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Rated: 13+ · Other · Philosophy · #966795
We always forget To remember that everything is flawed…
Risk: It is Human Nature to take risks. A man will risk everything he has (even his own life) in order to [acquire] something [more/better]. It is this opportunity that also drives the “selfish” motive. Yet, if used properly, this opportunity could be used to [advance] a society.

Human Nature: Human Nature refers to the “direct” output of the subconscious mind. It is that which a human is endowed and responsible for upon birth. Human Nature is THE Mechanism [behind] Human Interaction and Survival.

“You think that you’re pushing their buttons,
But what you’re pushing aren’t buttons at all:
They’re Bombs…”

“Whenever we think that we’ve discovered perfection,
We always forget
To remember that everything is flawed…”

Controlling their Minds means:
n Control over what they See (TV Stations & Environment)
n Control over what they Hear (Radio Stations & Environment)
n Control over what they Taste (Food Distribution Centers)
n Control over what they Smell (Gas Lines, Community Projects (Industries…)
n Control over what they Feel (Clothes, Atmosphere, Weather, Interaction…)

1. Limits on what they can control – Limiting Ownership
2. Make them feel important/unimportant for extended periods of time
3. Provide them with a way out (which you secretly control)
4. Control their comfort/content (feeling of joy/happiness)

Money is a symbol
It is the representation of control
And the feeling of importance.

The Mind is the CONTROL “Center”
And governs not only the feelings
But also the senses.

Therefore He who controls the world’s monetary distribution among people may INFLUENCE them significantly, but he who controls their MINDS controls the WORLD Entirely.

The end result of man (the body) is death, but the end result of the mind is an eternal existence which is based upon one’s belief(s).

Eg. 1) If one “truly” believes in the Christian God (if one is a Baptist, etc.), then one believes that he/she will live forever with God in Heaven.
2) However, if one believes in nothing (or has not given the subject the slightest of thought(s)), then his/her mind will be as LAZY as the individual and not ponder on the subject. Thusly, the “afterlife” of the individual will be as nonexistent as the thoughts. Yet, if one has been informed on the subject (such as going to heaven or hell), the mind will calculate a fair afterlife of reality.

(KJV) Romans 1:17
“For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, the just shall live by faith.”

n Life is the mind with body
n Life after death is the mind without body
n Life after death is based on the faith/beliefs presiding in the mind of an individual

Man as Machine
What justifies killing a human being?
n To BE a Human BEING, obviously one must BE, and at that, he must BE (as) a Human.
n On an alternate plane, are Machines a [sort/type] of Being; should we [rename] Artificial Intelligent “things” as Mechanical BEINGS?
n “To BE is to ACT, and to Cease to ACT is to Cease to EXIST…”[-by Jean Paul Sarte-]
n Machines can LEGALLY be Destroyed. Therefore, a human to [have] the [characteristics] of MECHANICAL BEING would constitute for the Human to BE a Machine and thusly Legally “DESTROYED”…

People used to be Humans
And Humans used to be People

People aren’t People if they’re Machines
Machines aren’t Machines if they’re People

The only things to separate humans from machines are that they interpret, reason, think, feel, and mentally/physically grow. We, on the other hand, are limited to experiencing the “used” reality fed/said to us.

n When meeting someone, look into/through him, not at him; he will give you his attention and show you his concern.
n Make note of subtle and/or unique changes in his behavior (speech, facial expressions, breathing) and movements…
n By your mimicking him, he sees you as himself and trusts you as he would trust himself (as someone else); You become the same person, and one person can trust that what truth he says to himself is THE truth and The ONLY Truth that he can ever know.

We refer to ourselves as Human “Beings”; note the second term “Beings”. According to Jean Paul Sarte, “to be is to act and to cease to act is to cease to exist…” Therefore, a state of inaction within a human gesticulates that one is no longer a being.

Such inaction is why Man does not “live”, he experiences!

Patterns: routines, schedules…they fall under a “special” mental state: Automation. Automation is the ideal state for the mind. It is when physical and mental processes are [controlled] by the subconscious mind.

The vast majority of humankind is afraid; afraid to lose his/her reality(life) and will do EVERYTHING possible to prolong and/or make it better.

n The body is THE servant to/of the mind, and man is the machine that perceives/interacts with its “reality”.
n Man thinks he is in control when, actually, he only experiences.

