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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Crime/Gangster · #928422
This story is about a gangster that had killed many people in his past.

One day there was a man who created a gang. He was shot several times by other gang members. With 20 murders, he was found guilty and put in jail. That is where this story takes place.

Chapter One
It is June 11, 1992 my birthday. Of course nobody knows but its not like I wanted them to know. “If you want to work out outside go to the front of y our cell”, yelled the guards. I wanted to stay in shape and not end up like an out of shape fat guy, so I went outside. I lifted 20 pounds here, 100 pounds there and I worked on lifting 210, but I couldn’t lift it that well. We were outside for four hours when the guards yelled “Everyone inside! Weight lifting time is over!” So I went back inside. I could touch the walls when I stretched out my arms. I was tired after a long weight lifting day, so I went to bed and sang happy birthday to myself. I woke up at 7:30 am feeling bad about everything that I did as a gangster and how I started up my own gang.

Chapter Two
I will try to tell others not to make the very bad choices I made. At 8:30 breakfast time we had spam and eggs. Today it didn’t taste all that great but it was better than nothing. At 9:30 we were sent back to our cells, where I started to think of ways to make children not make the bad mistakes that I did. I called my mother for good ideas because she always had a good idea up her sleeve. She gave me some ideas and she said, “Write a speech”. I said, “I can write a speech”. So I contacted a book contractor and she started to help me by giving me ideas on the book and titles for the book.

Chapter Three
Today is October 23, 1992. I started writing my children’s book. The book was all about how to do the write choices when it came to gangs. By October 10, 1993 I had published three books against gangs and won the Nobel peace prize and the Newberry Award too. Then I started to work on my vocabulary. I had little pieces of paper and wrote all sorts of words on them with their definitions. But this wasn’t enough to keep me busy so after doing this for three years, I started to work out again. Then I got buff again, but I got bored of this of course and I started to write more books.

Chapter Four
After being on death row for four years they put me in a regular cell. When I got in the cell I stretched my arms out again but his time my hands didn’t touch the wall. My mother was so happy that I was getting closer to getting out of jail that she sent me a television to watch and see if my books got any awards. My newest books “Why not to join a gang” go the Nobel Peace prize and the Newberry Award. I was so happy I felt I could jump 20 feet in the air. I then went to bed very happy. I had a good dream that I was out of jail and telling others not to join gangs and why. In April 1994 one of my friends that I saw in lunch all the times was to be executed. I said goodbye to him and tried to forget about him.

Chapter Five
My mother came to comfort me and she also brought some chicken from a vending machine. It was the best food I had had in year. On June 11, 1996, the jail had just opened a wood workshop. I went there and made a cross. I asked if under supervision I cold screw the cross to my cell wall. They agreed and under sup vision I screwed the cross to my wall. Before I did one of the guards gave me a piece of palm leaf to screw it to the wall behind the cross. One hour after I screwed my cross to the wall my wife called and said my son was gunned down and that he hadn’t listened to any of my books or telephone calls. I couldn’t sleep because I was crying all night.

Chapter Six
The next day I lifted weights to try to get Tony being dead out of my head. When work out time was over I went inside my cell and did crunches and push-ups. Working out like this helped to get Tony out of my head. B now being in jail for five years my air grew all the way down to my hips and my hair was all in dread locks because they didn’t let you shower here. On April 13, 1997 I sent a video to a school that had a ton of gangsters in it and all of tem decided to quit their gangs. I turned on the television today and it said 75 gangsters gave up their gangs and did other things like baseball. Today this woman came up to me and asked for facts because she wanted to write a book about me. So I gave her all the information she needed.

Chapter Seven
On August 21, 1998 the jail put in a game room and they let us go down there and play all sorts of games. It was a lot of fun. I played with all the other ex gangster. We played cue, foos ball and other arcade games. They even sometimes let us bring hand held arcade games. But if we didn’t return them we would have to go in the hole for three days. I got bored with the game room so I lifted weights again. On Jul 11, 1999 the guards messed up the time schedule and my enemy was out at the same time I was, but I just told him that I didn’t want to fight. He said, “Okay, I’m cool with that”. From then on we didn’t ever get in a fight again. We got in all sorts of fights when I was a gangster but I would always win because I was a better gangster tan him.

Chapter Eight
Today Januar6 12, 2000 there was a jailbreak. It was a man on death row. No one knows how he got out, but he just did. When they found the guy who escaped he was swimming in the ocean to get away. When they caught him they put him in the execution room and shot and killed him. He was one of my closest friends from the game room. But what happed one day when I was watching television was even worse. On September 11, 2001 a plane was hi jacked and was flown right into the twin towers. I was so furious wit the Iraqi terrorists that I felt like I could punch through a wall. Then I saw what happened to the Pentagon. I then tried to punch the wall but instead of my fist going through the wall, I just broke my hand. The guards escorted me to the hospital wing and had my hand treated.

Chapter Nine
I’ve been here for nine years now and I’ve changed a lot. Now it’s time for me to plead the jury to let me out of jail. The jury asked “Do you think that you have been rehabilitated?” I said “yes and inface I’ve changed from a mobster to a children’s book writer”. The jury made their decision and said “We think you need more more year and we will talk to you again”. I was so happy that I called my wife and mother to let them know. They were happy for me.

Chapter Ten
That’s where I am now. Still writing children’s books, waiting just one more year until I get out of jail. A lot has happened since I was gone, so as soon as I get out of jail I will catch up with everything. I will never be a gangster again.
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