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A journy to fight the ultimate evil. |
1000 years ago on the world of Terra a disaster struck. All plant life and animals died out but a race known as Genomes survived. The Genomes managed to repair most of the damage but the planets spirit cycle was unable to be restored. The Genomes worked for 600 years to break through the barrier's of power that seperated Terra from it's twin planet called Gaia. Gaia had four continents the largest was called the mist continent, the other three where called; Frozen island, lost island and the forgotten isle's. Against the odds only Two Genomes broke out One was called Kuja, the other one was called Garland. Kuja used his vast power and evil ways to create monsters on the four continents. Garland used all of his power to create one final Genome. This final Genome was meant to destroy Kuja but Garland's plan was found out by Kuja. If Kuja had not found out about what Garland was planning then Kuja might have been stopped. Tracking Garland down Kuja created a plague of monsters in his wake. Finaly after a month of running Kuja found Garland, they both fought each other will all of the might but in the end Kuja's power's proved to strong to be undone. Defeated and powerless Kuja dropped Garland and the baby Genome of the top of a cliff on the mist continent. Garland died but the baby Genome survived the fall. The Baby Genome was found by two of the inhabitants of Gaia. The baby was cared for by the people until the age of five when a fire burned down the boys home and killed the people he had come to know as his parents. That was 11 years ago. Kuja has gained more power since then and has taken control of Gaia. The mist continent is the only place where people can still live in relative peace. Above the steep cliffs of the vally is a plato. Dotted along the plato are villages and city's. In the largest city called Ravenia (The royal city). the boy now lives as a fighter and a hunter. But Kuja's eye has turned it's gaze on the city and the boy must face a enemy he does not know. The only thing that sets him apart from the other races is his skills and his tale. -------------------------------------------------- You must all hook up with someone in the story. Mine will be the princess of Ravenia. So I'll need someone to take her part. If you use black magic you cannot use white magic. Example: Destructive magic can only be used by dark magic users. Curative of protecive magic canot be used by dark magic users. -------------------------------------------------- In your first entry please include your bio. Name: Age: Race: (Anything except Genome.) Eyes: Hair: Personality: Description: Weapon: Skills: (A talent or powerfull gift.) Example: Name: Angeless Age: 16 Race: Genome Eyes: Naturaly blue but he can change their colour. Hair: Shoulder length black hair with a white fringe. Personality: Acts cool around people especialy around girls. Fun loving carefree but also a deep thinker. Can be cold if he is feeling depressed. Is in love with the princess of Ravenia. Description: 6'6. Very muscular but with a athletic physic. Ties his hair back with a black bandana. Has archers guantlets on his wrists. Black leather tunic and a black leather trousers. Weapon: A double bladed Masamune (Two Katana's welded together at the handle). A long bow with 30 enchanted elemental arrows. Skills: Can go into a state of trance when he is pushed beyond his limits. Uses Black magic alot but preferes to fight up close. |
Angeless wandered the clean streets of Ravenia with his friends just for a chance to see the princess. Every chance he got he would go to any event at the palace just to see her. "Hey Bro's you got it bad for da princess "smiled Blank. "Definatly. I can see why "smiled Ruby. "Ruby she's a girl and you're a girl. Anything we should know about you "smiled Angeless. "So what...I just think she's prity "smiled Ruby. Angeless was part of a acting theater in the city and they would be at the palace performing a play called "A lovers Hero". "If I mess this up She'll never like me. Are you sure that I can still act? I mean we haven't done any plays for a long time "asked Angeless. "Ahh. You worried about messin up in front of the woman you like. Never figured you for being a big old softy "smiled Blank. "No...I just want to make sure we're good tonight. Come on we'll need to start moving our stuff up from the feature to the palace "sighed Angeless. "Nah it's all done. All you gotta do is remember your lines "joked Ruby. -------------------------------------------------- The time flew by and in no time Angeless and his friends were in the palace and ready to go on stage. Blank would be playing the parts of the monsters. Angeless would be the hero. Ruby would be the princess. Act1: Angeless is fighting a fake monster played by blank. Angeless wins and he is taken to meet the princess. Act2: Angeless and the princess fall in love and he fights for the kingdom to protect her. He becomes a knight and when the kingdom is attacked and she is taken hostage he fights his way to save her. Act3: After one last showdown with the tyrant who took the princess Angeless is mortaly wounded but he won the fight. The princes gives up her life to save his. After his life is restored they kiss and she dies. "I did this for you my love "cried the princes before she died. "The only thing worse than death is to be forrgoten "was the last line in the play ending with Angeless holding onto the dead princess (Ruby). -------------------------------------------------- After the curtain call Angeless quickly changes out of his costume and goes to leave. "Umm sir excuse me sir. The princess has requested your pressence "smiled a messenger. "Umm er...where do I go "asked Angeless? "Just follow me sir "smiled the messenger. Angeless followed the messenger up a few stairs and just up to a large oak door. He walked through the door and found himself in what looked like the princess's room. He quickly ran his hand through his hair and changed his eyes to blue in a blink of his eye. He was so busy focusing on cleaning his apearance up that he didn't even see the princess sitting down in a chair near the window. His tail flicking around in his nervouse stae. "You should calm down. I won't bite "smiled the girl. "Umm...err...ahh...Princess I um d-didn't see you there...umm...sorry "sighed Angeless fumbling with his shirt and tucking it in. "Please sit down. I liked the play. Sad ending but it was okay. You're a really good actor. I'm looking forword to seeing your next one "smiled the Princess. "Oh I never told you my name. I'm Angeless "smiled Angeless. "Is there any more to your name or is that it "smiled the princess. "Well there was more but I don't use it any more. My full name is Angeless James Caraway. I prefere Angeless. I can write less on signatures "smiled Angeless shrugging. "Do you even know my real name "asked the princess? "I'm sorry, I never realy gave it much thaught. To me you were always called princess. So I never asked anyone what your real name is. May I ask you it now "asked Angeless blussing? |
Name: Princess Artemis Age: 16 Race: Gaiainan Eyes: Amber with a black ring around the edge of the iris, and a hardly visible ring of hazel around the pupil. Hair: Wavy and dark brown, usually lightly curled. Dark brown. Down to the small of her back, and pulled away from her face by the tiara she usually wears. If she can manage to sneak away for a while, she wears her half of her hair in two knots on either side of her head, and the rest in two low curly pony tails. Personality: Smart, and caring. Not a snob, and would rather be outside than inside bossing people around. Love acting, but usually can only watch. Sings to herself all the time. Has a definite adventerous wild side. Has a bad habit of getting herself kidnapped. Description: 5'8. Curvy. Usually wears a dress thats the same style. Off the shoulder, really long. The sleeves are sheer and slit up to the shoulder so that they aren't really sleeves. Wears topaz jewelry. She usually has on a small tiara, because her nurse maid forces her to wear it. If she can get away, she'll wear long black pants and a black and white tunic with silver embroidery, and her hair braided. Her race is similar to human, except they are generally taller and have a better connection with animals. Weapon: Long sword made of a metal that fades from green to pink to lavender. It has black roses etched into the blade. It is razor sharp and very light, but impossible to break. Also crystal that comes off the hilt of her sword stores energy. Skills: Controls forms of energy generated from emotions around her. She gathers it into a ball and throws it at whoever shes fighting. Blue is serenity, green is jealousy, purple is secrecy, white is happiness, lavender is love, red is anger, and black is hatred, dark blue is sadness, nervousness is a light pinkish red. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Princess Artemis smiled at Angeless. He really was a very good actor. He was very handsome too. She smiled and couldn't help laugh lightly when he blushed. "My name is Artemis" She blushed the as he smiled back at her. She walked across the room and sat down in a chair closer to him. She started to feel some kind of energy in the air. He blushed and smiled nervously. His eyes met her's and she blushed. She looked quickly to the floor. Artemis and Angeless talked for a few hours, and by the end of that time she was starting to like him a lot. She had an idea and quickly wrote a note and signed it with her usual loopy signature. She smiled warmly at him. "If you ever feel like seeing me, show this to the gaurds, and they'll let you in. They might tease you though" She said blushing. "They tease everybody, Aaron and Damien. My nurse maid Ceva enjoys slapping them around." She was so red by then, she could feel it. She glanced quickly into his eyes, but couldn't seem to pull her eyes away. |
Angeless looked around quickly for a place to hide spotting the window he crossed over to it and went out onto the balcony and up onto the railing. "What are you doing get down "whispered Artemus. "Well I was going to jump but now I’m not to sure about it. Uh-oh the king "whispered Angeless. "Get down he’ll see you "whispered Artemus. "He’s gonna see me anyway ahh "smiled Angeless slipping and going over the edge. Hanging onto the floor of the balcony Angeless tried to get back up but he sliped even more. "Just hang on there and don’t go anywhere "whispered Artemus. "Really not a problem. Really not a problem "sighed Angeless swinging slightly in a gentle breeze. When he next looked up he saw a strange sight above the palace. A huge glowing eye looking down upon the palace it blinked twice and then it was gone. He quickly looked up and over the balcony to see if the coast was clear. The princess was standing at the doorway to the balcony just making sure the king had gone. Jumping up and over he walked up behind her and tapped her shoulder gently. "What was his problem...Princess was it something I did "asked Angeless? To his surprise the princess the Princess let out a small giggle. |
"No...its me. He doesn't want me associating with actors. He wants me to be a snob" Artemis smiled. He smiled warmly at her and it gave her strange feelings in her stomach. She smiled at him, trying to disguise how much she liked him. Artemis was blushing furiously, and Elayne noticed it. She smiled the way she usually did, but didn't say anything. Artemis looked around and stepped out onto her balcony. The air was cold and clean, and she could see every star in the sky. She turned around to see Angeless standing behind her. The breeze shifted directions and became colder, and she shivered noticably. She sighed as she noticed a couple in the street far below. She turned around ready to go back inside, like she usually would. However, she couldn't because Angeless was behind her. "It is kind of cold out here." He said kindly. "Not so bad," she sighed, "I'm usually alone..." The words had escaped her lips before she realized she said them. She blushed and looked to the ground. He smiled sweetly at her, it was enough to make her blush even more. She must've been crimson by then. "Angeless....I...really liked talking to you..." She said slowly, and waited for his answer. |
Name: Velrin Age: 15 Race: (Unknown) Eyes: A deep Green which glows in the dark Hair: Short Spiked Brown Hair with the front coming upwards Personality: People on appearance would say he was cold, he is a deep person with a dangerous mind! He loves to take risks, whatever the danger but hates to hang around people Description: Very skinny but unbelievably strong for his physic. He has a strange tattoo across his face. Along his right hand side. He has a long cloaked tunic which covers his face up from the world. Weapon: Buster Sword (A massive sword which two holes at the hilt, it needs two hands to carry and it sticks to his back) Skills: Some hidden Black magic within - He observed quietly! He watched as the fool of an actor was hanging barely from the window of the castle! It was funny to watch as Velrin walked through the streets. His face half hidden, the long black tattoo running up the side of his face was hidden by the shades of brown hair which fell through the gaps of his hood! He shook his head and continued to walk down the street. Towards the ‘cheap side’ of the city! He walked passed homeless children, hungry men and women until he arrived at the bar. He saw the entrance and watched as a group of thugs robbed a man blind in the corner of the street. He jumped inside and looked at the nameless faces that replied back He looked at the counter, behind it had a gnome who was serving a large Orc its Ale. He passed him and the Orc spitted some of his beer across a group of other Orcs. Their attention turned to the passing warrior and one shouted “You!! Little man! You made me spill me Ale! Me want more!!” Suddenly, it drawn its massive club and was about to bring it down on the bored fighter, then all of a sudden the figure pulled something large and metal free from his cloak, bringing up his sword he cut through the club and fit the blade’s edge at the monster’s neck! “Pardon! I’m afraid I didn’t understand what you are saying!” And so Velrin pulled the sword away. Sweat pouring from the Orc’s head and then the silence returned to normal bar talk! “Please! Velrin! Not here!! Business is as bad within you causing trouble!!!” The gnome’s attention was turned to the boy and in his cold voice, Velrin said “A room please Roau, Tomorrow’s going to be a busy day!” “What do you mean?” “You’ll see….” |
