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Rated: E · Book · Experience · #2050107
A Journal to impart knowledge and facts
July 22, 2015

I'm going to start today to record on a daily basis whatever happens to strike my fancy. So, it is a very cool breezy day. I just posted 5 short book reviews to The Monthly Reading Challenge. I'm suppose to put away some winter wood today from the woodpile outside but I'm playing hookey from work to write so starting this blog will get done.

I'm having a daily fight with a flock of English Sparrows that are trying to take over my barn. They are making a terrible mess so they have to go. I have destroyed several nests so far they don't leave but they get out of the barn when I am around. I'm just starting the fight so I guess I don't know how far I have to go to discourage them.

I'm trying not to spread myself to thin on WDC because I find so many things that are interesting here and I am trying to work on a new story. I really enjoy sitting at my desk with a cup of tea and reading blogs on WDC.

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May 13, 2021 at 10:05am
May 13, 2021 at 10:05am
What does it mean to be a “grown up”? What do you do regularly as an adult that you dreaded having to do when you were a child? Have you found ways to maintain a sense of childhood wonder or curiosity? If so, how?

Owl with signature *Globe2*

1. A grown up? Pay bills, hopefully on time, make and meet budgets, upkeep on housing, family cleanliness, all regular human needs become your responsibility. I think ongoing learning is also important to an adult. It helps you focus on something new. Your mind doesn't spend so much time dwelling on daily, or ongoing problems.

2. Driving in extreme traffic. I'm hopelessly oriented to dirt roads and low traffic areas. As a teenager I learned to rely on my horse for recreation and companionship. Riding a horse give you more senses to rely on to spot pot holes and wild life in your path? *Laugh* That isn't so funny when you notice how manufacturers are trying to incorporate more automatic auto road senses into their products.

Childhood wonder or curiosity? Nature keeps wonder alive. Yesterday I spent time learning more about container gardening. I did not garden last summer or do much of anything. I missed the fresh tomatoes, lettuce, and squash. I don't like weeding and what worked for gardens in days past isn't interesting. I started gardening in raised beds 15 or 20 years ago. Now, I'm going to try some better container gardening. I tried gardening in sacks just did not care for the result. (probably needed more knowledge about it.) Now I am going to try container gardening with watering from the bottom. There are lots of You Tubes about this.

I'm also finding a lot of training tricks for dogs. Drifter and char need regular exercise. Char is an older dog and needs to keep up his exercise to stay healthy. Drifter is younger and we need to keep building our dependence relationship and keep the younger member of the family wearing off his energy so we can all take a quiet break afternoons. Lots of fun games to play with both dogs inside and outside.

May 12, 2021 at 12:22pm
May 12, 2021 at 12:22pm
What TV show character would it be the most fun to change places with for a week? Why?

owl for signature use

One of the telephone operators on 911. Years ago, when the 911 system was going into effect, I wanted to train as a worker in the system, which was met by outrageous home resistance. I should have followed through.

It is an interesting job that provides service to communities in many different ways.


May 10, 2021 at 10:35am
May 10, 2021 at 10:35am
Think back to a time when you felt completely calm. What made you feel that way?

Owl with signature*Grasshopper*

Totally helpless in the face of tragedy.
May 7, 2021 at 10:46am
May 7, 2021 at 10:46am
In your entry today, write about dreams. Do you dream often, or do you rarely remember your dreams? What is the strangest or most memorable dream you have ever had?

Owl with signature *Tree3*

I do dream. Some I remember some I don't. I have an odd recurring dream about mobile homes all in a row. A doctor once told me {probably 40 years ago) recurring dreams are something probably stuck in my mind. *Exclaim*

Since then I have read some books about dreams and dream interpretation.

Recently read something by Stephen LeBerge about Lucid Dreaming. It was a segment in another book so I haven't looked into it in any depth. Apparently, you can walk around in your dreams and direct them yourself and remember that you everything that happened later. This prompt reminded me I need to look up a book or maybe more than one and read about lucid dreaming. There is more than one author writing about this.

