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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Drama · #973634
gundam wing fanfiction 2x1 NCS, romance angst
Title; Justice for Heero –chapter 1-
author; Vega-Lume
declaimers: I don't own the boys; I just like playing with them (Hee hee) and I do promise to put them back when I am done. (*has fingers crossed*)

warnings: NCS, angst, adult themes, harsh language

beta: Hymie *wink*
(hugs to the bishie boy!)


"Goodnight Mr. Maxwell"

“Goodnight Mary." Duo Maxwell said, while smiling to his secretary.

He was more that ready to go
home; it had been snowing for nearly four hours now at it was getting late.

“Have a good vacation sir." Mary said as she pulled on her over coat.

“You too, Mary and say hi to Frank for me."

“I will, and drive safely." she gave him a quick hug and hurried to her car.


Duo donned his coat and wrapped his scarf around his face to keep out the chill,
he locked is office and made his way to his car.

//geeze us, it's freeing out here.// He though as he climbed in and fiddled with
the heat, the car protested the idea of starting in this weather but after a few tense
moments the engine turned over and the car started.

“Good girl." Duo murmured affectionately petting the dash board.
" How's 'bout we go someplace warm for vacation huh?" he asked the car as he
pulled out of the parking lot.

He drove down the busy street thinking about nothing in particular and feeling very

lonely, he had friends but he never saw them, Quatre and Trowa Barton-Winner Lived

in San Diego, California. About as far away from New York, where he lived

now, as you could get and still be in the same country.

Then there was Wufei and Sally Chang they lived less than an hour away from him but

they were so busy, Sally with her medical practice and Wufei a sergeant at the police
station that he never saw them.

Duo sighed. “Ya know, maybe I’ll go clubbing some time during this vacation,
and what do you think?" Duo chuckled to him self.

// I’m asking my car for love advice, pathetic!//

He pulled in to his parking space, wrapped his scarf around his face again, grabbed his
briefcase then stepped out into the snow, after setting the car alarm he made his way to
his apartment building.

He was about to punch in his security code when a cough drew his
attention to the abandoned house next door, he listened and heard it again, who ever was
coughing was young, he could tell just by the way it sounded, being a family law
he had spent enough time around sick kids and teens that he sort of developed a sixth
he could feel when a kid was scared, or hungry, or tired, or sick and this kid defiantly
sounded sick.

" Hello?" he called out as he cautiously stepped on to the porch, he could see a small
figure huddled under a ratty blanket in the far corner of the porch, Duo slowly inched
his way to the small figure and crouched down.

“I have some soup and a sandwich left over from my lunch, would you like it?"
Duo asked drawing a brown paper bag from his briefcase and setting down before the
trembling figure, a small pale, slightly blue hand creped out of the blanked and grasped
the bag, pulling inside.

A faint ripping sound was heard from inside the blanked and a moment later the small

hand reemerged clutching a fragment of brown paper, Duo took the offered paper and

on it he found written in child-like text 'thank You'

Duo's heart leaped and he wrapped his gloved fingers around that small hand giving

it a gentle tug, to his surprise the kid stood up and followed him with no reluctance, what so ever.

It wasn’t until they reached his apartment that Duo discovered that his guest was a boy,
a small one at that, though it was obvious he was a teen.

“What’s your name?" Duo asked as the boy surveyed his surroundings.

There was no answer, he asked again and still no answer, he started to think that the boy

did not speak English but the he remembered the note, it was a safe bet that if the boy
could write in English then he understood English.

He then noticed some thing he hadn't before, the boy's mannerisms. His behavior greatly suggested a disability. He watched the boy closely then it clicked,

// He's deaf! //

Duo thought to himself he quickly dug through his briefcase and pulled out a note book and a
pen, and hastily wrote down 'Can you hear me?' then handed it to the boy.

The boy looked thoughtful for a moment almost as if he did not quite understand

the question then he shook his head in negative.

''I knew it.'' Duo almost shouted, he took the note book back and wrote;

‘What is your name?'

The boy read it then wrote 'Heero' in the same child like handwriting and handed
it back.

'My name is Duo Maxwell, and your welcome to stay with me as long as you like,
would you like a hot bath?'

The boy read what Duo had written then looked up at him, his face shining he nodded,

Duo led him to the bathroom and started filling the tub.

