Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/110346-Michael-Jacksons-This-Is-It
ID #110346
Product Type: DVD
Reviewer: iKïyå§ama Author Icon
Review Rated: ASR
Amazon's Price: $ 7.34
Product Rating:
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Summary of this DVD...
On June 25th 2009, the world lost one of its most celebrated, talented and incredible entertainer of all time. Michael Jackson was set to kick off his final tour aptly named 'THIS IS IT' in London's O2 arena for a reportedly 50 shows. Unfortunately, he would not live long enough to see his dream realized. This DVD allows the fans (and non-fans) a sneak peek into the creative genius and magnificence of the artist and the man. We are reminded again of what made him such a powerful figure in music and how great a loss now that he is no longer with us.
This type of DVD is good for...
Those who enjoy the music, dance, and the creativity that was Michael Jackson.
I especially liked...
The fact that we were allowed a sneak peek into a show that would have blown the socks off anything anyone had ever seen. Everything to be presented; from the performances of classics like 'Wanna Be Startin' Something' to his magnum opus 'Earth Song', to his ability to bring out the best in his back up singers and musicians; to seeing how he dedicates himself to giving 110% to everything he does; he truly was an inspiration to many.
I didn't like...
How short the extras were. Since this is just the DVD, there were not as many features as in the Blu Ray version; so those without a Blue Ray player, pretty much miss out on any other extras.
This DVD made me feel...
Incredibly sad (I confess I cried when I was through), yet I was happy I got to see this. I would never have made it to the show in London, but at least the whole world gets a little sneak peek into what could have been the most amazing show ever.
The cast of this DVD...
Michael Jackson, Kenny Ortega (producer)
I recommend this DVD because...
It is a must have for any Michael Jackson fan. You can consider this his final gift to us; and one that ought to be cherished.
Created Feb 16, 2010 at 7:43pm • Submit your own review...

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/110346-Michael-Jacksons-This-Is-It