Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/858754-Falling-Down-the-Stairs
Rated: E · Poetry · Experience · #858754
How will I ever find my limits if I am unwilling to take a risk?
Falling Down the Stairs

Falling down the stairs... Who cares!
No worse than spinach in your teeth
or needing someone's help,
it can be fun if you allow it.
Just relax and let attraction
pull you closer to the ground.
Your equilibrium will find its way
Enough mistakes in life you'll make
that stumbling hardly counts.

A little bump... So what, I say!
Like hearing "No!" a million times,
it's just a thing you work around,
or say it's what you meant to do.
The human race is going to judge
no matter what and we're all crazed!
Don't follow us. You'll be
We just pretend we have the answers.
Let your instincts lead your actions
and you'll find the very passion
that possessed you all along.

A bit naive? Perhaps I am,
but I'm aware and still, I'm climbing,
not afraid of any fall.
A thousand times or more, I'm guessing,
I will find myself in flight,
my footing lost, my limbs in freestyle,
fumbling, 'til I've gone kaput
upon a lower landing, come to rest,
and brushed the dirt away to start again,
my eyes upon the flight above.

I'll shake it off, resilient me,
my fragile ego wrapped in toilet tissue,
fittingly, I'd say...
And when I've reached the highest floor,
I'll take a break and look below
at all the places where I fell.
I'll wave to friends at every altitude,
enjoy the view, and smile,
for in my heart I'll know I did my
very best
and when I fell, as I did everything,
at least I did it well!

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