Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/107082-One-Hour-Photo-Full-Screen-Edition
ASIN: B00007976U
ID #107082
Product Type: DVD
Reviewer: A Non-Existent User
Review Rated: E
Amazon's Price: $ 11.98
Product Rating:
  Story Plot:
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  Overall Quality:
Summary of this DVD...
Sy 'The Photo Guy' Parrish is a dedicated one hour photo technichan at a mega discount store. He knows the people that come in and out, but there is one family that takes his interest the most: The Yorkins. Judging by the pictures he develops for them, Sy thinks they lead the perfect life. He decides that he wants to become part of their lives, and even goes as far as calling himself 'Uncle Sy'. His obsession gets worse as he finds out that all may not be perfect with the Yorkins...
I especially liked...
This is a well made film that is done in the spirit of other psychological chillers like 'Psycho'.
This DVD made me feel...
I had mixed emotions of the main character after watching this film. Do we feel sorry for Sy? or Do we feel otherwise?
The cast of this DVD...
Robin Williams...need I say more? If you think he is just capable of comedy, think again. He can play drama very well. More examples of his drama abilities can be found in Moscow on the Hudson, Dead Poets Society (one of my favorite films) and Good Will Hunting (I liked his performance, but not the film itself).
I recommend this DVD because...
Not only is this a good film, but the DVD is packed with goodies. There is a 'making of' documentary, a full length interview with Charlie Rose in which Robin just steals the show, a Sundance featurette, and trailers for the film.
Further Comments...
2002 was a interesting year for Robin Williams. He made three films where he played not-so-likable guys (One Hour Photo, Insomnia, and the very stupid Death to Smoochy). Personally, I thought he should've been nominated for an Oscar because his performance is really good. Maybe not as good as John Keating in Dead Poets Society, but still a good, meaty role. After watching this, you may want to switch to using a digital camera lol. Rated R for language and violence.
Created Aug 12, 2003 at 4:40pm • Submit your own review...

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/107082-One-Hour-Photo-Full-Screen-Edition