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362 Public Reviews Given
381 Total Reviews Given
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I am no expert on anything. So I can only tell you how something makes me feel. My native language is also not English and I am not an American. So I might not understand culture specific expressions. 5: If I absolutely love the item and would remember it and even recommend others to read it by posting it in my newsfeed. I will also give 50 GPS+ if I have any GPs left in my account. 4-5: If I like the item, but not enough to recommend it to others and post the link in my newsfeed. No GPs. 3 -4: If the item is okay. I kept on reading it because I thought I might change my opinion, but the item failed to meet my expectation. On the other hand I did not find any grammatical or spelling errors in it. 2-3: If the item is something which I didn't get at all and found at least one grammatical/ spelling error. 1 -2: I did not like it at all and could not even feel like reading it to the last.
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Sci- Fi, fan fiction and contemporary fantasy
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Short Stories. Poetry
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Review by Tammy
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Dear hasn_t,
This is a amazing rewrite of Goldilocks. Who would think she was an porridge addict. It's really really good. I have just two things to point out. Two typos:

"I was just a good little kid, full of innocence and warm from a bowlful of porridge"
I think it will be warmth

"No porridge would ever compare to that again and I was worried that I'd never have anything in my life so good every again."

I think it will be ever again.

All the best.
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Review of Dumb and Dumber  
Review by Tammy
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Dear HuntersMoon,
This is funny. Not the HHAHAHAHAH heeehehe funny but surely amusing enough to bring a smile. I did not find any typos, grammatical errors or anything of that sort. It was short, quick amusing read, something you can post in reader digest magazine's Laughter is the Best Medicine section I guess.
Keep Writing!
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Review of Sundae the cat  
Review by Tammy
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Dear Sinbad:
I was reading this piece and it kept on reminding me of my a guest cat my hubby had couple of months back and how he'd have something to say about him everyday. It's a sweet piece --- your writing. I could almost picture the cat.
And regarding any grammatical or spelling errors, your writing was 'Purrfect'.
All the best.
Keep Writing!

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Review of The city of crows  
Review by Tammy
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (2.5)
Dear Vijay:
I found your description of your city enticing, as it seemed very familiar to the one I live in. I have sound a couple of spelling mistakes and also suggested some changes. Hope you find these helpful.

But I have special attachment to this city as I stayed with my parents here in this city for more than 25 years.

I the found streets full of energy even on a Sunday afternoon.

Twenty years ago there was no mobile phone to give you weather update in your hand instantly.

but it gave a pleasant shade to people the men walking across the street.

It had many Peepal trees on the shoulder of the road raod, a couple of Banyan trees and a Gul Mohar tree standing at the corner of the road where the path road took was taking a right turn.

…nothing Nothing was visible now.

Surprisingly, there was not even a single appearance of the simple house sparrows, forget about the parrots and myna and bulbul that we used to see in our childhood. The green trees tress and colourful birds were a part of my childhood child hood.

The crows fascinated me and I referred some web sites on nature science and see what I has to say. (The sense of this sentence is not clear)

how these places were earlier and how they appear today.

I saw only crows staying all over the city and the king of crows was seating on the throne. , It seemed

Most of the men got were hit and many of them ran away to another cities (just like me ?).

The King ordered all of them

Keep Writing!

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Review by Tammy
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.0)
Dear Olsen,
This is indeed a modern parable. I wonder if you wrote it for a contest entry and thought of keeping it short? But it did definitely express the message you wanted to put through about how young people should help uplift the spirit of elders.
I have a suggestion about the following sentence:

But the elder laid in his bed without an answer...

Keep Writing!

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Review by Tammy
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Dear Joey,
This was really funny. I had fun with the way you came up with new words for the diseases. Infact, as a commoner I am sure I mispronounce the names of ailments too. Hopefully my doctors have good ears and understand what I mean so I am still walking.
Just to let you know, I liked the assburgers best. hee hee hee.

