SNIGLETS SNIGLETS - as popularized by Rich Hall - are words that don't appear in the dictionary, but should! (As opposed to "Meanies" ![]() In case you're new to Sniglets, this is the kind of thing we mean ... Just one rule: No 'borrowing' from the internet : your own originals only please, |
Bristlette- a stray baby bristle on your paint brush that always pops out just when you are finishing off a window frame, leaving a fine line of paint all the way down the glass. (deemac Shitlet - an attempted sniglet that is of low or inferior quality. (Steev the Friction Wizurd Sniglet - a Chiclet-like chewing gum for people with no sense of humour. It makes one snigger uncontrollably. (Petra Pansky Petral - a Canadian fuel made from Moose oil and wisecracks In-and-Outlet : EITHER An In and Out that will never ever EVER have more than 10 posts deemaculate - adjective used to describe the creation of certain items, eg, Sniglets was a deemaculate conception. (Steev the Friction Wizurd Stevecracker - an ex-safecracker who decides to give up their life of crime and subsequently becomes a psychological researcher who tries to determine why some people are funnier than others. (Petra Pansky Petrafied - shocked into temporary paralysis by the glorious appearance before you of a Canadian bombshell in her moosehide bikini. Frictionitis - an inflamation of the brain brought on by trying to keep up with a comedic genius.
(Petra Pansky Sniglephobia - a disease affecting everyone at WDC except the cool kids. Sniggerlet - a little snigger that cool kids give whenever an In&Out breaks the 10-post barrier .... VROOOOOM! (deemac Dekaphoria - the elation one feels when one has finally surpassed the 10th entry of an In/Out! YaY!! (Petra Pansky Metaphoria - the elation a writer feels at having invented a totally original metaphor (deemac Spuddiction – A persistent compulsion to eat potato chips even though you *know* they'll make you fat(ter).
(Petra Pansky Spudspiracy – A theory which supposes that potato chips are laden with addictive substances so unsuspecting consumers eat more of them, thereby increasing sales. (Petra Pansky Spuducopia - A spiral shaped horn that produces an endless flow of potato sniglets. (Steev the Friction Wizurd Spudinitis - a nervous disease caused by the excessive consumption of potato sniglets. (Steev the Friction Wizurd Inyourendo- an innuendo suggesting going in the back door (Karen Lightnhart Snotopia - A utopian world that pharmaceutical companies selling flu vaccine envision. (Petra Pansky Brewhaha -- Drink distilled from the tears of people who laughed until they cried while observing a hubbub. (Steev the Friction Wizurd Quecumber – Those times when you have no choice but to stand in a lineup while being burdened with lots of shopping bags. “This is the third quecumber I've had to endure this week!” (Petra Pansky Coifficide – When your hairdresser gives you a bad haircut and you just want to strangle him/her! (Petra Pansky Sniglattery - The use of sniglets to compliment and flatter people. (Steev the Friction Wizurd MEANIES - A BRAND NEW In&Out for OLD WORDS given NEW DEFINITIONS! "Meanies" sneenie - a sniglet who accidentally blew his niglet off while trying to become a meanie. (Steev the Friction Wizurd Snigarette: When one takes time out and relaxes by reading over previous entries of Sniglets one is said to be taking a “snigarette break”. (Petra Pansky Snigotine - the real reason for snigarette breaks... either that, or an execution device that chops off your sniglet instead of your head. (Steev the Friction Wizurd pandemoneyin - the collection plate in a Southern Baptist church (Steev the Friction Wizurd mapquest - the long ride back to where the map flew out of the car window and the ensuing search for it (Steev the Friction Wizurd Deefishinsea – A new method of catching fish in a large body of water, patent pending by deemac. (Petra Pansky
petraphernalia -- all that junk in Petra's attic (Steev the Friction Wizurd deebris -- all that trash in deemac's garage (Steev the Friction Wizurd A Stevening - A memorable evening of wit and comedy with you-know-who Adornob--dressing room hook in fashionable clothing store (Katya the Poet Bicicle - a bicycle that's been left out in the freezing cold (deemac Feminition--When a woman knows she's right about something! (Katya the Poet Nosuchword - When a woman admits she might just have been ever so very slightly, teensy weensy, bitsy witsy, WRONG about something. (deemac Negligaball--When a man is not quite as well-endowed as he implied (Katya the Poet Katyak - a cute little boat that can navigate any stream of thought, whether deep or shallow (Steev the Friction Wizurd Stevedoor--The door you walk through to find Steve (see also Meanies) (Katya the Poet majamas - Mother's Day gift of pajamas (Steev the Friction Wizurd Pee-jays--Pajamas with a handy urination feature (Katya the Poet Frictionalyze – to have your personality analyzed by Steve. A most enlivening experience! (Petra Pansky Petyapansky -- getting your pansky petted, a free service avaialable wherever frictionalyzation is offered (not available in Canada, see a doctor immediately if you last for more than four hours) (Steev the Friction Wizurd Deefuzzled – The way you become confused and slur your speech, after imbibing a few too many drinks at deemac's house. (Petra Pansky Deefuzzed -- what happens to you after you become defuzzled and deemac revs up his electric shaver. Calmikaze – a new antidepressant pill for people with suicidal tendencies. (Petra Pansky Sudden Eth -- the moment in a close contest when, all of the sudden, something gets scambled up (Katya the Poet Chlorophyllocular – green eyed. “Aye, that Irish lass is a chlorophyllocular beauty!” (Petra Pansky Peeple - collective noun for a bunch of voyeurs (deemac Smorch--To burn your worthy opponent with a witty comment that has the power of a withering smirk (Ex. Petra smorched Steve with her next sniglet.) (Katya the Poet Fleeative--To be so creative one must run away from one's own imagination (Katya the Poet Fleative--To be able to attract fleas, and eat them (Katya the Poet Flegnant -- about to give birth to a flea sniglet (Steev the Friction Wizurd Pissword - an incorrectly typed password (deemac Kangaroom - a kind of kennel for your pet marsupial (deemac Mediochre--When one is blue because one is not bright yellow, nor really up to snuff (Katya the Poet Discoovered--When one is caught erasing a disk. With a Hoover. In Scotland. (Katya the Poet Bibliolicious – What you say when you've finished devouring a particularly gripping novel. “That was bibliolicious! May I have another volume?” (Petra Pansky Ribbiculous--So funny it makes your ribs ache from laughing. "Petra Pansky Mooseltoe -- old Canadian Christmas tradition of hanging a moose from the ceiling (Steev the Friction Wizurd Mistlefinger - a twig you can kiss underneath and get tickled behind the ear at the same time (deemac Jestation--The pregnant pause before people burst out laughing! (Katya the Poet Hemisemidemigod – One eighth of a god. A being with slightly more power than a mortal; commonly referred to as an auto mechanic. (Petra Pansky Snigarrest - When the creation of Sniglets comes to a sudden and screeching halt. Romanticide – Anything which quickly kills “the mood”. (Petra Pansky In&OutBurst - a sudden unexplained burst of posts on an otherwise sleepy In&Out (deemac Snigarev - when a sudden In&OutBurst gets the Sniglets engine up and running again (deemac SnigarevRev - when the vicar posts one of his long boring sermons on Sniglets (even though only the first 255 characters actually show) SnigarevRevrev - when the vicar's post reverses the trend and sends Sniglets back to sleep again (deemac Vicarous--(Religious term) Valiant or vigorous, applied to efforts by a boring vicar (Katya the Poet Pumpkinitis -- the slight queasiness you feel when you gaze at a jack-o-lantern slowly rotting away on a porch (Steev the Friction Wizurd Monorigamy--Twisted fidelity (Katya the Poet F'art--French art (Katya the Poet Pigamy - the crime of marrying 2 small people (deemac Pooetry--poetry that's crap (Having written some, I know.) (Katya the Poet ShamPooem - a crap verse that kinda passes for a poem that you make up in the shower (deemac Crap Rinse -- need I say more? (Katya the Poet Mop Rinse - rinse for people with large mops of hair, only available online but from a notoriously inefficient company ... wait fer it ... hence, all those hairy people walking around singing, "Someday, Mop Rinse will come" dumbmac - deemac's evil twin brother who often posts here and forges deemac's name. Pondercorn--When your head explodes from thinking too much and you can eat it while watching a movie! (Katya the Poet grosslet -- any sniglet involving exploding organs Snotel (SNO-tel) - where Eskimos stay when they're on vacation. (Petra Pansky Cramper--a camper past its capacity (Katya the Poet Mobile Tome Park--where Books-on-Wheels lending libraries retire (Katya the Poet Ashprin- a pill you take to ease the pain of cancelled flights due to volcanic ash. (Mr. Chowda Head Interpolls – a secret police agency which captures criminals by cleverly having them answer innocent-looking online polls. eg: When is the last time you robbed a store? Never; Last month; Last week; I'm in the middle of robbing one now. (Petra Pansky Interpolly - Monitoring device for 24/7 distance communication with your parrot. (The Hoyerrot - a boisterously slutty hirsute parrot. (The kind everyone likes to monitor with their interpollies.) (Steev the Friction Wizurd Dismumberment--accidentally or on purpose dismembering one's mum or mum-in-law (Katya the Poet slumslaw -- healthy salad made from the cabbage leaves that fall off the produce trucks entering and leaving the farmer's market (Steev the Friction Wizurd Beckish- Extremely pompous for no apparent reason whilst having the communications skills of roadkill.