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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1411600
The Good Life.
I am a professional musician  , worship leader  , small business owner  , songwriter  , aspiring author   and freelance nonfiction writer   with a chemical engineering degree  .

But that's just my resume.

My profile of qualifications is only one of the ways in which I am unique. Here I chronicle my personal and professional goals and my efforts to achieve them. Occasionally I fail. Mostly, I take daily baby steps toward all my long-term goals. Much like the stories I pen, the songs I compose, and the businesses I run, I am always a work in progress.

Merit Badge in Music
[Click For More Info]

  To a dear friend whose talent for writing music is sensational. May you have a fabulous New Year, (((Brandi)))!!! *^*Kiss*^*

Big hugs,
Sherri *^*Heart*^*  Merit Badge in Organization
[Click For More Info]

I don't know how you do it, but I assume there's magic involved *^*Bigsmile*^*  I have really enjoyed this month of planning and preparation for NaNoWriMo and I love how organized it all is.  Thank you for hosting a great challenge and for your dedication to helping so many of us prepare with confidence and trepidation for National Novel Writing Month (known to sane folks as 'November' *^*Laugh*^*) at your  [Link To Item #1474311] Merit Badge in Leadership
[Click For More Info]

For your hard work, commitment, talent and innovation in running the October NaNoWriMo Preparation each year, which helps many of us get our scattered thoughts together for November's novel-writing. And also because this badge has ducks on it.
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February 24, 2010 at 1:27pm
February 24, 2010 at 1:27pm
Resign from Abbott by 4/4/10.
*Writing* 37 days and counting!

Brand the biz(es.)
*Check* I scheduled a dinner meeting with my soon-to-be first employee.

15 minutes of small biz research per day.
*Check* I heard back from the church, and it's a no-go. So I'm hitting the real estate research hard and heavy.

Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
*Check* Goal met.

Post at WordPress at least once per week.
*Pencil* Pending.

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by 3/31/10.
Weight: 155.0
7:30am OJ (3), fiber granola bar (2), coffee (1)
12:15pm Fiber granola bar (2)
12:45pm Nuts (1), crackers (2), summer sausage (2.5), cheese (2.5)
1:30pm Frozen yogurt (2)
4:15pm Nuts (1), chocolate (6), mandarin oranges (2)
6:00pm bd's tonight! (TBD... maybe I should just take that home for Keith's lunch tomorrow!)

Write new lyrics once per week.
*Pencil* Pending.

Write one new original song per month.
*Pencil* Pending.

Launch one new repertoire song per week.
*Pencil* Pending.

*Writing* In progress. Or maybe done. I'm really not sure.

*pending* Four DirectOrders are still pending and getting hot.
February 23, 2010 at 10:33am
February 23, 2010 at 10:33am
Resign from Abbott by 4/4/10.
*Writing* 38 days and counting!

Brand the biz(es.)
*Writing* CD. Mexican restaurant. I actually have an old CD, but I've got new technology and really want to burn a higher-quality CD, since I can. I don't see it happening until... yikes. I really don't know. I've spent all morning compiling information for my tax return. It's amazing how fast deductions add up when you take the time to actually inventory them. I'm "making" (technically saving) more money per hour doing this than Abbott ever paid me. Still, it's a lesson learned: Keep good records throughout the year.

15 minutes of small biz research per day.
*Check* Goal met. My mother has a contact at work who deals in real estate acquisition, including in Ohio, and is hooking me up with a commercial real estate broker specific for my needs! I also sent a follow-up email to the pastor of the church I'd like to rent space from in the interim, until I find a quasi-permanent commercial home.

I am SO. FLIPPING. PSYCHED.I am totally going to succeed at this small biz stuff, and it's only in part because I'm brilliant. *Bigsmile* The other part involves having a solid network of supportive and knowledgable friends and family willing to help me out, and maybe more importantly, who believe in me.

My Board of Advisors meeting is set for Sunday night, 8:00 PM. I have confirmations from all four of my invitees.

Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
*Check* Goal met.

Post at WordPress at least once per week.
*Thumbsdown* FAIL for last week. Pending for this week. At some point, something will have to give... I plan to start a music instruction blog and post it at my studio website to promote traffic. I may piggyback off the dude I've been writing for at Textbroker, who buys articles at TB and publishes them on his blog. Whereas his weakness is poor writing skills, my weakness is lack of time - and either way, if you can earn a profit buying someone else's work, why the heck not?

*just realizes she's addressing an audience of writers looking for income opportunities and could possibly skip the middle man*

Uh... *Dollar* If you're interested in submitting to my music blog, send me an email, and we'll talk business. *Dollar*

Der. *facepalm*

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by 3/31/10.
Weight: 155.0
8:00am ZonePerfect bar (4) and coffee (1)
11:00am Four squares pizza (8)
1:45pm Skinny roast beef sandwich (7)
6:00pm ZonePerfect bar (4)

7:00am Coffee (1), fiber English muffin with butter and sugar-free jelly (2)
10:30am Candy from the pastor's office (5)
1:45pm Skinny roast beef sandwich (7)
7:00pm Half bowl of french onion soup (?), broccoli with butter (2), maybe eight steak fries (3), and a turkey burger with lettuce, tomato, pepperjack cheese, and two strips bacon (Half-Price Burgers at Champps!)

