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Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
These are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call Life.

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May 30, 2020 at 5:29am
May 30, 2020 at 5:29am
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT May 30th
Congratulations on making it to the last day of the competition! What was your favorite prompt from the last month? What was the most rewarding aspect of participating in the competition? What did you learn?

It is the last day. Wow. I can't believe May is almost done. Time to pick my favourite prompt and reflect on the past month.

I enjoyed the virtual traveling because I got to know my fellow bloggers a bit better in terms of where they live and I got to take a virtual trip that involved a little traveling over the internet. That entry was as good to write as it was to read other people's entries.

I also loved writing the the poems on May 8. The prompt for that date was "I used to believe..."

I used to believe I was invincible
I used to believe life would go on
I used to believe that I could do anything
I used to believe life was my oyster
But then life happened..
Now I believe life is fleeting
Now I believe you must cherish what you have
Now I believe love and gratitude abide
Now I believe in following my bliss
Because life is too short to waste.

I also appreciate the prompts when I was facing the blank page each day. Having a starting point got the creative juices flowing for the day. Some days I needed that kick in the pants to keep me showing up. I keep thinking that I will take the next month off and so far I have blogged each month of this year so far.
Thanks for being here and providing grist for the mill.
May 29, 2020 at 9:59pm
May 29, 2020 at 9:59pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT May 29th
When I was little, I dreamed of living in a treehouse surrounded by a pool with a spiral staircase going up the middle of the trunk. *Tree* In your second to last entry of the month, write about your dream home. Describe the rooms in your fantasy house and any unique characteristics. Be creative!

I love the description of your dream house. For me I would like a dream house by a lake. The sound of loons and nature abounding. A wall of windows on either side of a huge stone fireplace. Letting in the light of day and a dark background in the evening when the fire blooms to life.

I would love a library with floor to ceiling shelves, maybe even a second floor with a spiral staircase that lets you get up to the second floor of the library - that runs around the lip of the room but leaving the center open to view all the books. The second floor would have a little nook to sit and read. The main floor of the library would have my office and leading out of double doors is a deck so that I can work inside or outside depending on my mood.
The master bedroom would also have another set of these double doors and a deck where I can sit out with my morning coffee. This bedroom would be up on the second floor.

The house would be carved into the landscape. Lake views and forest views allowing nature to never be too far away.

This dream home is within the beauty of Muskoka.
May 28, 2020 at 6:54pm
May 28, 2020 at 6:54pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT May 28th
Help me fill the Challenge War Chest with new prompts! In your entry today, write at least three prompts to be used in future rounds of the 30DBC. Then, write the rest of your entry using one of your own prompts.

Time to refill the well.

Today I am reading Build Your Best Writing Life by Kristen Kieffer and I am working on defining my creative identity. One of her chapters asks: Who are you as a Writer? To help you work on defining this consider these three questions: What kind of stories do you want to tell? Who are you writing for? And What defines your personal writing style and voice?

This could probably be more than one prompt or all three, but I will let you decide how to break it down. For me, I spent my day working it out. What did I come up with... well, in a nutshell:

I write upmarket woman's fiction with a redemptive quality that features misguided women who, when faced with the cracks of their current life situation, find confidence and a sense of love and belonging when they shed their past in search of their true place in the world.

I also write inspiring poetry and blogs that explore the wonders and bits of life that uplift me.

I write upmarket women's fiction for people who enjoy lighthearted and humourous character-driven stories where romance and a sense of belonging are favoured as they grapple with finding a new normal after their world has been turned upside down.

Not sure which of these I like, but one of them will make it to my website in the very near future. The poetry and blog comment I may leave as is.... unless anyone feels inclined to comment. Feedback is always helpful so long as its constructive and I find my friends here on WDC are quite helpful that way.

For a couple of other prompts:
Who are the writers you admire? Why? What have they taught you about writing?

Do you see yourself as a meditative person or tightly wound? Type A or Type B?

May 27, 2020 at 9:43am
May 27, 2020 at 9:43am
30 Day Blogging Challenge
PROMPT May 27th
If your life were a song, 1) what genre would it be, 2) who would sing it, and 3) would it be a hit?

First thought that jumped into my head- Doris Day - Que Sera Sera.
But that is before my time - 1956.

But if I take the time to think things over I would be inclined to thing something more Jann Arden and Good Mother. It would be a hit in certain circles - the ones that matter, but not a over the top kind of thing. I could also go with her You Don't Know Me.

But Jessica Andrew's Who I Am (Rosemary's Granddaughter) always gets me. I would chose this one! This also the them of Sue Thomas FBEye

It's county, not my most favourite of genres, but I find they often speak from the heart and that is who I am.