All the best with your writing.
Keep it up!
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for entry "Upspeak? What?
Review by Tammy
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)


Isn't it good to question the answers? If we ever stop we might end up being over-confident, a autocrat, no? and isn't that what autocrats do question the question? Why do you ask so many questions?
Review of A new friend  
Review by Tammy
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Dear Panille Kaja:
This is a very strange story indeed. I enjoyed the conversation and at one point even thought that it might turn into a romantic tale, until I came across the line where Tom said something about resting.
But then I do not think you gave in that part too early. The unusual ending was still good.
Keep writing!
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Review of Garden gnome  
Review by Tammy
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Dear Jessicaaa,
It is a very strange story and a mysterious one. It raises so many question and finished off leaving the reader puzzled. What did Miss J Williams do to deserve such a gift or curse, whatever you may call it. Or who had sent it? Why?
You started the story so well that even without all the answers one would read it. But the reader's mind would not be content without the answers.
Then again, it is the writer who decides whether she wants to give away the mystery or leave the reader puzzled and wondering.

All the best!
PS: I am doing this review as part of the Spring Review Raid
Review by Tammy
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.0)
Dear Dottie:
I can understand your frustration with unwelcomed boarders and to be honest they way you have described their effort to build a home inside your own is amusing. Yet I do not know why the sentences in the first paragraph did not read well. I am not sure exactly why? As far as I understand there were no grammatical errors but yet they felt a little rough.
If you are not under any word constrains you may want to rewrite the first para.
All the best.

I am doing this review as part of the Spring Raid.
Review by Tammy
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Dear Angel:
It is a strange piece no doubt. I thought the beginning was quite catchy and made me smile too. I also loved how you used some words inside the story like 'toad' it away. That was witty.
But I think there are sentences where you have missed placing a punctuation like a full stop or a question mark. A quick revision might bring those to your notice.
Other than that my only suggestion to you is : Keep Writing!

I am doing this review as part of the Spring Raid Review.

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Review by Tammy
Rated: E | (1.0)
Dear Mistefur:
I am sorry that I have to be so blunt in my review of your story. You need some serious grammatical correction all through your story. At least you should know better that names are capitalised in English and a dialogue is written within a quotation like follows:
"I brought this duck for our dinner," said Veer to his wife Zaara.
Besides the story feels incomplete without a proper ending.

Hope you will rewrite your story, after a good grammatical checking.


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Review by Tammy
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (1.5)
Dear Twiga:
This is a tragic story no doubt. I see you have also included an intro about what inspired you to write this story. But I think the intro was a little confusing, so you might want to do away with it.

About the body of the story. I think you need to use the punctuation mark 'full-stop' instead of 'comma' in most places, where you used comma. In the last line I think it should be:
Goopy took a deep breath and jumped off the edge into the sun.

Keep writing,

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Review by Tammy
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Dear Nixie:
Happy Birthday! And what a wonderful coincidence that on your birthday I was reading about your other birth. The birth of an author. There are so many sentences I love in this piece of memoir of yours. Here are some:
A wild joy burst from me when I dared pen, "I hate her."
She was robbed of power and became a prisoner of my forbidden words.

For centuries, human beings have used the power of words to fight with authoritarian rules, be it at home or beyond. In a way, it is the courage of being able to protest through writing that kept many people sane and able to breathe in toxic air of homes or society.
Kudos to you.
You write well.
Best wishes!
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Review by Tammy
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (2.5)
Dear Sewcrazy,
This review is my way of wishing you the best on your upcoming Birthday. Happy Birthday.

Now for my opinion of your story:
It is amazing how people we love leave with with small bits of memories here and there. Many of which have such special meanings that we can feel the emotion of that moment again when we remember it. This story is one of those cherished memories, for you.

Reading it from a sub-editor's perspective, I would suggest that you avoid mix of tense in stories. Since this one is a reminiscence you can use past tense throughout except the second last para about your sister.

In the last line I did not understand what the three plus signs were for.

Keep Writing.

All the Best.
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Review by Tammy
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
LOL Aesop,
Your work seems to get better with time. I have read fables and a parable by you but this tall tale is just wonderful. But this time I have one question about the story. Not a big one though. Before Silver Sam appeared in the story you wrote that November won't come down and by December, night went on a strike.
On the fourth-last para, when winter returned, you again wrote night went on strike...
"Snow fell in heaps for the first time in 50 years, night went off strike, and November, which had stayed up North this whole time, came back down for a visit."
I think it kind of becomes a little contradictory. Shouldn't night return to work and November kind of regretting that s/he did missed the coolness of Houstonian winter?

