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A strange challenge for work on Deep Space Nine! Fattening scene and MPREG ! |
Klingon Challenge Worf was calmly eating the breakfast on the bar on the walk of the station Deep Space Nine when a big Klingon was adorned. “you Worf son of Mog” churches the new one come “ YES!” answers proudly Worf “What you want from me?” “You are not a true Klingon! You have not exceeded the BURP test!” Worf remained astonished from those words, had not never felt to speak about ritual BURP but fixing in the eyes the orher Klingon it had the impression to find itself a honor man who it sure would not have liar to care of an important argument therefore for their species! I must make ” Tell me as I can exceed also this test” I’m a TRUE Klingon!” The large Klingon smiling watching Worf “ Here is a test between three warriors and only who exceeds it can the most couregious warror, is a hard test but if you will exceed the others two pretenders you will come remembered with great honor” “I must make?”They were the last words of Worf, after that he and its new friend they went away from the walk of the station spaces togheter. After short time Worf and Bazul (therefore called the large Klingon that had contacted it) reached in the section container of Deep Space Nine (a zone of the station spaces attended them little) where Worf knew its rivals and that is two Klingon young people call Tor and the Rangs, made the due Bazul presentations extracted from one pocket three small containing containers of glass everyone of small round seeds! are the seeds from the”planet Thurgh!”ask Bazul “one of these small seeds said has the ability to nourish a man for very many days! According to the test of the BURP who between you will succeed to more eat some and to resist to its effects fearless of the warriors! And will be said that gave ”Start a trasparante container everyone challenging!” Worf, Tor and the Rangs were sluices in three different rooms for many hours after that Bazul opened the door where were locked up Tor and watched within, Tor were left over with self-confident step, in its hand tightened the glass container (on here container was visible anchor many Thurgh seeds) while with the other is it tightened the belly, its stomach in fact had become larger and swollen and its powerful muscles from the warrior had had to yield the place to a round belly, Tor smile while the belly continued to caress itself with the hand ”You seen my stomach Bazul? It watches as they have become fat?” said giving itself of the light blows on the belly “is sure is I the winner of this challenge!” “you would have to boast a lot” said Bazul caress sweetly the belly of Tor ”but until when I do not control as are involve the others to you two pretenders to this challenge and view their bellies!” in fact Bazul hardly made in time to conclude the phrase that the door where Rang was locked up opened uproariously and Rang exited some walking awkwardly. Tor remained completely without breath, still watched the belly and although its chubby belly was remarkablly overweight was not minimally confrontabile with that one of Rang, Rang in fact was spectacularly obese! Its body was so fat and round that more did not succeed to enter in its uniform from Klingon, on its thorax was forms numerous coils to you of fat and while its muscles chest straps were it becomes to you large and flabby its belly had swollen becoming at the same time enormous and very flabby and while all walked towards Bazul and Tor its belly jolted and shook to every its step! “of it you say Bazul? They have not been the best one?” said triumphant Rang more churning in the hand its container empty Thurgh seed in order than ”see halves well my body friends, no Klingon never has been much fat!” and while seized just the belly with both the hands and move making it to hop between its onorevole arms Bazul creed of to have gained I this challenge!” it said while it rested its bench against that one of Tor in order to wide show some to greater largeness. I admit Rang, you six fact honor! Never till now I had seen a wide abdomen like yours” and therefore saying Bazul it seized with the hand the belly of Rang “but although also I now believe that you are unquestionably the winner you are my task like supervisor of this challenge of visionare the result of ALL the preteders and therefore hour I get ready to myself to go from Worf!” Rang that by now felt of having the victory in fist did not have null to ridire and therefore it, Bazul and Tor entered together in the room of Worf. Before what that happened was that the container of the Thurgh seeds rolled outside from the completely EMPTY door! What the trio saw completely after them surprise, Worf was disappeared! The room instead was occupied from a large flabby thing substance “could be happened them?” all of Klingon said scared Tor “See Here!” and it indicated a part of the motivatings force substance that obstructed the room, under a fold of that “we are a thing” is are something that dulled from them under as a foot! And it was not ended, more distant the group of past an other and was then that they comprised the truth and they raised the eyes, the thing that obstructed the room other was not that same Worf! Worf was gigantic, its belly had been developed beyond every definable level of obesity and its uniform of the star fleet had gone in thousand pieces while its body had caught up (and exceeded) the dimensions of a Ranabout! All the its abdomen as also the legs were passings under that mountain of flabby meat that now had become its belly, two enormous and swollen tits hour they were in place of its muscles chest straps and between its head and the body there were an indecipherable amount of double chins that went to rest softly on its thorax making him then also on the shoulders, in order to end the ace of Worf was swollen with of fat and reddened cheeks! When Worf opened the mouth before what to exit some was a giant “BBUUUURPPP!!!” continuation then from “now I understand because call it the test of the BURP Bazul, I feel myself truly I am satiated!” It is Tor that the Rangs completely remained upset, they did not find words in order to demonstrate theirs regarding the tonnage of Worf and were limited to kneel down in front of he (even if with one sure difficulty due to their fatness!) in order then their “You appreciations indeed the best one between we! A warrioe without equal son of Mog, we honor to you! You’re the winner!” Bazul watched the chubby trio and to the end it added “ For me that the test can be defined concluded young warriors Worf as the winner!” “Thanks Bazul!” said proud Worf while with the powerful hands it encircled and it caress its large and fat tits, Bazul the satisfied smiles to Worf and concluded saying “Now that the test is finished will have to recover in training and to return like before, you will succeed to us? “” SURE!” they exclaimed Worf, Tor and the Rangs and were watched for a last time before separating themselves and beginning the training in order to become thin. Worf had had better periods in its life, although it had gained the test of the BURP striking clamorously its Tor companions and Rang is giant tonnage from he caught up thanks to the wonderus affections of the Thurgh seeds had become a problem, at the moment to recover in shape it is Tor that the Rangs were return thin and muscle as with of the laborious training but for he the things they had once not gone equally well, its tonnage prevented it to train a lot (the its already heaviest body was tyred from the exercises and it did not have more breath in order to run) and although it was become thin a lot continued to being remarkablly obese with the uniform of the star fleet that now was become too much adherent for its fat body. It had become the clown of Deep Space Nine (however its honor sense prevented to it to resort to a doctor in order is made to remove is body fat) and now all were amused to fargli noticing is embarassing size especially Tor and the Rangs that were remained them while Bazul had left for one intelligence mission. The trio of Klingon was on the walk to watch the big glass from a large one when they noticed the great wave of luminous energy in race towards the space station spaces. Not there was the time to organize nothing because he was so fast that hit Deep Space Nine in a moment! The collision however did not happen since the wave it crossed every thing passing to us through! Worf did not believe to the own eyes “Tor, Rang has seen also you?” churches but nobody answered to it, both its friends lay to its feet with no sense and while Worf was watched in turn (other men of the station were scare to you but nobody was lost sense) began to call aid in order to help its friends and little after the two they were already on the infermary of DS9. The following time flew while Worf waited for in knows it from attended the response of the doctor and finally when the doctor exited from the infarmary Worf the race encounter but it remained astounded overwhelmed the face espression of the doctor “doctor who what has happened? Tor and the Rangs are well? I pray says something to me!” the doctor raised in that moment the eyes on Worf and with soothed voice said ”Relax its friends are Klingon like she and therefore many forts physically, are both good..but…” “what? “taken care Worf said ”I don’t knows what to say them Worf has not never seen null of similar, up to now sure is to the stage begins them but its friends are…They are pregnant!” Hours after (after to have put to Tor and Rang at current of the situation) I am a noble warrior of Klingon not one weak woman!” scream Rang “I, just I I would be pregnant? This history is completely absurd!!! Not