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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1411600
The Good Life.
I am a professional musician  , worship leader  , small business owner  , songwriter  , aspiring author   and freelance nonfiction writer   with a chemical engineering degree  .

But that's just my resume.

My profile of qualifications is only one of the ways in which I am unique. Here I chronicle my personal and professional goals and my efforts to achieve them. Occasionally I fail. Mostly, I take daily baby steps toward all my long-term goals. Much like the stories I pen, the songs I compose, and the businesses I run, I am always a work in progress.

Merit Badge in Music
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  To a dear friend whose talent for writing music is sensational. May you have a fabulous New Year, (((Brandi)))!!! *^*Kiss*^*

Big hugs,
Sherri *^*Heart*^*  Merit Badge in Organization
[Click For More Info]

I don't know how you do it, but I assume there's magic involved *^*Bigsmile*^*  I have really enjoyed this month of planning and preparation for NaNoWriMo and I love how organized it all is.  Thank you for hosting a great challenge and for your dedication to helping so many of us prepare with confidence and trepidation for National Novel Writing Month (known to sane folks as 'November' *^*Laugh*^*) at your  [Link To Item #1474311] Merit Badge in Leadership
[Click For More Info]

For your hard work, commitment, talent and innovation in running the October NaNoWriMo Preparation each year, which helps many of us get our scattered thoughts together for November's novel-writing. And also because this badge has ducks on it.
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March 21, 2010 at 9:30pm
March 21, 2010 at 9:30pm
Resign from Abbott by 4/4/10.
*Writing* 12 Days. I should be more excited.

Brand the biz(es.)
*Writing* I performed for Keith's BIL's 50th birthday party last night.

15 minutes of small biz research per day.
*Writing* Yesterday, at Potbelly, a couple was watching me play. After a few songs, the woman introduced herself to me. She's the owner of one of the commercial properties I'm considering. She Googled me, found my website, saw my performance schedule, and decided to come see me play. I'm impressed that she cares enough about potential tenants to research them.

Post at WordPress at least once per week.
*Pencil* Pending.

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by 3/31/10.
{e:Pre-emptiveFAIL} I'm so tired of this goal.

Write one new original song per month.
*Check* Goal met: "Time"

Launch one new repertoire song per week.
*Check* What the hell. I didn't actually sing it, but I could have: "Heaven" by Bryan Adams. I just didn't have the energy to sing it. But it's ready.

Maintain Business Managers blog.
*Writing* No activity.

Meet other writing goals.
*Writing* Textbroker articles: No activity.
*Writing* Music Educators blog: On hold.

Three out of three of my Saturdays students canceled on me yesterday, so I did *not* teach any lessons. Here's what I *did* do: I wrapped the twelve-year-old's birthday presents, attended a worship planning meeting, uninstalled some more software on my studio desktop computer (and met my potential future landlady), played Potbelly, did a load of laundry, attended a birthday party for the twelve-year-old (with ice cream cake!), ran Praise Band rehearsal, ran a monthly Praise Band meeting, and played for Keith's BIL's party. I just didn't have time for anything else - no WordPress, no Textbroker, no Managers blog, no work on my business plan and studio database. *shrug* Tomorrow, I'll try again.
March 20, 2010 at 3:33pm
March 20, 2010 at 3:33pm
Resign from Abbott by 4/4/10.
*Writing* 13 Days, and still not soon enough. Although, all I have left to do in the next two weeks is complete two investigations, audit a dozen or so batch logs, help three employees write and submit career growth plans, transition my payroll and personnel files, let a whole bunch of people take me to lunch on various days (I should resign more often!), and clean out my desk. I already started working on that last item, and hysterically, coworkers are assisting. Just last night, a peer and good friend stuck his head in my office, pointed at my shiny silver photo-frame-slash-calculator that I got as a thank-you for helping coordinate National Quality Month in like 2006, and he said, "Hey, can I have that when you're gone?" *Laugh* I said, "You can have it now." *Bigsmile*

I mean, it's not even a graphing calculator. *Pthb*

Brand the biz(es.)
*Writing* I got kudos from a dude at work who stumbled across my latest WordPress-posted recording, "When Love Comes to Town" http://michelletuesday.com

15 minutes of small biz research per day.
*Writing* I got my first commercial property proposal yesterday. It's a little place, adorable, but not much room for growth. I only considered it because my broker thought we might be able to land a killer deal for various reasons. The deal was far from killer, and seeing as how it's too small, not ideally laid out, and not in the best location, I may not even bother to counter. I have two other pending proposals on retail locations.

Post at WordPress at least once per week.
*Pencil* Pending, and probably not today.

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by 3/31/10.

D'oh. I just saw that date again.

Write one new original song per month.
*Check* Goal met: "Time"

Launch one new repertoire song per week.
*Pencil* Pending, but I've been playing through chord progressions on "Hungry Eyes" by Eric Clapton, "Heaven" by Bryan Adams, "Never Gonna Be Alone" and "Someday" by Nickelback, and "Drive" by Incubus, not to mention my own new chord progression. One of those will be my next new song.

Maintain Business Managers blog.
*Writing* No activity. I have posts pre-written for Monday and Tuesday; I suppose I should go ahead and "schedule" those, but today was busy.