In the third last para you used 'people' twice.

Otherwise, it is a good tall tale. I enjoyed reading it.

Keep writing!
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Review by Tammy
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Dear Aesop,
I guess I have a thing for stories that come with a 'lesson in wisdom' *Smile*. I came looking into your port to look for more fables and found this and this was one was very much worth my time. I liked what the sage had to say about in reply to the second man's offer and the reply to the third man's offer was absolutely fabulous.
It has been quite a good experience reading your stories. Hope to find more fables in your port in future.
Keep Writing.

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Review by Tammy
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Dear Aesop:
I like the first and the third version. Both sends out strong message. The third on the other hand appears more practical and believable. I like the moral lessons you wrote at the end. In case of the second version the moral lesson was not that clear and precise.
I have not found any spelling mistakes.
Hope the review helps.
Keep Writing!
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Review by Tammy
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.0)
Dear Jellyfish,
I like your straightforward way of telling the story and how you stick to minimum description and rather used dialogues to introduce the characters. I liked the seriousness of the elf and rather the silly demeanour of the human.
However, I must say I expected a more interesting ending.
I have not found any spelling or grammatical mistakes though.
Keep writing!
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Review of Listen to the Cat  
Review by Tammy
Rated: E | (4.0)
This one is funny. So are you really Aesop? You did a very good job of imitating the real Aesop I must say.
Though you did not describe the dog or the cat, reading your story I could think of my own imagination of a pair. I loved the last line. Poor thing!
I like reading stories that leave some room for the reader's imagination and yours did. In fact, I think I will look into your port and see if you have more of Aesop's modern tale.

We are having earthquake
Review by Tammy
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)

That's really kool.. I was about to give up trying to laugh reading something here when I stumbled upon your piece.
So short yet witty and amusing. Besides it also does not have any specific cultural connotation like many comedy does. So yeah a great piece. But is this original? Have you written it and the the image, you created it?

Anyways fivesixer thanks for making me laugh.
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Review of Who Am I?  
Review by Tammy
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Dear Elizabeth:
I was hoping to do some anniversary reviews (What could be a better way to congratulate a write than to read what s/he wrote right?). I randomly picked you from the list and thought I would go for the biographical essays, which I usually do not read.
But reading yours I am glad I made the choice. Guess what we were born in the same year, in opposite sides of the world --- you a month after 1978 started, me a month before it ended. And our lives too are so extremely different.
As I was reading about your humble condition, I couldn't help think how it contrasted mine and the irony in it. You were born in the richest nation of the world but growing up life was not easy for you. I on the other hand was born in one of the poorest countries, yet I had never known hardship.
Interestingly, there is one thing I feel that is very similar between you and me. Respecting other people's beliefs and expecting the same from them.
I salute your courage and positivism.
All the Best.
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Review of Islam or not?  
Review by Tammy
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
Dear Bob,
I think all your questions are valid. In fact, I think being able to raise a question is what makes us human. Unfortunately, this very right is taken away from people in many a nation, today.
I just wanted to point out a couple of spelling errors.. or rather spelling more commonly used.
1)There a capital 'B' in Obama (unless you put it there intentionally)
2) The term for people who follow the religion 'Islam' or followers of Prophet Mohammad is 'Muslim'. Some people also use the term Moslem (I don't know why). But being from a Muslim family I know it is Muslim.
3) Israelis, Mohammad, and Arab Emirates.. are some other spelling errors I noticed.

Hope our societies never grow so blind/stupid/ ignorant/ authoritarian that we stop questioning.
All the best.

P.S. I didn't get the moral of the Aesop fable.

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Review by Tammy
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.0)
Dear Alexander Stephens:
You have done a good job with the description though the twist and surprise element I look for in a short story was sort of missing. Another thing I have noticed is how you changed the tense from past to the present in the latter part of the story. I am a little confused as to why it was done.
Now reading the last line of the second last para, I assumed Apollo destroyed himself. There was no indication that it affected the garden as well. I wish you'd provide a link there.
In the third line (1st para) of the story, you may consider using the word 'falling' instead of coming.
Sixth and the 7th line can be joined with a comma.
Well, Keep Writing!