(see Glenn Beck, and David Beckham) (Mr. Chowda Head Gagsicle – An icecream treat which is specifically used to quiet hecklers in the peanut gallery. (Petra Pansky Friling - once thought to be a combination of frowning and smiling, it's actually a tiny piece of cooked stuff left floating in the grease after you fry some food. (Steev the Friction Wizurd Smoaning--Smiling while moaning, as when a joke is really bad (a smoaner but not quite a groaner) or when eating ice cream off somebody's body (Katya the Poet Cone-ibal : A person who eats ice-cream off somebody's body (deemac Coughetish - When someone who previously had a cold and coughed wants to garner some sympathy by continuing to cough. (CopyPaper licklish - being ticklish, but only if the tickling is done by someone licking ice cream off your body (deemac fatiglet--sniglet written under the influence of fatigue (Katya the Poet margaritapita--tequila and avocado sandwich, with a twist of lime (Katya the Poet bummus--what you say when you run out of hummus (Katya the Poet Meloncollie - a genetically engineered border collie with a watermelon-shaped head, which acts as protection (much like a football helmet) from the inevitable sheep attacks.
(Petra Pansky Meloncoli - Getting E Coli from eating a tainted melon. (Ravenwand, Rising Star! Melanccoli--Sadness induced by being forced to eat your broccoli (Katya the Poet Mulancollie: The character that was eliminated from the Disney movie Mulan, because he was deemed unnecessary. (Ravenwand, Rising Star! Melanomacollie - why you should never give your Collie a buzz cut in the summertime (Steev the Friction Wizurd Mealandcollie - what you might get at a Korean restaurant. (CopyPaper Spucoli--A bacterial infection (not a virus) spread by computer screens that have been spewed on due to laughter (Katya the Poet Spucolic--Adjective describing the idealized condition achieved when you move to the country attempting to escape technological hazards like spucoli, spumoni, and spumaoney (and the people who create them) only to discover you miss them (Katya the Poet Spucous - stuff that ends up on your monitor if you sneeze and laugh at the same time (Steev the Friction Wizurd Spuul--Long thin, threadlike dribble of spew/drool hanging from lower lip, that can actually be wound around finger, after a major spewing session (Katya the Poet Sporn: SPAM pornography ... Then he slowly opened the can and held it out for her to see as the greasy meat slid out onto the plate. She gasped. "Is that low-sodium?" He licked the Spam grease off his finger and winked at her. "Yea, baby." (Steev the Friction Wizurd SPlease: Please. I think you already know what SPlease is. Also spelled as SPleaze. But not by the SPolice. Who take it very, very SPeriously. (Katya the Poet Darnut!: An expletive on those mornings when a police officer rises too late for the first morning donut. (Katya the Poet D'ohnut: obviously a chewy breakfast treat eaten by a Simpson character. (CopyPaper Duhnyet? ... Common pre-dinner interrogative. "Is it duhnyet?" (Steev the Friction Wizurd Propagander: A device, invented by Ron Popiel, that is sort of like a kickstand for aging male ducks who have difficulty staying on their feet. (Ravenwand, Rising Star! X-Party: Where the ex-husbands and ex-wives gather to see if they are compatible with each other. Hell, they aren’t wanted by their ex-es any more... (CopyPaper Y-Party--Thrown by teetotalers (Katya the Poet Old chessnut: That guy that keeps making enthusiastic but unfunny chess jokes (Katya the Poet Jestnut -- someone who collects jokes, even unfunny ones made by old chessnuts. (Steev the Friction Wizurd Pilotease:what the pilot does for the flight attendant when he wants her (kattwoman deemac: A raincoat for people whose first name is Dee. (CopyPaper Meanease--Language in which one can mean what one says with ease, without being mean (involves winking emoticon) (Katya the Poet ToeJam-what it is called when a woman crams her feet in a too small pair of shoes (kattwoman