Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/gveest
September 12
Indianapolis, IN
About Me
I'm a christian, a husband, a father, a supervisor, a preacher, and an adjunct instructor. My life has not been more interesting than many others, but I try to write, teach and preach from my experiences.
Type of Writer
I'm not really sure.
Writing Style
I like writing stories which make people think or perhaps surprise people. I tend to free write a lot and not make outlines.
Bible studies, preaching, Reading, writing (obviously), video games, 7- Star Praying Mantis kung fu (northern), chin na
Favorite Genres
Favorite Books
Bible, Dresden File series, Codex Alera series, Mythadventures series, The Screwtape Letters
Favorite Authors
Jim Butcher, Edger Allen Poe, Robert Asprin
Favorite Poets
Edger Allen Poe
Favorite Quote
"I must say I find television very educational. The minute somebody turns it on, I go to the library and read a good book." Groucho Marx
Favorite Music
Blues (B.B. King, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Eric Clapton), Big Band (Glen Miller, Brian Setzer Orchestra), Classical (Mozart, to be specific)
Favorite Movies
1930's - 1950's monster movies, Lord of the Rings trilogy, Harry Potter series, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, Hoodwinked, All Star Trek, Star Wars, Episode 4, The Stooge
Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/gveest