creed to one single word yours or of that human doctor!?”and therefore saying Rang sluices the argoment, Tor was not a much various from its companion and even if a lot scared from the perspective that Worf said the true one ignored the prognosis of the doctor, Worf from the song its knew the character of the Klingon well and it was promised to convince them to time debit with the facts. Six weeks passed calmly and while the first symptoms of the state of Rang and Tor began to manifest openly, their abdomens had begun to expand themselves and hour both have of the big belly, Rang did not want to admit its condition and invented every risen of excuses while Tor (that it was a lot scared from its by now obvious state of pregnancy) had made oneself to convince from Worf makes yourself to subject to all the examinations of the case from the doctor of Deep Space Nine.”You are in attended of two children Mr. Tor” it said the doctor ”you that they you are in good conditions but its pregnancy is fastest if the children are already therefore develop in only six weeks to you”. Tor blushed and, after to have greeted the doctor, he and Worf they went to make a walk entirety ”Read me Worf, I’m want to make to be born these children but I do not know if of I will have the courage, OK I’m a Klyngon warrior but no man can be prepared to one similar experience!!UNGH!!! Here it thinks that I have them as soon as you feel yourself to kicking in my belly”. “We have another problem Tor” said Worf “We came to convince of its state Rang…” Rang had not never had much fear while still alive its, in last the eight weeks had begun to change, with passing of the time he find hard more and more to make also the exercises simpler than step and she was found again with the large breath after little exercises. Its appetite was a lot increased and it had found again more nights in the catering of Deep Space Nine in order to try to eat something to outside of the meal, obviously this had had repercussions on its body in little words was fattened! The thing that more took care it but was that now it was fattening in various way regarding when was increased of weight for the test of the BURP, although now had a ventre fat and big it did not have the minimal trace of handles of love, its great belly he was completely round and muscle, with the pulled skin and polishes did not make that to confirm its greater fears after the days passed its abdomen more and more became similar to that one of one pregnant woman. Rang had waked up itself in its room of night full of nighmares who that saw it to make a baby , he had raised himself in feet (with hard work) and carried of forehead to a great mirror to wall, it was completely knot and one fixed reflected on the surface of the mirror, I approach myself its glare until touching of the mirror making us to crush against its belly. “OOHHHH I, just I would be what I see in this mirror? he still thought made bitter?I remember, only little months or are, the couragious warrior of klingon that I am? and now? Which thing remains of me? I am changing every day more quickly, I swell to me and I am becoming more and more similar to a grotesque parody of that I was” passed to a hand on the line curve that hour delimited its belly “non wants to become one MOMMY…may as something within of me that…” it blushed in ace “it want that this pregnancy proceeds!” taken in the hand one of its nipples and it tightened it with force between fingers “UUNNNFFFHHH!!!! As they are he becomes to you sensitive mine pmuscle! o maybe…” touch glanced at to its muscles chest straps hour become fat and blubber that they were lain down softly on its pregnant belly “maybe would be the case to say who as become sensitive my BREAST! Even if continuous to deny it with Tor and Worf I cannot continue to trick are pregnant and I feel at least three various children to me who every so often kickin in mine belly” what I can make. After a lot of time Rangs to return to bed and sleeping had one amazing awakening, the first image that she saw opening the eyes was that one of its enormous belly that was covers is body on its abdomen, had for the little doubled possession its dimensions of little time and if before the gotten worse thing could be considered obese now were a lot. It had to give to bottom to all the force of its powerful arms for being able itself to raise from the bed, its bubbler and flabby body now had become much heavy one but after a lot of tried to you it succeeded, it wore the parts to us of dressed its that it succeeded to wear and headed towards the room of Tor. To the contrary of Rang instead Tor pleasant one had passed a night much, seeing upset it Worf it had decided to sleep with he and with passing of the time the two had uncovered to try feelings that never would before not have thought to try for other males. They had slept in the same