Meet other writing goals.
*Writing* Textbroker articles: No activity.
*Writing* Music Educators blog: On hold.
March 19, 2010 at 9:14am
March 19, 2010 at 9:14am
Resign from Abbott by 4/4/10.
*Writing* Two weeks to the day!!

I obtained my manager's signature and submitted my request for leave yesterday. It's not official until the leave center approves it, but it's officially too late to take it back. Also, we've selected my replacement from among the candidates. *Bigsmile* I went to the dentist for my six-month checkup Monday, too, which is good, since I'm not going to have health bennies anymore, at least not until ObamaCare goes into effect.

I'm not holding my breath... because I can't afford the respirator.

Brand the biz(es.)
*Writing* I feel a little stalled at the moment while we wait for three property proposals. Also, another teacher declined to meet with me about potential employment. She's a former elementary school teacher who now works as an elementary school counselor, thanks to a failed tax levy. She was referred by an elementary (non-music) teacher friend of mine who works with her. My friend thought the ex-music teacher wanted additional part-time income, but it turns out that she's just looking for summer work.

People, if you're looking for a job, I have news for ya: the jobs are out there. Many hiring managers are trying to find you but don't know how. *makes a note of that for her business manager's blog* My topic list is getting long! If I can find the time to write all my blog posts, I'm fairly sure I'll never run out of ideas. It's a topic I know well.

15 minutes of small biz research per day.
*Writing* Just more property searches and emails to my broker.

Some days my life seems surreal. First of all, I have a broker. Second, I'm quitting my secure job during a recession for the possibility of eking out a living in unknown territory. It's all very strange.

Post at WordPress at least once per week.
*Pencil* Still pending.

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by 3/31/10.
9:00am Coffee (1)

Write one new original song per month.
*Check* Goal met: "Time," which I ironically need more of so that I can record and publish the song at WordPress. *Bigsmile*

Launch one new repertoire song per week.
*Pencil* Pending.

Maintain Business Managers blog.
*Check* I launched my blog at http://mochanotes.com/adviceforbusiness managers, (re)posted my initial post, made the new blog pretty, and installed AdSense advertisements. I even figured out how to edit the code manually. Now I need to fill the blog with content and submit it to the search engines. I spent a bunch of time playing with GoDaddy, WordPress, and AdSense yesterday, and it was ridiculously fun.

Meet other writing goals.
*Writing* Textbroker articles: I accepted the next four articles and wrote one of four.
*Writing* Music Educators blog: On hold pending my Business Managers trial run.

I drafted the Good Friday bulletin, so I feel better about that. I have a meeting Saturday morning with all the church music leaders, so hopefully we'll hash out Good Friday, Easter Vigil, and Easter Sunday services.
March 18, 2010 at 10:45am
March 18, 2010 at 10:45am
I'm still alive. *Bigsmile*

Resign from Abbott by 4/4/10.
*Writing* 15 Days! I'm fairly sure this is a done deal, seeing as how I spent the last two days helping my boss interview candidates for my replacement. *Laugh*

Brand the biz(es.)
*Writing* More floor plans! I found another location I love, although I'm not sure I'll get any kind of deal I can live with out of them.

15 minutes of small biz research per day.
*Writing* Yep. I looked at more properties online, and I read about twenty emails my mom sent with ideas and thoughts. She's helping me look at the numbers. She loves numbers. One of her favorite tasks is reconciling her checkbook. *Thumbsup*

Post at WordPress at least once per week.
*Pencil* Uh... I forgot about this completely.

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by 3/31/10.
Weight: 155.6
7:30am Coffee (1), yogurt (0), banana (2)
10:30am Turkey sausage (2.5) and coffee (1)
1:45pm Skinny roast beef sandwich (7)
4:00pm Two unbelievably delicious almond cookies (6?)
6:00pm Double-pack granola bar (4)
11:00pm Two pieces pizza (15?)
11:30pm Ice cream (4)

Write one new original song per month.
*Check* Goal met, and I really like this one.

Launch one new repertoire song per week.
*Pencil* Pending, but probably not going to happen. Instead, I'm breaking some songs out of the archives to keep it interesting. I'm just too busy.

Maintain Business Managers blog.
{e:FAIL} I told Storm Machine that I could write these articles in my sleep. Coincidentally, during sleep was the only time I had the last two days to complete this task, and it turns out that I'm not, in fact, capable of writing these articles in my sleep. *Pthb*

It doesn't matter, because I pulled the blog. I want it hosted exclusively on my domain, not on wordpress.com. I'm still working on making that happen and hoping I didn't screw it up by launching it at wordpress.com in the first place (although, that *is* the reason for the Business Managers blog - as a trial run for my music educators blog.)

Come to think of it, I should move my michelletuesday.wordpress.com blog off of wordpress.com. Again, the biz managers blog can be my trial run to see if I can undo the wp.com hosting.

Meet other writing goals.

*Writing* 24 Textbroker articles pending: I need to accept my next four. I had typos in my last two sets of four. *Pthb* I think the client may be getting a little irritated. I actually only have eight DirectOrders in my inbox; he just told me that he has sixteen more to send, but we'll see if he still likes me after these eight. Not that I have time to write them, but it is regular writing income.

