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Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #2171316
As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book
Evolution of Love Part 2
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June 18, 2024 at 4:54pm
June 18, 2024 at 4:54pm
"The muse always has wings and nests in fire?"
From the Wonderbook by Jeff Vandermeer
What is your take on this quote and do you trust, distrust, and/or fear your muse, i.e your imagination?

Donโ€™t burn the house :

Donโ€™t burn the house โ€ฆ let me help you cook instead !!!
Well โ€ฆ I never knew how to cook .. though at school there were about 2 years we had to take home science class . Mrs Khurshid was an excellent teacher .. perhaps a bit too lenient as there were some truants like me , who would readily make inane excuses to be off from that class. For me .. I was alwys needed by seniors for some quiz team preps .. some art project commissioned by our Principal herself !
There were no dearth of excuses.. till Mrs Khurshid decided to call the shots . No more excuses ! one had to be in class to pass the annual exam . So I ..grudgingly resigned to my fate in her hands - We both took the middle ground and I ended up washing dishes after the class cooking !
So in school, I never learnt to cook โ€ฆ then fast forward to my days in Scotland . I was done eating Indian curry off cans and I decided to try one of the recipes my mom had taught me on the passing ! She too had very little faith in me . I had put a pan on fire put little oil as she had instructed .. chopped some veggies that I thought I might like . Broccoli , exotic and new to me those days made that cut .. broccoli with potatoes and carrots with a generous mix of some curry powder I had got from the local grocery store. I sautรฉed the veggies perhaps to kingdom come .. and realized they were getting bit too charred .. I really didnโ€™t know the fix ! The pan was getting hotter by the minute and still I hadnโ€™t thought of pouring water to make the gravy ! To get the now hopeless veggies out of harmโ€™s way I grabbed hold of a dish towel and tried taking the pan off heat . The towel hopelessly caught fire and everything seemed to be in flames !!!
Like a guardian angel my flatmate a very sweet and timid English boy called Ian jumped in .. we had interactions before but nothing as intimate as this : Stop !!! Donโ€™t burn the house down โ€ฆ. Pause .. let me help you ! I can cook food you know and Indian food too , if you like !

That was that .. Ian and I after this house burning incident became two peas in a pod . Only after some days there was Eric another French guy who became the third pea .
Now every day Ian made sure three of us had one proper meal . He would make elaborate dinners of Indian curry and rice , spaghetti carbonara .. or banana toast as a midnight snack ! My only job as you know by now was proficient in washing dishes !!!
Those were happy days .. as this eclectic group settled in my then home with other 5 tenants of what was known then to our MBA class .. as the Tenents of 6 Perth Road ! Dundee . Scotland .
Though many years have past since my Dundee days and I have learnt to cook .. well somewhat decent meals .. I still remain indebted to Mrs Khurshid and Ian Hamilton - my first teachers !
Now at least till today , thank god .. I have not burnt any house down .. except the occasional burning of hands and fingers in action - like today !!! But that story is for another day !!!
The muse always has wings and nests in fire?"
June 17, 2024 at 12:52pm
June 17, 2024 at 12:52pm

Don't marry me that far
Where to meet me, for the sake.
You have to sell the goats of the house.

Don't marry in that country
Where more than man
God resides

Where there are no jungle rivers and mountains
Don't come there my lagan

There is no where
On the streets of the world
Motor-cars run faster than respect.
Tall houses
And shops are bigger

Don't connect my relationship with that house
With no big open patio
Where there is no morning on the chicken's bong.
And the evening from the backyard to where
Can't see the sun setting on the hill
Don't choose like this
The one who is often drowned in pochai and hadia
Kahil-Nikamma is
Expert in flying girls from the fair
Don't choose such a bride for me

Is there no thari-lota
That later when I want to change
On being good and bad

Who in the conversation
Talk about stick and stick
Take out arrows and bow, axe
Whenever you want to go to Bengal, Assam or Kashmir
We don't want such a bride

And don't give my hand in her hand
Whose hands never planted any trees
The hands that did not grow the crops
The hands that never supported anyone
Didn't lift anyone's burden

And so more !
Those who don't know how to write hand, hand with 'H'
Never give my hand to her!

