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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
I know why you don't like poetry.
I know you don't like conventions.
Well, conventions are compulsory.
Be it a poem, story or plain prose.

It was poetry that existed at the very beginning of literature.
Take any religious text, it is more like poetry.
Of course, I can see that all that you don't like about poetry is what makes poetry.

This poem is praiseworthy because it puts forward a case for poetry and justifies it's uniqueness.
Cleverly handled. I can also see why some people get bored with poetry, which is the earliest medium of expression.

Like life, poetry needs rhythm and all those features you have listed.
Love it or not, poetry is here to stay. I will go a step further and say every one is a poet and a singer unknowingly.

I recommend Sir Philip Sydney's "The Defence of Poesy" in which the author puts forward several arguments in support of poetry and also points of the need for it in life.

I have enjoyed the poem.

Have a wonderful WDC Account Anniversary! *CakeB*

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Review of Carolina's Curls  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Inspiring story where cancer is defeated by artefact.

I am reviewing this cute and qualitative story for your WDC Account anniversary.
Congratulation on this nice occasion,*Cake*
Have a great day.

This girl's imagination flies high. I could take a bit of it myself. The ability to turn the gravity of a situation into an artistic one is truly admirable, given to a few.

The whole class and the teacher jump to action on looking at a cancer-stricken girl's colorful hat made by herself.
They don't stop till they have nice hats for themselves modelled on that of Carolina's.

I love this idea changing something serious to something endearing.

Style is appreciated, so is your errorless language.

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Review of Cobwebs  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Some inner agony seems to tear her soul and spirit to smithereens. What could be the reason that caused a person to cry out silently to end the excruciating pain she seems to suffer from.

Loss or fear of loss appears to be the main cause for causing the indescribable pain.

Words of suffering dot the whole landscape of her mind.
Fear seems to hunt for her soul for some unknown cause.

My impressions-
Looks like a successful experiment with words, particularly of those to do with loss and pain and fear.
This is roughly the image of a person gripped by fear and helplessness. The author concentrates on inner conflict for no justified reason.
It could hallucinations that haunt her life and soul, day and night.

For those who are tortured by fear and a sense of loss, prayer is the best medicine as well as meditation to calm down the torn nerves.

Have a wonderful WDC Account Anniversary!*CakeB*

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Review of Once  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Free style poem in which the poet confesses what went wrong and he is ready now to redeem his ways.

Lines are short yet expression is clear.

"There was someone
That touch me"
(There was someone
That touched me)
as you have used past tense.

It is a praiseworthy effort to realize the wrong and correct it.
I like the poem because it conveys a message that it always feels better to admit to a fault and express the wish to do it the right way, the second time.

"I chose the common path when
The path less traveled would have suited better"

It flows well.
Imagery appeals.

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Review of The Kraken  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Truly shocking!
The terrible beast is brought alive in this poem,

My review is for your WDC Account Anniversary.
Congratulations on this occasion. *Cake*
Have a wonderful day!

The mythological beast of terror Kraken is painted in frightening images. I could see him coming awake and descending on the poor man to be dragged underneath.
He brought awake a sleeping creature much to his sorrow.

"As a tree trunk thick tentacle
Climbed over the rocks"

I like the perfect description of the man's fear.
"He lay gripped with terror"

It flows well.

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Review of What Shall I Say?  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
there is life's philosophy in this poem.
My review is for your WDC Account Anniversary.
Have a wonderful day.

I could see through your dilemma whether to say yes or no to the questions posed.
We are verily an amalgam of good and bad, half devil half divine. Incomplete, imperfect and very human.
"walking amongst the Beauty and the Curse."

True we are never good at knowing ourselves, so we can't say ...
This inner conflict is well brought out showing our inability to define ourselves.

It flows well with appealing images

Thank you for sharing talent.

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Review of Restoration  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi LisaMarie,
this is a short piece, yet profound.
I got it from your port to review for your WDC Account Anniversary.
Have a nice day!