Angeless was so happy he kept on bursting into fits of giggles. Although he would have to go into "Cheap side" to get back to the theater house. He knew blank would tease him but Ruby would want to ask him every detail. Despite how much money he earned with his acting he would always be short of money. "Well well. Look who it is. It's monkey boy "smiled a dirty looking mugger. "Dekan. What do I owe you for this visite...If it's not buisness then get the hell out of my way or you'll regret ever crossing me "smiled Angeless forming balls of holy fire in both hands. "Hey man I'm just messin. We're cool look see I'm going "smiled Dekan before running off. The white holy fire went out and Angeless carried on walking. Passing the bar he decided to have a quick drink and then go back to the theater house. Slipping inside he pulled out a barb from his tail and threw it at the dart board hanging up behind the bar. "Hey Angeless. That makes ten you'll have to pay you tab tmoro "smiled the bar assistant. "Nah I'm paying tnight. I'll pay 250 gill. That'll cover me for another month. Give me a Gin+Tonic "smiled Angeless. Looking around he saw a man with what looked like a buster sword. Something about this man was making the barbs on his tail stand up. The Orc's seemed to be afraid of the man. He gave it no more thought and had his drinks and left much later than he wanted to. He was meant to drop his Masamune into Blanks room for him to pollish and add more enchantments but it could wait. He reached the theater house and looked back up to the castle. The eye was back again and it was looking between the castle and the theater house. He flung the door open and threw three barbs at the torch controls. After three more seconds Blank was on the landing with a rifle and Ruby had already formed two balls of fire ready to throw. "Blank, Ruby get your ass's out here. We got a problem "shouted Angeless. Once they came out side they saw the eye in the sky and gasped. "What the F**k is that "shouted Blank. "Don't know but I'm going to find out "snarled Angeless. He ran down the streets and gained more speed. A small burst of wind magic and he was flying in a huge arc aross the sky. All his power focused on getting him to the eye. he was almost 20 meters away when he hit into a flash of white light that sent him flying backwards and down into the grounds of the castle. Sitting up he wiped the blood away from a small but deep cut in his right cheek. "Ouch...That hurt alot "whinnced Angeless as the cut smoked and sealed up. He tried to form a white fire ball but the best he could do was a small faint whisp of fire. "Damm it. Whatever that was it's messed up my magic. If that thing is watching the palace then that means that the princess might be in danger "whispered Angeless to himself. "Come on it fell over here "shouted a guard. There was a reason Angeless was a good hunter his speed and his stealth. Angeless scaled the wall nearest the princess's room and then made his way up to a tower. Untieing one of the cables with flags on he used it to swing across to the Princess's balcony. He landed in a heap but tied the cable onto one of the pillars on the blacony. He walked into her room and saw that she had company. "Princess I've secured the area. Are there any other duties you wish me to see to "reported Angeless trying to sound like a soldier. "Who is this rough looking person "asked the man? "This is umm...my err. Do you want to introduce yourself "smiled the Princess. "Captin Angeless Ravenia of the Pluto Knights. I surve the princess and protect her from danger "smiled Angeless looking pleased with himself. |
Artemis was about to pass out. But she was glad Angeless had showed up when he had. This guy was scaring her to death. She had considered pulling her sword on him, but thought better of it. "That will be...all...Gaven. Go away. Now." She shoved him out the door and locked it. She turned back to Angeless and Elayne. Her fists were clenched, and black and red energy was buzzing around her fingertips. She waved her hands over a small crystal and the energy swirled inside. Artemis could only roll her eyes and sigh. "Stupid Princes" Elayne could sense her anger and frustration. Angeless was probably getting a bad vibe from her right now. "Are you alright, Princess?" "Please don't call me that. Artemis is fine." She couldn't help letting the small smile escape her lips. "Well then prin..Artemis..." He seemed a little afraid of saying the words out loud. She could only smile at him. "Thank you" She smiled warmly, and once again wandered out onto the balcony. She could sense nervous energy thick in the air, and it was piereced by strong beams of hate and anger. She could feel it, and it made her uneasy. She glanced around trying to see what was wrong. She held up her right hand and a dangerous mix of black, red, and purple energy formed. She needed to get out of here, she felt it. She turned to face Angeless. "Something bad is happening isn't it?" The tone of her voice was deadly serious. "If I'm not mistaken..." He said. An unreadable look flashed through her eyes, as she turned and went back into the room. She slipped a key from around her neck and unlocked a hidden door in the wall. She pulled out the long sword that had been her mothers, and put it somewhere she could get to it more easily. The iridescent metal's three colors shimmered in the flickering light of the room. She flicked her wrist and the blade easily spun through the air. She hadn't lost her skill completely. She sheathed it and quickly wrapped it in a silk shawl and a garland of roses, leaving the crystal hilt out of the edge of the wrap. "I have a dreadful feeling I'll need that sooner than I expect..." Artemis murmered, her voice softer than a breath of wind. "Princess, how concerned are you?" Elayne questioned. "Very." Artemis voice was deadly, and without the slightest tremor. She sounded like she could stare death in the face without flinching. More like she could laugh in deaths face without flinching. In all honesty, she looked a little scary. |
Velrin stepped outwards, his bedroom giving him a clear view of the castle. The same energies that were flying around earlier, Velrin looked outside the window, dark clouds billowing around the castle. Spinning around it like ripples inside a river, “Its began” He stormed out of the Inn room and darted through the front entrance. He ran through the wrecked streets of the city, An energy was rising. Building the tension between all the fabrics of life. He reached the city centre, people screaming in all directions. Wielded his sword at his side, he caught the attention of monsters hiding in the shadows. “Creatures of the mist” As his voice turned them on him, he spiked each one with his sword, each one impaling them into pieces, more wolfs from the mist attacked and a large bird came flying downwards. With finishing the wolfs apart, the bird came his attention. “Bird of prey, eat this!” He flashed a spell in his mind, splitting the air around him as fire caught onto its wings. Burning into a cinder! -- A great eye flashed above the shining castle, it blinked loudly like a clap of thunder and then disappeared back into the clouds. Thoughts flashed inside his brain. He wondered if the princess was already dead, but he wanted to shake the image away. “Aero” Velrin said in a silent voice, his feet being pulled from the ground, his tips of his toes pointed downwards and his body focusing forward, within a minute he was level with the window and balcony of the princess’s room, the same window as the actor was hanging. Suddenly, the spell was wearing off! Aero began to fail as Velrin made a desperate leap for the terrace. Barely making it, his attention turned as a evil spell was being used within this environment. As he walked into the room, the heads of three people turned his way! And so did a Masamune tip! But as Velrin turned his attention to the summoned creature which lay within a closest. As it was about to strike the princess, the wielder of the Masamune jumped in the way and cut it into pieces. With a dark cloud of black mist spitting from its corpse. The company looked at the new mysterious warrior. “Who the hell are you!! What are you doing here!” Shouted the Masamune wielder as he pointed the tip again at his neck, but the boys attention fall on the princess and quickly with haste he shouted “Princess, we must leave. NOW!!” |
Name: Lucriea Age: ?? Race: Wrath Eyes: Black with violet irises and white pupils. Hair: Ankle length silver hair braided in a super long french braid. Personality: Spiteful yet naive, usually does the right thing when not being controlled like a marionette by the dark lord. Description: 5'4", slender and athletic physic. Has elegant guantlets on her wrists. Black and silver vest, puffy arabian trousers, genie shoes, and sterling braid clips with the black crystals inbedded in them.. Weapon: The black crystals in her hair. Skills: Can summon beasts, manipulates monsters, and can turn into monsters. - They turn to the decaying corpse of the summoned snake. Dark clouds of malevolence flow from it's wounds, enveloping it in darkness. When the smog clears... "HEY! That hurt you know!" A young girl leaped out of the haze and pounded her fist on the Masamune weilder's arm. They looked at her, making no damage to the arm other than little puffs of black smoke. The girl calmed down, and jumped away from the people and began to FLOAT IN MID AIR! "But it is nice to kink the puppet strings, so thanx!" The girl did a cute little peace sign with her hand over her forehead and giggled. |
Angeless unsure of who to go for but he saticfied himself by standing between them and the princess. His masamune poised ready to strike down a fatal blow either way. "Okay what the hell is going on. First I start seeing a big eye above the castle. So I just want to know who you two are "snarles Angeless? Before either could start to talk Angeless smells smoke coming into the room. Dashing out into the other room he sees that the door is burning and that the room was filling up with smoke. He tried to put out the fire with some water magic but his magic was still playing up and the best he could do was a very small droplet of water. The fire had already made it up to the secret passage and it was now burning the curtains near the window. Angeless rushed back into the other room and grabbed the princess and took her out onto the balcony. The others followed him and the princess out of the flame filled room and out onto the balcony. "Hang on I'll be back in a second "smiled Angeless. He quickly climbed up the cable and onto the top of the tower. Untieing three more cables he swung back down holding tightly to the three cables. "You three take those and swing out to the outer wall. Jump over it and you 'll land in the mote. Go now "shouted Angeless. They went and swung out and went over the wall of the castle and into the mote. "What did you plan on doing now. There's only one cable left. "asked Artemis. "I planned on asking you to hold onto me as hard as you can. While I carrie you over to the wall. I'll try not to drop you "joked Angeless. "You better not drop me. Arhh "screamed Artemis as the section of the balcony that she was on broke away. Angeless grabbed her outstreached hand and pulled her into his arms. "I'm going to do you a favor. I'll kidnap you so that can act all you want and see some more of the world "smiles Angeless flicking his white fringe out of his eyes. "You'd do that for me "asked Artemis? "Sure. You're the only girl who isn't freaked out by my tail. Right then you ready to get out of here "smiles Angeless. Artemis nods and he swings out with the princes under his left arm. When they land in the mote Angeless swims out to the side and helps her out first. He dives under the water and goes down to the bottom of the mote and pushes off the ground and forces a blast of wind magic out. Bursting out from the surface of the water Angeless lands on the bank of the mote and brushes his wet hair out of his eyes. He does the same for the princess but he stops when he looks into her eyes. "How you doing. *Gee she sure is prity* Come on. The theater house has some clothes that you can change into "smiles Angeless. "Yo Bro nice dive. Come on bro Ruby's got some stuff sorted out for you lot at the mini-theater. Hurry up you know how she gets when we're late "smiles Blank. Blank leads them all to a smaller version of the theater house. Inside Ruby is setting out some dry clothes weapongs and other usefl things for them all. "Ruby can you take Artemis and Elayne. And give them some dry clothes to wear. Blank Can you watch these two while I go and dry off "sighes Angeless. "Sure Bro. I'll watch them. Hurry up and get changed "smiles Blank. Angeless heads off to his changing room and takes of his shirt and trousers. He puts on a new pair of trousers and quickly brushes his hair. The door opens and Artemis walks in wearing some of Ruby's clothes. A pair of black trousers and a white frilly top. She blushes and turns away when she see's Angeless not wearing a top. Quickly he pulls on a tight tunic with metal plates covering the front. "Looks like you and Ruby are about the same size. You okay "askes Angeless tieing his hair back into a pony tail but leaving his white fringe hanging down over his cheeks. The Princess says nothing for a little while but she decides to ask him anyway. "Angeless how old are you "askes Artemis? "I'm Sixteen. Why do you ask "smiles Angeless. Before he could get his answer Artemis is hugging him around the chest. He was a little shocked but he put his arms around her and hugged her aswell. |
Artemis hugged him tightly. She may not have know him for long, but there was some sort of connection. She laid her head lightly on his chest and sighed, for the first time in a while she felt completely safe. She really didn't want him to let her go. She was so greatful to him, but she hadn't expected these feelings when she first hugged him. She lifted her head and looked up into his eyes quickly. She didn't know what to do. |