Marriage is there marriage
Where go in the morning
Return to the evening on foot
If I ever cry in sorrow, this ghat
So you bathing in that pier river
You can hear my mourning

Mahua's lat and
I can make date jaggery and send message for you
Someone's hands coming and going from there
Can I send pumpkin-fog, khekhsa, barbatti
Time to time for Gogo too

Fair-Hat-Bazaar on the way
Can I find someone close to me
Can tell the condition of the village and the village.
News of Chitakabari Gaia's seed
Whatever someone passes through
Such a place to marry me!

Marriage in that country
Where God less men live more
The goat and the lion
Where you drink a pier of water
Exactly marry me!

Marry with the same one who
Pair of pigeons and panduk like birds
May your hands always remain.
From working in the farms outdoor
Until the night shares happiness and sorrow
Selecting on like this
The one who plays the flute melody.
And you are mastery in playing drums

Joe can bring in the days of spring
Plash flowers for my couple

The one who can't be eaten
On my stay hungry
Marry me to the same!
June 11, 2024 at 4:37am
June 11, 2024 at 4:37am
Let's learn something from the birds:----

1. Don't eat anything at night.

2. Don't roam around at night.

3. Teach your child life skills at the right time.

4. Never eat solid solid. How many have you done
Even if you have added grains, you will eat a little and fly away. They take nothing with you.

5.. Will sleep as soon as the night comes,
Will wake up early in the morning,
We will rise up with singing.

6. Never change your diet.

7. Will automatically choose spouse.

8. Let's take work out of our body. No rest except night.

9. Will leave food when illness comes,
Will eat only when we are fine.

10. Will give your child lots of love and time.

11. Hard work to heart, kidney,
Liver does not have diseases.

12. Take from nature as much as needed.

13. Make your home eco friendly.

14. Don't speak other's language except your language.

Life is simple if we can learn a little bit from them,
Be beautiful and successful.
June 8, 2024 at 12:37pm
June 8, 2024 at 12:37pm
*When I was YOUNG,*
*I found it DIFFICULT to WAKE UP.*
*When I am OLD,*
*I find it DIFFICULT to SLEEP.*.

*YOUNG fill OLD*

*When I was YOUNG,*
*When I am OLD,*

*When I was YOUNG,*
*I was WAITING to HOLD someone's HAND.*
*When I am OLD,*

*When I was YOUNG,*
*I wanted my parents to leave me alone in my bathtub*
*When I am OLD*
*I am worried to be left alone*

*When I was YOUNG,*
*I HATED being ADVISED about customer.*
*When I am OLD,*
*there is NO ONE around to TALK or ADVISE.*

*When I was YOUNG,*
*When I am OLD,*
*I see BEAUTY in THINGS around ME.*

*When I was YOUNG,*
*I felt I was ETERNAL.*
*When I am OLD,*
*I know SOON it will be MY TURN.*

*When I was YOUNG,*
*When I am OLD,*

*When I was YOUNG,*
*When I am OLD,*
*I am WORRIED when will MY HEART STOP.*

*LIFE is not a essay, it NEEDS to BE EXPERIENCED.*

LIFE needs to be lived dribble AND DICTATE WITH LOVE & LOVED ONES . You are surely one of these.* Thank GOD For this wonderful journey called LIFE. ๐Ÿ™

June 4, 2024 at 9:22am
June 4, 2024 at 9:22am
"Old age doesn't always start at 60. Not even at 70. For some it starts at 45 or maybe even 35. Paradoxical, isn't it?
Look around you and you will see so many women who are still young for years, but aged early. And other old age, but with the youth that abounds in their eyes. Know that the silver in the head does not define the old age. Not even the appearance of the cane.
Old age comes when your soul says: ,I'm tired". You grow old when you no longer believe you are worthy of love. When you consider yourself insufficiently beautiful to be admired on the street, when you don't feel like looking in the mirror one more time, when you respond to a compliment with: "Yes, that's not right. You exaggerate".
Your old age begins when interesting things tire you, when you have no interest in learning, watching, hearing something new.