This story is relevant in our present world. Unnumbered girls fall for suave talk and false attention. Once their need is over, these girls are discarded pronto.

Your character is shown realistically. You conveyed a convincing message through the way in which she recovered from a shocking discovery of her evil-minded paramour. It is a healthy way to recover and find roots again instead of being bogged down by an unpleasant past.

Hope you will enlarge your story.

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Review of The Red Leaf  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Rick,
this is a touching story about the bond between father and child.
I found it in your port and I couldn't resist reviewing it for your WDC Account Anniversary.
Congratulations! *CakeB*
Have a wonderful day.

Both characters are well defined.
You have done well showing the father's pain at his cancer ridden four-year-old daughter.
" he had laughed with a tightened chest and choking in his throat."
The young daughter is naturally shown. Too innocent and sweetly unaware of the serious situation.
"“Well not the red ones Daddy, they're the prettiest ever!”,

The appearance of red leaf in the car is credibly shown. The reader feels like suspending disbelief.

With appropriate dialog, the story moves well.

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Review of The Goodbye  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Chuck,

I find this short inexplicably moving, perhaps because he is so concerned about her while she has other plans.
You used minimum words, yet the reader could fill in between the lines.
To me, it also conveys the mysterious working of the mind mechanism. Out of nothing, plans emerge no matter how much they hurt the others.
Perhaps, I am reading too much into it.

The title-
It is the title that makes me conclude that the wife is ready say goodbye, for some reason. Boredom? Looking for change?

Dialog captures my imagination.

Have a wonderful WDC Account Anniversary.

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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

I just read your article Becoming Human: The Evolution of Walking Upright
and I am impressed. This topic is new to me and left me wondering why I never thought about it. You have convincingly rationalized as to "why bipedalism evolved".

Your lucid explanation as to why arms were longer than legs caused me to see the way they were more tree-bound rather than living on ground.

Another important difference you have brought to focus is the evolvement between male and female of the species. Interesting facts with a logical analysis.

The age-old practice of women caring for home and kids and men taking care of their basic needs is still relevant to many societies and even countries. I think there is logic in this practice at least till quite sometime ago.

Great article.

Have a wonderful WDC Account Anniversary! *Cake*

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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
your nonfiction story reminded me of my experience of opening an account back in '92. I was a complete new comer to the computer. I was keen to learn how to work on computer because both my sons are good at it and I didn't want to be left behind. Also, I wanted to type my thesis on Word.

I actually joined an institute later on to learn methodically.
In your case, it was your mom who helped you create an account, that you changed from time to time. This too is fun.
I could see the fun and excitement of a thirteen-year-old creating and deleting accounts for different reasons.

glad you finally found an appropriate username to your satisfaction.

Have a wonderful WDC Account Anniversary. *Cake2*

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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
it is a pretty vocal script on your father. I don't see you addressing him. You referred to him as a third person.
Let's call it something like "letting out my feelings" or something similar.

Yes, sometimes we find criticism quite hurting, especially from a parent. It is quite possible that he or she is just letting out steam because of their own work problems or some other bothersome issues.

However, my sympathies are with you. You can't do much rebelling under the circumstances. Just wait for the right moment to be freed of daily torture.

It is decent on your part to take vehemence and uncalled for hostility good naturedly instead raising a ruckus.
Blood bonds run quite deeply indeed.

" form the other kids"

Have a wonderful WDC Account Anniversary!*Cake2*

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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Boulden,

few memories remain with us, especially of preteens. Your comparison of them with fire flies is apt and appropriate. They stick to the mind, keep flashing despite the unpleasant taste.

I remember certain events involving arguments and fierce irreparable exchange of harsh words among my family members. It was a joint family.

What little you remembered, you brought it to paper with clarity and it struck me as honest recording of summer memories.
That the child's mind is extra sensitive on certain occasions is proved regarding the incident in the car. The incident brought home to the reader your innocence and her experience in understanding it. Kids are not a joke. Their perception is surprising. You also recall your father's state of mind, as many of us do in our own lives.