He would think that leaving the Princess in the arms of a foe was beyond his abilities. As the two unknown people followed the three ‘couple’ to the forest’s edge. Angeless turned his blade again at Velrin’s neck, twisting it in the fading light. “Ok, I am only going to say this once, Who are you people! And why are you following us!” Velrin just looked him in the eyes and sighed loudly. “My name is Velrin, I am a member of the Gaea clan, my orders are to simply protect the princess” “From what!” “From the Dark Angel!” Angeless looked puzzled, as did everyone else. His thoughts muttered. He began to lower his weapon and Velrin just looked onwards. “We must leave, beyond the mist!” Angeless just turned to the Princess, her face full with emotions and confusion. He didn’t wish to feel what fear she was going through. He shook his Ahead and then looked back on the Wrath who too was following them! “And you?” She smiled back to him with a smile filled empty joy, he hovered in the air making the air around them cool and calm “Me? I’ve got nothing better to do!” Angeless didn’t bother to question, she was a wrath and some were thought to be lucky. But Velrin felt that she wasn’t telling the full truth. “Come, before we venture in the dark forest. We should set camp. Rarely have people survived it’s presence.” They all nodded and walked towards the entrance of the closely cramped trees. A rock sticking high upwards making a nice ark underneath it, a good place for a rest. Just for a while. -- Velrin stood high on the rock, his sword in arm and ready for anything. The three young girls sitting comfortably about a warm and bright fire. And Angeless sitting beside the Princess, keep looking upwards. Wondering if he was going to struck him in the back! “Stop it! Angeless!” Elayne said as she noticed his ignoring mark “I think he’s lying! I don’t trust him!” “Just give him a chance” “Please! All that stuff about the ‘Fallen Angel’ what kind of crap is that!” -- (Sorry, but I didn’t understand if Blank and Ruby were with us? I’m so confused!) |
"The Dark Forest." Lucriea said melodramatically out of the blue. They all looked at her. "Limitless darkness, everything returns to the darkness." "What do you mean Wrath?" Angeless asked. "I'm Lucriea, Wrath of the darkness. I'm am a puppet master, yet I am puppet. Don't be too nice to me. I'll betray you soon enough." "What?" Artemis asked. "My puppet threads!" Suddenly Lucriea shot up to a stand and lifted her arms high. "Blazing Flames, show them true suffering!" Fire burst out surrounding them instantly. "Ack!" Elayne screamed as she triped and fell towards the flames. Velrin shot faster than lightning and caught her, pulling her close in his arms. From behind Lucriea the group could see monsters comming forth. "Creatures of the dark, come forth and do our master's bidding!" Velrin yelled out over the blairing flames to Artemis and Angeless, "She isn't in control, I think she really is being treated like a marionette!" Artemis looked gravely at the others. "What are we to do!?" |
It was too much. The heat, the pain, the forces repeling him from the eye and the thaught of Artemis in danger. His Rage took over him and it was enough to put him over the edge and into a dark Trance. His clothing turned to shadow along with the rest of his body. His hair became pure black and his eyes turned black. "You want darkness as your master. Then See my darkness "snarled Angeless raiseing his right hand and pointing it towards the mist monsters. All of them stopped and floated up into the air. "DEVILS JUDGEMENT "shouted Angeless throwing four great big rings of black magic at the monsters. The black rings of magic split and formed a ball of dark magic around the mist monsters. It caved in on it's self and crushed the monsters into a ball the size of a pea and isapeared in a small flash of light. Now he turned his attention to the fire. His picked up his masamune and put one of the blades into the fire and closed his eyes. The fire was sucked into the blade and then into Angeless. "You might be a Wrath but my power is Greater than yours. True that spell was strong but it wouldn't stop me for long. RELEASE "Shouted Angeless clicking his fingers. Lucriea fell to the ground and lay there before getting up and rubbing her head. "Whats going on...um hi "smiled Lucriea looking up at the shadowy black magic Angeless. Angeless turned away from them all and closed his eyes and relaxed. The effect was almost instant. His clothing and skin returned to normal and his fringe remained black. Getting up he turned to them and opened his eyes. They had returned to being blue. His fringe lingerd on grey for a moment and then went back to being pure white. "I'm sorry. None of you should ever have seen me in a Dark Trance. My Trance ability can be very tricky to use "Sighed Angeless. "You looked cool like that "smiled Lucriea. "Thanks "smiled Angeless. "You have a light and dark side. One can be drawn out in your trance state "asked Elyne. "Yes. White Trance and My Dark Trance that was the one you just saw me in. Come on That spell I cast will hold for two days at most. So we can rest here tnight "smiled Angeless. Angeless made up a bed for Artemis to sleep in while he was looking out for monsters. The others had all settled down while Angeless was on look out. Seeing that nobody would hear him he started to sing a song that he had once heared while he was around theage of five. He remembered it from the night of the fire that burned down his home and killed his parents. "Are you okay "asked Artemis sitting down ontop of the rock with him. "As well as can be. I have a song stuck in my head. But I'm alot better now that you're talking to me. Nice blanket "smiled Angeless pointing at the brown blanket she had wrapped around her. "It's your blanket remember you gave me it to sleep under "giggled Artemis. "True but it looks so much better on you than it does on me...Here "smiled Angeless rolling up his coat and leaning her back onto it to make a pillow. "Why do look out for me so much "asked Artemis? "This world has alot of danger. But I just seem to atract it. So I'm keeping you safe. Now stop talking and go to sleep "smiled Angeless. Ontop of the rock Angeless sat and watched for monsters and Artemis. When his watch came to a end Velrin took over but he stayed on the ground. Angeless layed down next to Artemis and fell asleep in the confort that she was safe and near him. |
Artemis sighed happily and started to fall asleep. At one point her head rolled onto Angeless' shoulder, but she didn't wake up. In the morning, she seeme to be one of the first people awake. She yawned slightly, and smiled at Angeless. She gently touched his cheek. "Wake up" He groggily muttered something before waking up. "Good morning Artemis" He smiled. She smiled at him, and brushed a bit of hair out of his eyes. "Good morning" she smiled. His smile made her heart melt, and she couldn't help but blush slightly. He got up to go do something, but she touched his shoulder quickly. He turned around to face her, and she kissed him lightly on the cheek, and hugged him tight. |
A wraith with its power unleashed, as Velrin watched over the camp while they slept. His eyes forever mainly gazing over the Wraith as she closed her eyes and feel to a peaceful sleep. He shook his head, and continued to look over the night. -- Morning arrived, as he didn’t get much sleep, Velrin stood at a distance from the rest, he had heard rumours within the Dark forest that a temple lay within which had healing powers. No point for Velrin, he was a fast healer anyway. But Angeless… <His power, of Trance? Only people of destiny can fulfil Trance, to suffer emotion breakdowns or experience…love!> Velrin’s thoughts broke off, his eyes suddenly fell on the Wraith. Why? He hadn’t even bothered to remember her name, he had his mission to promise, by his orders as a warrior of the north. He was to protect the PRINCESS! As he turned his eyes away, he watched the strange company trot into the forest. With the extremely powerful Angeless leading, his tail flying through the air. The princess and her maid close behind. And the Wraith, who was looking back on him as he slowly began to follow… |
"Come emotionless one. I belive they shall need us." Lucriea spoke silently to Velrin's mind, as a dark smirk crept across her face. She turned and followed the others knowing full well that he would follow. "The Temple of Light awaits." she whispered to herself. |
"Wonder what blank and Ruby are up to? Maybe I shouldn't have made them stay behind. Why didn't I think about this last night "thought Angeless to himself as he walked towards the temple. "Whats on your mind "asked Artemis? "Nothing much. I was just thinking things. So what did you think of dark, shadowy and evil me "smiled Angeless? "You really didn't look that bad "smiled Artemis. "Thanks "whisspered Angeless smiling. "Any time "whisspered Artemis. They all stopped just outside of the temple and waited for Angeless to think of something. He was looking at a stone with a riddle on it. The riddle read; Speed and motion are the key to this place. "I hate riddles. Move fast, move slow or stay still. Why does this happen to me all the time "sighed Angeless. Angeless took of his coat and unsheathed his masamune. If he was right then he'd need it. "Right wait here I'll go in first. After all I don't want any of you to get hurt by any traps if there are any "smiled Angeless. He slowly krept into the mouth of the opening to the temple and changed his eye colour to silver. Along with the ability to see deseption. Looking down the long corridor he could see that the walls and floors were covered in traps. "Oh crap...This should be funny if I mess up "whisspered Angeless to himself smiling. He sprinted down to the first row of traps and ran right over them. Stopping on the clear patch he looked behind just in time to see arrows and blades come out of the floor and walls. Looking around he could see a ladder across the ceiling. So he grabbed onto it and climbed across and onto the the next clear spot. The next trap consisted of very large spinning disks that would shoot out of long thin slits in the floor and walls. He set them all off by trowing several barbs from his tail at spaces on the floor and walls. "Sound. Great this should be hard "whisspered Angeless. He threw a ball of white fire down the corridor and blasted a small but neat crater into the floor. The echo of the blast set the spinning disk traps of. Angeless cut the disks of of their mounts and placed them against the wall. There was a silver handle on the wall. Pulling it he heared a soft click and then he made his way back to the opening of the temple. Just as he stepped onto the first row of traps again he felt a sharp pain in his leg. A arrow had fired at him and gone right through his leg. The arrow head was pointing out one side while the shaft pointed out the other side. "Okay I wasn't going to say it but. I told you so "smiled Angeless pulling the arrow out of his leg arrow head first. Angeless took out a small bottle of shimmering blue liquid and took a mouthful. The wound on his leg sealed up leaving a patch of smooth new skin. "I take there where traps then "smiled Velrin. "Lots of them. I destroyed the ones I activated. So do you want to go in behind me Princess "smiled Angeless? |
(sorry havent been on, computer then internet connection down) Artemis nodded and followed Angeless. She called a ball of energy into her left hand. If anything, it made a good light. She put her fingertips on the hilt of her sword and followed cautiously behind him. Stuff like this made her so nervous she could die. She could hear so much it was driving her insane. She glanced at the ball of energy turning from a placid grey to a deep purple. She frowned. "There's something hidden around here...." |
Velrin noticed the fear in everyones voice, he looked down one of the passages into the darkness. The rumours had said that the temple held a secert of healing. He began to walk fast into the darkness, his sword by his side. "Velrin! Where did you go!" Angeless called after, his weapons drawn too "Something within this temple can save your friend. We must find it!" Velrin said as he ran into the darkness! Angeless quick on his tail, and the princess remaining with the wound warrior "We don't have much time!!" |
Lucriea knelt down at Elayne's side, she then looked up to the princess Artemis, "If they shall fail to come back in time, or die challenge, I shall guide her to the farplane, so that she may rest in peace." "Uhh... Thank you, but what challenge are you talking about?" Artemis asked confused and terrified for Angeless. "The two them will be tested before the spirit of light lets them take the "Curative Prism" from it's place within the depths of the temple. I know that it won't be easy for them, but if they don't work together..." "What! What!" "They shall not return to us, and their souls will roam the world for all eternity." Artemis gasped and looked gravely into the darkness of the temple. |
Angeless caught up with Velrin and was about to aske him what he was looking at when he saw it too. A White crystal stood ontop of a podium in the center of a large dome like room. "Who comes before me "askes A bodyless voice? "Tell us who you are first "smiled Angeless. "I am KIRO "hissed the voice. "Well I'm Angeless and this is Velrin. Nice to meet you KIRO but I need that prism "smiled Angeless heading towards the podium. A bolt white energy struck Angeless and sent him flying into the wall of the room. His Masamune clatered to the floor and laid there. Velrin tried to get the prism but he was struck by a bolt of wite energy. The bolt then flicked back to Angeless and pinned him to the wall again. KIRO was toying with them and he was more focused on Angeless than Velrin. The bolt went back to Velrin and slamed him into the floor. "If only I could reach the Masamune. I might be able to fight back. This bolt hurts so much. But I've got to fight back...For Artemis "thought Angeless as he got back up. The bolt went back to Angeless and slammed him into the wall again. Suddenly The bolt stopped and Angeless was floatinbg in mid air. His body was pure white and his hair was white aswell. He had also gained a set of white wings. Sparks of white holy energy cracked around Angeless as he floated back down to the ground. The white energy had sent him into a white trance. "KIRO "roared Angeless. "Well what do we have here. Here lets see how strong you really are "cakkled KIRO. More bolts of white energy flashed towards Angeless. They all hit him and then stopped. "Considering you are meant to be a holy entity. Your holy magic is weak. Here see what real Holy magic can do. HOLY "shouted Angeless. Hundreds of beams of Holy magic blasted towards KIRO. Each one slammed into his energy like body and ripped gaping holes into it. A one hundred of the beams of Holy magic then formed into a ball around Kiro and Sent out a shock wave of Holy Energy. The wave was funneled out of the dome and up and out of the mouth to the temple. A faint white glow coated every surfase of the temple and Angeless and Velrin where at the center of it. Angeless took the Prism and picked up his Masamune and Velrin and headed out to the mouth of the temple. Angeless Returned to being Angeless and he dropped Velrin onto the floor. After that he gave the Prism to Artemis and let her heal Elayne. "Angeless what was that white light that came from within the temple "asked Artemis? "Holy Magic "smiled Angeless. |