*Writing* Music Educators blog: On hold.

Easter is coming. I need to get crackin' on some worship planning for church.
March 15, 2010 at 7:57am
March 15, 2010 at 7:57am
With the advent of my new blog - http://mochanotes.com/adviceforbusinessmanagers - comes a new goal to publish one new blog post each business day. If I'm smart, I'll get ahead by scheduling them in advance.

Resign from Abbott by 4/4/10.
*Writing* 18 Days!

Brand the biz(es.)
*Writing* My broker submitted RFPs ("Requests for Proposal" - doesn't everybody know that?? *Blush*) for my two fave commercial properties. Now we're waiting for the numbers. My biz plan is polished and ready for plug-and-chug, so when the property owners get their quotes to me, I'll be able to compare accurately and decide quickly.

15 minutes of small biz research per day.
*Writing* I taught lessons, continued to work on cleaning my desktop computer (I'm starting to think I should just wipe the drive), and worked on setting up my Business Management blog.

Post at WordPress at least once per week.
*Pencil* Pending.

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by 3/31/10.
6:30am Coffee (1)
7:00am Coffee (1) and Cinnabon bar (3)
9:00am Donut hole (1) and mini muffin (1)
1:45pm Skinny roast beef sandwich (7)
5:00pm Ten peanut butter pretzels (2.5)
6:30pm Rice krispies treat (4)

Write one new original song per month.
*Check* Goal met.

Launch one new repertoire song per week.
*Pencil* Pending.

Maintain Business Managers blog.
*Check* First daily post published. Also, my Adsense account was approved, so now I have to read the instructions and figure out how to use it.

Meet other writing goals.
*Writing* 28 Textbroker articles pending: 4 due by today-ish.
*Writing* Music Educators blog: On hold.
March 12, 2010 at 2:51pm
March 12, 2010 at 2:51pm
Suddenly stuffy... just in time to visit my nephew this weekend for his baptism. *Frown* Maybe my head will explode on the plane, and it will relieve the sinus pressure. {e:hopeful}

Resign from Abbott by 4/4/10.
*Writing* 21 Days!

Brand the biz(es.)
*Writing* I'm still in negotiations on my two fave locations. I mapped out a few routes (in my Jeep - testing for convenience) to both locations and think they're both good. I also pinpointed the Gahanna Public Library for some future marketing potential.

I had a chat with my accountant/future investor/mom about my biz plan. We ironed some ideas out. I'll be visiting this weekend for the baptism, so maybe we'll get time to chat some more.

15 minutes of small biz research per day.
*Writing* I finally took the time to peruse the website of my biggest local music school competitor in Gahanna. She runs a good business. She takes a formal approach to music instruction, though, and my business plan is much more laid back. We might barely overlap in the market.

Post at WordPress at least once per week.
*Check* Yep: http://michelletuesday.com

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by 3/31/10.
9:00am Cherry PopTart (4) and coffee (1.5)
1:45pm Skinny roast beef sandwich (7)
2:30pm Ice cream (3)

Write one new original song per month.
*Check* Goal met: "Time" - which is polishing up nicely.

Launch one new repertoire song per week.
*Check* Goal met: "Second Chance" - with the verses sung correctly! It's a tad low, which works well when you have a head cold. *Thumbsup*

*Writing* Textbroker articles x 28
*Writing* Music Educators blog
*Writing* Business Managers blog: I started this at WordPress as a trial run for the Music Educators blog. I haven't actually posted anything, but I did pick a title and reserve it at WordPress. {e:babysteps} It's more than I had yesterday. *Thumbsup*
March 11, 2010 at 9:15am
March 11, 2010 at 9:15am
Resign from Abbott by 4/4/10.
*Writing* 22 days! Or, 3.43 weeks. Or, ten full workdays and three half workdays. Or, 920 hours. Wait, I don't like that one as much. Let's go back to 3.43 weeks.

Brand the biz(es.)
*Writing* Pretty much waiting on my new home... except that I still haven't decided whether to keep "Studio" or change it to "School" or "Academy." Also, I'm ready for the hiring phase, and I need a lobby attendant who can not only greet customers, but help students with computer lab. I have a few ideas as to where to find such a person.

15 minutes of small biz research per day.
*Writing* I have two primary locations competing with one another: one retail and one office. Pros and cons of the two:

* Higher price, lower profit margin
* Higher break-even, which means it will take longer to see a profit
* Location is tucked between shopping and restaurants, making it convenient for busy parents
* High visibility from a main road through town
* Larger property, more room for future growth, therefore higher overall profit potential

* Lower price, higher profit margin
* Low break-even
* Location is somewhat close to shopping and restaurants, but not right next door
* Visibility from the Interstate
* Smaller property, less room for future growth, lower overall profit potential

Basically, the retail location is a higher risk with a higher potential reward. Originally, I looked at my potential profit on it and went -OMG- I'm not even interested in the smaller one. But then I spent two hours yesterday at the little office space taking measurements and drafting my floor plan, and I love it again! It's so cute, and I can get one more lesson room in it than I originally thought with very little modification, increasing its potential by 33%. So now I love both locations, so it will probably come down to who gives me the better deal.

