and put her back out in the outer hall. I made my way into my pyjamas and snuggled up into bed. I was asleep before I hit the pillow.

Two hours later my eyes popped open and I slipped from my bed. Tiptoeing to the living room I moved to the tree to see what waiting me there. It looked like Santa had come and I could make out a barbie doll's house. Before I could go any closer I heard my father call me.
"It's only one o'clock in the morning. Came back to bed."

I followed his voice back to my bed and he tucked me back in. I managed to stay there another six hours before my excitement pulled me out of sleep again.

This was the Christmas of my least amount of sleep... or at least when I was a kid, anyway.

19. What are your thoughts on NaNoWriMo (or any of the many variations)?

I am a fan of NaNoWriMo. I have competed and won 4 years in a row now. I have also taken part in the various Camp NaNoWriMo sessions since 2013... I have not always won those... but I appreciate that you can set your own word count for each camp session and work on what you want... it does not have to be something new.

I love the comradery that comes out in my region. I love writing in cafes and I like it even more when I get to write with my writing friends.... I just wish they would come out of the woodwork during the rest of the year. Our region has write ins, write in crawls (going between cafes), overnighters and parties to begin and end the month long writing fest. The social aspect is one of the best parts of Nano.

I appreciate the focus on writing and I am able to sustain that focus and get most of my novel done by month's end. This year I am continuing to plod on, but it is a challenge without my writer friends to be there.

20. Do you have a tattoo? Describe it and tell us what it means to you. If you don't, tell us what you would get or why you would never get one.

I don't have any tattoos and I don't think I would ever get one, but I love the artistry that goes into the work. There a few reality shows that have artists creating inks on people and I find them fascinating. The creative artistry is amazing... I just prefer to appreciate it on someone else not on my own body.

21. What is the best thing about December?

Christmas and the goodwill that comes with the season. I love the festive lights and the music. I love spending time with my family and I hope to get together with all my friends as well.

22. What is the worst thing about December?

Christmas chaos and the commercialism that has arisen over the years. For some people this season seems to bring out the worse in them... particularly if they have left things to the last minute and they are stressed out.

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