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Rated: E · Chapter · Family · #877442
The fourth chapter of the story featuring Aryune, Alliel, Vattan, and Larakzs.
Chapter 4: The tree maze

Everyone finished eating pretty quickly. The four elves were nervous about what was going to happen. Alliel was starting to be unsure about if the tablet was where they were thinking, but Larakzs stopped her and said it was worth a try.
The elves came out to seek fresh air and a place where Larakzs could feel the Wind better. There was only a small inconvenient.
-Aryune, I don’t know where the place is. – objected Larakzs.
-Have you ever been to my old cabin? – answered Aryune.
-Take us there. I know where to go from there.
Larakzs started gathering feelings and establishing. She didn’t need a lot of time to do that. In fact, she was so used to it that when she did it alone, she almost didn’t need much time.
-All right. Everyone, please calm down and open yourselves to magical energies, or else I can’t separate fields. Close your eyes if you wish.
Everyone followed the orders of Larakzs, and she started proceeding with the field separation at an agile rate. Nothing else was heard from the other elves. When she stopped feeling herself, she knew she had done it and proceeded to gather Wind almost unconsciously.
The spell worked perfectly. The four elves were standing in front of Aryune’s old cabin. Larakzs was only a little tired. The other three elves proceeded to look around for the maze, but Aryune looked at his hideout with nostalgia.
-I remember the times, - he said – when magic didn’t exist. Everything was so simple… The worst thing one could do was to destroy a tree. And if we compare those times to that… we can say that we have, indeed, learned a lot. The world is full of knowledge… and there are a lot of things now that we ignore as well. Is it possible to know everything…?
His speech was interrupted by Vattan, who had found the entrance to the maze and let know to everyone. In one of the sides of that clear in the jungle, there were two aligned trees, and following a line, there were several more going deeper in it.
-The riddle said, “My treasure can only be seen by looking at the best of the Four at the point where it’s hard to get to, but only offers temporary relief and happiness when it’s senselessly reached.” – Larakzs repeated each word of it from memory. – We need to get to the end of the maze first. Are you coming?
Larakzs ran off to the entrance and through the tunnel of trees, and the other elves followed her, running as well. The trees in the path got closer each time when they were probably getting closer to the labyrinth, until it was almost impossible to pass or even see through them. The elves kept going through the path.
Eventually, they reached a wall. They could take the left or the right path. Larakzs was leading the group, and without asking, she led off to the right. The others followed her, but they couldn’t keep with her pace, even with Agility. Looking up, one could see a beautiful sight of the leaves from the trees. For a maze, it wasn’t very bad.
Larakzs turned to the left twice, then to the right, and then went forward, without stopping running. The others kept up however they could. Larakzs proceeded just like if she knew the path. The other elves had to ask her to slow down, and she did, but not by much. Finally reaching her, Vattan asked, tired from running already:
-Can’t you just walk? You’re going way too fast and…
-No, I have the feeling and if I stop I’ll lose it. – Larakzs interrupted him in the middle of what he was going to say.
And she didn’t stop running, taking turns and ignoring paths. The labyrinth was pretty big and long. She took fifteen minutes to reach the end, even when running. The other elves were way behind, walking, trying to guess where she went from her magical signature. It wasn’t very easy to follow, according to Alliel, who was doing most of the work.
When the elves finally reached the end, Larakzs had done nothing but crouch there, definitely very tired. Larakzs gave them an explanation that was a little more detailed than the one she had given to Vattan.
-It’s a sudden feeling – she said. – I only get it very rarely. It usually wards off after a certain time. The feeling is similar to that of… confidence, but if I start wondering where that confidence comes from too much, I lose the feeling without doubt. Anyway, I’ve lost it now… but we’re where we should be.
The group looked at where they were. It was a square “room” with trees as its walls, just like in the maze. There was only one exit, which was the one from where they had come from. Looking at the sky, one would see a clear in the foliage, in what seemed to be the center of that “room”. It wasn’t an unpleasant sight.
-All right, what now? – Vattan was a little angry and tired. He had said that words with some hatred.
-Now, we need to look at the best of the Four – answered Alliel. – And if this riddle referred to Wind, then…
-…look at the Wind? How? – asked Vattan.
-I believe I know the answer, but we’ll have to wait for our… magical expert – said Aryune, looking at Larakzs, who was still on the floor.
-You know, you should try to practice a bit of this – answered Larakzs. – Maybe when we find the Wind Drake… you won’t need me anymore, right? But you’ll have to wait some time, because I’m exhausted.
The elves waited five minutes while talking about things that didn’t have to do with their objective. Finally, Larakzs could get up, and Aryune exposed his plan to the party.