Post at WordPress at least once per week.
*Check* Yep. http://michelletuesday.wordpress.com

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by 3/31/10.
8:00am Breakfast lean pocket (5)
9:00am Coffee (1)
10:30am Coffee (1)
1:45pm Skinny roast beef sandwich (7)
7:00pm Red Lobster! Two biscuits (8), salad (2), 1/2 tilapia & broccoli (4), and lobster mashed potatoes (9)

Write one new original song per month.
*Check* Goal met: "Time"

Launch one new repertoire song per week.
*Check* Goal met! Potbelly Gahanna has a little extra budget money, so I'm playing Wednesdays this month. Yesterday, I played "Second Chance" by Shinedown, finally. It sounded good, but the verse is still not quite right. I'll be polishing.

*Writing* Textbroker articles x 28
*Writing* Music educators' blog
March 10, 2010 at 10:25pm
March 10, 2010 at 10:25pm
Resign from Abbott by 4/4/10.
*Writing* 23 days!

Brand the biz(es.)
*Writing* I need to draft a music theory test for teachers. I do need to build out my Studio site but I'm kind of waiting for an address. I don't want my SEO dripping with "Gahanna" and "Music Lessons" until I know exactly where I'll be teaching music lessons in Gahanna.

And, heh... for any of you reading this because you just Googled Gahanna Music Lessons - check out my other website:

...and then come see me play at Potbelly Sandwich Works and grab some lunch - Stoneridge Plaza on Mon/Tue/Wed and Easton on Thu/Fri/Sat - and I'll hand you a biz card and chat with you about lessons.

For any of you reading this because you just like reading my blog, {/advertisement} - but ya have to admit, I just met my "brand the biz" goal. *Up**Thumbsup**Bigsmile*

15 minutes of small biz research per day.
*Writing* Yeah, so... more on this tomorrow.

Post at WordPress at least once per week.
*Pencil* Not yet.

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by 3/31/10.
9:45am Cinnabon bar (3)
10:00am Coffee (1)
1:45pm Skinny roast beef sandwich (7)
6:00pm Bean soup, corn bread, salad, bread pudding
8:30pm Chocolate (1)

Write one new original song per month.
*Check* Goal met: "Time" and I've been working on a new chord progression.

Launch one new repertoire song per week.
*Pencil* Not yet.

*Writing* Textbroker articles x 28
*Writing* Music educators' blog
March 9, 2010 at 11:06am
March 9, 2010 at 11:06am
Resign from Abbott by 4/4/10.
*Writing* 24 days!

Brand the biz(es.)
*Writing* One of my elementary school teacher friends got back to me with a music teacher recommendation. I know a couple of the school districts have laid off their music educators, so this is a good time to be looking for employees. I need to draft a music theory test!

15 minutes of small biz research per day.
*Writing* Yes, but I really need to let the floor plans go and start working on something else. I have potential capacity numbers, so I'm good there. Meanwhile, my broker is negotiating property terms, and I hope to have a lease signed by the end of the month!

Post at WordPress at least once per week.
*Pencil* Nope, not yet. Pending.

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by 3/31/10.
Weight: 155.4
7:45am Cinnabon bar (3)
8:00am Coffee (1)
11:00am Cashew granola bar (3) and coffee (1)
1:45pm Skinny roast beef sandwich (7)

Write one new original song per month.
*Check* Goal met: "Time"

Launch one new repertoire song per week.
*Pencil* Nope, still pending.. I'm *so close* on Second Chance by Shinedown, but I just don't have the stupid verses down, and I don't have time to listen repetitively.

*Writing* Textbroker articles x 32, honestly. *Pthb*
*Writing* Blog
*Writing* Website
March 8, 2010 at 8:07am
March 8, 2010 at 8:07am
Resign from Abbott by 4/4/10.
*Writing* 25 days. It's starting to feel very normal that Abbott will no longer be part of my life.

Brand the biz(es.)
*Writing* I worked on my teacher expectations document. As I'm floor planning *Down*, I'm thinking about ways to best serve customers, and it involves some extra (or, at least, well-placed) staffing. So I decided my teacher(s) will have some duties that I wanted outlined in the expectations document.

15 minutes of small biz research per day.
*Writing* Floor planning! I've laid out my three top choices now, plus a fourth potential location that I could live with. I'm getting psyched hardcore. I've even laid out my construction plans in affordable phases, which I'll expand if biz need dictates.

I can't even begin to express how much fun I'm having with this biz stuff.

Post at WordPress at least once per week.
*Pencil* Damn Mondays.

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by 3/31/10.
Weight: 156.2
7:30am Sbux Gingerbread Loaf (11) and coffee (1)
1:45pm Skinny roast beef sandwich (7)
7:30pm Champps turkey burger w/pepper jack and bacon, veggies marinated in oil *Pthb*, half a bowl of french onion soup, and a tall, nonfat, no-whip white mocha.

I looked up the gingerbread loaf *after* I ate it, or I would have thrown it in the damn trash. Sunshine and beautiful blue skies (the first I've seen in two months) have me out of my winter-blues slump and thinking seriously about this goal again. Eleven pounds! I can do this.

