Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/107894-Chocolat-Miramax-Collectors-Series
ASIN: B00005K3OT
ID #107894
Product Type: DVD
Reviewer: girlbythesea Author Icon
Review Rated: E
Amazon's Price: $ 8.75
Product Rating:
  Story Plot:
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  Overall Quality:
Summary of this DVD...
Beautiful, fun, lovingly performed, directed and acted.

The film is about people, small towns and the expecations we have of one another.

A woman and her daughter move into a small french village and open up the hearts of the towns people with one decedent ingredient...CHOCOLAT...the results are wonderful.
This type of DVD is good for...
Curling up on the couch on a winter night. If your spirit feels trapped in the mundane and is in need of inspiration.
I especially liked...
The photography, the lighting, French architecture and music all worked together for a result of one hundred percent charm.
When I finished viewing this DVD I wanted to...
Eat truffles but there were none to be found, I would highly recommend going to a chocolatery and purchasing some very fine chocolate, while watching the movie... indulge when a moment is summoned.
This DVD made me feel...
better about the world, it gave me hope.
The cast of this DVD...
The cast were spectacluar, Juliette Bionnche was pefect as Vianna, Johnny Depp plays an Irish river gypsy, accent and all stealing the screen as usual when he enters. Judy Dench gives an incredible performance. Alfred Molina was wonderful as the pompous french mayor of the little village.
I recommend this DVD because...
Its message is pure and simple but needed. It reminds us that life is to be lived now and that the only thing holding us in chains of medocrity are ourseleves and the choices we make.
Further Comments...
The baking and candy making scenes are beautiful, as well as the garden party and riverboat evening. If you love beautiful scenery, food , romance and a have a ceratain restless spirit this movie is for you.
Created Dec 11, 2004 at 3:52pm • Submit your own review...

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/107894-Chocolat-Miramax-Collectors-Series