Write new lyrics once per week.
*Thumbsdown* FAIL for last week. Pending for the week.

Write one new original song per month.
*Pencil* Pending.

Launch one new repertoire song per week.
*Pencil* Pending. Last week's song was "21 Guns" by Green Day.

*Pencil* Gah! My work here is never done.

*pending* I need to start those four DirectOrders I accepted. My Level 5 OpenOrder was accepted by the client, so yay for payment.
February 21, 2010 at 1:25pm
February 21, 2010 at 1:25pm
Resign from Abbott by 4/4/10.
*Writing* 40 days and counting!

Brand the biz(es.)
*Writing* I still need to burn a CD for the Mexican restaurant.

Meanwhile, I asked two key customers, Keith, and the teacher who wants to teach for me, if they would agree to a brainstorming meeting in exchange for free dinner. They've all agreed, and now I'm just working out a time and place that works for everyone. I'm psyched. My first board of advisors.

15 minutes of small biz research per day.
*Check* Keith went to my house to fix a curtain, and he picked up my desktop computer. The sound isn't working, because it needs a new driver, but I don't have it on the Internet (no ISP at my house.) We need get that puppy on the Internet and download whatever it needs.

Details, details. I need an Operations Manager. Once I finish reading my fascinating IRS Publication 15 (Circular E), Employer's Tax Guide, I'll know how to hire one. The next step is generating enough revenue to afford it. *Rolleyes*

Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
*Check* Goal met.

Post at WordPress at least once per week.
*Pencil* Pending... and I need to work on my CD for the Mexican place, so maybe some song recording is in order for this afternoon.

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by 3/31/10.
Weight: ?
8:30am Tall, nonfat, no-whip white mocha (7)
9:00am Two cookies (3)
12:00pm Two and a half squares pizza (6), banana (2), frozen yogurt (1)
TOTAL POINTS: 19 (so far)

Write new lyrics once per week.
*Pencil* Pending.

Write one new original song per month.
*Pencil* Pending.

Launch one new repertoire song per week.
*Pencil* Goal met. Der. It was 21 Guns.

*Check* Well, it turns out that was just a first pass. I now have some more work to do.

I added this goal because I committed to some Textbroker jobs. I finished my $20 OpenOrder by the deadline this morning. I also accepted four out of eight of my DirectOrders and have seven days to complete them. I'll accept the other four after I complete the first four.
February 20, 2010 at 10:56am
February 20, 2010 at 10:56am
It's very strange to have free time on Saturdays.

Resign from Abbott by 4/4/10.
*Writing* 41 days and counting!

Brand the biz(es.)
*Writing* Goal met. I taught lessons all day, and one mom gave me lots of great marketing ideas. Another mom referred a new student to me, and brought him to band practice to check it out. I offered her a referral credit if he enrolls. And... I bounced around a potential commercial location with Molly Jean . It's cute! But it may be a little too far. I also set a tentative date for a spring recital and started asking clients about availability.

15 minutes of small biz research per day.
*Check* Goal met. I've been reading a fascinating booklet entitled IRS Publication 15 (Circular E) Employer's Tax Guide.

Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
*Check* Goal met.

Post at WordPress at least once per week.
*Pencil* Pending.

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by 3/31/10.
Weight: ?
7:30am Coffee (1) and two Cinnabon cookies (7)
10:30am Coffee (1), fiber English muffin (1) with butter (1), and bacon (3)

Write new lyrics once per week.
*Pencil* Pending.

Write one new original song per month.
*Pencil* Pending.

Launch one new repertoire song per week.
*Check* Goal met. I launched a new song yesterday, but I can't remember what it was... Fleeting. I was in the middle of my set, and I randomly tried a song I had chords and lyrics for and was surprised to find it pretty easy.

*Check* Goal met!

Writing commitments.
*Check* I added this goal because I committed to some Textbroker jobs. I finished my $20 OpenOrder by the deadline this morning. I also accepted four out of eight of my DirectOrders and have seven days to complete them. I'll accept the other four after I complete the first four.
February 19, 2010 at 8:25am
February 19, 2010 at 8:25am
Resign from Abbott by 4/4/10.
*Writing* 42 days and counting, which after today, equates to six weeks! And, yes, I hope my boss doesn't take me up on the offer I mentioned yesterday. I'm done. By the way, of those 42 days, I'll only actually work 17 full days and 6 half days, in between vacation days and weekends.

Not that I'm counting.

Brand the biz(es.)
*Writing* I bought and installed a new music training software program for my students. Still need to make that CD for the Mexican place. Today is Lessons Day... I'll be too busy teaching this morning and this afternoon to do much prep.