Roamantic--Said of a guy who goes cruising for romance (Katya the Poet Simantic - A romantic situation between Sims characters. (Ravenwand, Rising Star! Simantics--Quibbles about language and meaning between intellectual Sims characters, often when disguising their simantic feelings for one another (Katya the Poet Simianne - A female Sims character, closely resembling a primate. (Ravenwand, Rising Star! Crapple Sauce... Crappy apple sauce... I just had some Crapple Brown Betty--you don't want to know (Katya the Poet Scorpulate: The same thing, except with diet pop. (Ravenwand, Rising Star! Plyfurcate - when the bottom layer of a multi-ply bathroom tissue unrolls with the top layer beneath. (Rizzo Bonarrow-Bow and Arrow (Reine Renault Sniggle - Not quite a snigger, not quite a giggle, more of a ... well, I guess more the kind of noise you make when you read a sniglet. (deemac Snigglet - the kind of noise you make when you read a sniglet that isn't all that funny, eg this one. (deemac Snigglette - As above, except you're from France. (deemac Zhnorre--You're from France and reading a really boring sniglet (Katya the Poet Zzzzzzzniglet - a really, REALLY boring sniglet. (deemac Zzzznap -- the sound of a neckbone after a sudden nap (Katya the Poet Flocket - the grey fluff that finds its way from heaven-knows-where into the deepest recesses of your pants pocket and completely ruins your saved bits of half-chewed gum. (Hence the expletive "Flocket!" often heard when discovered by the victim.) (deemac Spooket--a make-your-own-ghost kit that fits in a pocket, just in time for Halloween! (Katya the Poet Dadpole - A frog who's just become a father. (deemac Sadpole--An erection that just lost it. (Katya the Poet Durpftt - the word for the sound you make when you put your shorts on backwards and inside out. (technospunky Schlurpftt - As above + wet. (deemac Yomometer--A device for measuring the inappropriateness of mother jokes (Katya the Poet Slimmerick - A Limerick with only 4 lines (deemac An octomist - A man with 8 wives (deemac Fullanthropist - Someone who has already donated enough. (☮ The Grum Of Grums Philanthropissed - Someone who only donates when he's drunk (deemac Derstandable - Something so totally obscure and unknown that nobody has any idea of what's going on. (☮ The Grum Of Grums Thrumb - the sensation caused when you hit your thumb with a hammer. (☮ The Grum Of Grums Exicon--A guy that got out of prison by forging the papers and changing one letter of his name to avoid detection (Katya the Poet Strumb - to play the guitar with your thumb (deemac To bumblegrumb - to type your Username using only your thumb (deemac Stelsing - making anagrams of sniglets, an alternative In&Out for people who can't think of a sniglet (deemac Diemac - an insult or challenge to a controversial snigletist. (☮ The Grum Of Grums Outsult - The Insult that was at the top of this Sniglet list just before I posted this one. (deemac Snigletism- the magnetism that keeps bringing folk back to this In&Out (deemac Fiftitude - for when you need your courage and endurance to be ten points higher than normal. (☮ The Grum Of Grums Engauged - when you start weighing up whether to go through with the marriage (☮ The Grum Of Grums Turpsitude - depraved behaviour caused by drinking too much (☮ The Grum Of Grums kitdiddlebobs--a word you use when you are in a hurry your memory fails to name the thing you are asking for and you need it quick. Ususally used with your hand waving at the thingy and panic tone in your voice! (eyestar~* Thatsfine - Penalty one pays in any transaction where a loss is incurred in order to preserve the relationship (Rizzo Spimple (vb) An easy way of getting rid of zits. (☮ The Grum Of Grums Snought--the clear stuff that appears on your hankie when you sneeze but your cold ought to be gone by now. (Katya the Poet Antistitute - A nun (think about it Sproot - what seeds do when you plant them in spring (Teerich - 2019 Kenneletto - Venetian painter who set up his studio in a converted doghouse (deemac Protemplate - to not give any consideration to a future course of action. (☮ The Grum Of Grums Spanindex -- A method of gauging how silly you look when you put on your spandex workout shorts. (Indelible Ink Antifound - Dumb, stupid, unimportant - ref "profound" (☮ The Grum Of Grums Ro.dee.ent - a species of rodent found exclusively at rodeos. (Petra Pansky Faceback--the era before Facebook (Katya the Poet Oxsnigler - one who must come up for air from time to time and lay a big, bad sniglet. The longer one has been away the badder the sniglet! Twerpsichore - dancing by fools (☮ The Grum Of Grums Total Displayed: 178 |