Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/ripglaedr3
About Me
Pro, awarded journalist: print, broadcast and finally television. Sloven social media ruminant of little acclaim. Diagnosis ended novel dream. Poetry books firming up. Add up my experiences…cup of coffee? Where'd that blemish come from? Every brand put on me, worn with pride. I've met many, crew in tow, odds fixed against me. Just say I started it, and come to my house for that set of books I promised. This: profile about me, why? An unknowable narrative negated by truncated space.
Type of Writer
No novel. Poetry interrupts, since ADHD/PTSD/CTIs. Tired of hearing it?
Writing Style
Introspective, free verse. Evolving, but don't see where maturation process is headed. Let's hear what Z says. (;~]|=|[<:
Maintain health/body with basketball. Writing, uh. Seek undiscovered music. Truth of true love, peace & bliss. If I knew where it existed, would commune there. Until that time, we're stuck with this...until the end?
Website / Homepage
Not here
Group Memberships
Belong to fewer groups now. I tell other writers I actually met, "I feel a bit Emily," outsider looking in, more comfortable in silence/imagination/and getting into all those shoes.
Favorite Link
Favorite Genres
Passionate writer with eye for intelligently experienced genres to set a vision on fire. I'm too much for you, witnessed.
Favorite Books
I don't read. I can't even get through the thick blocks of layered (boring) rules for overstated reasons. Go ahead...treat me as villain or ignorant with little inclusion, but a great love for many and experience of what I've read here.
Favorite Poets
Emily Dickinson, ee cummings, William Carlos Williams...could read the modern, but none coalesce with my world at the moment. Could go back to Brit Rom Lit: Keats, Blake, the Irish, but why? Ye olde English entombed in my heart.
Favorite Quote
Something I wrote, somewhere, if I could recall what it was. Deteriorating, sun downing. If it was found, I have forgotten (again) after the many who have responded and shared. I have a general sense of memory, not good with retention. I offend you?
Favorite Music
Eclectic. I pass on most rap, can vibe with it. I blog YouTube vids in entries with latest craving of music acts that caught my attention...rarefied.
Favorite Movies
Since that gun in Eastwood's hand, scowl, anti-hero, redeemed, walks off, one person understands, does not live in his darkness. See a lot of little wind-up Batmen toys running around doing justice in the name of others to pile up cash, unredeeming.
Favorite Shows
Community (binged 14x) and my go to reference in every newsfeed and blog post. Shows with awesome 1st seasons, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, i.e. Monk, The Office, Letterkenny NO REALITY/NO POLICE PROCEDURALS/NO SHOWS w/ CORPSES, but Dexter (he gets me)
    Rated: 18+ · Spiritual · #1149750
    A nothing from nowhere cast his words to a world wide wind, hindered by periphery.
    Rated: E · Action/Adventure · #2336821
    Slightly used armor, barely any blood.
    Rated: E · Emotional · #1213150
    The journey began here—now paths erode by time, wash out with the tide. Never the same.
    Rated: E · Writing · #2336298
    Holy Grail of Myth stays the Excalibur.
    Rated: ASR · Personal · #2336588
    It might appear life is good?
Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/ripglaedr3