15 minutes of small biz research per day.
*Pencil* Goal met. Not only did I read another chapter of Small Business For Dummies, but I also chatted with Molly Jean , who happens to be a local small biz owner herself. *Bigsmile*

Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
*Check* Goal met.

Post at WordPress at least once per week.
*Pencil* Pending.

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by 3/31/10.
Weight: ?
7:30am Coffee (1) and cashew granola bar (3)
8:30am Coffee (1)
10:30am Fiber granola bar (2)
11:00am Lifesavers (1)
1:45pm Skinny roast beef sandwich (7)
3:30pm Nuts (3)
5:00pm Orange juice (3)
6:30pm Coffee (1)
9:00pm ZonePerfect bar (4)
12:00am Cinnabon cookie (4)

Write new lyrics once per week.
*Pencil* Pending.

Write one new original song per month.
*Pencil* Pending.

Launch one new repertoire song per week.
*Pencil* Pending. Lots of "Pending"s for a Friday. I usually hit some of this stuff on Wednesday mornings, but I had to go Abbott to conduct interviews this week. See? All the more reason for me to leave. Okay, sure, it comes with a nice paycheck and health insurance, but sheesh. It's interfering with my real job.

*Check* Goal met! Well, I compiled my data and submitted my documents, anyway. *Bigsmile* That's Step 1.

Meanwhile, I randomly accepted an OpenOrder and four out of eight DirectOrders at Textbroker. The OpenOrder is due TOMORROW, and I have no idea when I'm going to write it between now and then, so I must be insane, but it was a high-dollar order for a small amount of writing. The DirectOrders I have all week on, so I'll prolly hit those Sunday.
February 18, 2010 at 8:31am
February 18, 2010 at 8:31am
Resign from Abbott by 4/4/10.
*Writing* 43 days and counting! But... my first shift counterpart is interviewing internally, and if he gets the job, he'll be leaving at the exact same time as I'm leaving, which will really put my manager in an experience crunch. I may have delicately suggested to my boss that I *might* be willing to stick around a little longer - no later than Shutdown (second week in June) - if we could work out an arrangement on my hours such that I could meet all my other music-related commitments. Which would probably involve dropping to part-time. The extra funds in my savings account would be nice, not to mention the extension on my benefits, and if I can meet my other commitments, have my evenings free for gigs and lessons while still making my Potbelly commitments at lunch, why not?

He probably won't take me up on it, even assuming my counterpart gets the promotion. I think I hope he won't take me up on it.

Brand the biz(es.)
*Writing* No real progress since my website overhaul and biz plan work. I need to polish the site, but I'm waiting to solidify location information! And that starts with the church in Gahanna. *Pthb*

I need to make a CD for the Mexican restaurant that might want to hire me to play starting in the spring.

15 minutes of small biz research per day.
*Pencil* Goal met.

Business: Music Instruction Books.
*Writing* Okay, I give. I'll scootch this down to the "pending" goals list for now. I'll revisit after Abbott.

Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
*Check* Goal met.

Post at WordPress at least once per week.
*Pencil* Pending.

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by 3/31/10.
Weight: 155.2
7:30am Coffee (1) and breakfast lean pocket (5)
10:00am Candy (2)
11:45pm Triscuits (3) with cheese (2.5) and summer sausage (2.5)
1:00pm Frozen yogurt (2)
6:00pm Fiber granola bar (2)
9:00pm Cashew granola bar (3)
11:00pm Lifesavers (2)
12:00am Leftover Hamburger Helper (3)

Write new lyrics once per week.
*Pencil* Pending.

Write one new original song per month.
*Pencil* Pending. I should move both of these goals for awhile, too, but I'd really like to build my original repertoire. Especially for bd's, where I'm front and center, I'd like to make my normal setlist more than 50% original, so that I'm not labeled a cover act.

Launch one new repertoire song per week.
*Pencil* Pending. I didn't launch any Coldplay last night, but the Griller who requested it wasn't there, so, whew. I'd rather try it out at Potbelly first where I'm a little more in the background.

*Writing* Pending mileage for July-Dec, with plans to do that... um... today?
February 17, 2010 at 2:26pm
February 17, 2010 at 2:26pm
Resign from Abbott by 4/4/10.
*Writing* In progress and on schedule with notice: 44 days and counting! My position was posted on Monday, and the news traveled fast.

So, check this out. I conducted interviews at Abbott yesterday and today for three new chemists. One dude I interviewed today Googled (*Left* how come Firefox doesn't know that "Google" is a verb??) me before his interview. I couldn't decide if that's proactive or creepy. I guess I decided on proactive, since we hired him.

Brand the biz(es.)
*Writing* I need to send a follow-up email to Pastor Doug about using his church. I feel... busy. Why am I not getting stuff done? Let's see...