Write one new original song per month.
*Check* Goal met: "Time"

Launch one new repertoire song per week.
*Pencil* It's Monday.

*Writing* Sixteen Textbroker articles, and he has sixteen more when I'm done. *Shock**Worry*{e:whenwillIwritemyownblog??}
*Writing* Blog idea, although I asked my client about his blog, and he 'fessed that it's not fantastically profitable. I still might try it, but with the goal of attracting potential clients to my website.
*Writing* Website (Yep - the one to which I seek to attract potential clients via my blog idea.)

And that's all the blogging I have time for today, folks. Have you SEEN my TO-DO list??
March 7, 2010 at 1:23pm
March 7, 2010 at 1:23pm
Resign from Abbott by 4/4/10.
*Writing* 26 days.

Brand the biz(es.)
*Writing* When I apologized to a lady at church that I haven't gotten a biz card to her, she replied that she'd looked up and found my website. She found the info on her own. *Bigsmile* She's thinking of enrolling her kids in lessons. I also talked to two elementary school teacher friends, asking for recommendations of music teachers who might be looking to supplement their income.

15 minutes of small biz research per day.
*Writing* I've been working on floor plans for my potential commercial locations.

Post at WordPress at least once per week.
*Check* Goal met.

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by 3/31/10.
8:00am Coffee (1) and yogurt (0)
9:30am Three donut holes (3)
10:00am Cranberry bread (2)
1:00pm Tortilla (2) with cheese (2), salsa (0), sour cream (2)
1:15pm Gingerbread loaf (4)
6:30pm Chicken (3) with BBQ (2), peas (0), three leftover Red Lobster biscuits (12?), about a quarter cup of tater tots (3?), ice cream (5)
8:00pm Chocolate (2)

Write one new original song per month.
*Check* Goal met: "Time"

Launch one new repertoire song per week.
*Check* Goal met.

*Writing* Sixteen Textbroker articles, yikes.
*Writing* Website.
*Writing* Blog idea.
March 5, 2010 at 10:03am
March 5, 2010 at 10:03am
Resign from Abbott by 4/4/10.
*Writing* 28 days, or four weeks, or 11 full days and four half days.

Brand the biz(es.)
*Writing* I've been thinking of my performance brand. This is something I was thinking of even before Kara told Katelyn to figure out who she is "real quick" on American Idol. I keep trying to branch out my style in some attempt to satisfy the perceived preferences of certain people in my life, or even just to comply with requests, but there's a certain core group of artists whom I cover really well. Your task, should you choose to accept it: send me a list of your favorite covers and/or original works from my blog (you might have to dig into the "next page" archives) so I can compare to what I believe I excel at. Help me figure out my performance brand.

You can find my blog here: http://www.michelletuesday.com

15 minutes of small biz research per day.
*Writing* I worked on my biz plan, actually assigning numbers. My gross margin is not likely to make a Rockafeller out of me. It's a good thing I love this stuff.

Post at WordPress at least once per week.
*Check* Goal met. But you already knew that, because you checked it out for the assignment above *Up*, didn't you? *Bigsmile*

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by 3/31/10.
8:00am Coffee (1) and cashew granola bar (3)

Write new lyrics once per week.
*Pencil* Pending, and I haven't done this in weeks. It's obviously not a priority, so I'll take the goal down for now. As I get ready to leave Abbott in (did I mention? 28 day!), my priorities involve the things that will earn me money going forward: new gigs, the biz, and the blog.

Write one new original song per month.
*Check* Goal met: "Time"

Launch one new repertoire song per week.
*Check* Goal met: "Time" and "Pride (In the Name of Love)"

*Writing* Sixteen Textbroker articles, yikes.
*Writing* Website: SEO, Javascript, "Now Hiring" page, embedded videos, studio docs.
*Writing* Blog idea. I really want to do this, but it's difficult to find time.
March 4, 2010 at 9:38am
March 4, 2010 at 9:38am
Resign from Abbott by 4/4/10.
*Writing* 29 days.

Brand the biz(es.)
*Writing* My most pressing need: work on my website. I've been reading a book on JavaScript, and I swear it's just a matter of taking the time to figure out how to implement this stuff. I also need to add pages for my offerings, tuition, policy, and embed photos and videos of kids playing. I'm also thinking of changing the "Studio" part of my biz name to "Academy" or "School" to avoid ambiguity. I mentioned to a coworker that I was opening a music studio, and he said, what, you mean like a recording studio? And I Googled "music studio" with no geographic location and got all recording studios, whereas "music academy" and "music school" returned - as you would expect - music schools. Feedback about that?

15 minutes of small biz research per day.
*Check* My broker is working on deals for my two fave locations. One has visibility from a major road, is a retail location, and is next door to a Dunkin Donuts/Baskin Robbins (can you say "synergy"?? Whatever shall mom and five-year-old sibling do with themselves while seven-year-old brother is in his drum lesson?? Hmm...) and one has visibility from the Interstate! (next door to an animal hospital; not quite as good of synergy, but did I mention it's visible from the Interstate??) Both are very awesome inside. The retail space is bigger - and, naturally, more expensive.

Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
*Pencil* Pending: "The Nails in His Hands." But you know what? I've decided to remove this goal, since it's practically meeting itself with intervention from band members.

Post at WordPress at least once per week.
*Pencil* Still pending... and top of my list for this morning.

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by 3/31/10.
8:30am Coffee (1) and a Max&Erma's cookie (5?) - last one! Until we go to Max&Erma's again.

Write new lyrics once per week.
*Pencil* Pending.

Write one new original song per month.
*Check* Goal met. I do feel like I cheated, because the song I finished was last month's song. I may put this back to "pending," but I have so much biz work to do that I'm not sure an original song is high on my priority list this month.

I'm shooting for a Grand Opening of the Michelle Tuesday Music Studio on May 1st.

Launch one new repertoire song per week.
*Check* Goal met.

*Writing* Sixteen Textbroker articles, yikes.
*Writing* WordPress post.
*Writing* Website: SEO, Javascript, "Now Hiring" page, embedded videos, studio docs.
*Writing* Blog idea.
March 3, 2010 at 9:08pm
March 3, 2010 at 9:08pm
Resign from Abbott by 4/4/10.
*Writing* 30 days.

Brand the biz(es.)
*Check* I'm in pretty good shape here. I'm getting used to introducing myself as "Michelle Tuesday" and telling people that the name of my biz is "Michelle Tuesday Music Studio." Plus, I keep handing out biz cards.

15 minutes of small biz research per day.
*Check* I looked at over a dozen commercial properties today, holy crap. I found two that I *adore* and can actually afford! *Delight* Plus several more that weren't quite right. I have my approximate budget amount, so I need to start running numbers on my three-year biz plan.

Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
*Pencil* Pending: "The Nails in His Hands"

Post at WordPress at least once per week.
*Pencil* Still pending... and this one should be so easy. First thing in the morning...

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by 3/31/10.
Meals: Too much, especially the mashed potatoes (5?) for dinner, followed by a scoop of frozen yogurt (1) and a scoop of full-fat ice cream (3). The pork chop (3) and peas (0) were nice and healthy. Two Max & Erma's cookies (10?), one fourth of a club sandwich WITH MAYO OMG I forgot to ask for no mayo, a bowl of french onion soup, a tall, nonfat berry white mocha at Caribou, um... a fiber English muffin with butter and a tablespoon of orange marmalade - yummy, one strip of bacon, and coffee.

In reverse order.

Write new lyrics once per week.
*Pencil* Pending.

Write one new original song per month.
*Check* Goal met. This is the piece I've been working on throughout February: "Invalid Item . The song still needs polishing, but I launched it at Potbelly yesterday, so I must have decided it was done-ish. I probably won't record it for awhile, so don't get excited. I will, however, play it regularly so that I can polish on the fly. Nothing like getting paid to practice and compose music.

Launch one new repertoire song per week.
*Check* Goal met. When I played "Time," I had already launched "Pride (In the Name of Love)" by U2.

*Writing* I finished my last four Textbroker articles, and then received DirectOrders for sixteen more. I need to stop pleasing customers.
*Writing* WordPress post.
*Writing* Website: SEO, Javascript menus, "Now Hiring" page, embedded videos of my kids, studio policy, other docs.
*Writing* Blog idea.
March 2, 2010 at 9:10am
March 2, 2010 at 9:10am
Resign from Abbott by 4/4/10.
*Writing* 31 days.

Brand the biz(es.)
*Check* I wrote a three-year business plan, at least the scheduling piece, and it looks SWEET. I still need to project numbers.

15 minutes of small biz research per day.
*Check* I made an appointment with one real estate agent to look at properties in the morning, and I'm in touch with a broker to represent me.

Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
*Pencil* Pending: "The Nails in His Hands"

Post at WordPress at least once per week.
*Pencil* Pending. I should do that today, since I'll be looking at commercial properties tomorrow, but I have four Textbroker articles to finish first. I don't think I'll have time for anything else before Potbelly.

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by 3/31/10.
7:00am Coffee (1)
9:00am Fiber granola bar (2)
11:00am Cashew granola bar (3)
1:45pm Skinny roast beef sandwich (7)
6:00pm Peanut butter pretzels (4) and a rice krispies treat (4)
8:00pm Candy (2)
10:00pm Candy (2)
10:30pm Chicken & rice (3) and a couple bites frozen yogurt (1)

Write new lyrics once per week.
*Pencil* Pending, and maybe on hold for awhile.

Write one new original song per month.
*Pencil* Pending. I may finish the one I was working on and put this goal on hold. The business launch is incredibly time-consuming, and Abbott has been keeping me hopping, too. I plan to hold songwriting classes in the summer, so maybe I can use that time to work on my own songwriting.

Launch one new repertoire song per week.
*Pencil* Pending.

*Writing* I'm working on my four Textbroker DirectOrders this morning. I need to develop my blog idea, but TB articles, business plans, website development and SEO, and a WordPress post are ahead it.

It's a typical day in the neighborhood.
March 1, 2010 at 8:40pm
March 1, 2010 at 8:40pm
Happy March! It's a new week AND a new month today, so I'm starting fresh on all my goals.

Resign from Abbott by 4/4/10.
*Writing* 32 days.