Artemis smiled warmly. She hugged Elayne because she was better, and she had been extremely worried about her best friend. One thing was bothering her though. She couldn't keep up this helpless act for much longer. It was driving her insane. "Look out!" Angeless said. Artemis drew her sword and had killed whatever it was before anyone else could help her. It was some kind of a demon thing. She didn't like it. People were giving her strange looks. "What?" She said and sheathed her sword. She looked lazily at the setting sun, and at the black clouds rolling on the easter horizon. A bolt of lighting shot through the sky. "We need to find somewhere inside. This is going to be a very bad storm..." |
"This isn't over." Lucriea said to herself. "Kiro... Azurel... Don't tell me you've fallen so easily..." "No chance little wraith." said the voice of Kiro in her mind. Lucriea gave off a slight smirk when she heard the voice, for it originated from a discoloration on the back of Angeless' neck. "Ha-ha-ha-ha!" Lucriea burst out laughing. Everbody looked at her, quite confused by her out burst. Angeless came up to her and leaned over to look at her face, "Is something wron..." but before he finished his sentence he suddenly stood straight up in pain... |
It felt like his skull was on fire. He was flicking between Dark Trance and White Trance's. The end result was somewhat unexpected. He had gone into a Grey Trance. He had wings his hair was now black on one side and white on the other. His face was grey and his eyes had bolts of black running around the edges. "Such power. Master Kuja will be most pleased when he see's this "smiled Angeless but it did not sound anything like Angeless. This Grey Trance Angeless fell forword onto the ground. The ground burnt up where his hands had touched it leaving two rings of scroed earth. "Get the hell out of my body "shouted Angeless pushing himself up. A Shadow was thrown out of Angeless and it lay on the floor weakend by the ffort of holding onto Angeless's body. Angeless now free of the shadow went into a white trance and stood over the shadow being. "Thing's you should know about me. I don't look good in grey. I hate being posessed. You never ever want me to be around me if you are a shadow creature. These wings only look good in white. Oh and tell this master Kuja that if he wants me he can come and get me himself "shouted Angeless as the air started cracking with bolts of White energy. "Master Kuja will have his way with you and when he's done with you she will be next "snarled the shadow being pointing at Artemis. That was it. That last comment gave him the last reason to destroy the thing. All his emotional energy was focusing on Artemis. All his love and Serenity giving him a little extra reason to fight this thing. "WHITE LIGHTNING "Shouted Angeless sending a huge bolt of white energy at the shadow creature. It's howl was defend by the roar of the bolt of energy. The smoke cleared and Angeless dropped to the floor weakened and exausted. "So how you liking me so far "smiled Angeless before he passed out and went back to his nomal form? |
Artemis dropped to her knees, and touched his face. "Angeless?" she said worriedly. She formed a ball of lavender energy in her hands, and dispelled into a type of smoke, and blew it over his face. His eyes snapped open, and she smiled with relief. "Oh you're o.k. You don't have to do that for me....." she trailed off. "But I suppose I should thank you..." she said. With that she leaned down and kissed his lips. |
The corridor became very dark, almost to the point that you couldn't see your own hand in front of your face. That point of total darkness came and went over and over, for their only light was that comming from Lucriea's eyes. Artemis tried once again to call light but the emotions of the dead who rest in this place were of darkness no living being can understand. "Stand back!" Lucriea said suddenly, making them all stumble to a halt in the darkness. "What is it?" Elayne asked weakly as her strength once again fluxed, her face cover in shadows of pain and suffering. Lucriea walked past them all, into a break in the corridor. As she entered the large chaple room bright lights burst aflame along the walls, and arrows flew from the brick cracks, and spear jutted up from the floor, impaling Lucriea through her side. "Oww!" she said sarcastically, stepping aside, the smoke wafting from the wounds that weren't ever their. The others looked on in amasement at her. Lucriea Spread her arms wide. "Welcome! To Celestia Mosque! The gateway to the Nightmare Realm!" |
Name: Azurel Age: 143 Race: Wraith Eyes: Green Hair: Sea-Green Personality: More mischevious than not.... resides in the nightmare realm Description: Long whispy, almost ghostlike, soft obsidian skin, eyes of the earth, hair of the ocean, looks like a maiden but is male. clothed in a robe of blood fibers. Weapon: Two Kali sticks that when button on hilt is pressed becomes to longswords. Skills: Possesses black magic controlled through his mind. Powers of telekinesis, telepathy, teleportation present... looks like he shifts. All powers were granted through black magic but at the cost of his life's blood. ------------------------------- "Good Lucreia... bring them to me and let our fallen comrade have his revenge. My Nightmare Realm will distract them and tear them apart with their 'fake' deaths. I am only a delay to help kiro." The figure was clothed in large hood and looked down into the pool of water. Lucreia was laughing maniacally at the moment. "Now!" the figure cried and Lucreia was swallowed into darkness... even the light from her eyes. |
NAME: Lakura Vash AGE: 18 RACE: Summoner EYES: Amber HAIR: Plum with blonde highlights, just goes past shoulders. PERSONALITY: Shy, speaks mind, bubbly, loud,energetic, hyper. DESCRIPTION: Little pink wings, little horn, light tan skin, 5'5" 104lbs, thin, well built, and skinny. She wears a yellow peasent top with a design of Shiva. She has a black skirt with a large grey belt around her waist. She has knee high combat boots. She has black knee socks. WEAPON: Twin emerald Daggers SKILLS: She can summon Eidolons ************************ She looked over the ruins of her destroyed city of Madain Sari. She sighed at the fact this city had once been a place of worship and a bustling harbor. But now it was a wasted barren land. She picked up a red peice of rubble from the the ground. Lakura rolled it in her hand. Lakura heard a flapping of wings. She looked behind her to see Mog flying towards her. "HEY LAKURA! EIOKO BLEW UP HERSELF AGAIN!" she called as she franticlly flew in circles. Lakura shook her head. This was the 5th time this week. She began to run towards Eioko's surviving home past the fountain. "Eioko! Are you all right?!" Lakura said as she looked down at her as she was lying on the ground. Her face was black with soot and fish guts were all over the room. "I heated the fish to much, I wasn't expecting that Ifrit's fire would do that much.." she explained. Lakura shook her head and grabbed a rag to clean the spilled fish off the walls. |
Angeless looked around the Celestial mosque. Every now and again it would flash and reveal a diffrent room. It was as if the fabric of time and space had weakend in this place and he was able to see it. He could smell something on the air very weak but it was deffinatly there. "We're not alone...stay alert "sighed Angeless walking around the room still sniffing. <Velrin can you hear me> "What do you mean can I hear you. I'm right next to you Angeless "asked Velrin? Everyone looked at Velrin strangly and Angeless tapped his head. <Just shut up and listen. There's something in here...I can smell it. Stay alert be ready for anything> Angeless was looking around the room more and it was as if he had just remembered a old memory. He stopped near a wall and looked a a old painting. It was of A city in a vally and two men on a cliff. As he looked at it the men on the cliff started to move. Both of the men had a tail and one held onto a small bundle. They started to use magic and one used a Ultima spell. The man holding the bundle was thrown off of the cliff and down into the mist bellow. After the action finished the painting reverted back to how it was. Looking at the name of the painting Angeless sighed. It read; Kuja's victory. "Get out of here now "shouted Angeless as he turned to run. But it was too late. The room turned into darkness and the light went away. He could hear rushing winds and screaming what was going on. Before he knew what was going on he hit into something hard and was knocked out. When he woke up he was strapped down to a cold hard table. From what he could see everyone else was strapped down aswell. He felt something press into his neck and then he felt a surge of pain as bolts of blue energy sparked from his body. "So you're awake "echoed a voice. "Who the hell are you "asked Angeless? "A Wraith. Welcome to the nightmare realm "laughed the voice. "Oh you so have no idea who you're dealing with. Boy I'm so going to enjoy kicking your ass when I get out of this thing "smiled Angeless. More bolts on blue energy sparked from his body. "That's smart keep on hurting me. The more I pain I get the bigger the pay backs gonna be "thought Angeless. Angeless laughed out loud and didn't stop. "Why are you laughing "asked the Wraith? "If you think this hurts. Well I'll tell you it doesn't even tickle. It must be a pain not knowing what causes pain to a living person "laughed Angeless. The bolts flared up again and this time they hurt alot more. But he could hear other people screaming this time. The Wraith had made it so Artemis would feel his pain. "You Bastard I'll kill you. Leave her alone "shouted Angeless as he sent himself into A White Trance. The chains that held him down exploded and he flew up into the air and floatd there the air cracking with Holy magic. "I said leave her alone "sighed Angeless as his Masamune appeared in his hand in a flash of white light. His body was glowing with a firce white fire that was lighting up the area. His wings flapping every now and again. |
Artemis cringed, this was unbearable. Suddenly without warning, she summoned a red and black ball of electricity. The energy crackled in the air, casting an eerie glow over everything, and lit the expression on her face. It was almost a smirk. She threw it at something, and knew it was her enemy. Elayne had never even seen her like this. Then she felt really intense pain, and it hurt so bad she screamed. She sweared she saw Lucriea smirk, and she closed her eyes agains her face. |
Velrin stood in pure darkness, his body complelty covered with chains which wrapped around him in all directions. From the empty void of the world of Darkness, he heard the laughter of the excited Angeless. No doubt he was enjoying his tortune. But Velrin? "What Demon has imprisoned me here?" "I have!" A sudden cold and unfriendly voice crumbled the darkness. He felt a pull as the chains were vaulted forward. Velrin saw the figure of the monster which stood before him. A large spear in one of its arms. It gave a laugh as it launched the tip of the blade into Velrin's chest. As he screamed. His blood poured down the sharp tip towards the demon's hands. "This quest is not your own! Yet you blindly follow the dismissal of your family!" The spear turned and Velrin screamed once again!! "God!!! I'll kill you I swear!!" He jerked his head upwards, feeling a new power growing within his veins. "What are you going to do, so far. This is how your mother died isn't it!?" As Velrin's eyes grow larger. He thrown his head forward, the chains pulling him back weakened as a dark Red colour covered his body. "DON'T YOU DARE SPEAK OF MY MOTHER!!!!" He launched his hand forward, through the pain, through the anger and blind tears. The chains snapped in half as his hand grabbed the monster by the head!! "AAAHHH!" A new power filled Velrin's body, he felt different but more human. He looked down on the monster, a set of small red wings covered his body, covering the wound that the spear impaled. And with a snap of his new power. CRACK The monster's neck twisted and blood sprayed on Velrin. He fell to the ground, covered in darkenss. Lost in darkness. Forever tortuned by the darkness!! |
Everyone woke to the screams of Velrin, Artemis' field of darkness faded. Artimis and Elayne looked down past their feet as they lay bound to their tables, and Angeless from the floor where he had apparently fainted at. There, standing, feet and one arm still bound to his upturned table, Velrin stood. His free arm stretched out before him, grasping the head of the wraith Azurel, its neck broken. "Ha ha ha ha ha..." they heard fading away as the body of Azurel dispersed like smoke. Lucriea was nowhere to be seen. Angeless unlocked the girls but was alittle afraid to go near Velrin, still standing frozen with such haterd in his eyes. But Velrin began to fall, slowly nearing the floor. Elayne had caught him, and Artemis unlocked his chains. They walked out of the chamber to find themselves back in the Celestia Mosque. There in the center was now an alter. Artemis and Angeless walked up to it, leaving the fainted Velrin with Elayne at the doorway. They slowly climbed the spiraling staircase towards the top. Artemis stiffled a scream. Lucreia hung in mid air in the center of an arch without the top. She hung from strings of silver twine. The twine hund from golden crosses that formed on either side of the incomplete arch. Her eyes were blank, as if no one was there inside. "I guess she really was a puppet..." Artemis said with sadness in her voice. Angeless too shocked to say anything, walked up closer to Lucreia. "How can we..." he started. "Get her down!" Elayne nearly yelled. Artemis looked back at Elayne, standing on the top stair with Velrin perched at her side, his eyes and mouth open out of shock... |