Sunday, Keith and I drove around looking at potential commercial property locations (so, I suppose that counts toward this goal) and houses (which counts less, but is still part of the master "plan"), ate dinner at the Japanese steakhouse, and watched Spiderman 3 and half of Black Hawk Down. Did those dudes ever get outta there?? I fell asleep. Monday and Tuesday we had the kids home for the holiday and a snow day, so I played my share of Mario Kart and watched American Idol. I also wrote one out of five performance evaluations, interviewed six chemist candidates, and wrote two investigations at Abbott; published the bulletin and planned worship for all of Lent; and I shoveled the driveway no less than six times - all of that in three days.

Somehow, I managed to get pretty much nothing on my goals list done. I really don't see the problem. {e:headscratch}

15 minutes of small biz research per day.
*Pencil* Goal met. I have lots of Internet resources and need to go to the library. Don't you love it when research leads you to sources of more research? SCOPE CREEP.

Business: Music Instruction Books.
*Writing* Um...

Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
*Check* Goal met, with two additional songs planned next week. It seems I'm hitting church pretty hard, which I suppose is fair, since it's my highest paying job besides Abbott.

Post at WordPress at least once per week.
*Pencil* Pending.

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by 3/31/10.
Weight: 155.4
6:30am Two fiber Pop Tarts (6) and coffee (1.5)
12:15pm Seven Triscuits (2), cheese (2.5), and summer sausage (3), almonds (1), and orange juice (3)
1:30pm Two truffles (2) and two mini butterfinger bars (3)
6:00pm bd's stir fry (TBD)
TOTAL POINTS: 24 (so far)

Write new lyrics once per week.
*Pencil* Pending, with a FAIL for last week.

Write one new original song per month.
*Pencil* Pending.

Launch one new repertoire song per week.
*Pencil* Pending. I'm listening to "Yellow" right now, because I disappointed the bd's guy last week when I didn't have a Coldplay song ready per his request. But I'm tired and need a nap.

*Writing* Just pending mileage for July - December. I drive around a lot.
February 15, 2010 at 12:18pm
February 15, 2010 at 12:18pm
Resign from Abbott by 4/4/10.
*Writing* In progress and on schedule with notice: 46 days and counting!

Brand the biz(es.)
*Writing* Still need a home. Coaching the band in my house is not working well, acoustically.

15 minutes of small biz research per day.
*Pencil* Nope.

Business: Music Instruction Books.
*Writing* In progress. I pretty much just write songs for my students as I go.

Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
*Check* Goal met.

Post at WordPress at least once per week.
*Check* Goal met.

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by 3/31/10.
Weight: 157.2 - after bfast, clothed, but I still wanted to capture the number. *kicks the number*
7:30am Fiber granola bar (2) and coffee (1)
9:30am Toast (2) with butter (1), bacon (3), and coffee (1)
11:30am Truffle (1.5)
12:15pm Coffee (0.5)

Write new lyrics once per week.
*Pencil* Pending.

Write one new original song per month.
*Pencil* Pending.

Launch one new repertoire song per week.
*Pencil* Pending.

*Writing* Got mileage compiled through June. It took HOURS.
February 13, 2010 at 10:25am
February 13, 2010 at 10:25am
Resign from Abbott by 4/4/10.
*Writing* In progress and on schedule with notice: 48 days and counting!

Brand the biz(es.)
*Writing* In progress. I've been working on my website to include Studio information... but I'm a little torn on the format. I'm trying to include an obvious link to the main Studio page, but I don't want to compromise my "Michelle Tuesday" official site as a promotional tool for my performance business. Keith suggested I could have two links on the main page, like Franklin-Covey's main page  . This is how it's organized now:


15 minutes of small biz research per day.
*Check* Goal met. Great book! I'm thinking of applying some of this to my performance business, too. I also started reading a book on Javascript so I can make my website fancy-shmancier.

Business: Music Instruction Books.
*Writing* In progress.

Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
*Check* Goal met.

Post at WordPress at least once per week.
*Check* Goal met.

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by 3/31/10.
7:30am Coffee (1) and fiber granola bar (2)
10:30am Granola bar (3)

Write new lyrics once per week.
*Check* Goal met.

Write one new original song per month.
*Pencil* Pending.

Launch one new repertoire song per week.
*Check* Goal met: "Far Away" by Nickelback.

*Writing* In progress.
February 12, 2010 at 7:32am
February 12, 2010 at 7:32am
My damn laptop is f'd up again. This time, the power port on the motherboard has a loose connection, so the battery won't charge. The motherboard is brand new, because they replaced it to fix the video card problem. And of course the tech is behind because of the weather.

Resign from Abbott by 4/4/10.
*Writing* In progress and on schedule with notice: 49 days and counting!

