Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/907498-A-Convenient-World
Rated: E · Poetry · Philosophy · #907498
Comment on this modern world.
A Convenient World

Convenience foods are handy,
that, no one will deny.
You can buy a box or can of
'most anything you'd care to try.

It's instant this and instant that,
ready in ten minutes or less.
Just "nuke it" and serve it right up,
and there's hardly any mess.

There's dried "stuff" and frozen "stuff",
with preservatives laced all through.
Plus lots of junk I've never heard of,
ah, what's a man to do?

A rather small box rests in my hands
as I sit at my kitchen table.
I up-end the box to catch the light
and I read the tiny label.

With the long list of chemicals
the package did include,
I wonder where, in this tiny box,
they found any room for food!

I've got a craving for some lecithin,
tumeric & fatty acids, so nutritious!
Thiamine mononitrate & guar gum,
diesters of fats all sound so delicious.

My body lacks corn glutin
and polyglycerol esters bisulphated.
I'd feel weak without those enzymes
and monosodium so glutamated.

Propylene glycol and riboflavin,
they all keep me so "alive".
And sodium aluminum phosphate,
so pretty in yellow number five!

With all the junk that I'll consume
'til I'm finally laid away,
my remains will be so well preserved,
I'll still look good on judgement day.

Will kindness & understanding
ever be available in a jar?
Or dehydrated peace & brotherhood,
will we ever get that far?

Uh, Lord, pass me a big box of tolerance
and some faith packed up like cheese.
Give me a couple pounds of love,
put it in a tube that I can squeeze.

Love in a tube, what do you think?
What a capitol idea, indeed!
Squirt it here, squirt it there,
wherever there's a need.

How sweet that sounds, but, alas,
I think it shall never be.
Just spread love the old fashioned way.
That's good enough for me!

© Copyright 2004 Steve Savage (breadmeister at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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