The pain Azurel felt was immense. He was dead. There was light and he noticed an angel there. Why was an angel coming for a wraith why? He was supposed to have a demon come for him. "Your heart has always been pure... so we came for you instead of your guardian demon. But you aren't allowed to die. You are going to be born again into a different body. A fallen avariel of ours. Our winged angelic elves were once on this planet to help the Genomes but Kuja killed the last one, his servant." Azurel felt fire burn through his body and it dissolve. He felt his soul being transferred into another body. "Your black magic remains but it is strengthened to help protect your new Genome master. Now go!" Azurel fell back into the dream realm and crashed into the ground as they were bringing down Lucriea from the last spell he cast before dying. He rose from the ground and found, he was a woman! |
"Hey bady. How you doing "smiled Angeless. "What the hell do you want "asked the Girl? "What all men want. To sit down and rest before I have to find something to cook. So have you got a name "smiled Angeless? "Stop flerting with her "snapped Artemis. "I'm not. I was just asking "smiled Angeless? "I can't believe you just did that "sighed Artemis. "Sorry. I can't help it. I just have a habit of flerting with girls. I'll try to only flert with you "smiled Angeless watching Artemis blush at his words. |
Artemis sighed heavily and looked at Angeless. She didn't know what to do right now, and was beggining to sense so much anger, hatred, and secrecy that it was nearly making her sick. She shuddered and glanced at Elayne as well. |
Azurel clothed his new body in robes of illusion and looked up to see one of his loyal friends crucified above the ground. He ignored the flirt and walked under it. "Come down, little one.... you are not a lifeless pupppet.... you will have your salvation if you fight with me against our masters." Two tongues of fire raised toward the still form of Lucreia and bathed the twine. It burnt through quickly and then Lucreia was suspending by nothing. She dropped to the ground but the wings of the avariel rose Azurel to catch the falling wraith. Turning, she called to the group "My name is Azure, servant of the Genomes.. I am the last avariel." |
"Ahhhhh!" Lakura yelled running along a hall. The place had kept blinking into another then back to the first. She looked back, but the creature was gone. "Okay... safe now finally," Lakura said to herself as she began walking forwards. Lakura turned down another hall. She could see a opening to the Celestia Mosque," Finally... note to self... never do this agian." Lakura began running now. She slowed once she saw people in there. She slowly neared the opening and could hear them now. "My name is Azure, servant of the Genomes.. I am the last avariel." A female said. Lakura looked at each of them now. Her thoughts wondered about her head. Lakura flapped her little wings a few times. She lost her balance leaning over the wall and fell face first into the room. Lakura smacked the floor. She blinked a few times to clear her vision. Sitting up whe could see them all looking at her. "Hey now what are you all looking at?!" She cried. Lakura rubbed her face from the fall. She could fell a sharp pain still from it. "Well... what are you all looking at?" She asked agian. Only to get a reply... |
"Hi. Are you evil "smiled Angeless? "Umm no "smiled the girl. "Good. You wanna join us "asked Angeless? "I guess "smiled the girl. "Welcome to the group. I'm Angeless. This is Artemis. Umm you lot Can introduce your selfs. I need to talk to Artemis "smiled Angeless. Angeless lead Artemis away from the others and checked that the couldn't be heard. "How can you just accept somebody on what they say "shouted Artemis. "You shouldn't need a reason to help somebody. It's just not in my nature to ignore how a person feels or acts. It's just who I am "smiled Angeless shrugging his shoulders. "I'm never going to understand the way you think "sighed Artemis. Angeless walked up to her and kissed her right on the lips. Leaning back again he smiled at her and winked at her. "You'll understand how I think someday. But you should know that I only ever think of you. Come on lets get out of here "smiled Angeless walking out of the room with a grin on his face and his tail flicking around more than usual. "What about the others "asked Artemis? "Oie you lot. We're leaving "shouted Angeless. |
Artemis had a dazed look on her face and sighed. She caught up with the rest of the group. Elayne looked at her strangely, but she just smiled and looked around eager to get out of this weird place. |
Verlin weakly followed, unsure about what happened back there. He managed to crasp his wound, the horrible memory of his mother...it bent in his mind. In pain he grabbed his head and slowly followed behind the group, into the welcoming sunlight!! |
Azurel still carried the weightless Lucriea. Her eyes were empty still, as if her life force had been taken away. "Little Lucriea..." Images flash in her mind. Images of death, blood, fire, and images of herself... ~~~~~ Lucriea walks in the autumn daylight, her hair flows gently through the wind. Colorful leaves float in the warm air. Browned grass, soft to the touch underfoot. Her bright blue eyes swim with the beauty of this land. She walks on towards her favorite veiw point on the hill. As she walks up to it, she sees smoke coming up beyond. She runs up to the peak, looking down towards a village ablaze. "NO!!!" she screams. She runs towards the village, tears rushing from her eyes. She enters town, screaming for her friends and family. She turns away from the flaming corpses, her eyes stinging from the sight. Wiping her eyes she sees something. She tries desprately to focus. Doubled vision becomes singular. A giant of a man, armored on a huge stallion. He comes closer, and closer, his horse galloping at full speed. Lucreia puts her arms up as if to make he go away, she screams as his sword come down to his side, reaching out towards her. Lucreia peeks up as the sword comes to her face... ...an inch from her,... ...darkness... ~~~~~~ Lucreia screams in Azurel's arms, her eyes still blank as death. though tears of blood run down her cheek... |
Azurel felt the blood touch her skin and began to worry. He knew partially of the little wraith's past but not much. "She needs healing.. who can heal her.. hurry!" she yelled out loud setting her down upon a stone slab. |
Angeless was fumbling around for something in his pocket and finaly pulled out a small bottle with a shimmering purple fluid inside. "Pour this into her mouth. Then tilt her head back and it should do the rest "smiled Angeless passing the little bottle over Azurel. Angeless was still looking at Artemis and she was blushing. He knew why aswell. She was picking up on what he was feeling, happieness and love. Both of which he was feeling very passionatly. It was also showing in his tail as it was moving a little bit more. Angeless poked his tounge out at her and she did it back. "You look so cute when you do that "smiled Angeless. "What this "asked Artemis poking her tounge out again? "Yep that's the one "smiled Angeless flicking his fringe out of his face. |
Artemis smiled at him and winked. She knew they needed to get out of here, so she walked out of wherever it was they were. She looked up at the night sky and smiled. She looked around, and saw everyone had decided it was time to make camp and go to sleep for a while. She felt a hand on her shoulder, and turned to see Angeless. She smiled at him, and wrapped her arms around him. "I love you" She whispered in his ear. |
Verlin refused to jump back as Elayne raised the dagger to his neck, she had a frown on her face as she withdrew her dagger, she clearly had things on her mind, as Verlin did too. He sat near her, and thought to himself How did that Creature know my mother's name? |
The night passed by with little to nothing interesting happening other than Azurel having to constantly pour more of the healing elixer into Lucriea's mouth. The wounds at her eyes and at side just would not go away, they kept reopening. Azurel thought of something though... "Hey..." she said. "What is it?" Angeless and Artemis replied at once. "It's just... If she's a Wraith, uhh, how can bleed!?" This shocked them all, even Elayne came out of her slight trance to ponder this. "But if somehow she's real why wont heal?" she asked. They stood there confused and worried, the dawn creeping over the horizon, they hadn't even fallen asleep yet... |
Azurel kept watch over Lucreia with everyone else. She failed to understand why the wounds would not heal. She knew that there was one thing that this body did have that his dead wraith didn't have. "Elven magic.. the natures magic. Corrupt it with black magic.. will grant the spell, Blood Bridge." Azurel remembered. Looking around, she noticed Elayne's dagger. Bolting towards it, she grabbed it and everybody looked at her in shock. Slicing one of her wrists, she saw them jump up and come forward. "Don't restrain me... this may help her or it will bring me along to her death." They backed away from her ever so slowly as she marched over to Lucreia and let the blood poor over her forehead. Covering the six other focal points, she began to feel Lucreia's body through the blood spilt on her. Lightnings curled from the ground and a bridge of blood formed in between them. "To keep you alive.. you are bound to me... our lives intertwined.. to die with you.. to live with me... spirits of the black magi.. grant me this boon." Azurel chanted and black out falling on top of Lucreia. |
Angeless was staring blankly up at the moon. His face was relaxed but his caught the flickering light of the fire. He exhausted and just wanted to sleep. He looked at Artemis and watched her sleep. "She's lovely isn't she "sighed a slightly arrogant voice from next to him. Angeless looked at the person who had spoke to hi and saw the same man from the painting. Kuja was standing right next to him. He was made out of the whisps of smoke from the fire. "We need not be enemy's. Together we could rule the world. All you must do is kill all of them "smiled Kuja. "I'd never kill any of them "sighed Angeless? "Time will tell on that one Angeless "laughed Kuja disappearing in the wind. Angeless got up and went over to Artemis and layed down next to her and put his arm around her and rested his head on the ground. He layed there and felt happy knowing she was safe in his arms. The sun arose and the surrounding area was covered in golden rays of light. Angeless was sleeping and Artemis had curled up to him even more in the night. Her head was resting on his chest and she had one arm around him. |
Artemis had curled up to Angeless without realizing it. She was lying in his arms when she woke up. She remembered a nightmare, it was on the edge of her mind, yet she couldn't quite pull it into focus. So she closed her eyes and tried to fall asleep again, she felt incredibly safe and loved it. She felt the sunshine on her face, but she didn't want to be out of his arms. She noticed him wake up and smiled. She smiled and looked at his face before she lightly kissed his chin. She sighed, waiting for him to wake up a little more. He smiled as he woke up with his arms around her. She smiled back, but stayed there with her arm around him. "Good morning" She smiled and kissed him slowly on the lips. |
When they awoke... well all but the two girls that had been involved in the blood ritual... the group was surrounded by creatures... Large creatures... "I've never seen things like that before!" Artemis screamed as Angeless barely pulled her out of the way of a falling claw... |
Azurel let loose a lightning bolt from her left hand while holding Lucreia with her right. Too many of Kuja's experiments were near them. These were a mix of bears and trolls.. but twice as large. "Trolls hate fire! Grab something with fire on it!" she screamed while a claw descended and knocked her out. |
I don't know much to write, but here is a little. "uhhh... IFRIT!!" Lakura yelled summoning the fire beast, Ifirt. Ifrit appeared and killed of most of the creatures. Lakura fell to her knees. She hadn't summoned anything for quite a while now. "...not since then... I have done this before..." Lakura said to herself. More creatures appeared. thats all i can think of... sorry! |
Angeless had none of his weapons near him. His white fire was doing nothing to them. It would singe them and slow them down but only for a few second's. He did a very graceful backflip that seemed to last forever. As he was coming back round to fact the beast's again he sped up and landed on his feet and pushed both hand's out infront of himself and a huge bubble of water magic surrounded the beast's. He threw a strong slow spell at the beast's and ran for his masamune. Grabbing it he ran into the time magic and was slowed down so that his movement's could be seen very clearly. A trail of silver bubble's following him into the watery prison. the blades of his masamune glowing with a fierce golden fire. He opened the palm of one hand and knelt down and with the other hand pushing it around. A ring of golden fire began to expand from it and rippled out to the edges and became more solid and more like blades. Several of these rippled out and after ten had formed Angeless pushed up from the bottom of the watery bubble and burst out from the top just as the blades of golden light shrunk and cut threw everything inside the bubble. The bubble popped and all the water flowed out in slowmotion and disappeared into the air. Angeless landed soaked and looking worried about Artemis and the others. "Is anybody hurt "asked Angeless taking off his top and twisting it a few time's to get as much of the water out as possible? |
Artemis sighed and looked towards the east. She glanced at Angeless quickly, the hems of her pants whipping around her legs in a fierce wind. She glared at the sky, the sun glinting into her eyes. She gathered a large ball of energy and threw it. It hit something in mid air, exploding with a flash of black and and blue energy. An impossibly strong wind rocked from the explosion, Artemis gaurded her eyes and waited. |