When the entertainments of young people irritate you, the crying of a child in the trolleybus brings you headaches, when you prefer solitude more than communication. When maybe the first gray hairs start to appear, but your heart is already withered, without moisture. When you say "I don't want" too often and you rarely make plans and draw dreams. You grow old when you have managed to accumulate in your experience too many disappointments, falls, pains and...every time you feel that getting up from the bottom is getting harder and harder. When you find refuge in your home and don't feel like going outside.

When you mourn more often and find reasons to be happy and grateful less often. To God, to people, to life, to yourself. The lower limit of old age does not exist. For some old age begins at 80, for others at 40."

June 1, 2024 at 12:37pm
June 1, 2024 at 12:37pm
Once a radio presenter asked Nigerian billionaire Femi Otedola in a telephone interview,

"Sir what do you remember when you got the most happiness in life"?

Femi said:

"I've been through four phases of happiness in life, and I finally understood the meaning of true happiness. "

The first step was to save money and resources.

But at this level I didn't get the happiness I wanted.

Again another phase of collecting valuables and items.

But I realized that this thing is also temporary and the glow of precious things don't last long.

Again the third stage of getting the big project. That was when I had 95% of diesel supply in Nigeria and Africa.

I was also the largest vessel owner in Africa and Asia. But even here I didn't find the happiness I imagined.

Phase 4 was when a friend of mine asked me to buy a wheelchair for some disabled kids.

Almost 200 kids.
Friend said I immediately bought a wheelchair.

But dude insisted I go with him and hand over wheelchairs to the kids. I dressed up and walked with her.

There I gave these kids these wheelchairs with my hands. I saw a weird glow of joy on these kids faces. I saw them all sitting in a wheelchair, roaming and chilling.

It was like they had reached a picnic spot where they were sharing winning the jackpot.

I felt real happiness inside me. One of the kids caught my leg when I decided to leave.

I tried to slowly get rid of my legs, but the baby looked at my face and held my legs tight.

I bowed down and asked the kid: Do you want anything else?

The response this child gave me, not only shocked me but completely changed my attitude towards life.

This kid said:

*"I want to remember your face so that when I meet you in heaven, I can recognize you and thank you once again." "*

The meaning of the magnificent story above is that we should all look into our inner self and meditate that, in this life and all the worldly activities
After leaving *why will you be remembered for? *
*Does anyone want to see your face again, it all counts? *

If you are able then hold the hand of the unable ๐Ÿ™.
May 30, 2024 at 4:14am
May 30, 2024 at 4:14am


โ€” Sri U. C. Dutt

Day before Shiva Ratri, 1956, a tonga was moving fast along the main road of Vrindaban. Attention of the passers-by was drawn by a tumultuous crowd and some cars inside the precincts of a temple. All of a sudden a car rushed through the gate and unexpectedly halted a few steps ahead. Lo!Mother was there. While passing. She caught sight of me sitting in the tonga, stopped her car and called me.. I ran to her and bowed down. Ma enquired what had brought me there. I told her that I had come on an official visit to Mathura and Vrindaban.
I did not know that Ma would be there and the scene suggested that some thing unusual was taking place. Ma told me that Lord Shiva was going to be installed in the Ashram next day and asked me to attend the function. Mother's presence and the prospects of spending some time round Her struck all the chords of my heart.. Thus came Mother to her son.
Again, on the eve of Holi, some of my relatives went to Vrindaban and paid
their homage to Mother who was then staying there to observe the festival of Love.
Centuries ago, the Blue Boy had played His flute and danced there in tune with the heart-beats of His playmates and milk-maids. Perhaps their associations took visible shapes and Mother decided to pass the occasion on the bank of Yamuna to put a new life into the old leela. She observed Holi in Vrindaban in 1956 and 1957. Learning that the visitors were my relatives, Mother said to one of them. "Write to Upen that his daughter wants to meet her father" I got the message, but could not go to Vrindaban immediately and wrote enquiring if the daughter would come to father or the son should go to the Mother. The letter did not reach Mother for a long time and so a reply was not received. Then I did not know that Mother would actually come to Her son.
I had the privilege of Ma's darshan again at Varanasi in May, 1956.during her 60 birthday celebrations. On that festive occasion, Mother was extremely busy. but She was all sweetness and love. Like a pillar of light She was moving from place to place and bringing joy to all around Her. In my presence whenever She met a group of devotees, She would refer to an old incident in a jocular mood and tell them. "I went with this Baba to Dehradun side, but Baba went away leaving me behind".
About 28 years ago I had accompanied Mother to Sahasradhara. On my way. back, as already arranged, I took leave of Her and the party at Rajpur and prepared to go to Mussoorie. I retorted most humbly, saying "A son may leave a mother, but a mother cannot leave her son". All present, including the Mother enjoyed the fun. Like a true mother, She fed me sumptuously before I left Varanasi. I cast my last lingering look at her lotus feet. The whole atmosphere was charged with Her divine spirit and every thing seemed to have been softened with Her overflowing love.

