Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/109260-The-Handbook-of-Good-English
ASIN: 0671707973
ID #109260
Product Type: Book
Reviewer: Joy Author Icon
Review Rated: ASR
Amazon's Price: $ 16.45
Product Rating:
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Summary of this Book...
This book is highly informative, practical, easily readable and understandable, and quite comprehensive. The author covers all potential combinations and problems in grammar and usage. Even though allowing exceptions to archaic rules and being much more tolerant than uptight grammarians, he points out to good solid rules. In addition to these rules, he shows the way to a more expressive style and persuasive form of writing.

The author must have gained an in-depth understanding of the problems of a struggling writer or a copy editor. In the beginning of the 'Grammar' section, he explains why he added the glossary/index. "It is often difficult for those who do not know the name of the error they may be committing to find the discussion of that error in a reference book. I have done my best to reduce this difficulty by careful listings in the Glossary/Index, but the reader may have to do some skimming of the rules and their discussions. To help the skimming eye, I have subdivided the longer discussions, and when possible I have begun paragraphs with examples of specific constructions that may match the reader’s problem."
First published as The Washington Square Press Handbook of Good English, The Handbook of Good English offers everything other books do, as well as keeping up with the changes in usage and expression. Hailed as the copy editor’s right hand, it gives clear answers with examples to the trickiest problems.

The book is divided into four major parts:
How to Style Written English: Miscellaneous Mechanics;
Beyond the Sentence: Diction and Composition.
At the end, it offers a 131 page Glossary/Index for quick reference of the material in the above sections.
This type of Book is good for...
anyone who wants to use good English.
I especially liked...
the way he showed what he meant through examples.
When I finished reading this Book I wanted to...
memorize it; although, it is impossible.
The author of this Book...
Edward D. Johnson was born in 1935. After graduating from Exeter and Harvard, he worked as a book editor. His books are: The Handbook of Good English; Francis Bacon of St. Albans; The first folio of Shake-speare, Francis Bacon's maze- Being a demonstration of the sixth line word cipher in the first folio of the "Shakespeare" plays; Shakespeare Illusion; Shakespearian Acrostics- A Demonstration Of The Marginal Words In The First Folio Of Mr. William Shakespeare's Comedies, Histories And Tragedies; The fictitious Shakespeare exposed; The Shakespeare quiz- Or 100 questions for the Stratfordians to answer; Francis Bacon versus Lord Macaulay; Don Adriana's letter; Francis Bacon's cypher signatures; The mystery of the first folio of the "Shakespeare" plays; Bacon-Shakespeare coincidences; Are you interested in "Shakespeare"?; A short history of the Stratford "Shakespeare" monument; Shake-spears sonnets.

I recommend this Book because...
It is a few steps forward than Strunk and White's "The Elements of Style", and it is updated to fit the latest changes in the language.
I don't recommend this Book because...
Further Comments...
If any novice to intermediate writer wants to write better with the correct usage, he or she needs study this book.
Created Dec 11, 2007 at 2:36pm • Submit your own review...

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