Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/111550-Dark-Places
ASIN: 0753827034
ID #111550
Dark Places   (Rated: 18+)
Product Type: Book
Reviewer: LostGhost: Seeking & Learning Author Icon
Review Rated: 13+
Amazon's Price: $ 18.52
Product Rating:
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Summary of this Book...
Libby Day is a woman whose family was murdered brutally when she was seven. She testified against her brother at that time and as a result, her brother is doing the life-sentence in jail.

Now when she is 31, she starts realizing that she had made a mistake. The story moves through the present time of Libby Day and the day of the murder as Libby tries to find the people related to her past.

This type of Book is good for...
anybody who can enjoy the dark places woven with the tragedy.
I especially liked...
the haunting prose of the book. The words in the book have a poetic cadence to them. My favorite was the be beginning.

"I was not a lovable child, and I’d grown into a deeply unlovable adult. Draw a picture of my soul, and it’d be a scribble with fangs."

The characterization is done with a brilliance that will stay long after the book is finished.
I didn't like...
the selfishness shown in the people. I know tragedy changes people, stunts them to an extent, but the book shows the extreme unsympathetic behavior. Be it Libby Day, the protagonist and speaker of the story, or her brother, who is in jail-- everyone is shown dripping with their own reasons for everything.
When I finished reading this Book I wanted to...
shake my head to free myself from the spell of meanness and negativity.
This Book made me feel...
sorry for the characters, incredulous at the existence of such people and places, and impatient to turn to the last page and find out who the answer to the mystery.
The author of this Book...
is Gillian Flynn. She writes stunning prose. This was first of her book I read and I can say that I will read more of her.
I recommend this Book because...
it is a riveting read. It will keep you hooked and involved from beginning to end.
I don't recommend this Book because...
it is gruesome and disturbing. It is not for someone who has weak heart.
Further Comments...
The book is set up in Kansas. It shows things which I never really thought could existed, the extents I never believe could be breach. I am not even sure that tragedy affects the person to such an extent.
Created Aug 08, 2013 at 2:29am • Submit your own review...

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/111550-Dark-Places