The individual is an experience machine; a machine that experiences. Experience is based on Cause & Effect, Action & Reaction, Introduction & Conclusion, a Beginning & an End. Therefore, all [choices] [made] by an individual are actions in an experience (based on its beginning) to affect in effect the experience of one’s end.

n Or rather, the mind is an infinite entity, because it has neither a beginning nor an end…

It is self evident that without the self/body the mind is useless. As so is difference without similarity, answers without questions, an end without a beginning, an effect without a cause, and other such instances. However, is it possible to condition a society where the SELF is [useless]/[no longer needed]?

n We will not say that the mind CANNOT be controlled, but rather that INDIVIDUALISM is the plague of Society and Progress which only tends to Slow Progress Down and Spawn War.
n Man is a Selfish being by nature; it is the combination of a subconscious dictator and the COMMON Self whereby is produced a being which only exists for itself
n We become individualized because we compare ourselves to other selves (human beings) and see a need to be different; a need to control some [order] of society.
n Communism as an attempt to create a Self-Less Society. The goal was to eliminate all forms of Individualism. Yet, MANY people stood in its way. Why did they oppose the creation of a “Utopian” society? It is commonly understood that Every One Self desires to live in peace, but some still reject the idea of Perfection.

As human beings, we feel a need to control. As an aged world, we have not [noticed] that people have different desires. In society, we know that people have different desires. In society, we know that individualism occurs. Yet, in our minds we disagree with this ideal. We want CONTROL. And in an attempt to quench the thirst we slowly follow the path rolled out by our SUPERIORS…

n We control our selves
n We control our children
n We influence/control the ideas of our community
o By which we control our society
§ Eventually, we WOULD control our Nation

However, bundled with control and ownership is responsibility, and NO ONE PERSON can be responsible for hundreds, thousands, millions, or even billions of people (carrying ideas) by one’s self.

Accordingly, we create an assembly of trustworthy and responsible individuals able to control us. However, over time, the people’s power has slowly disappeared.

n Human Thought
o Like Computers, humans do not think. The mind is fed information that it processes (like a machine) and sends it to the self which experiences it.

“We can create images of novel scenes because we have seen the component parts at one time or another, ‘as when from the sight of a man at one time, and of a horse at another, we conceive in our mind a Centaur’. An image is created by comparing parts, not simply by projecting a stored slide.”
-Thomas Hobbes

Inside of the cage, man is an animal. Outside of the cage, man is a controller. But man insists on [staying] uninformed about the outside, because to know is to be held responsible, and to be held responsible, is to have some sort of control…

It is that NO ONE wants to be RESPONSIBLE and that those who choose to (or are forced to) be held in account MUST receive some sort of equal “payment” or “acclaim” for their actions which SHOULD be out of desire and a NEED to hold society together…

n When man knows that he is on the inside…
n We know that we MUST control ourselves, but we don’t know why…

As man is confined to a cage, he has no need (nor any desire) to seek knowledge beyond his perceptional awareness. But, why would someone/anyone hold mistrust toward a “system” that supplies one with his/her very existence?

Why is there a Universally known comparison/contrast between good and evil?

n Good is the quality of being in compliance/harmony/agreement with the subconscious mind…
n Evil is the quality of being in denial/disagreement/variance with the subconscious mind…

What does pain do?
n On the surface, Pain is Pain (self-explanatory)
o It is a tool to quickly induce fear
n Deeper, Pain is a Protocol
o It is a set of rules that says:
§ Stop what you are doing
§ Express emotion
§ And redirect your attention to something else

What is fear for?
n On the surface, Fear is Fear (self-explanatory)
o It is the expression of when something is compromised
n Deeper, Fear is an Emotion
o It is something that the brain uses to quickly redirect one’s attention to the matter at hand (or a matter predefined)
o It is the immediate escort for death

What is death?
n On the surface, Death is an End
o It is the immediate cessation of life
n Deeper, Death is “The End”
o Not only is the immediate cessation of life, but also of thought, perception, sense, and mind
o It is the ULTIMATE Negative Sanction for something/anything who/that refuses to keep him/her/it-self inside of reality’s cage

Human Nature
Intent vs. Pattern/Routine
n A pattern/routine will ALWAYS win…

1. Human experience is guided by intent
2. Intent is guided by the “will”, yet the will is not and can never be FREE
3. Freedom is the quality of exclusion from boundaries
4. Boundaries are mechanisms used to keep humans under control
5. Choice and Intent are mechanisms used by organisms to give them some level of control over their “experience”…

1. Man does not suffer, nor does he fear; Yet, he experiences
2. Such things as suffering and fear are tools used by some outside force (or the mind) to keep the totality of human being/race inside of an inescapable cage.
3. After years of being forced to comply to/with the rules of the cage, one will unknowingly accept and follow them; unaware that he/she is inside of a cage. Soon one will forget to JUST Experience and Begin to Live.