bed, knots, with their warm bodies that were tightened one with the other, Worf had make love with Tor and kissed some times its nipples, Tor had let completely to wrap from that feeling of pure appeals to and the hours were passed fastly. Now the two were in the bed next of the other, Tor was on his bed with its large preggo belly one that stood out over of he, Worf instead was extended on a flank and watched with full eyes of sweety its partner touching sweetly with the hand the round one belly. “ I love you!” said Worf picking Tor of surprise “Really?” it added Tor “beh, then know that also for me it is the same one and then…” it always touched with the hand the fat and flabby belly of Worf “…more strongly between our and also so fattest!” Worf hushed it with a passionate kiss and in the meantime nobody noticed Rang who fixed them crying from the door. The following day was rather strange in fact while Worf and Tor were by now enter in perfect harmony between they Rang to you seemed to have become still most hungry and annoying who before, if it met one of the two along the corridors of the station Deep Space Nine changed endured road and to the end of the determined Worf day that it wanted to know some and he go on the chamber of Rang. As soon as klingon open the door had want to close endured it but a strict look of Worf forced it to make to enter it “Wath happens to you ?”said Worf “I understnd that you for along time it does not have intentional to admit the situation in which it finds to you now but it cannot explane just null, it watches to you, it watches the rounded form of yours belly as and I polish, you do not have in body no sign of fat coils and that you agree or not the one possible what, you’re pregnant !!!” concluded Worf screaming. “So very well of being pregnant!!!!” Rang said with fury, pronouncing those words with much vigor to surprise Worf “Not is the pregnancy the reason of my rancor but…” “But what?” churches insisting Worf “..is the behavior yours and that one of Tor, this morning raising to me and seeing to me ulteriorly fattened are run from Tor in order to try a little time of comfort and I have seen to you together! You have cut to me outside, you are becomes to you loving!!!”. Worf did not have the minimal idea that Rang face was red had uncovered its relationship with Tor and, feeling itself embarrassed said “I’m sorry Rang, understands as you must now feel, stiff, Vulnerable…” and put his hand on the belly of Rang “..but never I am..” rubbing the belly “…not said that I cannot make up for, yesterday night and Tor of it we have spoken along. Talk to along of what. Churches stiff.. “Talk about…Rang of the fact that if you had never intentional we were decided makes you to join we, I am myself in love of you just in the same moment in which I loved Tor, I consider the sons who you carry in the belly as they were mine therefore, if you want, I would want that you and Tor have the children and considered ME their father, what of did? ” end Worf. For a moment that seemed eternal there was a suit Hush between the two then “You talk as real ? Truly I can together become your lover to Tor? ”. “Sure!!! “ Worf said but in these moment he can not to did other whi Rang with great passion have kissed him! , Its hard and pregnant one belly and to hit that fat and motivatings force of Worf face become red like Santa Claus suite, endured after Worf taken his move and caress and then to kiss the Rang’s nipple. “You have tits truly magnificent!” said Worf winking with the look towards Rang…it wants to suck the milk ones of this beautiful one and rounded future mother!. “Not me it seems case to wear an armor”. concluded Rang and become to undress itself quickly while Worf went away from its body, piece after piece of the Klingon armor falls to the feet of Rang and Worf can to completely see its companion knot, with the covered body of sweat that put in every extension single curve of its body. Worf making love many times with Rang and when these to the fine ones decided to stop all and two headed to the room of Worf where Tor was waiting for them with anxiety from hours, as soon as they were enters, Tor kiss on his mounth Rang (obviously the fact who Rang was demonstrated them that she had them pardons both to you and she had been decided to join to they two then) making to repair it in a comfortable seat and making to him she compliments for its great belly. The trio step in extremely pleasant way the following days, by now completely in harmony between in love they and passed much time together, to the bed, making love or feeding themselves the one with the others with all the food that succeeded in shopping on Deep Space Nine, Rang who now not as embarassing again its determined state of pregnancy of make to a medical visit and the made doctor conferm l that it was pregnant of three children, the humor news as made the klingons