Flash Fiction:

My main goal when writing the story is to have a twist at the end.
These FF's are mini-mysteries...as well as shorts, and I would like to leave them open ended - life itself does not always (if ever) give us nice,neat resolutions - we are often left wondering and mystery and faith are what propel our society
Mystery At Dawn
I believe that a story doesn't necessarily need a resolution i.e. the murderer's/assassin's motive, in the story; I've read shorts (and longs) where one draws their own conclusion, and so forth ( my own thoughts )are that the assassin was hired to kill the man and that coincidently, the assassin (not gendered, notice?) just gets on with the 'program' after the blip at the supermarket.
Primarily, I wanted to create a short, with an unexpected twist at the end.
The Assassin has a life too; shopping for ??? (anything at all.. maybe something to help with the murder?!? or maybe for a loaf of bread)

...and coincidently and unnervingly (if the assassin didn't have nerves of steel hehe) - see's the target at the supermarket - but this is merely a blip -
the target shoots a venomous look, because, well - people
do in car parks,

the assassin was trying to open the car door, which jarred the target as he was putting the shabby satchel in the car. The fact that he is a nasty type and about to die anyway - is just one of life's ironies...and mysteries.
The assassin just moves in to 'action' the job to completion after the blip at the supermarket.