Review by Tammy
Rated: E | (2.0)
Dear Casey,
This reads like a diary. I however do hope that you will look for typos before posting a write up.
All the best. Keep writing.

That dreaded sound of the alam alarm clock. The one I know I set last night along with three others to make sure iI get up. I absolutely hate that sound. It means I have to get up and go out into the world. Socialize and try to live my life and be happy. Not that it happens much. I drag myself out of bed and just stand there for a minute. I really just want to crawl back under my blankets and just sleep the day away. I finally go take a shower. Turning the hot water on high to maybe wake myself up.it It never really works though.I know the reason I can't wake up is because I barely got any sleep. Too much homework and stress on my mind. I finish my shower and go to my room to finish getting ready. Picking out cloths clothes and putting on makeup drying my hair all of it just to look presentable for people who don’t even care unless I don’t do it. I'd rather give them less to tease about though. I guess I should tell you who I am though. I am no one special, mind you. Just another simple teenager trying to make it in this world, I am five foot tall with short red hair. I am origanllyoriginally a blonde but I started dying it in eight grade and haven’t gone back. I have a curvy body I guess that’s attractive to some people but I don’t really like my extra pounds. I am a creative happy-ish person. It just depends on what's around me. I have a thing where I feed off the emotions or things around me. If others are happy I kinda am if the mood is quiet and somber I wont say a word. I live with my father and my uncle but my uncle is just a 30 year old teenager. My mother is still around I guess but shes kinda cut off our relationship so we don’t talk. I guess that’s my fault though… I don’t have siblings that I can see but I have my two best friends who are just like sisters to me. I want to be a veterinarian when I go to collage but I don’t know if that will happen. My grades and life arent really together for that. I don’t really care how people feel about me but I am kinda forced to notice it. It's not hard to notice though. I love music. I grew up on country but got into the heavier stuff around eighth grade when the depression hit me full force. But that’s another story.
I eat breakfast even though I could go without. Hunger isn’t something that bothers me really. There are people hungrier than me. My father takes me to school and then goes to work. I walk up to the door just hoping I am not noticed or I don’t trip or fall. Just hoping I look normal when I walk. I get inside through the door and walk into the cafeteria and my skin starts to crawl I feel like everyone stares at me. I know they don’t but I feel like they do. I sit her the first two class periods just hoping that I can stay out of people's way and not be noticed. It's easy when I get the back table in the corner. That’s the place I like. I have a few people I know that come at the end of their second period. But they arent so much friends as just people I talk to. I don’t have many true friends that I actually trust. When we can finally go to class I put in my headphones. If only to block out the noise of others and make me feel like I am safe in my own world. Music is my one safety. This is what I do between all my classes. I just try not to have menta;mental break downs along the way. I feel like most of my teachers like me. Or at least I hope so, I am mostly quiet in their classes I don’t really cause trouble. After third period I normally meet up with one of my beast bestfriends. I only see her twice during most days. I try to get through the day withut without any spikes in my moods or any break downs. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt. At lunch as I an walking to my table I have to mentally prepare myself. The feeling that everyone is looking at me comes back. I cant shake that feeling all through lunch. Some days I can't go get food because my confidence just escapes me. Ill go hungry if it lets me just feel comfortable in my own skin. My leats least favorite classes are after lunch all except my geometry class where I actually have friends. My last class is the worst I just want to get out of school. But the bell cant ring fast enough, most kids just want to go party or hang out with friends. I just cant wait to get home away from people. I sit and wait for my father to pick me up. I am 16 without my license because I get so anxious behind the wheel. My father doesnt help much. I feel like he's always yelling at me even though he says he's not. When I get home I escape to my room. I can only escape an hour or two because I am the only one that cooks in my house. But that’s ok because I love to cook. After that’s done I feel like I have to spend time with my father he gets mad if I don’t. So we sit and watch a movie. I normally go to bed around one or two in the morning. I just cant seem to shut my mind off. I just think about everything I could change or all the mistakes I could have of prevented. I think back to my past and that destroys me. But that’s my day and I live it every day of the year.
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