Mother comes

In 1957 Seth Gujar Mal Modi informed me that Mother would be spending a week at Modinagar after Holi and more than one hundred sadhus and devotees. would be accompanying Her. My joy knew no bounds. I was waiting impatiently for the day when Mother would come.
An elaborate arrangement was made to receive Her in a garden house outside. the town. A big pandal was erected on an extensive lawn for Rasa leela, lectures, bhajan etc. and at some distance a shamiana was ready for Akhand Kirtan. Tents were pitched to accommodate 400 persons. Hundreds of mango trees smiling through blossoms and multi-coloured flower-beds dancing breeze called visitors to a place of rest. My joy was not unmixed with a sense of sorrow, for Board's examination would begin soon and I would be almost a prisoner in one of the biggest examination centres.
Mother arrived in the evening. At Her bidding, the procession was abandoned, a big crowd headed by Shri Modi accorded Her a most respectful welcome with garlands and arti. I saw her from a distance. A stream of people went to Her room for darshan and Modiji saw me standing outside and called me in. Mother gave at broad smile and said "I knew you were here, someone told me. Did you write to me?" I replied. "I wrote a long time ago, not recently. I was thinking of coming to Vrindaban this time during the Holi but could not." Mother said, "Why did you not go; there was mahรกrรกsa at Modinagar". Programme for the week was indeed attractive

Hari Baba's Kirtan 4 AM
Rasa leela 8.30 AM-11.30 AM
Lectures and bhajans 2 PM-5.30 PM

Mother received visitors anytime when free between 10 AM and late hours at night. After lectures in the pandal, She led kirtan chanting in a melodious tone and recited Divine names for about 15 minutes, in which all present joined in a state of forgetfulness, so that several thousands behaved as one man. They seemed to have lost their identity in a living presence of the Divine.
Hari Baba's life was a lesson to all. He would follow the programme like the hands of a clock and would remain all absorbed in what he said. He remained oblivious to the world outside, He lived and moved in a world of his own. He fanned the actors considered as Krishna and his companions at the leela, rang a big bell at kirtan and talked about the glories of devotees in his discourses. His single pointed devotion, self-forgetfulness and tenacity of purpose marked him out as a saint of outstanding nature and ability. In fact he was the master of ceremonies there.
One day some of us were sitting in Mother's room. Mother hinted at self knowledge as the Supreme Knowledge. It is essential, Bhajan is the means, but it becomes spontaneous. No one can do it. Did She mean that Bhajan goes on automatically once the spritual energy is roused by the grace of the Guru? Then Ma said "What about death? Death has to die; it has to be killed." At this stage Modisaheb ushered two gentlemen into Mother's presence. One was Raj Pandit of the Patiala Darbar and another was Seth Narain Das Bajoria, a man of culture and learning. They were introduced and Mother began to talk again of Supreme Knowledge." What exists is one, it has become many and appears in several forms. You have come to yourself." The ensuing conversation :

Pandit - Are you Maitreyi?
Mother- I am your little daughter.
Pandit - You are Gargi, who had discussions with Yagnavalka.
Mother - I ain what you like to call, your little girl. I know nothing and
often talk nonsense.
Pandit- No, you are Gayatri.

The Pandit recited some slokas in great joy and took leave. Shri Bajoria, who as a rule avoided the company of women, sat quietly in all humility. Later he told me that when he saw Mother for the first time at Hardwar, he saw his own mother who had died long time ago and he could not restrain his tears. He wept for about half an hour. He felt the presence of Divine Mother in her.
Two days after I was detained in the college for conducting examinations and felt sorry that Ma had come so close but I could hardly have her darshan. To my great joy, Ma sent words that She would visit the college. Mother arrived accompanied by Mrs. Gujarmal Modi, some sanyasis and brahmacharis. I conducted the party to Geeta Bhawan, a hall with life size paintings of saints,
patriots, gods and godesses. Ma and her companions were seated on a raised platform. Ma took the lead in kirtan music joined by the rest of us.