Brand the biz(es.)
*Writing* In progress. So, Keith and I go to this Mexican restaurant every week or two, sometimes with the kids. Last summer, they installed a new patio, but it was late and they never got to properly launch it before it got cold. Last week, I gave the owner my card and suggested acoustic music on the patio to launch it in the spring. Last night, Keith and I went again, and the owner approached me and asked if I can bring him a CD. He's thinking of having me weekly, and he has it all planned out! Mariachi band one night, me another night, and his son's band a third. *Bigsmile*

Also, randomly, an actress from the community theatre where I served two years as Music Director contacted me on Facebook and asked if I still teach voice lessons. *Thumbsup*

15 minutes of small biz research per day.
*Check* Goal met.

Business: Music Instruction Books.
*Writing* In progress.

Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
*Check* Goal met.

Post at WordPress at least once per week.
*Pencil* Pending... and since I need to burn a CD for the Mexican restaurant owner, I may go ahead and record a bunch of upbeat songs.

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by 3/31/10.
Weight: I don't want to talk about this. *Pthb* I need to stop going to Mexican restaurants.

7:30am Coffee (1)
8:00am Fiber granola bar (2)
10:00am Coffee (1)
11:00am ZonePerfect bar (4)
1:45pm Skinny roast beef sandwich (7)
4:30pm Nuts (1)
7:30pm Cheese (3), summer sausage (3), and crackers (2)
8:00pm Coffee (1)
12:00am Ice cream (6)

7:30am Coffee (1) and fiber granola bar (2)
11:00am ZonePerfect bar (4)
1:45pm Skinny roast beef sandwich (7)
7:00pm Granola bar (3)
8:00pm LOTS of chips, a bowl and a half of guac, maybe an ounce of cheese dip, a beef taco, a cheese enchilada, and a jumbo margarita.
TOTAL POINTS: 17+Mexican

Write new lyrics once per week.
*Writing* In progress.

Write one new original song per month.
*Pencil* Pending.

Launch one new repertoire song per week.
*Writing* In progress.

*Writing* Still sneaking up on me.
February 10, 2010 at 10:18am
February 10, 2010 at 10:18am
Resign from Abbott by 4/4/10.
*Writing* In progress and on schedule with notice: 51 days and counting!

Brand the biz(es.)
*Writing* Working on: web design, promotions, mailings to gig clients (calendar magnets with my biz card info!), reviewing and picking software for Computer Lab, and still developing financials.

I have not heard back from the pastor at the church I'd like to use.

Meanwhile, I heard from a friend at church who recently bought a local bar. He'd love to hire me to play mid-week acoustic music when I leave Abbott in April. He told me he has several Wednesdays in April open. Figures. I play bd's on Wednesdays. Hopefully he wants a later set, so I can do both!

15 minutes of small biz research per day.
*Check* Goal met.

Business: Music Instruction Books.
*Writing* In progress.

Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
*Check* Goal met.

Post at WordPress at least once per week.
*Pencil* Pending.

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by 3/31/10.
9:30am Coffee (1), fiber English muffin (1), butter (0.5), cheese (1), bacon (3)
12:30pm Turkey chili (3), half grilled cheese (2.5)
2:00pm Pineapple juice (2)
TOTAL POINTS: 14 (so far)

Write new lyrics once per week.
*Writing* In progress.

Write one new original song per month.
*Pencil* Pending.

Launch one new repertoire song per week.
*Writing* In progress. I printed songs by Coldplay, Beyonce, Nickelback, Pearl Jam, Shinedown, and Rush. Now I just need to learn the guitar work.

*Writing* Be vewy, vewy quiet... we's huntin' bunny wabbits...
February 9, 2010 at 7:52pm
February 9, 2010 at 7:52pm
Resign from Abbott by 4/4/10.
*Writing* In progress and on schedule with notice: 52 days and counting!

Brand the biz(es.)
*Writing* Working on web design and financial reporting.

15 minutes of small biz research per day.
*Check* Goal met. I finally got into the chapter about financial reports, and now I'm going nuts compiling data.

I'm a data gal.

Business: Music Instruction Books.
*Writing* In progress.

Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
*Check* Goal met.

Post at WordPress at least once per week.
*Pencil* Pending.

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by 3/31/10.
Weight: ? but I was like 156.2 yesterday, I think. Am I taking this seriously?
8:00am Coffee (1)
9:30am English muffin (1) with butter (1), cheese (2), and bacon (3)
11:00am Whole wheat tortilla (3) with cheese (3), salsa, and sour cream (3)
1:00pm Ice cream (6) ...nope. Not taking it seriously.
5:30pm ZonePerfect bar (4)
7:00pm Ten peanut butter pretzels (2.5) and a caramel cream (0.5)
7:30pm Five tortilla chips (1)

Write new lyrics once per week.
*Pencil* Pending.

Write one new original song per month.
*Pencil* Pending.

Launch one new repertoire song per week.
*Writing* In progress. I compiled a shitload of lyric/chord sheets.

*Writing* This week.
February 8, 2010 at 8:22am
February 8, 2010 at 8:22am
Resign from Abbott by 4/4/10.
*Writing* In progress and on schedule with notice.