very happy of the three that they made also of the echographies in order to see the five children well who soon the Rangs and Tor would have given to the light, were returning in their lodging watching the echographies (Rang was particularly fierce of one of its baby he it seemed strongly the most strong and of the other four) when a familiar voice them call here…Bazul was returned. "In name of all the Klingon divinity what of evil is happened to you" churches a astonished Bazul "I had left you with the assignment to replace to you in shape and I find to you in these conditions to my return? Is terrible!" "Noble Bazul" interrupted it Tor "I and Rang we are returns to you in shape but..." but before that Tor could conclude its phrase Bazul had given to a light blow to the belly with the back of the hand "This to it calls it to be in shape? Yours bellyes it is not only great but also flabby !" conclude angry Bazul. Worf use his voice with some blow of cough then was put in front of Bazul and put towards within more than it its great belly was possible said "Bazul Nobleman knows that what I am for said to you is strange but the facts are like minimum strange, Tor and the Rang in this moment are not fat, theirs bellyes are therefore swollen and round because contain my sons, they two are pregnant!". "It’s an horror !"said Bazul in horror "We will have to kill those fetuses and makes to return like before, I will report you endured the happened one to the high command of..." but Bazul could not end the phrase inasmuch as Rang had hit it with the phaser make him K.O. it to the moment. Worf and Tor watched then astonished to Rang this last one spoke "Cannot allow that it kills our children, Bazul are an important personality to the inside of the high Klingon command must carry it from our part!" "But like ?" they asked together Tor and Worf "Simple..." added Rang "... will be enough to transform it in what it hates and fortunately we have still many seeds of the test of the Burp!" then all and three the Klingon fixed and began to laugh together. Bazul had a frightening awakening, was legacy to a chair, neighbor to he was Rang and Tor while the imposing size of Worf he threatened it with the aid of a phaser. "Bazul Listens well if you want living is better if you do not oppose yourself, we three do not have intention to kill you but we will make it if you will still put in danger the survival of our sons!" Bazul did not say nothing but it was limited to point out a YES with the head. Without lose time Rang and Tor they began to put in his mouth of Bazul numerous seeds Thurgh make him to only breathe for little moments between a mastication and the other, Bazul was really scary from the idea of what it would be happened to its muscle body if had continued to ingest only those small seeds and little bottle to water every day. The days passed in a hurry and nobody was taken care of the passing of Bazul ( Worf and its lovers had hidden it in a hangar in disuse of Deep Space Nine in a zone that nobody never visited ) but very soon its abductors were forced to loosen the ropes until removing them of all inasmuch as they were not by now more enough long to encircle the body of Bazul, the old klingon in fact had caught up gigantic dimensions, exceeding even those of Worf during the test of the Burp, every part of its body had been like absorbed from its gigantic one belly and hour the aspect of Bazul remembered one perfect sphere of flabby meat force with supported over very small head adorned from an infinite series of fat and flabby doubles chins. "Well Bazul waht you feel yourself today ?" asked Worf "In error" answered Bazul being strange "was in error in your comparisons... to be so fat is so beautiful and COOL!" he continued caress its gigantic tits "Worf, Rang, Tor I have introduced and would want you that you three pardoned to me, I would want to be considered the fat grandfather of your sons!" concluded Bazul blushing. Immediately Worf, Rang and Tor began to scramble up on the flabby body of Bazul and once caught up its ace kissed it together and after have smile to him sweetly they said together "we pardon You Bazul indeed we give to said hello to the new Bazul the grandfather of our sons!" Bazul burst in plants affected while the others three klingon began endured to massage and rubber its the soft and sexy body and "to play" with every fold or pillow of fat whom it had in body. In the following months Tor and Rang they give birth their children happily (that they turned out all healthy ones and in health) but after the delivery they remained however all many fat people, Bazul more did not succeed to lose weight and abandoned to the idea of a total life of immobility while its friends took cure of he. All the Klingon continued their life happily and see the deep space in tries of tightens colored that happiness carried they it! THE END |