Who is Ma?

In a brief speech I informed the audience how about 28 years ago in Haridwar I had the privilege of watching Ma in a state of samadhi (trance) that lasted for hours. I described how she was brought down to a normal condition with much difficulty uttering the Divine Name into Her cars and how spiritual symptons (lakshans) manifested themselves in the process of Her descent to normalcy. Further, I recounted Her own statement that Ma had no previous birth, nor would have another. Then what was She? Most humbly, I requested Ma to tell us who She was. As usual, Ma avoided the answer and said softly, "What shall I say?"
On our request, Ma addressed the students and advised: "Get up early in the morning and take Divine Name that appeals to you, touch the feet of your parents, attend to your studies, obey your elders, speak the truth and play as much as you like." Like a simple child she looked at me and said that she had nothing more to say. Out of Her infinite grace, Mother came to our college and turned the place into a place of pilgrimage with the touch of her lotus feet.
When I became free I went to the summer house in the morning and spent the whole day there, attending the Rasa leela, taking part in the bhandara, listening to lectures and kirtan. I could see Mother from a distance. She was sitting like a statue at the Rasa and was chanting the divine name moving in a circle with a party of singers from Delhi.
In the afternoon came to learn that a respectable lady pressed Mother to show her some supernatural forms. Ma told her in that case she would lose all touch with the world. The lady persisted. She is reported to have seen a dazzling light (jyoti) and screamed loudly. The lady said that it was all Mother's grace.
After sunset a Brahmachari conducted me to Mother. His Holiness Swami Sadananda Tirtha of Shankara Math, Uttar Kashi, was there. I told Ma that I would retire (from service) tht next July. I reminded Her that six years ago Ma had advised me to accept the Modinagar assignment for one term.
The following conversation took place :

Ma โ€” Where will you settle?
I โ€” I have a smal house at Kashi and may stay there.
Ma โ€” Oh yes, Kashi is an excellent place. Gopi Baba (Mahamahopadhyay Gopi Nath Kaviraj) is there. When you go there we shall be meeting in the evenings.
I โ€” Then I shall go to Kashi.
Ma โ€” Yes, you do. You have seen all about this life. According to Yogis, Kashi is the centre of illumination-Ajnachakra, the seat of Shiva and Shakti, above the earthly existence.
The word evening is significant. Does it mean the evening of life? A child plays the whole day and longs for the mother when darkness gathers with the approaching night. Sunset and the evening star, one clear call for me. Mother's call is clearly heard when the bustle of life subsides. She calls us day and night. Who cares to hear? She comes without fail. Who cares to see? She knocks at the door again and again. Who cares to open ? She goes back with tears in Her eyes. Who cares to know? The child plays with toys in a doll house, awfully busy, no time to spare for Her. Wife and children, gold and fame, absorb our attention. We ignore the presence of Mother. She comes, ever comes as sights and sounds, as thoughts and feelings, as pleasure and pain.
Wise people say that Ma is a temporal expression of the eternal spirit-a special creation of the Divine - an emanation of the ultimate Reality, whose manifestation is the universe. She is in and beyond everything. Her vast presence overwhelms me and creates a gap between a tiny creature, such as I, and a mighty one who transcends all limits. These ideas are indispensable to those who move in and build up a system of ideas with reference to a universe of discourse. They dive deep into the mystery of life and present the world with bright gems of rare wisdom.
I am a fool with very little understanding and dare not measure the un measurable. I want Mother, mostly human-a mother who can move on my level and respond to my feelings. It is enough that I have got one. I am not at all anxious to know if She had any Guru, human or Divine-if She is ever established in Brahman, as a part of Her nature. I do not bother about Her actual position in the hierarchy of gods, angels or exalted souls. She is the Mother who lives for Her children and fills up gaps in their lives. If we feel thirsty let us take a glass of water. What is the use of knowing the amount of water in a river? If we cannot do without Mother, Mother too cannot do without us. If we leave the toys and cling to Her She appears everywhere in the blue above and the green below. Her smiling face is seen through every visible form and every neutral state.
She comes, comes, ever comes.
May 22, 2024 at 8:54am
May 22, 2024 at 8:54am
Sip your Tea, Nice and Slow
No one Ever knows, when itโ€™s Time to Go,
Thereโ€™ll be no Time, to enjoy the Glow,
So sip your Tea, Nice and Slow.