‘I’ll find you something clean to wear.' Duo wrote then left the room
when he returned a moment later he was shocked to see the small teen huddled in
the tub hugging his knees, absolutely covered with cuts and bruises, some cuts so fresh
they were still weeping.

In all of his years working in family law and defending child abuse he had never seen
anything this bad, he drew a shuddering breath and placed a clean pair of pajamas on the
toilet, where Heero could see them and left giving the boy his privacy.

Duo paced the kitchen nervously waiting for the boy to finish his bath, after about a
half an hour He emerged, wearing the pajamas. They looked to be at least two sizes to

Heero offered a timid smile as he approached, Duo motioned to the kitchen table and
Heero took a seat. The braided man placed a steaming bowl of soup, two sandwiches

and the note book in front of Heero.

On the first page of the note book it said;
Where is your family?
How old are you?
How did you get those injuries?
Why were you sleeping on the porch?

Heero read the list, picked up the pen and wrote;
I have no family.
I am 17 years old.
My father gave me the injuries
I ran away from my father, I had no where else to go.

Duo read the answers and shuddered, He wrote;
eat your food, and then I’ll show you where you can sleep.

The blue eyed youth read the page and nodded, Duo excused then himself and went
into the living room, he had a phone call to make.


“Hullo?" said the sleepy female voice on the other end of the line.

“Sally!" Duo practically shouted.

“Duo! What do you want, do you have any idea what time it is?"

“Yes, yes, I know but I need you to come over, right now."

“Are you out of your mind, Maxwell!?" Wufei's voice interrupted.

“It’s got to be 12 degrees outside; my wife is not going to catch her death just because
you’re lonely!"

“It’s not that at all, this is serious. I found a runaway kid about an hour ago, he's
sick and he's been abused, I would really appreciate it if you could come
and look him over."

"Of course, Duo We'll be there, ASAP.''

"Thanks you guys, your the best, um... one more thing, he's deaf but I’m not sure
how bad the problem is, he can read and write but not very well.'

“I understand," Sally replied “see you in a bit.''

“Bye, Sally."

Duo hung up the phone and smiled slightly. Sally was one of the only Dr.'s
he trusted to examine the kids when he was developing a case. She was a great
and never showed how upset she got when she saw a child's abused body, she was kind,
gentle and patient, no matter a upset a child got she always managed to calm them down
and ease their fears.

Duo made his way back to Heero who was just finishing his soup, he sat across
from the boy and wrote,

‘I called a friend of mine she's a Dr. if it's alright with you she's gonna take a look
at your injuries.'

Heero read the note and thought for a bit then wrote;

‘Will father be punished for what he did?'

Duo read this and wrote;

‘I will do every thing in my power to make sure he will be punished,
and what my friend Sally finds will help that.'

Heero read this and nodded, just then there was a buzz from the door, Duo wrote;

‘She’s here'

Then went to buzz his friends in…

“There he is.'' Duo said after letting his friends in.

'' I explained to him why your here, Sally he understands and is willing to help."

Sally nodded then stepped up to Heero extending her hand in friendship.

Heero accepted her hand and shook it gently, still holding his hand Sally ushered Heero

the bedroom. Twenty minutes later the blond woman reappeared visibly shaken,

tears shimmering in her pale blue eyes.

“I gave him some cold medication, it contains a mild sedative so he’s asleep now." she
said with

weary sigh dropping onto the couch next to her husband.

“I’ve never seen any thing that bad." she began in a shaky voice “This abuse has been

on for years, mental, physical, and sexual." Duo and Wufei took in her words and

“The hearing loss, is that a result of the abuse?” Wufei asked.

“There’s no way of telling that here, he'll need that tested at the office.
But honestly, as far as I can tell the hearing loss has been present since birth."
Duo nodded and offered her a cup of tea, which she eagerly accepted.

“A side from the injuries how is he?" Duo asked

“He’s actually doing very well, he's a little malnourished and has a cold
but he's doing o.k.''

“Were you able to discover how long he's been on the streets?"

“Yes, he's only been out about two days, his wounds suggest that it couldn't
possibly be more than a week, they have barley begun to heal."

“Thank you Sally, You've been a big help, it's late so why don't you guys take my
bed and stay the night, I’ll take couch, and in the morning we'll take Heero to
the office for some more tests.

The couple nodded and they said their good nights.

// So much for my vacation//

to be continued...
© Copyright 2005 VegaLume (vegalume at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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