-My idea is that if the best of the Four is Wind, we need to feel Wind somehow. And we can’t feel Wind in the middle of this forest, so… - Aryune looked up at the opening. – The idea is to use Feather Flight to get over there… and see if there is anything.
Everyone looked at Larakzs, but she had illuminated herself upon hearing Feather Flight. It was one of her favorite spells, and even after running so much, she didn’t reject the chance to use it for something useful.
-All right – she said. – Please, don’t generate gusts of wind while I’m flying… not even a breeze. This will be difficult… if I get up there and it’s windy, it will be hard. I’ll try getting on that branch first and see if I can see or feel anything from there…
Larakzs proceeded to gather Wind and change that energy with the one in her current surface field, making her lighter. There was no risk of getting blown away: not even a small breeze reached that place covered totally with trees. Larakzs then proceeded to generate a small upwards current that effectively blew her off to the air.
The elf’s control in the air was incredible. The room wasn’t very big, but she had very gentle and agile movements, as if she did it every day and for a long time. She never touched any of the walls, and even when she was actually moving from the weak gusts she was making, it was almost like if she was swimming in the air. Without much effort but with much grace, Larakzs held on to a close branch and started feeling. After a little time, she spoke to the other elves.
-There is some wind up there, but it’s nothing I can’t handle. It seems to come from all directions… I can’t feel it clearly. I’ll see if I can get closer so I can see the tablet… if it’s there.
Larakzs let go of her body and floated some more, grabbing random branches. The others could see that she was getting slightly blown away when she was reaching the top, but she could hold very well to the branches.
-I see something floating in the air… that looks just like a tablet. I’ll try to grab it… it’s a little more windy that what I thought. The thing isn’t moving… those branches are a little thorny.
The other elves only saw Larakzs head through the hole with some difficulty, then to a side. The leaves blocked their vision.
Meanwhile, Larakzs was having a hard flight. The wind came from every direction and changed constantly. But she was an expert. She fell down to the trees twice before being able to reach the tablet. From that distance, she could determine it was really what they were looking for. In fact, it gave some subtle Wind energy, but not much. But she wasn’t thinking about what was going to happen when she grabbed the tablet.
Larakzs was light and could float perfectly alone… but the tablet was heavy. She wasn’t expecting this weight. The tablet wasn’t weightless, as it seemed because it was floating. Larakzs grabbed it, so its weight transferred to Larakzs, who fell down hardly over the thorny branches.
“Augh!” The elves only saw a shadow in the foliage, but it was probably coming from Larakzs. She was in trouble. The shadow was still in the room they were in. Everyone looked at it.
-Help me, I’m stuck! – Larakzs tried to explain without releasing the tablet and without getting much more wounded. – The tablet is heavy, but I’m not. I can’t fly and can’t release this, and those spikes hurt!
Vattan looked instinctively at Aryune, but Alliel was already taking the lead.
-Hold on there, Larakzs! – she shouted. – You two, help me out. Cast the most powerful Tractor Wind you can on me. I’ll try to rise and get the tablet. But don’t let me fall, ok? – she said, while turning to Aryune and Vattan. – I’ll make sure I can use that handy spell of yours before going to wherever the Wind Drake lives – she said, directed to Larakzs again, and prepared for the incoming blast.
Vattan and Aryune applied their power gradually and somewhat focused. Alliel had no problem rising in the air from an exceedingly strong upwards gust of wind.
-This is just so not pleasant. Slower, I’m reaching already! – Alliel wasn’t very calm, but she was right. Flying with no control isn’t very nice.
-Larakzs, I’ve almost reached it… There! – Alliel had almost bumped into a particularly spiny branch, but could evade it hardly and grab the tablet. – Less power! – she said, looking down.
The two male elves were fairly concentrated, and not using all their capacity. They lowered the strength of the wind, and Alliel started coming down… at an irregular rate, finally somewhat crashing in the ground, but with no side consequences. The tablet was intact and she was, too.
Larakzs had to repeat the spell, because if she had kept it while Alliel rose, she would have still been sent flying by the winds. However, even in her bad condition, she could easily fly back and get in the hole, landing safely, but with several wounds through her face, arms and legs.
-All right, I’m safe now, and the tablet is, too – she said, while Vattan used Curative Force on her various wounds. She was considerably tired.
Aryune was examining the tablet curiously. He could feel the small amount of Wind it was releasing, wondering where the Drake could be.
-That’s it, I’m done – said Vattan. Then, he also looked at the tablet. Larakzs was still a little tired, and sit down on the ground.