Language and style are a draw.

Have a wonderful WDC Account Anniversary! *Cake*

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Review of She Is!  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
The lucky lover found true love for life in his sweetheart.
A romantic poem to the core.

Hi Jaiam! I am Jaya and my review of this short love poem is for your WDC Account Anniversary.

Congratulations! Have a great day. *Cake*

Imagery is the beam on which this poem rests. Similes express your feelings quite transparently.
" She is as true as
Time is to eternity,"

The ring of truthful love has great appeal. Images of Nature are visually brought in.
It moves rhythmically and flows well.

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Review of River's End  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
River's end is the end of sorrow.
This is eloquently stated in this free style poem.

My review here is for your WDC Account Anniversary.
Congratulations and have a wonderful day.*Cake2*

Format is attractive as the content itself.
This is the story of how the person in the poem overcame loss, grief and "unfortunate things" to cite a few.

The destination of a flow of water is to find its source of union.
The very first line bring in the analogy between human life and a river. It flows through several ups and downs to reach the eternal and steady ocean. It makes sense to see life going through trials to finally find its own peace giving solutions or compromises.

I am reminded of Bertrand Russell's essay on Happiness.

It flows well with fine imagery showing desirable progress in life.

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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
this story takes me along. its visuals are telling and there is an air of reality around it.

My review is for your WDC Account Anniversary.
Congratulations on this important occasion. *Cake*
Have a pleasant day.

Feelings are shown quite naturally. This could happen in real life. The farm boy visiting the local store to shop in. The lady running the store appears young and emotional with her recent past. So does Daniel, who suffered loss too. Sounds sentimental.

Much against their reluctance, they could feel the pull of inexplainable attraction and wish to linger on.

Nice to read a seasoned writer, whose expression of emotions is real, transparent and natural.

Thanks for sharing talent.

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for entry "Bare Walls
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Great nonfiction story. I agree with you that these collected items over the years serve as the "data bank of emotional strength." A profound description of the safely kept antiques. The metaphor fits like a glove.

My review is for your WDC Account Anniversary.
Congratulations on this nice occasion.*CakeB*
Have a wonderful day.

The collection must be marvelous judging by the pictures you have shown. No way to give them up.

The essay is full of relevant observations of the situation faced by the seniors, once they lose mobility and mental alertness.

I think that it is no longer considered an indignity to be placed in a home for the aged. True that there are certain things they miss. But come to think of it, they have company and they have a common dining room and a lounge to watch movies and read at will.

In India, where I come from, elderly parents voluntarily check into the senior homes because they know that there will always be help if needed.

I have enjoyed the article very much not only because of the relevant topic but also because of the spontaneous flow of language and a telling style.

Thank you for sharing.

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Review of A Single Strand  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
So many things of beauty are lost due to indifference and gross carelessness.
This happens every so often that it is taken for granted.
It calls for sensitivity and understanding to view and value every "single strand" that passes through the cracked window of life.

I am Jaya and my review is for your WDC Account Anniversary.
Congratulations on this cheerful occasion.*Cake2*
Have a great day!

The Bird at the end of the poem seems to symbolize that rare person who is urged to pick up rare things of life.

This poem moves at a pace that is thoughtful and observant of the missing things of life.

It flows well.

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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Earth's importance is well stated.

My review is for your WDC Account Anniversary.
Congratulations as you celebrate the occasion. *Cake2*
Have a wonderful day.

No wonder Earth is addressed as the "Supreme Mother" in some cultures. Some have temples to worship her love for all beings living on her.
What is ironic is the fact that despite knowing her vital life giving role, man betrays her and uses her for his selfish goals.

Life could be much more healthy and happy if we keep her clean as she was when God created her.

Lines are well composed.
Images of earth are visual.
Rhyming and rhythm are effective.
Simultaneously simple and profound.