Verlin's head dropped, Elayne's head fell numb and motionless as her once beautiful eyes sealed for the final time. Angeless stood over the forever lifeless body, tears ran down Artemis's face. She gribbed her friend so tight that she wished she held onto her life force forever. Lakura and Azurel looked forever in horror, a death of friendship and the end of a undying love. Lucreia slowly trembled towards the body, there was no hope for magic to revive her. She was dead...Lucreia turned towards Artemis. A shocked depressing frown appeared on her face. "I'm sorry..." She no longer could withstand the silence, she let the body slid to the ground as she threw herself into the waiting arms of Angeless, who too had tears in his eyes. ----- A lake spread wide across a small meadow, the body was laid in a final position that looked peaceful. She was floating along the water as Verlin held her in his arms. Angeless and Artemis stood in a eterntal embrace. Lucreia, Azurel and Lakura were slowly and quietly chanting a farewell spell. Verlin held her body as they walked further through the water. He wondered why was he the one saying the final goodbye, he barely knew her. He knew her enough to know that she didn't deserve to die. He knew that her friends just couldn't say the final farewell. He made the edge, the bed below him was deep enough to swallow her body and forever let her rest in peace. Tears rolled down his face, tears of empty sorrow, he heard Artemis's loud sobbing as he removed his hands from under her body, for less than 10 seconds, she lay still. Her hands in a praying position to comfort them all, as slowly she began to sink through the cold blanket towards the hungrey earth bed below. Sorrow filled the air, Verlin just stood their for the while, up to his chest deep water as he screamed into the air, the cruel earth. Elayne was stolen away, the same way that Verlin's mother was. He refused to move away, as they all stood still. His tears still run... |
(ok surprise me why dont u... just a thought but when did my character wake up? anyway... daniel, what a corney recreation of the death of aeirs... Sorry but i have no clue what to write right now...) |
(sorry i have no clue on anything to write... i also have the flu right now. so could you just bring me into the story.) |
Angeless didn't know elayne very well but he didn't want to see Artemis suffer. His eye's that used to hold so much joy now showed a intence sadness and a glint of pain. "I'm so sorry...I should have done more to protect you both "whispered Angeless holding Artemis tightly affraid that if her let her go that he would loose her too. |
Artemis wouldn't let Angeless go. She didn't ever want to. She felt so alone without Elayne who had been there every day of her life. She would try her hardest to complete Elayne's last request. She shook her head and wrapped her arms more tightly around Angeless. She had cried every tear she was capable of crying as she basically fell limp in his arms. |
Verlin walked away from the water, this pain he felt reminded him so much of his mother, the pain that he had to perform the same cermony for his mother. He shook out of the water, he seemed so lost all of a sudden. He turned to Angeless and Artemis, they held each other in their embraces. And then he knew the moment, the moment that it seemed impossible to conutine. His mission was to protect the princess. But he no longer had the heart, he walked away from the group. He left them to their feelings, the only thing that concerned Verlin was the growing pain in his heart. He sat down by the others, he tried to seal blocked tears beyond his cloak. But it seemed impossible. He couldn't deal with it, he lifted towards the exit of the river. He needed to take a walk, needed to get away from the group. Get away from himself. ---- He walked further into the forest, alone he walked into a clearing. He sat down as the moonlight peered through the clear parts of the trees high above. He rubbed his face, not before a sudden dark figure appeared before his eyes. He reacted to his blade, suddenly. The voice called to him. "Wait! I mean you no harm!!" The figure's face seemed hidden, through shadow and darkness. But something that made itself clear was that it had a tail, a tail just like Angeless. "Who are you! What do you want?" Verlin managed to mumble to the person, but not before it extended his hand and said "I have a deal to make..." The clearing fell darker.. |
The three girls finished their chanting as Velrin left the group. Lakuna and Azurel went to follow, but were blocked by Lucreia, "We may have a connection to each other now Azurel, but He and I do as well, one that doesn't extend to you. We shouldn't follow, it would be dangerous to follow..." They couldn't understand what she meant by this. Even when Azurel tried to read her, she was blocked... Lucreia just looked off into the shadows, her body nearly physical, just as Azurel's was now semi-plasmic. They shared their existence now...but their minds were still mostly separate...though that could easily change... Lucreia stared through the darkness, a whisper from her lips... "Stay with me Velrin... Please..." |
Hearing Lucreia's call, Azurel wrapped an arm about her, embracing her from behind. "Do not worry little demon. My slayer shall be okay but we both know that someone is tempting him," she whispered. Ophelia had been taken back into the waters whence the maiden had been destined for. Hopefully the neutral psuedo-diety wouldn't be quick to become a force to be reckoned with. Only a couple of true wraiths could kill him and still he did not know what this body could do. All he knew was that he could control different forms of black magic now. "Let us hope he chooses not to slay me again though," she murmured into the little wraith's ear oblivious to the people around her. It almost had a slight bit of mirth in it. |
(uhhhhh....... I'm very very lost now. dang can't think. I'll add next time, hopefully.) |
Angeless was thinking about things and what he could have done to prevent them. Artemis was sleeping with her arm around him. He kissed her cheek and moved a few strands of her hair out of her face. "The sacrifice is never knowing why. The things that happen do happen. We must all follow our paths. But we can only make choices as to where that path ends. It starts with one thing I don't know why. One mistake and it can take everything you ever cared for away from you. She is the reason I will never quit. I will always protect her "thaught Angeless as he put his arm around her and watched her sleep. |
Artemis moaned in her sleep, a distant nightmare creeping closer to her consiousness. Her eyelids fluttered open and she smiled up at Angeless. Her love....she thought as she smiled to herself. She shifted a bit, and he looked down at her and smiled. She was still distressed about Elayne's passing, but she knew her dear friend would always be with her. |
Azurel whispered in her ear, in near mirth. The others morned the death of Elayne. 'I din't know her very well. I didn't see the reaction their hearts had experienced.' Lucriea thought in her mind. "You couldn't you know, you never knew of anything like that. You've never experienced it. You were never alive to experience it." whispers in her ear. A sudden ping hit her sharply in the side. "VELRIN!" she cried out, knowing his injury. |
People began to freak around him. Azurel just watched as all of them began to run towards them. Velrin, the swordsman, had been screamed for out loud but other than that they had no clue. Hissing in rage at the tight confines, she erected a bubble around her and Lucreia. "Get away from me, I shall not be touched," she screamed defiantly, holding Lucreia tight. Lucreia kept holding her side, screaming for the swordsman as they both were picked up by by Azurel's magic and sent barreling after him. They burst into the clearing and saw Velrin, wounded and surrounded. |
Angeless was in the trees hanging by his tail watching the people surrounding Velrin. A small swing was all the movement that Angeless needed to land next to Velrin. "Velrin you okay "asked Angeless? "I'll be fine "pantted Velrin. "Can you still use your buster sword "asked Angeless? "If I have to...why "asked Velrin straightening up? "I'll tell you in a minute "smiled Angeless. "leave the beast to us. He would kill us all if you leave him loose "snarled one of the men. Moving closer to Angeless and Velrin the men drew swords and lances. Angeless had his eyes closed and he kept them closed until that last moment. He had a pure white set of flames burning out of his eyes. His masamune in one hand and a ball of wind magic in the other. In a single wave of his hand he sent a wave of wind magic at the men and sent them flying. "A little help would be great "shouted Angeless as he had 6 of the men jump ontop of him and pin him to the ground. Artemis came to his aid slashing with her sword and kicking a few of the men off him. Getting up Angeless gave her a quick kiss and then closelined one of the men heading for Velrin. "Thanks for the save honey "shouted Angeless as he punched one of the men very hard. His tail was choking one of the other men as he pummled another. Glancing over at Velrin he saw him crack open one of the mnes skulls and impale 2 more. With a little help from the others they killed the last of the men and gathered around each other. "We should head for Winhill. It's not that far litteraly over this hill and a few more minutes and we'll be there. Plus there is a inn and I'm sure that we are all wanting some privacy...for a change "smiled Angeless winking at Artemis. Half an hour later they all arrived at the inn and went into their rooms. Angeless and Artemis had the same room and a nice veiw of the cliffs as the mist seemed to be lighter today. |
Artemis smiled at Angeless and hugged him. "This is all so strange. I wonder whats happened to...everyone in town?" She said quietly while resting in his arms. She turned her head and looked up into his eyes. "You know, you really are a flirt aren't you?" "Is it that obvious?" He said with a small smile while looking into her eyes. She smiled and tilted her head up to kiss him. He kissed her back, but then she heard what sounded like an explosion. "Always at the opportune moment.." She sighed under her breath as she ran to find out what the noise was. |
Verlin's brain was stinging, he couldn't much. A pain in his brain shot through him. He needed to be alone, he walked straight into his hotel room and fell asleep. His mind was everywhere, in pain and tormit. He wanted to scream, but nothing in that forest made sense. He saw someone, something. But now, he couldn't remember, he wanted too. But his eyes just strangly glowd Red. Did they do they before? He questioned He laid on the bed, a noise rang in his brain. The dream was deep and the explosion refused to wake him. His mind was set upon a secert mission, a mission that he wasn't aware off. |
Lucriea sat at the door to Velrin's room, she was determind to go with when he left, and she knew he would. She didn't know how really, but she knew he wasn't going to stay here with the others. She would leave Azurel here with them. She was nearly mortal now, she had fatigue. The explosion barely raised an eyelid, as she drifted off into slumber, leaning gently on the door. |
Artemis took the stairs and Angeless jumped over the landing and landed near the door. As he opened the door he caught a glimps of a dragon firing a huge molten fireball at the building opposite. He was blown back by the explosion and he landed on a table and bounced of it and onto the floor. "For once I would just like to have some time alone with Artemis that lasts longer than a few minutes peace "thaught Angeless getting up a bit dizzy. "Angeless are you okay? "asked Artemis as he staggered towards her? "I'm good. But that dragon is gonna regret ever coming to this village "smiled Angeless shaking off his dizzyness. Together they went over to the door and started to attack. Angeless was sending ball after ball of white fire at the dragon while Artemis was throwing balls of anger at the dragon. The blizzard of magic and emotion ripped into the dragon shredding its wings and Buring into its flesh. It fell into the lake at the center of the village and died. Pulling out a water elemental arrow he fired it up into te sky and it began to rain. The fires would soon be out and the survivors in the village could re-build the recked homes and shops. "Now shall we finish what we began "smiled Angeless taking her back up to their room. As soon as the door to their room closed they had started kissing again and Angeless tripped over backwards. Artemis landed ontop of him and they carried on kissing. |
Artemis kissed Angeless back as they lay there on the floor. She looked at him and smiled softly and sighed as she was lying on his chest. She closed her eyes and twisted a small lock of his hair around her finger. "I will love you forever, Angeless." She smiled as she kissed his cheek and fell asleep in his arms. |
Verlin's eyes stung painful as the dream scrathed into his mind. The vision of his mother, he couldn't bear to see her face covered in blood. His hot sweat poured over his eyes, stinging them even more painfully. In seconds, the dream vanished at the sight of Lucreia looking over him. At first he didn't look, he didn't feel anything. "What do you want!" He barked, he turned his head towards the wall. Lucreia just stared "I've been watching you sleep for some time now, you seemed to be having some nightmare" "Thats None of your business!" He yelled, even his tears didn't seem to flow normally. The strange red glow throughout his eyes made things different. Even since.... "I could help you think straight, I can see whats inside your mind, try to calm it down" Her voice raised higher to Verlin, for in seconds. He couldn't hear, see, touch, smell or anything. He was a lost warrior where his call of duty was a failure. He was a failure |
His sight sparked. He stood in white, nothing beyond it. Before him stood Lucreia. <this is your mind.> He heard her voice, but he didn't... Her voice was in his head, echoeing. <This is your world.> The white faded, weird glowing orbs floated around the nothingness. Velrin began to fall. Landing on a green tinted platform with three bridges leading into the darkness. Lucreia floated down to the center of the platform. <Choose.> Lucreia motioned to the bridges. Velrin stood, and looked to the bridges. One of stone, elegant in it's own fasion. One of metal, strange and unusual. The last of wood, infantual to the others. He looked around, straining his eyes, trying to see beyond the dark. Over the wooden bridge he saw a light post, simaler to his hometown. Over the metalic spanse he could see a sword in a forest clearing. But over the stone bridge he could not see anything... <Please hurry, we don't have much time.> He walked to the bridge of wood... |