Life is too Short but, feels pretty Long,
Thereโ€™s too Much to do,
so much going Wrong,
And Most of the Time,
You Struggle to be Strong,
Before itโ€™s too Late, and itโ€™s time to Go,
Sip your Tea, Nice and Slow.

Some Friends stay, others Go away,
Loved ones are Cherished,
but not all will Stay.
Kids will Grow up, and Fly away.
Thereโ€™s really no Saying
how Things will Go,
So sip your Tea, Nice and Slow.

In the End itโ€™s really
all about understanding Love
For this World, and in the Stars above,
Appreciate and Value who truly Cares,
Smile and Breathe,
and let your Worries go,
So Just Sip your Tea, Nice and Slow."

When I'm dead., Your tears will flow
But I won't know, Cry with me now instead....

You will send flowers, But I won't see
Send them now instead ...

You'll say words of praise, But I won't hear.
Praise me now instead ...

You'll forget my faults, But I won't know.....
Forget them now instead....

You'll miss me then, But I won't feel.
Miss me now, instead...

You'll wish You could have spent more time with me, Spend it now instead

When you hear I'm gone,
you'll find your way to my house
to pay condolence
but we haven't even spoken in years.
Look for me now.

May 20, 2024 at 2:27am
May 20, 2024 at 2:27am
Sarcastic messages from the Vice-Chancellor of Mumbai University in one liners about India that are completely true :
1. If you want to know how divided we are, just look at matrimonial page of our newspaper
2. India is running the software of tomorrow on the hardware of yesterday
3. If the mobile gets spoiled blame the child, & if child gets spoiled blame the mobile
4. If someone is asking for dirty cloth to clean something, then you are in India
5. The only country where people fight to be termed as 'backward'
6. In India, you don't cast your vote, you vote your caste
7. An incredible country where actors are hugely involved in politics & politicians are always acting
8. Sarcasm is like electricity, half of India doesn't get it
9. And the ultimate one: The country where liking a Facebook post and sending messages on WhatsApp gets you arrested selectively, while raping does not..
May 19, 2024 at 12:53am
May 19, 2024 at 12:53am
Husband and wife used to travel together in the same train every day. There was another young man, he used to travel by the same train, he used to see his husband and wife everyday. Husband and wife talk a lot while sitting in the train. Wife keeps knitting sweaters while talking.

The pair of them both were perfect. One day when husband and wife didn't come on the train, the young man was a bit stubborn because he was used to seeing them everyday. Husband and wife did not travel on that train for almost 1 month. The young man thought he might have gone out somewhere.

One day the young man saw that only husband was travelling in the train, with no wife. Husband's face was also off, messy clothes and a big beard. The young man couldn't resist and he went and asked his husband - your wife is not with him today.

The husband gave no reply. The young man once again asked - Where were you for so many days, have you gone out somewhere? Even this time husband didn't answer. The young man once again asked about his wife. Husband replied- she is no longer in this world, she had cancer.
The young man was shocked after hearing this. Then he wanted to know more things carefully. Husband told the young man that wife had last stage cancer, doctors had also lost hope. She also knew this, but she insisted that we spend more time together.

That's why everyday when I go to office she also comes along. We would have landed at the station near my office, I would have gone to my office and she would return home. She died last month. Husband became silent after saying this.
Husband got off the train at fixed station. Suddenly the young man's attention was on his sweater. He noticed this was the same sweater his wife used to knit on the train, one arm was still incomplete, which probably his wife couldn't knit. The infinite love of husband and wife was reflected in that sweater.

The relationship between husband and wife is unbreakable, only death can separate them. When the wife supports her husband in every good and bad time, then the husband also wants to give his wife every happiness in the world. This is the most beautiful feeling of this relationship. So live happily while being together.

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