1. All ideas exist only in minds.
2. All things we perceive are ideas.
3. Therefore, all things we perceive exist only in minds.
4. “Nature is a cause, a cause that operates for a purpose.” (Aristotle, Physics)

Using the above concepts, we can conclude that nature, being able to be perceived, must also be a perception. Remember that “all things we perceive exist only in minds”.
Perceptions are things able to be sensed. Senses also exist in the mind. Since reality is perceptions, then “ALL” things exist in the mind. This guides us to idealism, pulling us even closer to a societal equilibrium.

“The mind is [visual] meaning, and ‘the meaning’ is reason. Reason is power, and to embrace power is to achieve Perfection Absolute.”

In conclusion, “man is mind” and to understand [this] mind begets knowing self. Knowing the self begets knowing group. Knowing group begets noesis. Noesis conceals within itself, the secrets to a transcendental society.

We perceive meaning. Being this understood, we can now conclude that meaning is a perception. Thus, meaning is what one makes of it. Seeing that the previous statements true, meaning must exist in the mind.

Meaning is reason, and reason governs language. Without language, things fall apart. But language was created by man. Therefore, language must have originated in the mind. Meaning may also BE mind, so it is completely logical to assume that “Man is Mind”.

Meaning is reason, and reason is power. Hence, man is power, (he exhibits this through government. But government is only the beginning. From birth, man’s goal/destiny is Transcendence.), but he comes to his conclusion only through his OWN intellect.

There is no Cause to Human Nature

1. Man does not live life
2. He sees it as it is shown, takes it as it is given, and experiences it as it unfolds

Man has no control over his self, live, or reality. Yet, these things control man, because NOTHING exists apart from his mind, and without the mind, there is NOTHING…

“If I told you to punch me, which would you do?
1. Would you think about it
2. Would you tell your muscles to move as to make contact with my face
3. or would you just EXPERIENCE your body acting without you

Man thinks he is control.
However, if he was in control, he would have to think an infinite amount of times about what to do.
He would even have to think about thinking, but such an action is infinite/impossible.

What is nature?

Is it data fed to the mind?
Or is it a creation of the mind itself?

We are born inside of a cage with nothing but a casing (body), senses, and a mind. Are we moving? Or is the world moving about us, or rather myself…and everything else is a part of a grand scheme to keep me under control so that I come to realize that I am in control of myself.
When, outside of my cage, that is a system trying to protect its own existence, by proving (to thorough extents), that it does not exist.
This system even goes on to say that it does not control you (because it doesn’t exist!), and that you and only YOU can control your SELF, and you believe the system because you cannot disprove of it.

War: A Cause and Solution
What causes War(s)? Opinions cause wars. Beliefs/Religions cause wars. Individualism causes wars. In general, “conflicting ideas” cause wars. People are dangerous beings, and thusly, they must be controlled. Now that we know that we must do so, “How can we control a human being?”
We know that “Communism” has failed as a form of government and “Democracy” is thus far succeeding. But how long will it be before The People rise up against democracy because of such things as “equal opportunity” and “offensive impressions”? These are the Dangerous Inventions of the mind. Such acts of individualism must be stopped, or in some way “controlled”.
Man may say that the mind cannot be controlled. However, the boundaries by which it operates can be manipulated by limiting/expanding the flow of information to the senses and its input and output. For this type of a transcendental society to exist, one must uphold certain “truths” of “perfection” (and good deeds) whether he/she willing agrees or whether one is Forced to believe/comply.
In the end, ALL men will be equal and absolutely NO ONE will be left out. Individualism will be abolished, and free men will smile with golden eyes. All men will know what FREEDOM really is as they pass it on to their children, and the children learn it in school.

Private ownership of things such as property, power, and the self. “But this is paradoxical”, one may ask. The mind cannot be controlled. However, the boundaries by which it operates can be manipulated by limited/expanding the flow of sense data and information input and output. For this type of a transcendental society to exist, one must uphold certain “truths” whether he willingly agrees or whether he is Forced to believe.

n Man does NOT have the right to develop his own mind.
n Every so many years, the government will withdraw from society for a specific number of days to allow citizens the opportunity to experience a society without ANY help from the government.
n All schools will be public to allow for a future society of men and women determined and educated in a way to aid in the future progress of society.

In the end, ALL men will be equal and absolutely NO ONE will be left out. All citizens will only be as rich as the country in which they reside, providing for only needing thousands of world “all-inclusive” accounts instead of billions of individual accounts and acts of individualism.

My question is “What is reality?” Webster says that reality is the sum total of all things real. However, all things must be “perceived” by some source to be real and then processed by the mind in its own “interpretation”; whatever is the common end of the large group MUST be real – seeing that its existence has been confirmed multiple times.

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