Azurel had dissappeared. She had observed the dragon but did nothing to help them out. Angeless had it under control before it became out of control. She sensed Lucreia sleeping and left here there. Spreading her wings, she took off and set herself to the sky and began to look for her cache of ancient treasure. Hopefully the guardian would be there and in his possession would be her weapons. |
Lifting her up Angeless put her on the bed and layed down next to her. Pulling the cover over both of them he lay there and put an arm around her and brushed a few strands of hair out of her eyes and kissed her on the forehead. "Sleep tight Princess "smiled Angeless closing his eyes. She knew more about himself than he let his friends know. He felt right about telling her everything. She just made him feel at easy and happy. He smiled as he had known for some time that he had fallen her. The moon shining blue through the curtain turned the room a off grey. He woke up every now and again when she moved. But drifted off quickly when he knew she was still there. |
Artemis was quietly asleep in his arms. She hoped nothing would go wrong, but she knew that something awful was about to happen. Something none of them had the power to stop. She didn't want to linger in her bad feelings, so she shut them away from her mind and listened to Angeless' steady breathing. |
The flight away from the part was easy compared to the distance she would have to travel. There was one terrifying danger in the way as well. A dracolich would be blocking the way. But she knew it was not the guardian. A large golem made of flesh would be there. If done correctly, she would have a valuable ally. If not she would be serious wounded. Yawning, she flapped her wings. It would be a long flight to her cache. A long flight indeed. |
Angeless kept on seeing little flashes of images in his sleep none of them made any real sence to him and he watched them without understanding. A person made of shadow and one of light. Locked in a eternal fight. He saw artemis every now and then. It was just a jumble of images maybe memories. When he woke he saw artemis still sleeping and he went into the bathroom and ran a bath and got in. His plan was to be out and dressed before she awoke but so much for that one. He was kind of wishing he'd locked the door but also pleased that he hadn't. She opened the door and she looked slightly dazed. The kind of dazed expression you get from waking up still tired. "Morning "Angeless smiled up at her from the bath. "I'm sorry "she said sounding flustered stuttering a little bit. Angeless was looking at her with a little smile in the corner of his mouth. Little multi coloured bubbles covered most of the surface of the water and clung to his skin as he sat up a little bit. "This bath won't stay hot forever "smiled Angeless blowing a handfull of bubbles at her. |
Artemis smiled at him, but got a bubble up her nose. Of course, then she started laughing hysterically. "You really are an evil little twirp you know that?" She said between laughs. He smiled up at her. "You know I am, and I know I am." She kneeled down beside him and kissed him to shut him up. |
Velrin woke in the real world, his mind was confused. He suddenly saw Lucreia sitting besides his bed, he didn’t’ know how to react, he wanted to push her away, he wanted to tell her to move away from him. But he never found the words, the emotions, or any power. He looked away, the Wrath just sat on the edge of the bed. Her face was hidden as Velrin looked away. He didn’t know what to do, he just closed his eyes again, and watched as the tears rolled free. “Why are you crying” A voice said, but Velrin remained still, he could only say in words that he didn’t want to hear again…. “Because I’m afraid” The room fell quiet…… |
There was a flash. He stood on the wooden bridge facing the center platform again. <You say that, but by doing so you've accepted your fears.> Lucriea smiled. <Now can you accept your life?> She motioned to the metal bridge. He walked across the strangeness of the passage... |
Angeless pulled her into the bath and gave a cheeky little grin. "Why you little "she began to say but he cut her of by kissing her. |
She couldn't help kissing him back, even if he was being a little stupid head. He smiled as he pulled away from her, and flipping some bubbles in her face. "Just what do you intend on me doing now that I'm drenched?" Artemis asked. |
Verlin stepped into a odd small sphere shaped room. The room itself began to fall apart around him as the blocks that made up the walls hovered over a gap in front of him. A screen came on, and in an instinct, Verlin watched his entire life flashed through, he saw his mother's funeral, how he had to sink her to the bottom of the holy lake. He saw his father stand over him and slap him across his face. Another image, of a figure cloaked in darkness who extended his hand out for him to grab. As Verlin accepted he was thrown back and once again awoke to see Lucriea sitting besides him. He breathed heavily as she had a unknown shocked face on her. |
<Sephiroth.> Lucriea nodded to herself. <Now I understand.> The relmn seemed to shake. The green orbs fell past Lucriea and Velrin. Lucriea stood quickly, pulling Velrin to his feet. <Be in haste! You must cross your future!> She pointed at the old stone brige, and before he had realized it she had pushed him to it. <Keep safe!> He heard her say from behind him. He turned as he reached the otherside of the brige, looking back to her. Rubble and orbs fell from nowhere, the stone brige began to crack, the wooden splintered, the metal snapped. Lucriea smiled peacefully at him, nodding a goodbye. "Lucriea!" he called. The scene fading away, the platform crumbling beneath her feet. She looked so peaceful, so calm... Darkness... "Lucriea!!!" he called, over and over again. The darkness reighned supreme. A light shone from above, sudden LIGHT! _________________________________________________ A smiled stretched upon her blued face. The shine of her platinum hair dulled. Her pupils of white faded into the liquid darkness of her eyes. Slowly the bluish tint spread acrossed her skin, as she became cold. Her chest slowed to a halt, her last breath pluming white from her mouth. Her lively eyelids, flittered to a shut. Her life wilted away. The physical link between her and Azurel shatters. The spiritual force acsended. _________________________________________________ Azurel feels the stab at her heart. She falls to her knees... "Lucriea... Why am I not dead?" she pondered in confusion... "Gasp!!! Her spirit!" |
"Well you could change and get in the bath while I finish washing my hair "he said brushing bits o his hair out of his face. She gave him a look and he mearly smiled at her and shifted in the bath so he could slide under the water. His head went under the water and then came back up. He'd gotten the last of the soap out of his hair and lay there with her sitting on top of him. His tail was flopped over the side of the bath and it slid off the side and into the water. She made to get up but he held her hand. "You look like and Angel when you sleep "he smiled as his tail worked its way around her leg and up to her waist stopping her from getting up. "Where do you think thats going "she said holding the end of his tail? |
"No where." Angeless smiled impishly. "Tough luck kid." Artemis smiled as she kissed him on the lips and tried to get up again. He still wasn't letting her go. "You leave me no choice.." Artemis smiled before she started tickling him. She got him to let her go and she got up. He stared at her, as her clothes were clinging to her pretty much everywhere. She rolled her eyes and left laughing. There was a sound outside but she ignored it. Angeless came back outside after awhile and wrapped his arms around her from behind. "Now what do you want?" She smiled as he kissed her neck. She knew perfectly well what the answer to that was...but anyhow. There was that noise again. She wiggled out of his arms and went to the window. There was a weird looking silver haired dude. Actually....he had a tail quite like Angeless'. |
Snapping back into reality so suddenly, everything seemed to have changed, the air seemed thick and Lucreia wasn’t there with Velrin. Something wasn’t right, a bolt of lighting exploded through the air as he looked through the window. He suddenly show a bright light like in his vision quest and then another light, more darker. He managed to throw himself upwards and through the door into the open air. |
Lucreia's spirit is with me now, Azurel thought, and I am flying off on a suicidal quest. Her wings began to tired as she landed on a random mountaintop. Gazing around, she noticed the entrance to the cache of weapons. She would enter in the morning, ready to face her guardian. "Lucreia, my dear little puppet, what are we going to do with you...." |
(SORRY PEOPLE!!! I'm Internet has been down since May and we just got it back up... I'm VERY OVERLY SORRY!!! umm im kindda lost...) |
"What is it sweety "asked Angeless coming up behind her? "do you know him "she asked pointing at the man in the street? "What the hell, who is that? "asked Angeless? The sivler haired man looked up at the window they were looking out of and smiled. He had a very girly face he looked a little like Angeless but more girly. The mans tail raised up and flicked down and he disappeared. "Where'd he go "asked Angeless? "So you're alive "said a gentle voice behind them? Looking round Angeless saw the man clearly in the light of their room. "You know me? "asked Angeless? "Of cource. Don't you remember me brother? "asked the man? "I don't have a brother. My family is dead " "Hmp Those peasants were never your family. But I on the other hand am "smirked the man. "Who are you? "asked Artemis? "My name is Kuja. What spell have you put on my brotherto bewitch his mind so "asked Kuja? "I am under no spell. I would remember my own brother "snapped Angeless. "You are trying my patients. Now give me the princess "snapped Kuja sounding agrivated. "Over my dead body "snapped Angeless clenching his fists. "That can be arranged "laughed Kuja. Angeless punched and kicked at Kuja but Kuja was just to fast. Kuja did a upper cut on Angeless and sent him flying into the ceiling and back down onto the floor. Kuja formed a ball of white fire and threw it at the ceiling and it exploded bringing most of the roof above their room to come crashing down upon where Angeless lay. "I'll see you again sometime....Brother "laughed Kuja disappearing. |
"Angeless!" Aretmis yelled and ran over to where he was. He was buried under a pile of rubble, and she was going to have a hard time getting him out from under it. She couldn't use her powers to knock it off of him, she could hit him. She glanced around and noticed his arm peeking out from under the rubble. She pulled him out with all of her strength, and looked down at him. He was bruised, bleeding, and unconcious. "Angeless..." She said softly, her words shakey. Pulling him tight against her, she let herself cry. "You..can't be dead." There was no reply from Angeless and his body was nearly limp in her arms. If he died, she didn't know if she would be able to go on. She was shaking slightly with her tears now. She layed him back down and leaned over him, kissing his forhead. He was still unconcious after an hour. She started crying again and collapsed weakly onto his chest. "Oh Artemis..." She heard, before she felt his arms slip around her quietly. She was in a state of shock as he sat up, pretty much pushing her up with him. She noticed his head was resting lightly on her chest, and he was smiling half way. She rolled her eyes and rested her head on top of his. He pulled her tighter against him, and closed his eyes. "I'm fine." He said with a small smile. "Hey..if I had known that you would pounce on me like this if I was unconcious I would've knocked myself out on purpose." He laughed, looking at how her legs were on either side of him. "O.k..I know you're all right now..." She smiled, even if he was coughing a little bit. "I couldn't have lived without you..." Angeless only smiled and kissed her. |
"I've never felt so weak. He was just to fast. I didn't even hit him once. He floored me with on e punch. He can't be human there's just no way anybody could be that strong " "You're going to have to stop being the hero all the time "laughed Artemis. "Tell me about it "laughed Angeless. "I'm sure that there is a way to fight him you just have to have faith. He looked over to where Kuja had been standing and saw a small sphere on the floor. He pointed his hand out to it and it flew into his hand. He focused and it activated. "Nohman's report on Angeless/Kuja. The performance of these 2 bodies is equal Like twins. Under normal sercumstances Angeless will have the same abbilities as Kuja. But for unseen events Angeless is weaker than Kuja. Kuja is perfect he surpasses Angeless's power, speed, defence and skills. Kuja is able to shift reality around him via spacial compression. The resulting engery release allows him to teleport. Kuja's mental powers are also very formidable. He is able to cast a mental astrel projection over great distances. All Angeless lacks to match Kuja's power is the Offencive heart and the Devil trigger. These two things will allow him to use all his trance abbilities while in his human form. The Devil trigger will allow him to take on the form of his trance at will "said the sphere. Angeless fell silent and looked at Artemis. "Well you said I should have faith. Looks like I just found mine. We leave t'morro and start looking for those things "Smiled Angeless. |
Artemis sighed and hugged Angeless tightly. This would work out, she was sure of it. He smiled and picked her up, laying her on the bed. "We should get some sleep." He smiled. "Alright." She sighed and curled up to him, falling into a dreamless sleep. And of course, she woke up in the middle of the night. |
It looked like the plan was working. Verlin watched as Kuja disappeared into nothingness. Then he realised. The deal has been set. |
