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A soldier visits the past wars, meeting Anne Frank in the process. |
Dreaming of Reality The sun was just coming over the horizon, but you could barely see it through the smoke and fog covering the battlefield. The gunshots rang out all around me. I looked around for a place to hide, but I was trapped in the trench. My friends and enemies fell to the ground as the lead pellets slammed into their bodies. I felt immune to the bullets flying past my face and my body. Lights filled the sky as cannons were fired. The cannon balls made a straight course for me and landed right in front of my feet. I realized that I must get out of the trench, for there was no one left to protect me if there was an ambush. I scrambled over the dirt wall and found myself standing in the middle of a completely different place from where I had been. I looked around and saw things moving in the tall, slender trees that darkened my world. Suddenly, shots rang out around me. I was the deer being hunted, but they weren’t aiming for me. The shots streaked past my cheek, not even cutting it. I ran for cover in the trees and watched people in red coats walk into the clearing I had just left. A battle cry was heard and several people dressed in clothes, which were much more camouflaged then the red coated people, leaped out from the trees. I realized that this was one of the many battles with Britain for our freedom. I had seen all I wanted to see, and more. I turned and ran deeper into the heart of the woods as the gunshots behind me grew softer and softer. I closed my eyes as I ran and I felt the warm heat of the sun on my face. I opened my eyes and found myself standing next to some sort of wooden building. Actually, there were several wooden buildings, surrounded by a metal fence with wire stretched across the top. I wandered around the small camp for a little while, then found myself standing next to two people who hadn’t eaten for weeks. The reality hit me hard. This was a concentration camp in the middle of WWII! I tried to speak to the two prisoners, but they could not hear me. I looked around a little more and found a little girl standing against one of the wooden buildings, barracks, I believe. She was looking straight at me. I walked over and asked her, “Can you understand me?” She nodded. I got excited and asked, “What is your name? Why am I here?” She held her hand up to stop me. “My name is Anne Frank.” “Can you tell me why I am here?” I asked. She shook her head, turned around, and walked straight through the metal wired fence. I jumped when I heard bombing. I opened my eyes, shook myself awake, and sat up. I looked around myself and suddenly realized where I was. I groaned and swung my legs out of bed and slowly stood up. My tent was dingy and messy, but I never had time to clean it. I heard the sound of bombing coming closer. I roused my fellow soldiers and we started to head out of the tent. But even as we neared the entrance, I had that feeling that something terrible was going to happen. The dreams tell me about my life in the future. I was immune only in my dreams. Those were my last thoughts before our tent exploded. Dedicated to the victims and families of all wars… |