Brand the biz(es.)
*Writing* Working on Michelle Tuesday Music Studio website. I've spent waaaaaayyyy too much time working on logos, letterheads, and favicons this weekend.

15 minutes of small biz research per day.
*Check* Goal met.

Business: Music Instruction Books.
*Writing* I'm still handwriting assignments for students.

Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
*Check* Launched "In the Light" by DC Talk.

Post at WordPress at least once per week.
*Writing* Pending.

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by 3/31/10.
Weight: 156.2 *Rolleyes* Strange.
6:30am Coffee (1) and fiber granola bar (2)
9:00am Grilled chicken (2)
11:00am Chocolate! (4)
1:45pm Skinny roast beef sandwich (7)
7:30pm Champps turkey burger w/pepperjack and bacon, half order of onion rings, about four waffle fries.
8:30pm Tall, nonfat, no-whip white mocha (5.5)
TOTAL POINTS: I lost count.

Write new lyrics once per week.

Write one new original song per month.
*Pencil* Pending.

Launch one new repertoire song per week.

*Writing* This week.

Fine. I admit it. I played a computer game all weekend instead of using my newfound free time for something productive. I also took a nap yesterday afternoon. What the hell? It was my first weekend after resigning from 88 Keys, and Superbowl Sunday to boot.

A new week, it is. Productive, I shall be.
February 5, 2010 at 10:00pm
February 5, 2010 at 10:00pm
Resign from Abbott by 4/4/10.
*Writing* In progress and on schedule with notice.

Brand the biz(es.)
*Writing* Chatted with my potential employee today. And... yesterday!!! I made rounds in Gahanna. I have contacts in the small biz world, and I'm ecstatic. *Bigsmile*

And I designed a studio logo. I'm still working on the finishing touches.

15 minutes of small biz research per day.
*Check* Goal met. I read quite a bit.

Business: Music Instruction Books.
*Writing* I'm flying by the seat of my pants...

Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
*Writing* Scheduled: "In the Light" and "Hallelujah (Your Love is Amazing)"!

Post at WordPress at least once per week.
*Check* Goal met! http://www.michelletuesday.com

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by 3/31/10.
Weight: 151.6 *Exclaim* Where did THAT come from?
9:00am Fiber granola bar (2)
10:00am Coffee (1)
11:30am Banana (2)
1:45pm Skinny roast beef sandwich (7)
6:00pm ZonePerfect bar (4)
8:00pm Mexican!!!! (lots)
9:00pm Ice cream (6) with strawberries (1), cool whip (1), cherries (1)

Write new lyrics once per week.
*Pencil* Pending.

Write one new original song per month.
*Pencil* Pending.

Launch one new repertoire song per week.
*Pencil* Pending. I listened to Coldplay and discovered that I know (and actually like) several of their songs.

*Writing* Waiting...
February 4, 2010 at 8:18am
February 4, 2010 at 8:18am
Resign from Abbott by 4/4/10.
*Writing* In progress and on schedule with notice.

Brand the biz(es.)
*Writing* Okay, future reference: Students are more likely to show up for scheduled music lessons when the teacher remembers to tell the mom when and where. *Rolleyes*

I meet with the pastor of Peace Lutheran this morning. I hope we can work out an affordable lease arrangement for teaching lessons and classes there!

15 minutes of small biz research per day.
{e:FAIL} I was so busy trying to get ready for a band lessons that didn't happen, that I didn't have time to read.

Business: Music Instruction Books.
*Writing* None yesterday, except that I started lessons with my little guitar student and created a progress-tracking book. I plan to use those pages in my instruction books later.

Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
*Writing* Scheduled: "In the Light" and "Hallelujah (Your Love is Amazing)"!

Post at WordPress at least once per week.
*Pencil* Pending. I normally blog on Wednesdays, so I missed my window. I may have to post without a new video.

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by 3/31/10.
6:45am Fiber granola bar (2)
7:15am Coffee (1)
10:30am ZonePerfect bar (4)
1:45pm Skinny roast beef (7)
3:30pm Cherries (1)
4:30pm Nuts (1) and deli turkey (0.5)
6:30pm Spaghetti (3) with meat sauce (4) and parm cheese (1), bread with butter (2), ice cream (6) with strawberries (3), cool whip (1), and cherries (0.5)

Write new lyrics once per week.
*Pencil* Pending.

Write one new original song per month.
*Pencil* Pending.

Launch one new repertoire song per week.
*Pencil* Pending, but I launched two last week.

*Writing* Later... maybe this weekend.
February 3, 2010 at 9:04am
February 3, 2010 at 9:04am
I'm playing at bd's Mongolian Grill tonight. *Thumbsup*

Resign from Abbott by 4/4/10.
*Writing* In progress and on schedule with notice. I actually sent Keith a "What if..." email yesterday, suggesting that the first shift supervisor might be getting another job, and what if I could just go to first shift instead? What if my boss, out of fear of losing two out of three of his experienced supervisors at the same time, was willing to negotiate a part-time schedule and day shift hours that work around Potbelly? What if? I wasn't *actually* entertaining the thought. I don't think. But Keith said, since I asked his opinion, he thinks it's a good idea. *Pthb* He supports me, but he worries about money - just like I do, hence the "What if" in the first place. It took some wind out of my sails that I lost half of my students already.