This sounds to me like something I call spirit walking. There are clinics held to teach people to do this? How safe is it to mess around in your brain like this? How safe is your body while your spirit is walking or playing around outside of it?

Science, and psychology are moving into strange areas. Also, a lot of denial out there still about these subjects. What was that saying? "Miracles are something that you never experienced before." And could be something you don't want to experience.

Merit Badge in Courage
[Click For More Info]

Congratulations on an honorable mention in WDC Scavenger Hunt 2011! Attached is your GP prize. Thank you for your participation. *^*Smile*^*

Wishing you all the best in future endeavors! Blog On

May 6, 2021 at 9:47am
May 6, 2021 at 9:47am
Write about a community service or volunteer experience you’ve had in your life that made an impact on you.

Manx Cat from Japan *Cat2*

Every one made some kind of impact. I liked them all.

I taught a women's bible study. I liked doing this because it kept me studying. There is a time spread in today's blog of 1976-1993 give or take a few years?

I helped in a Thanksgiving outreach to people, who did not have a family or friends to have Thanksgiving with. After it got started I was surprised how many people were in need of just a friendly place to celebrate Thanksgiving.

I worked with an outreach to a town's young people in an after school entertainment. It was in the basement of a large church, because the place was available for a time. There was a drug problem in the town among young people. Even though this closed after I left, it reopened later in the town hall for a period of time. I put in a few hours of time there just as a helper for awhile.

I learned a lot from a different group, who had an outreach to young males, who were selling drugs in the same town. The other outreach group came to our group and gave a program about problems with drug addiction in young people.

K and I were PTA president for a very short time.

One year, I took in some inner city children for two week vacations. It was so they could experience country life? This was also when the boys were younger.

When the boys were young I was a cub scout leader.

Some of my children raised Goats and were in Dairy goat 4 H. It was a lot of fun. I always attended the meetings and the women who was the leader arranged a lot of presentations. We visited lots of actually goat dairy farms and other 4 H enterprises.

All these efforts were at a time when the rural society did not even believe there was a drug problem in the small surrounding areas. Most of the towns and churches were small congregations. The people were close knit and as the 80's and 90's approached still thought progress was not going to impact them much. In the last 20 to 30 years the impact really hit. Farmer's children growing up in the school systems learned and took jobs in other industries.

Large dairy farms in the area did not survive children leaving for work in other parts of the country. A lot of the farming done now is on 10 to 50 acres. A lot of hay is done in round bales. Horse farmers find themselves looking at prices of $5 - $7 a bale for hay. Horses prices soared in the 90's. A good quarter horse going for $1500 in the 80's was now $5000 by the end of the 90's. When the market would not take the price jump the horses were dumped because of feed prices into the market and sold for meat to animal food companies. Beef had it's own problems when disease hit.

Now you can find horse rescue places trying to save and place horses that should have been good companion animals for families.

There are still a few large dairy enterprises around. There are more dairy goat places, than there use to be and prices for a good dairy goat have soared in the last several years.

I look back and wonder where it will all end. The USA still needs a base of farming enterprise. I can see different crop options as people, who use to buy milk switch to soy milk, almond milk, and oat milk.

Now I've wandered off topic. Volunteer work was part of my social education. I wasn't always good at the job but, I was available because I was a stay at home mom, when other mom's were working to earn more for the family. I treasure the times when my children were growing up. Still, I can see more knowledge as a young mother would have helped my children's own time of growth. Volunteering is helpful but, monetarily does not help the family grow.

See Ya!

May 5, 2021 at 10:36am
May 5, 2021 at 10:36am
If your job gave you a surprise seven day paid break to rest and recuperate, what would you do with those seven days?

