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Rated: GC · Short Story · Other · #994284
Everyone likes to be naked...don't they?
I've never liked clothes much. Whenever I could I'd strip down to my birthday suit or at least my "unmentionables". I feel much more comfortable this way. There's just something about clothes...I don't like them much. Don't get me wrong, I'm no exhibitionist by any means. In fact, I'm actually sort of shy, but I just love the human body. It's a beautiful work of art and I've always been interested in it. I've always been a private person though. Even when I was little, I'd strip down in my room color or play with my toys...but only in my room with the door closed. My parents knew that I did this, but they were pretty understanding about it. They told me that as long as I only did this at home in private that it was ok. Of course when I left the house or there was company over I put clothes on. I may love my body but I don't want everyone to see it.

I'm still this way today. When I'm out in the world and running my errands or at work, I look and act perfectly normal. Only when I get to my apartment am I free to...well be free. I think of clothes as a sort of "uniform" that I have to wear when I'm out in the world. Most people who have to wear a uniform change out of them once they get home right? It's the same thing with me. I live alone now. I've done the whole room mate thing to save money, but now I've saved up enough for my own place. Everything in my apartment has been picked, placed or decorated by me. Enough about that though, let's talk more about me.

You can call me Lisa. I'm a 22 year old pear shaped black girl who's working on my masters in Finance. I love having curves, and apparently guys like them too since they're always trying to talk to me because I'm "thick". We'll get more into that later thought. I have very dark brown eyes and I work at a bank downtown. Not very glamorous, but it gets the bills paid. I'm an only child, and I guess you could say I'm spoiled. There is a lot of pressure though...being the only child. If I'm not doing well...then who are my parents going to brag to their friends about?

Anyway, that's enough about that. I just wanted to give you enough information so that you could get a feel of what I'm like. Now that the introductions are over with, we can get to the really good stuff. Interested? Trust me, it will be worth your while...

Well, it all started on a Friday night. I came home from work and kicked my shoes off since they were killing me and started shedding my clothes as soon as I got inside. I hit the button on my answering machine to listen to my messages as I went to the refrigerator for something to eat. There wasn't too much out of the ordinary on the answering machine...just a few friends calling to talk and a message from my Mom. The last message was received about 10 minutes before I had gotten home. It wasn't a message really...just silence and then whoever called hung up. I shrugged it off as a wrong number and started to heat up my dinner. I walked to my answering machine to erase the messages while my food was warming up but just as I was about to the phone rang. The caller ID showed an out of state number, but the area code looked familiar. Must be someone with a calling card. I answered the phone but only heard silence and some slight breathing on the other end. I said "hello" twice and didn't get an answer so I hung up. Before I could put the phone down they called back. This time they actually said hello back. I had no clue who this person was, but at least they responded this time.

"Who would you like to speak to?", I asked.

"You..." they replied.

I could tell by now that this was a man I was talking to, but I was still confused as hell. "Who is this?"

"Let's just call me a secret admirer"

"Whatever you weirdo", I said as I got ready to hang up.

"Wait, wait...don't hang up. Wow, you really have your panties in a twist today. That's a shame too...red with black trim. They match your bra. I've never seen you in those before...are they new?" he replied.

I hung up the phone quickly and slammed it down on it's charger. I stood there stunned for a moment. Finally I snapped out of my trace and quickly walked to my bedroom and put on a robe...over my new red bra and underwear set with black trim.

"Who the hell was that?" I said out loud as I went through my apartment and made sure all of the shades were closed.


I was still a little freaked out from the phone call, but I decided to forget about it and move on with my night. Besides, all of the doors and windows are locked, and I closed all of the blinds. There's no way they could see me now... I went back to the kitchen to get my dinner from the microwave. I'm having leftovers from yesterday since I always cook for two days. Since I have the apartment to myself, I don't have to worry about anyone eating my food.

I sat my food down on the table and poured myself a nice glass of wine. Today had been a long day at work. The computers crashed and everything was just a mess. I sat down and flipped through the channels as I enjoyed my meal. By the time I finished, I had almost forgotten about the call from earlier. I washed my dishes and poured myself another glass of wine. Then I went to the bathroom and drew myself a nice hot bubble bath. I hit play on the waterproof CD player that I had in my shower. It was a birthday gift from a friend of mine.

I don't know how long I'd been in the tub...but eventually the CD stopped and the water started getting cold. My hands also look like prunes so I decided to get out and dry off. After I had lotioned up, I put my robe back on, but only so I wouldn't catch a cold. You know those old wives tales that your mom spouts to you when you're little...makes it seem like if you go outside right after a shower or with wet hair that you would DIE. I guess some of that stuff sticks once you grow up.

With nothing else to do, I decided to pop online and check my e-mail. It was still pretty early in the evening, and apparently everyone was out enjoying their Friday night instead of being bored at home like I was. My e-mail was full of the usual junk mail...and since I didn't want to see "hot young Asian girls get it up the ass" and didn't need "penis enlargement pills" I deleted a good chunk of it. After that, I sifted through all of the forwards from friends...a few chain letters that promised that if I sent the e-mail to 10 people in the next 10 minutes that my true love would knock on my door in 10 hours. I deleted a lot of those too. Also in for forwards were jokes that were passed along from friends who were bored at work...and weren't working. There was one inspirational e-mail that begged me to take 10 seconds and repeat the prayer out loud so that Jesus could come into my heart. I went to Catholic school for 12 years straight...so I think I got more prayers in than some people do in a lifetime.

As I was sifting through all of this junk a message popped up on my screen. The screen name was weird and I had no clue who it was from. The message asked if I wanted to accept a message from this person. As I said, I didn't know who it was...but curiosity got the best of me so I decided to click "accept" and see what they had to say.

"That bath sure did look relaxing. Maybe I could join you next time...you may need help washing your back. By the way, is there any more wine left? I do love a nice glass of wine."

My mouth dropped open in surprise when I read it. At first I thought that some random Peeping Tom decided to call me up and have a nice chuckle...but this was starting to turn into something more serious. I sat there staring at the screen for a minute without saying anything. I should call the police...but what would I tell them? Some sick guy was watching me from his apartment...I didn't know which one or even what floor he stayed on. All I had to go on was a screen name that probably couldn't be traced, and a phone number that was most likely a calling card. That wasn't much help either. I decided if I wanted this guy to leave me alone, I was going to have to do something drastic to catch him. I took a deep breath and started typing a reply to the message.

"I don't usually take baths with strangers. Why don't you tell me more about yourself and maybe we can get a little bit closer. Oh and by the way, there is some wine left but I'm saving it for a special occasion. If you play your cards right, maybe we'll be celebrating it together."

I hoped he would take the bait...and I also hoped that I wasn't walking right into a trap myself.

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