It flows well.

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Review of Working  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
I can see the killing cycle repeating day after day.

My review is for your WDC Account Anniversary.
Congratulations on this occasion. *Cake*
Have a nice day.

The poem is in free style form.
It shows the poet's hard working routine at the Psychiatrist's clinic.
It is both tiring and monotonous.
But options are few.
so one must make the best of what is available. Cheer up!

"Your body needs repair
Your in despair"

Indeed, life is so cruel.
It flows well with visual imagery.

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Review of Too Much  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
A very practical and observational poem on self and society around.

A very Happy WDC Anniversary to you as you begin another year at this endearing website.
Have a wonderful day!

This free style poem shows the trials and tribulations you have been through. What is admirable, however, is the fact that you surfaced from all only to take on new challenges.

There came point like in anyone else's life when you told yourself "enough is enough."
That is but natural.

" "No! This is too much for me to handle!
Do something,"

Yes, of course, His is the only Hand that can help people in distress or stressed to the end of their reserves of patience and stamina.

He, the Merciful Lord, finally, seems to have become your safe harbour, your protection from the umpteen number of troubles that pester endlessly.

It flows well.
Imagery appeals.

Thanks for sharing.

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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
When the lows took you, you don't desire sumptuous life.

My review is for your WDC Account Anniversary.
Have a lovely day.

when the spirit is wilting, it craves for a lonely place where there is a chance to lick your wounds in private standing like a starving "tiny roan cow " under a red sun.

This short poem shows diagrammatically, a certain state of mind that is unwilling to go home, perhaps so because home is too familiar a place where dwell the hurtful memories.

"A minuscule piece of my heart
that refuses to come home."

Terms like "crooked wooden fingers", "dead" "heat" "red" "sun" "alone' "low" "starved" seem to bring out the state of a suffering soul as opposed to

"damp new grass
and the wide, wide sky."

Visual imagery and crisp short lines make the poem alluring.

It flows well.

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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
I can see you as a man of commitment for a job you take. That's commendable.

Congratulations on your WDC Account Anniversary.*Cake2*
Have a wonderful day.

There are some edits of which I showed a few with the hope that you might find them helpful in the present and future writing.

" I would fell"
( I would feel)

"countries call"
(country's call)

" joint'
( joined)

" i '
(I capital as first person singular)

(serve because you have referred to third person plural)

"branched on the military"
( branches on the military)

The second part of the story runs smoothly.

Interesting story.
Looking forward to your next story.

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Review of Storms  
Review by jaya
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Anthony,

It’s wonderful that I came across this rhyming poem with a number of thought-provoking thoughts.

To a child, storms are exciting, thrilling. They are equally so for an adult as well with a difference. The child’s innocence is lost in the adult’s experience of fear and danger.

You are right in your observation that,
“The storms today are a little scary…”

While agreeing with the feeling that “…it is an act of God”
I also read that man is responsible for natural calamities to a large extent. Correct me if that’s not so.

Deforestation, pollution and global warming are among other reasons that cause natural disasters. So I read.
As for beauty in a storm, a lot depends on the eye of the beholder.

These are just my thoughts.

I’d give eyeteeth to write with rhythm and rhyme that comes so spontaneously to you.

It flows well with visual imagery and wonderful word choices.

Happy WDC Account Anniversary! *Cake*

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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Hi Jessica.

I can relate to your fun on the Zippin Pippin! I too hung there for life in a similar way at a different part of the country. What thrill!

My review is for your WDC Account Anniversary.
Congratulations on completing another creative year at the WDC.
Have a great day.

Amusement parks such as the one at Bay Beach are special because they break the monotony of daily routine. The rides and company renew the spirit and prepare us to face routine life with a fresh mindset.

Half the excitement is obviously meeting the pen pal and sharing fun. Your friendship bond might become stronger with the meeting in actual life.

Hope you will have more such visits to interesting places.

Thanks for sharing.

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