A signature owl *Horse*

*Rolling* If anyone gave me a surprise seven day paid anything I want to know how much I'm going to get? If it's a lot I will spend the seven days shopping. If it's enough I will buy a couple new chairs for the living room. We really need two recliners for the living room. That's enough. I'm still having a *Laugh* about the prompt. I don't need to rest and recuperate. I might need to if I ever have any money to shop. *Laugh*

Merit Badge in Western
[Click For More Info]

Hello from Texas, I want to say thank you for reading and commenting on my blog.  I appreciate it very much. Happy Trails

May 4, 2021 at 9:37am
May 4, 2021 at 9:37am
Write about a movie franchise or book series that you love.

A signature owl *TeaB*

Laurie R. King is my go to for a great series. I have read a lot of the works she published. Her stories draw you in and show you new environments. Who wouldn't love to live on an island building furniture for a living? Folly is a stand alone novel. King also wrote the Kate Martinelli series.

I especially like her series starring Mary Russell as Sherlock Holmes wife. Sherlock first met Mary when she was 15. The settings of the stories drop the reader into different periods of history. The characters exhibit different types of talents. Their talents keep them safe and make them great detectives. They take on other peoples problems; solving the problems with efficiency and spying techniques.

The history in the books is special. It makes the reader look at some specific event you maybe actually did not hear about in a class at school. You look at history closely from within, as the story unfolds. Inside history, you see the war as it is being fought, you see women who need women,s rights to escalate, and you see politics as they play out in a realistic way. Along the way you learn a little about Oxford and great libraries.

Mary Russell may have learned some of her talents from Sherlock Holmes nevertheless, she often stands alone as she detects and solves mystery. How can you not like a character that can throw a swift and quiet knife in her own defense? How she came by this talent is part of a thrilling story.

The series starts with a great find of old manuscripts in a worn trunk. The tales are told by the person who comes into possession of the trunk.

Here I am writing about this series and I have not read Castle Shade. Something to look forward too.
May 3, 2021 at 10:27am
May 3, 2021 at 10:27am
What was the best thing that happened in your life over the weekend? Looking at the week ahead, what are your goals and how will you motivate yourself to achieve them?

signature dancing owl *FlowerY*

Over the weekend? Sunshine on Saturday and Sunday. It was in all a good week

Changed doctors and had my first wellness checkup in 3 years. All systems go. I liked my other Doctors. This one is OK too. Doctor called me personally to tell me results of blood work. It is always nice when a Doctor personally works with a patient.

Sunshine made my dog walks pleasant. Since we walk in yard and fields rain means boots or wet feet for me. Dogs had their monthly bath.

Rain is bringing on the apple blossoms and leafing out the trees so the woods are greening up. Winter grayness is changing to shades and shadows of green. I mowed some of my share of yard yesterday. The mowing went well. I finished two library books over the weekend.

Goals for this week?

1. Put monthly flea meds on cats.*Hysterical* Sometimes it goes well sometimes its catch, wrap a towel, and hold.
2. Finish reading the mystery story I'm reading, an audio book, and play Township, I'm putting a puzzle together on my Kindle might finish it.
3. Try to keep blogging everyday
3. Regular vacuuming, dishes, meals, laundry, etc. (truthfully this will be the hardest to maintain cause I'm 76 years tired of it.)
4. Play my guitar. and I have two new CD's to play and write a story, that is in my mind ,so I quit thinking about it.
These are the things I can think of that might get done. If the fourth one gets done that will make me feel accomplished. Motivation for me is if I get up and do what I am thinking of I won't be bothered by thoughts about it anymore.

May 1, 2021 at 12:13pm
May 1, 2021 at 12:13pm
May 1.2021 30-Day-Challenge
Write about one (or more) of your creative idols. Who do you look up to? Whose work are you most inspired by? Why?

signature dancing owl *Teapot*

I have to say the teachings of Jesus. He was basically a rejected person because his talents lay in teaching others about God. He taught about the habits of humans, the way people of authority don’t always lead us in the right way. We still need to respect them for their effort. Many of his family rejected him, his home synagogue rejected him, He told the rich in money and fame to throw it all away and follow his teachings they would be happier.