-Larakzs, why don’t you teach me how to use that Feather Flight? – Alliel asked, looking at Larakzs.
-You already know that you can do it – answered Larakzs. – You can do Air Gills, right? It’s the same thing… but instead of breathing through your skin, make yourself lighter. Try it now if you want…
Alliel focused for three minutes while gathering Wind and doing Energy Metamorphosis. Larakzs watched her. The other two kept examining the tablet and discussing in a low voice.
-Do you think you know where this belongs to? – said Aryune.
-Wow, you’re not speaking like an elder – objected Vattan, but kept speaking. – I have a certain feeling… that getting to where we want to get in this case won’t be as easy. Maybe Larakzs will have to go alone…
-What are you intending?
-Of course. Look where the tablet was.
-The place where the Drake lives probably needs the same skill… and only Larakzs can use Feather Flight in order to get up there.
-But she knows Wind Teleportation.
-How can that really help if she has to go to such a place? What if it’s… really well hid? The sky is huge.
Out of nowhere, a very subtle gust of wind hit Vattan in the back. But it had an emotion on it. A very simple thought. A very simple feeling that Vattan could grab in time and process.
-Ask the tablet – he said to Aryune.
-What I said. Ask the tablet where it is.
Aryune looked at him with strange eyes, but did so, and to his surprise, he saw words in elven language forming in the tablet.
-What… - Aryune was amazed, and had said that pretty loud. Larakzs heard it clearly and stopped paying attention to Alliel, who kept focusing, to get closer.
The words in the tablet said the following: “The place is somewhere in this continent, if you make a flat map of the land and put the sky over it. You need to reach it once before being able to teleport to it. As to where it really is, you have already guessed it. I leave to you the task of finding it, elves. So far, you have amazed me. Will you be able to overcome the challenges still to come? Those are words from the Green Drake.”
-How in the world… - Aryune was talking to Vattan.
-Before you say anything, I think I got struck by an Emotional Wind spell, although I don’t know who made it – said Vattan. – As to those words, it seems this tablet is magically connected to the Green Drake. We can contact him anytime through this… if he’s willing to listen. Maybe the other tablets work in the same way?
Their attention was attracted by Larakzs, who pointed to Alliel. The latter had kept her concentration and was done with what she could do.
-I’m amazed… it really does work. – Alliel was speaking a little nervously. Aryune recalled the time when she finally got the ability to use magic. He could somehow tell it was a very similar feeling. – I’m lighter… and I feel like not much effort is needed to send me flying…
Alliel focused a little more and made a strong gust of wind. It wasn’t very strong, but it would probably harden the movement of anybody who tried to go against it. The gust of wind picked Alliel… and blew her off at a dangerously high speed, crashing her into the trees. Alliel could only block it with her arms, and fell down.
-Are you all right? – Larakzs and Aryune had run up to her. She was obviously not good, probably with a broken bone, and both of them used Mass Curative Force, trying to heal the wound.
-The spell worked – said Larakzs, still focused on the wound. – It will be a while until she gets the hang of it. It still didn’t work fully, but with some practice, she will be able to get it right. A level ten spell! – Larakzs suddenly shouted to both males. – You have trouble doing level nines, and she can already get one of a higher level to work. She practices more! Why wouldn’t everyone…
-Stop there, Larakzs – said Aryune. – There is no need to rant right now.
Alliel got better quickly, and the four elves could check the tablet together, after some more dialogue about the spell. Alliel was obsessed with it, but partially controlled herself.
-The Drake was clear with his words – said Vattan. – It was where we thought it was: in the sky… so maybe there will be two now that will be able to go there. – Vattan directed a heavy look to the two girls.
-I’ll do something for the good of us all and teleport us to your palace so we can speak better – answered Larakzs.
Preparations were done and Larakzs did Wind Teleportation perfectly once more. They appeared back in Bluebird. Heading into the building and placing the tablet over the same table they had discussed on before, they had a short dialogue.
-Wind Tablet. Water Tablet… and who knows what tablet. Five left… - Vattan was saying this. – What should we go next, I mean, tomorrow, or in two days…?
-I suggest the place where the Wind Drake is – said Larakzs – That way, you two might be able to use Feather Flight, and Alliel might even be able to help me with Wind Teleportation, which would help in finding the rest of the tablets, since we are better prepared.
Nobody had objections. In fact, Alliel approved it heavily, and promised that she would practice that new spell as much as she could before going.
With an agreement and after a hard day, Larakzs and Vattan headed home walking and watching the sun that was getting inside the trees from the Forest of Vanishion.
© Copyright 2004 Larakzs (maticolotto at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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