May 26, 2020 at 8:58pm
May 26, 2020 at 8:58pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT May 26th
Complete the following sentence: When I’m in the mood to celebrate, nothing can stop me from ___________.

When I'm in the mood to celebrate, nothing can stop me from smiling and wanting to share my joy with others.

I know this blog should be longer and should develop this idea, but completing the sentence prompts are not always my most favourite. I look forward to reading what others have said.
May 25, 2020 at 2:10pm
May 25, 2020 at 2:10pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT May 25th
What is the most useless skill you have? The most valuable?

I have the ability to hold on to random trivia. That is pretty useless. I don't know enough to win at Jeopardy or Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, but I know enough to be able randomly drop in a weird fact every so often.

As for valuable.... I would say being able to write and figure things out by putting my thoughts on paper. Some people can verbally spar, I cannot, but if I have time to write things down I think I can manage to put my jumbled thoughts in an order that makes a bit more sense than if I just let my tongue loose. Verbal diarrhea is never pretty. But a poem is art.
May 25, 2020 at 2:07pm
May 25, 2020 at 2:07pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT May 24th
Write about something awkward or embarrassing that happened in public - it can be something that happened to you, or something you witnessed happen to somebody else. How did they react?

A while back I was on a trip to Niagara Falls and while walking up the big hill I could see a person dressed up as a Martian across the street. The friend I was with and I watched as this Martian / person would stand very still and then move suddenly scaring the crap out of unsuspecting people who were walking by. Well, it was rather funny to see the reactions of people, but what I found even funnier is when I walked past the Martian. I knew he would move and yet when he did I flipped out too! It was more funny than embarrassing, but the fact that I knew the Martian would move and then still managed to freak out was the funny / embarrassing part. My friend thought it was hilarious.

May 23, 2020 at 5:27am
May 23, 2020 at 5:27am
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT May 23rd
What is something you like to do that other people might think is “weird?”

As I watch weird ass shows like Married At First Sight - Couple's Cam -- the married couple's living in quarantine I find it odd that people aren't enjoying being stuck in with time to work on hobbies.

Being someone who loves to write, I am loving this time in some ways. I can take chunks of time out of my usual working day to write instead of going off or doing the commute thing to work. Sure it means I might be creating something for my students at 10 pm instead of during the school day... but it is my time and I can use it how I want.

This does not mean I write all day, but I find I can write in the mornings when I'm my most creative before the 'work day' starts at 9 am.

Take, for instance now. It is currently 4:30 in the morning and I am writing with a writing group that usually meets in Paris, France. They are meeting at 10 am, but it is 6 hours earlier here. Their meetings have to be virtual, so for this period of time, I can 'meetup' with them. Once life goes into the new normal and they can return to their usual cafe, I won't be able to join them anymore, but I am loving that I can right now. It does mean getting up at 3:45 am on Saturday and 4:45 am on Sunday, but because I don't have to get up and travel to work Monday to Friday I am okay with getting up this early. I also find that at 7 am, when the group is done, I can either join another group writing in London, England for an hour or go back to bed until noon. The time is open and I don't live with anyone who needs me up and functional at that time. I am lucky that way.

This is not something I could sustain for long periods of time, but for now I am loving it.
May 23, 2020 at 4:38am
May 23, 2020 at 4:38am
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT May 22nd Music often has the ability to remind us of old memories. In your entry today, be inspired by a specific piece of music or a musical instrument. What feelings/emotions does the music or instrument stir in you? Share a specific memory your chosen song or instrument reminds you of.

This version of the Highland Cathedral always brings tears to my eyes. I listen to it loud and proud. (The cats are not thrilled with the sound - wind instruments and all). I think I loved this piece before going to Scotland a few years ago, but this particular version really gets me.

When I went to Scotland I went with my Mother and my favourite aunt. We represented the Henderson and the Douglas clans. Ancestral roots run deep in our family. Learning about the history and seeing the landscape was spectacular. I thought it funny that they would say something was quite young and then tell us it was 150 years old - Canada had just turned 150 the summer before. The age of our Country was just young to them. It put things into perspective.

I forgot to save this last night before I went to bed!!
May 21, 2020 at 12:53pm
May 21, 2020 at 12:53pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT May 21st
Not including your phone, computer, or other Googling device, write about the top five most useful items you own.

Coffee mug, indoor toilet, notebook and pen and Library card.

One needs a good sized mug to hold a hot beverage of choice.
An indoor toilet is great when you can't use public toilet's these days and I always hated my grandparent's outhouse - too many flies and bugs as well as a noxious smell.
Notebook and pen go hand in hand. One needs a place to write down ideas and dream.
A library card because you can't possibly house all the books you want to read.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/blog/carly1967/month/5-1-2020