Day to day stuff....a memoir without order. |
Imagination is described by Webster as...The act or power of forming a mental image of something not present to the senses in reality. Albert Einstein said "Logic will get you from A to B, but imagination will take you everywhere." I never realized it until I read it somewhere but there are ways to boost one's imagination: Create a visual journal Draw whatever you see for 15 minutes a day. You don't need to be an artist. Think like an artist Cut out pictures from magazines & piece them together to create an original image. Listen to Bach Close your eyes while playing your favorite music. Or listen to the sounds of nature on a CD or in the great outdoors. Play word games Try thinking of as many words as you can that begin with MAR...or you pick. Daydream Let your mind wander, or focus on a single object & study its characteristics. Everyone has a's mine.....c ** Image ID #1701066 Unavailable ** |
I realize that as soon as I start praising my reliable internet it is very likely to mess up, but.... After setting up a new router yesterday, I am elated with my smooth flowing wifi! I have been putting up and putting up with drops and interruptions so long, I had forgotten what it was like to be on the web and not worry about getting cut off. And when I tell you how ancient my old router was, you will shake your head and say what's the matter with you? Well, can I say that with all the charlatans out there, I have a hard time believing anything, even if it make perfect sense? I bought my old Linksys in 2007 and when Cox Cable said that was why I was getting dropped, should I have believed them? Apparently, yes. |