Brand the biz(es.)
The woman who wanted to teach for me decided she can't make a commitment right now, because she's job hunting for a full-time job and it might take her out of the state. So I have no teachers, and I have "advertise open positions" on my to-do list. On a positive note, the Board of Advisors meeting was unbelievable! They had so many great ideas. I just need to hire a few people to implement all of them.

I also spent most of yesterday developing an Access database to store client information, sales, scheduling, and maybe even financial reporting and budgeting. It's a work in progress, but I at least have the client piece set up, which stores both students and performance venues.

15 minutes of small biz research per day.
I've been in contact with two real estate agents and one brokerage. I have showings on Wednesday morning! *Delight*

Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
*Pencil* Pending: "The Nails in His Hands" to launch on Wednesday night, 3/10/10.

Post at WordPress at least once per week.
*Pencil* Pending, but since I recorded a ton of songs for my demo CD, I have audio files ready to videoize (I verbed a noun! Somebody tell Jedi Moose !) Posting should be a no-brainer this week.

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by 3/31/10.
6:30am Coffee (1) and FiberOne yogurt (0)
8:00am Coffee (1) and bfast Lean Pocket (5)
9:30am Coffee (1)
1:45pm Skinny roast beef sandwich (7)
5:45pm McDouble (9) with small fries (5) and strawberry sundae (6)
10:30pm Lifesavers (1)
11:00pm Triscuits (2)

Write new lyrics once per week.
*Pencil* Pending, with a FAIL for last week.

Write one new original song per month.
*Pencil* Pending, with a FAIL for last month. I farted around with it again at Potbelly, but this one I think really needs some at-home TLC.

Launch one new repertoire song per week.
*Pencil* Pending, but I'd rather just write a new song.

*Writing* Bouncing around more ideas for publishing a blog to generate income and/or to draw visitors to my biz site. I wanted more time for this today, but it just didn't materialize, with three *currently* paying jobs competing for my time on Mondays.
February 28, 2010 at 1:47pm
February 28, 2010 at 1:47pm
Resign from Abbott by 4/4/10.
*Writing* 33 days.

Brand the biz(es.)
*Check* I dropped off a CD for the Mexican restaurant. He's thinking of booking me for one day during his week-long Cinco de Mayo festival. I've also enrolled two new students, created an invoice form (and sent March invoices), polished my clients spreadsheet, and started working on an Access database to keep track of it all. And I have my Board of Advisors dinner tonight! *Bigsmile*

15 minutes of small biz research per day.
*Check* I had another brainstorming discussion, this time with one of my new customers, who used to work for a bank and assist small biz owners for a living. Advice is easy to come by! *Delight* In the end, it's my biz and my decisions, so I never say no to advice. I can sort the useful from the crap.

Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
*Check* Goal met. We're blowing this goal out of the water with a new song every week or two. The band is feel feisty this year. Hey, if they're willing to take it home and learn it, I'm willing to launch it.

Post at WordPress at least once per week.
*Check* Goal met.

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by 3/31/10.
7:30am Coffee (1)
9:00am Two cookies (5)
10:30am Two cookies (5) Gotta love those Lutherans
12:30pm Tall, nonfat, no-whip white mocha (5.5)
1:00pm Six pieces sushi, cream cheese roll (3)
1:15pm Candy (3)
8:30pm Olive Garden (pending)
TOTAL POINTS: 22.5 so far

Write new lyrics once per week.
*Pencil* Pending.

Write one new original song per month.
*Writing* In progress. Maybe I'll work on it this afternoon! It's 2/28. *Pthb* Last day of the month. But I have an access database, a nap, and an Advisors dinner ahead of it on the priority list.

Launch one new repertoire song per week.
*Check* Goal met, I think. Nobody's complaining (out loud) that my repertoire is getting boring, so I think I'm okay here?

*Writing* Four Textbroker articles in progress with a tiny bit of thought to my music blog. I thought about launching another blog, and buying the posts, just to try out Wordpress upgraded features under a pen name. Since that will cost me money, I need to make sure I don't have to sign a long-term commitment or something. I'm thinking of doing a blog on succeeding in Corporate America. Or maybe celebrity gossip. You can never go wrong with celebrity gossip.

February 27, 2010 at 10:57pm
February 27, 2010 at 10:57pm
Resign from Abbott by 4/4/10.
*Writing* 34 days.

Brand the biz(es.)
*Check* I enrolled a new student in band coaching and lessons, thanks to a referral from one of my existing clients. I gave her a referral credit on her invoice! Wheee!

You know what I'd really like to find the time for? SEO (search engine optimization) for my biz websites. It's on my ever-growing to-do list.

15 minutes of small biz research per day.
*Check* I've been looking up performance venues all morning. I discovered a fascinating list of local venues (potential gigs!), as well as competitors, published by the Other paper. And in the process, I've submitted my name for two local Concert-in-the-Park series. I'm afraid it might be too late to get on their schedules.

Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
*Check* Goal met.

Post at WordPress at least once per week.
*Check* Goal met. In fact, I posted two or three times this week, including a cover of Let It Be. http://www.michelletuesday.com

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by 3/31/10.
8:00am Coffee (1)

Write new lyrics once per week.
*Pencil* Pending.