During Covid we saw people losing their homes and jobs, Upper money class people in the USA were in food pantry lines because of job losses. Covid flew unto the scene of life in a totally unexpected way. If you look closely you can see that the compassion Jesus valued is as good for today’s society as it was 2000 years ago.

Over the years I have watched musicians rise and fall. I have seen music groups breakup even though their music may still fill our lives long after they quit playing as groups. Some of the best, who make it big and last into aged lives, have solid backgrounds and values that they live by; so if you are looking for the last 50 years this is what I would say is impressive.

Jews For Jesus started out singing on street corners and grew into about 105 people who sang in churches in different groups around the USA. It evolved into “The Liberated Wailing Wall.” Now their music is still in demand. Even though the group is not actively singing any more? It has evolved into other groups, I think. Some of the LP’s and tapes are being transferred to CD. The music continues to reach peoples hearts. Someone put the music from the early LP's on YouTube where I recently. found it.

Onward into May. *Wave4*
April 9, 2021 at 7:50pm
April 9, 2021 at 7:50pm
Friday, April 9
The Sims Family Murders in Tallahassee

On October 22, 1966, Robert and Helen Sims and their daughter, Joy, were found dead in their Tallahassee, Florida home by the Sims's oldest daughter, Jeanie, when she returned from a babysitting job. “A massive search was launched to find whoever committed the crime,” a local news station recounts. But the Sims had no enemies, there was no discernible motive to the crime, and although there were suspects, no one was ever charged.

Tell us what happened, who did it, and why.
Did you do it?

owl for signature use

Nope. I have an unbreakable alibi. Interesting comparisons: I was baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, in a First Baptist Church. I was born in Daytona Beach, Florida. I had a male cousin about 5 years older than I am, who I was told died, when his motorcycle hit a truck on a street in Florida. The grandson of the prime suspect died that way. My first name is Judith. One of the older daughters is named Judith. There were suspects just no charges.

This is an interesting case to me. The pastor was not involved in the murder but, he may have known something about it. The murder might even have had something to do with the secretary resigning her church job. The murder happened soon after she resigned. Yet no one mentioned this as a link to the crime.

I know of three other types of deaths and violence connected with different congregations of the First Baptist church in other parts of the USA, over a large period of time. Was the sheriff or the father of the main witness members of the same church congregation? How many of the neighbors were members of the First Baptist Church? Perhaps, I notice news items about the First Baptist Church because I was a member for years.

Running throughout some protestant churches are secret brotherhoods and sisterhoods.
I’m neutral about people banding together to get good things accomplished within nations. The problem occurs when someone goes rogue and there is a big cover up to save the guilty party. Inside democratic countries nepotism is a problem concerning secret societies. We already know that a church will close ranks and try to ignore crimes perpetrated by officers of the church or members of congregations.

So let’s look at the cover up. There is a County Sheriff who was a patrol office at the time, working in the investigation, who asked or did not ask the right questions to a witness.

There is a legal officer that lost 2 different jobs at different times in his life, when he investigated this murder. The second time he had submitted evidence that should have been followed up on.

Also, there is no clear evidence linking the families youngest daughter with rape at the time of the murder. Why is the public left guessing about the cause of the murder? Sexual molestation of a child before the murder or during the break in would account for the type of individual who might be a positive suspect. An autopsy should have cleared up this point, positive evidenced for or against. Were the prime suspects involved in taking drugs?

This mentioned in the 1978 interrogation of the girl who came forward as a witness. Was she a witness with no information?

If the investigator actually knew who committed the murders. What stopped him from moving on what he knew? He later became the County Sheriff.

Was it a coincidence that the two oldest daughters were not home at the time of the murders? I'd like to know so much more than is actually told in this story. What have their lives been like since losing their parents? Losing a protecting parent can leave you vulnerable to all kinds of problems in your life you might not have experienced otherwise. God lays out big rules and punishment for murder in the old testament.

I’m sure there are people out there who might read the facts of this murder and ask the same questions.

The End

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