Brand the biz(es.)
*Writing* Starting lessons at my house this afternoon. It's a bummer I don't have Internet there, but I'm sort of waiting to see what comes of this church meeting tomorrow morning. If I can teach at the church, I'm going to aggressively sell my house starting next week, so why install Internet?

I wrote a registration form, a policy document, and a tuition document. I also brainstormed some classes I'd like to offer. You know what I need? A phone number. OH! Does anyone know how you get into the Yellow Pages? Do you have to have a biz account at the phone company, or something? And could you set it up on a mobile phone?

And I eventually want to start a revenue-generating blog related to music instruction, either targeting music educators or music students.

I'm going with "Michelle Tuesday Music Studio" for now, and saving MochaNotes for either just the lesson books, or MochaNotes Music Cafe if I ever get that off the ground. I figure, I'm gigging around town, so people might recognize my name: Bonus advertisement.

15 minutes of small biz research per day.
*Check* Goal met.

Business: Music Instruction Books.
*Writing* Yes!!! I wrote a sight-reading lesson for voice because I needed it for church. Today I'll compose an assignment book.

Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
*Writing* In progress: "In the Light" this Sunday, and then "Hallelujah (Your Love is Amazing)" on 2/14. Two this month!

Post at WordPress at least once per week.
*Pencil* Pending.

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by 3/31/10.
8:00am Coffee (1)
10:45am Leftover Tuna Helper (2)
2:45pm Almonds (1)
3:00pm Pizza (10)
3:15pm 100-cal Klondike bar (2)
6:00pm bd's! (6? not much, actually... one plate of beef & shrimp, and I only ate half)

Write new lyrics once per week.
*Pencil* Pending.

Write one new original song per month.
*Pencil* Pending.

Launch one new repertoire song per week.
*Pencil* Pending.

*Writing* In progress/temporarily on hold.
February 2, 2010 at 8:12am
February 2, 2010 at 8:12am
Resign from Abbott by 4/4/10.
*Writing* In progress and on schedule.

Brand the biz(es.)

15 minutes of small biz research per day.
*Check* Goal met.

Business: Music Instruction Books.
*Writing* Nope.

Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
*Writing* In progress: "In the Light" this Sunday, and then "Hallelujah (Your Love is Amazing)" on 2/14. Two this month!

Post at WordPress at least once per week.
*Pencil* Pending.

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by 3/31/10.
7:15am Fiber English muffin with butter (2) and coffee (1)
8:00am A couple bites of leftover hamburger helper (1)
9:45am Half a blueberry donut (3)
10:30am The other half (3)
1:45pm Skinny roast beef sandwich (7)
5:45pm Rice Krispies treat (4) and ten peanut butter pretzels (2.5)
8:00pm Granola bar (4)
12:00am Pigged out! Leftover Hamburger Helper (3), cookie (2), 100-cal Klondike bar (2)

Write new lyrics once per week.
*Pencil* Pending.

Write one new original song per month.
FAIL. I meant to say, FAIL. I never did this in January.

Launch one new repertoire song per week.
*Pencil* Pending, but I have "21 Guns" and "Yellow" (apparently) scheduled. Also, I forgot to sing "February" yesterday!!! I only have so many days in this stupid month to sing that song. It's just a pain because I have to tune down to double drop-D.

Whoa. "Double Drop D" - that would be a cool studio name. ?

*Writing* In progress/temporarily on hold.
February 1, 2010 at 10:22am
February 1, 2010 at 10:22am
Resign from Abbott by 4/4/10.
*Writing* In progress and on schedule.

Brand the biz(es.)
*Writing* Well, students are dropping like flies already. I need to advertise, but I'm in a holding pattern, waiting to see if I can get into that church. I have a meeting Thursday.

Meanwhile, I thought of a great recital idea: Potbelly! That place is never busy in the afternoons and early evenings, and hosting a local event like a kid's recital would bring business in the door. But it's a corporation, and there may be rules around it. I'll have to ask about it.

15 minutes of small biz research per day.
*Check* Goal met. I'm reading about marketing. I also brainstormed advertising ideas with another music teacher at church. Allies are good. *Thumbsup*

Business: Music Instruction Books.
*Writing* Stalled, so I need to go to the sheet music store and just buy a couple. *Rolleyes* Well, for my one little six-year-old guitar student who is starting this week, I'll probably just write songs as I go, like I did with my four-year-old. Therefore, all I need is a book to write the assignments in. I had another guitar student (seven) and a piano student (ten) lined up, and I thought I needed books, but it seems Mom talked to Dad, and they can't afford lessons right now.