Write one new original song per month.
*Writing* In progress.

Launch one new repertoire song per week.
*Check* Goal met.

*Writing* Four Textbroker articles in progress. I'm also thinking of a WDC contest or submission forum to ramp up blog posts, but first I need to set the blog up.

I'm still feeling a little cranky. I'm not sure why. The church fell through and I lost the bd's gig (til spring). I've gotten five nibbles on my house in the last two weekends, probably thanks to warmer weather, so you'd think that would make me happy. It does, except that I'm feeling pressure to find a new home. Things are moving fast - my Advisors have great ideas, and I don't have time to implement them all. I may have to start paying people to do things for me *now* (or, at least, really soon) - but my biz plan isn't solid enough yet to get funding for that.

Small business is not for the lazy.
February 26, 2010 at 4:15pm
February 26, 2010 at 4:15pm
Resign from Abbott by 4/4/10.
*Writing* 35 days and counting! My last day is five weeks from today.

Brand the biz(es.)
*Check* Dinner with the teacher was good. She has lots of good ideas, and may want to invest or even partner in the biz. I'm not sure I'm ready for that, because I don't know her that well, though it's nice to know I have yet another potential source of capital if I need it. I figure I'll hire her for now, we can work together for awhile, and if I'm looking for expansion money in a year or two, I'll consider.

I also polished up my Studio Policy, Registration Form, Tuition Rates, and Teacher Expectations and Compensation documents. And since I was on such a roll being all employer-ish, I applied for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) at the IRS website. Yippee! I can pay taxes. *Thumbsup*

Next up on the brand-the-biz to-do list:
(1) burn an updated CD. I recorded a half a dozen songs today during a one-hour break, go me.
(2) send CDs and magnetic calendars to a few local bars and restaurants. Biz will ramp up in the spring, 'cuz acoustic acts are great for patios.

15 minutes of small biz research per day.
*Check* I'd say perusing the IRS website and applying for an EIN counts. I also applied for a Ficticious Name certificate about a month ago with the state, and the check finally cleared. I'm expecting that cert in the mail any day. That, along with the EIN, will allow me to open up a bank account in my biz name.

Next up on the biz-research list:
(1) location!
(2) location!
(3) location!

Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
*Check* Goal met.

Post at WordPress at least once per week.
*Pencil* Pending.

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by 3/31/10.
8:00am bd's leftovers (15? 18? - three tortillas filled with saucy beef and shrimp)
8:30am OJ (3)
1:45pm Skinny roast beef sandwich (7)
2:15pm Lifesavers (3)
4:00pm Dark chocolate Reese's cup (1)

I still have a month. I might feel more optimistic if I'd seen -any- progress at all in the last TWO. But I have higher priorities at the moment.

Write new lyrics once per week.
*Pencil* Pending.

Write one new original song per month.
{e:writing) Ooh! I almost forgot until just now. I have a song in progress! I started messing with a chord progression at Potbelly yesterday, and it fit one of my lyrics sets. I have until Sunday to finish writing it and meet this goal. *Bigsmile*

Launch one new repertoire song per week.
{e:pencil} Pending. I think. Unless I launched something and don't remember. *Pthb* Is it April yet?

*Check* I think I'm good. Although I'm waiting and may need one more revision, I'm going to remove this one from the list, because revisions are minor at this point.

*Writing* I accepted the last four Textbroker articles, and I have until next Thursday to write them.

ALSO on the writing front, I'm working on a music blog concept, related to music performance, education, and/or study. I'm looking for ideas... and submissions. The idea is still in infancy, but I intend to actually pay people for subs (GPs or PayPal) that I choose to publish. I just don't know when or how much. So the sooner y'all start sending ideas, the sooner I'll be ready to buy blog posts.
February 25, 2010 at 11:01am
February 25, 2010 at 11:01am
Resign from Abbott by 4/4/10.
*Writing* 36 days and counting!

Brand the biz(es.)
*Check* Dinner with my teacher tonight! Yesterday I finalized an expectations document and a compensation plan.

On a related note, I blogged about bd's, because I have news: http://www.michelletuesday.com. So I guess I'm not in a hurry to learn Coldplay, which is good. I've been putting that off anyway.

15 minutes of small biz research per day.
*Check* Been readin' about employing people and writing job expectations and a compensation plan in preparation for my dinner with my teacher tonight.

Launch one new Praise Band song per month.
*Check* Goal met.

Post at WordPress at least once per week.
*Pencil* Pending.

Achieve a weight of 145.0 by 3/31/10.
Weight: 154.2
8:30am Coffee (1)
10:30am Fiber granola bar (2)
1:45pm Skinny roast beef sammich (7)
2:00pm M&M minis (2)
5:45pm M&M minis (4)
8:00pm Bob Evans savor-size cran-pecan-chk salad (15) and slice cherry bread (6)
12:00am Nuts (1)

Write new lyrics once per week.
*Pencil* Pending.

Write one new original song per month.
*Pencil* Pending.

Launch one new repertoire song per week.
*Pencil* Pending.

*Check* Waiting to hear if I got everything.

*Writing* I completed the last four DirectOrders. I have four more to accept.

Stay back. I'm cranky.



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