Tough market.

Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
*Writing* In progress. We launch "In the Light" by DC Talk this Sunday.

Post at WordPress at least once per week.
*Pencil* Pending.

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by 3/31/10.
Weight: 153.8 (Sunday), 154.8 (Monday)
6:30am Fiber granola bar (2)
7:00am Coffee (1)
8:30am Nuts (1)
10:15am ZonePerfect bar (4)
1:45pm Skinny roast beef sandwich (7)
5:15pm Chai (1)

Write new lyrics once per week.
*Pencil* Pending.

Write one new original song per month.
*Writing* In progress.

Launch one new repertoire song per week.
*Pencil* Pending. I still need a Coldplay song. I'm also thinking about "21 Guns" by Green Day. Yes, I saw the Grammys.

*Writing* Nearly done. But my accountant is occupied until 2/9, and my private lessons start this week, so I'll probably put off the last couple pieces until next week... or this weekend, which is miraculously devoid of obligations. Yesterday was my last day at 88 Keys.
January 30, 2010 at 8:10am
January 30, 2010 at 8:10am
Resign from Abbott by 4/4/10.
*Writing* In progress and on schedule.

Brand the biz(es.)
*sigh* A new issue requires my attention, involving an ex who doesn't know how to manage his money. After four years apart, you would think that wouldn't be my problem.

And you would be wrong.

Meanwhile, back at the lab, this is my last weekend working for 88 Keys, so busy day teaching lessons, playing at Potbelly, and directing Praise Band rehearsal. Next week, my private business launches... in one form or another.

15 minutes of small biz research per day.
*Check* I forgot how much I was enjoying Small Business For Dummies

Business: Music Instruction Books.
*Writing* I worked on this! I was finally able to get a copy of the contents of my guitar student's assignment book, where I've been manually writing songs and assignments for a year.

Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
*Check* Goal met: "I Will Rise"

Post at WordPress at least once per week.
*Check* Goal met. http://www.michelletuesday.com

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by 3/31/10.
Weight: ?
8:30am Coffee (1)
9:00am ZonePerfect bar (4)
9:30am White mocha (5)
2:00pm Skinny roast beef sandwich (7)
4:00pm Pizza (lots! 15?)
8:00pm Klondike bar (2)
9:00pm Pizza (2)
9;30pm Candy (2)

Write new lyrics once per week.
*Check* Goal met: "Thirty [13+]

Write one new original song per month.
*Writing* In progress.

Launch one new repertoire song per week.
*Check* Goal met: "When Love Comes to Town" and "Flashdance" (overachiever)

*Writing* I made progress in leaps and bounds yesterday, although my ex and his financial issues may be a setback. It turns out that I'm "greedy." And a "bitch."
January 29, 2010 at 8:09am
January 29, 2010 at 8:09am
Resign from Abbott by 4/4/10.
*Writing* In progress and on schedule.

Brand the biz(es.)
*Writing* In progress. Private lessons start next week!

I have an offline Biz to-do list, and my most immediate needs are setting up for private lessons, beginning next week. I have my house lined up as a location. When it sells, Plan B is teaching in a local church, but I haven't heard back from the Pastor. Plan C is to lease a commercial property, and I got a quote on one... it's more affordable than I thought it would be! It's only a little more than the cost of maintaining my house, and it comes with built-in advertising (well, I have to pay for the initial sign installation, but, you know, it's a real store.)

Unfortunately, when I went to look at it, I fell in love with a vacant storefront that's about three times the size. *Pthb*

I also need to buy software and install it on a desktop computer, so I'm ready for the computer theory part of lessons. I'm cleaning up two desktop computers that Keith and I have sitting around.

Business: Music Instruction Books.
*Writing* Stalled... and I'm planning a trip to the sheet music store before lessons start next Wednesday.

Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
*Check* Goal met.

Post at WordPress at least once per week.
*Check* Goal met. http://www.michelletuesday.com

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by 3/31/10.
Weight: ?
7:00am Orange juice (3)
8:00am Coffee (1)

Write new lyrics once per week.
*Check* Goal met: "Thirty [13+]

Write one new original song per month.
*Writing* In progress.

Launch one new repertoire song per week.
*Check* Goal met. I went ahead and launched a song I've had in my binder for awhile, "When Love Comes to Town" by U2.

*Writing* In progress, and I hit it hard yesterday. I'm waiting on two documents, and I still need to compile my mileage, but I did compile all my charitable giving and biz expenses.

NEW GOAL: 15 minutes of small biz research per day.
*pending* Here's the deal on this one: I have a teacher lined up, and I haven't figured out how to legally hire her. I'm not doing any under-the-table crap with a business I hope to run and grow for the next decade or more. I only ever got halfway through my Small Business For Dummies book before the holidays ended and real life resumed. I'll read for 15 minutes per day, and/or I'll browse the sma.gov (Small Business Administration) website for resources.

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