(Personal problems, sorry for the lack of update) Her little puppet had no response for her of course. She thought of all the spells and knew the ancient golem was going to be a problem for her alone. Then it rang on her.. Duplication. "Clones are often the only way to get something done but if I infuse the spirit of my Lucriea into it, I do not have to command it." The spell took longer than she expected it to do but it was well worth it. A pair of golden wings, a tanned body, gracefully long pointed ears, long crimsom dress slitted to the thighs and last but not least the cerulean eyes. She was done. Azurel collapsed into unconciousness. |
Angeless was looking out of the window. He hadn't been beaten like that for a long time. He'd prided himself on his strength and his skills but none of that mattered. The sphere said he and Kuja are like twins eqaul in power. None of it made any sence Kuja had taken him down in one punch. The way he could move so fast. He was hoping he'd never have to face Kuja again not like that. "Hell he'd probably have won even if I was in trance "he sighed watching as it began to rain. It was going to take along time for these bruises to heal and even longer to heal the broken ribs. "Angeless where are you? "asked Artemis from the bed? "Over here "he said getting up off the window cill so she could see him. |
Artemis sighed as she saw his silouhette in front of the window. She saw him well for a moment, during a flash of lightning. Another storm was blowing in. "You need to stop worrying about Kuja.." She sighed as she walked over to Angeless, hugging him from the side. "I just don't know if I'll ever be able to defeat him. I don't know much right now.." He sighed. "It will be o.k. In time.." She said, resting her head against his shoulder. "We can only hope..." He sighed again, as he pulled her into a warm embrace. "Hope is all you have sometimes.." she sighed. "I know." He half smiled, before kissing her softly. |
<Lucriea...> <No...> <Lucriea... My little puppet... Come forth...> <NO!!...> <Now!> Light basked about her, as she was reborn into the cloned body. Ripped away from her heaven, Nirvana, non-existence, complete and total peace of mind and heart. But no longer, she still had a job to do. Her body had revaporized into the atmosphere. THis new body was solid, she would have to cope. Her vision came to her as she was sealed into flesh, and Azurel colasped to the ground. "Oh, Azurel, you tired?" she said sarcastically. She looked at her with utter loathing. Lucriea smiled sweetly. "This body is just TOO much. How do you run with these?" she said lifting her the cloned Breasts. "No matter..." Dark mist came down from above. 5'4", slender and athletic physic. Elegant guantlets on the wrists. Black and silver vest, puffy arabian trousers, genie shoes, and sterling braid clips with the black crystals inbedded in them.. "That's better!" |
"Back in a mintue "he said prancing across the floor. "Where are you going? "she asked him with a small smile? "Toilet "he said as he closed the door. ---- As he flushed the toilet he saw something shining out of the corner of his eye and he looked to see what it was. Something hit him and he was knocked of his feet. Getting up he shook his head and walked out. He couldn't remember the door handle being as high as it was and as he came out from the toilet he was aware of how big everything seemed. "What the? "he said and she looked around. "Wow. Look at you... you're a puppet "she said before she burst out laughing. He looked in the mirror and he was indeed a puppet. He was cute and made out of felt. "What the hell happened to me "he said trying to ignore her laughing at him. |
"I don't know.." She smiled, laughing. "This isn't right.." He said. "I don't know.." She smiled, looking at him. "You're kinda cute like this..." |
He gave her a look and began to pace the room. She was still snickering. He chose to ignor it. His head hurt and he placed his hand to it just over his eye. A stream of images really fast and slowed and started again. A giant tree, something white falling to the ground and sending a huge ball of white light up as it fell. The tree exploding and a Black winged man falling through the air on fire tumbling over and over. It was only after it hit the ground he saw who it was. There was a sword broken on the ground near the chared corpse. It was his sword. Everyone was there looking at the body. Artemis was on her knee's crying while Velrin had his hands on her shoulders trying to consol her. Everything blured and they were in the castle There was a casket on the alter stand and the shards of his sword were on a blue silk cloth. He was listening to his own funeral. He was walking around in it everyone was there. "Of all the things I beleived in. I just want to get it over with. Tears form behind my eyes but I do not cry. Counting the days that pass me by. I've been searching deep down in my soul. Words that I'm hearing are starting to get old. It feels like I'm starting all over again. Last 3 years just pretend. And I say goodbye to you. Goodbye to everything that I knew. You were the one I loved. The one thing that I tried to hold onto. I used to get lost in your eyes. And it seems like I can't live a day without you. Closing my eyes and you chase my thaughts away to a place where I am blinded by the light. But it's not right. You are the one thing I tried to hold onto. And it hurts to want everything and nothing at the same time. I want whats yours and I want whats mine. I want you but I'm not giving in this time. Goodbye to you. Goodbye to everything I knew. You are the one I love. The one thing that I tried to hold onto. One thing that I tried to hold onto. And when the stars fall I will lie awake. You're my shooting star "says Artemis as he tried to touch her. His hand went right through her. He yelled loudly trying to get some sign from anybody. THe stained glass windows shook and cracked blowing inwards sending a shower of glass that turned into tiny dots of light that showered over the people. Things blured again and there was a show on and Everybody looked different. There was alittle girl with Artemis and they looked happy. He saw the blade go into her and impale the girl aswell. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO "He yelled as the world of the vission began to shake. He was thrown back into the real world with enough force to knock him over. "Why are you on the floor? "asked Artemis? "I lost my Balence "he said hiding his real feelings. "You're tired "she said walking him over to the bed. She made him get into bed and she followed and she held him in a hug and his eyes began to droop. He was soon sleeping. |
Artemis looked at him and trailed her fingers down the side of his face. "What is bothering you..," She sighed, looking at the deep blue light buzzing from her fingertips, "why are you so sad?" She got up and walked around the room. The wind was blowing in through the open window. The wind picked up and swirled around her. She lifted her head and her hair swept out behind her. "Hello Elayne.." She sighed. "Princess..about time you realized I've been trying to talk to you." Of course, it was just in her head. "What is wrong with him..." She sighed. "He's seen the future..but there is no tommorow which has already been decided. Destiny is there to be grasped..all you have to do is stretch out your hands." "Oh boy..riddles..I understand..ohhh boy..I've snapped." Artemis laughed lightly. "You snapped a long time ago." She heard in her head, and then there was nothing. "That was interesting.." She smiled. She walked back over to the bed and lay down next to him. Kissing his forehead, she snuggled into him. "I love you..and I'm here forever..as long as you love me..even if one of us is dead and gone. Always." She held him tighter and fell asleep next to him. |
"This was not my plan. I was ready, ready to be forgiven for my discretions, but now I've been brought back in yet another unlife. Shall I never reach the heavens?" Lucriea thought to herself intently, although nothing would be hidden from Azurel's peircing gaze, she knew of what went on in her head for the flesh of this body was her's. They walked down into the darkened depths. preparing to face the golem, the gaurdian of the sacred seal, the seal of Angels lost. The seal that trapped Angeless' true form. "The Angelic God." "Apollo..." (Sorry, I just felt like it, it seemed apropriet since His lover is named Artemis. If you don't like it go ahead and change it I'll hold no ill will.) |
"That's right" "Kuja kicked his ass and to rub salt in the wound, he is a puppet for awhile." Lucreia stated almost if she was there. "Huh?" Azurel looked at her in confusion. "I can observe things from beyond so I can still see the puppets here." "Go figure the amateur would face him early." Azurel sighed. Naive heroes is what she had to put up with since the form change. Velrin had killed her male form with one blow and forced her new form to join this constant disgusting display of humanity. They were at the gold gilded door of the treasure hoard. She knew many of the items but Angeless's seal was the main one. She wanted to reclaim her catch of magic to make her able to handle whatever smaller things were in the way to Kuja. "Here we go." "In the name of the Wraiths Lucreia and Azurel, we command you to open the door!" |
Angeless was following Azurel and sombody else he didn't know. He figured he was having a odd dream. A huge golden door opened before them and he followed through looking around. Something attacked Azurel and the other person. He went to punch it but his hand went right through it. The thing stopped for a second and shook it's head. "Bugger this "he said sitting down to have a look at a nice golden sword on the floor. After about five minutes he heard a loud screach and something large fall. Looking round he saw the thing beaten. The two walked towards a black door guilded with a white substance with wings made from gold on and tried to open it. Azurel sent a blast of magic at it but it shimmered along the gate. Curius he looked closer at the glyph between the wings and tapped Azurel on the arm. "Ahhh. Who's there? "she screamed turning around quickly. Azurel was looking right at him. "God I hate creepy places "she said going back to the door. He raised his hand and moved it closer to the glyph and it lit up and grew brighter. Touching it he felt a huge surge of power run through him. The power stopped and the door opened. Inside he was expecting to see some sort of horde of treasure but the only thing in there was a suit of armour and a black ring. "Well that was a let down. So what are we here for? "he sighed outloud forgetting they couldn't seem to see or hear him. Shrugging his shoulders he went over to the armour and was slightly discusted as he saw it was covered in blood. what was worse was it still looked fresh. He went to touch it and it disintergrated into dust which fell onto the ring burying it. The pile of dust ignighted and the ring flew up into the air and shot towards him. It passed into him and turned to ash. "Well that was a rush "he laughed to himself as he was jerked back to being consius. ---------- Angeless sat up in bed unable to breath. It was as if something had blocked his throat. A searing pain began to spread through his body. He caughed and tasted the metalic taste of blood. It was soaking into his skin which being made of felt happened quickly. He leaned foreward and he could feel a lump growing in his throat. He caughed again and omething thudded into his lap and he looked down. There was a ring covered in blood there was a faint set of marking on it and as he looked at it the blood covering it began to drain into the markings. They became clearer and formed symbols that he didn't recognise. One thing was clear to him. He'd found the Devil trigger. The ring was now blood red and the markings were pure white. He put it on and felt something course through him. He felt the changes deep down. Power unlike anything he had felt before waking up and coming to life. He was blinded by a bright white light and as it dimmed he found he was in a white trance. He was still made out of felt and he did look cute as a puppet. There was a crack of thunder overhead and rain began to fall heavily. "One down one to go "he sighed feeling his powers free up alittle more. He tilted his head back and shook his head. Getting up he stood at the window glowing dimly. His confidense was returning aswell. "Kuja...I'll be ready for you soon. If we're eqaul in power...then I'll just have to find a way to beat you "sighed Angeless looking out of the window. The storm was echoing what he was feeling. |
Artemis woke up and sighed. "Angeless?" She questioned, looking around. "I'm right here.." She noticed him watching the storm. She got up and sat beside him. "I know you'll defeat him. I believe in you Angeless." She smiled. "You were dreaming weren't you..." |
"Does he have it? Good. He fell for it!" Lucriea called to Azurel. "You can understan dthat thing!?" she called back as she steped yet another foot away from the weird whispering wall statue. It was a statue of the back of a woman, one arm slaped out, one into the wall, a wing protruded from her left scapula and a birds head rested on her right shoulder. the wall had been completly burdened by flames. Until Lucriea came forward, it sparked up when Azurel tried to approch afterwards. "Of course I can understand her... We're old friends..." "Friends!? With that thing!? How!?" "Back, when she was hu..." Lucriea cut off and left the alter. "It doesn't matter, what's important is that Angeless believes he has the Devil Trigger! Now let's find the real one." "What are you scheming Lucriea?" "Just a bit of just deserts, for everyone... Especially Angeless, and Kuja..." |
"I don't know anymore...I used to think they were just dreams but since I met you. They're becoming more accurate... "he sighed as he changed back to his human puppet form. "What do you mean? "she asked him? "I think I'm seeing glimpses of the future...as if somebody is wanting me to see something so I can change the outcome. I've not really known what is going but I just...feel where I'm meant to be going "he sighed sitting down on the bed. "So maybe you're having preminisions? "she asked touching his face? "Not possible...I don't have that power...well not that I know of "sighed Angeless. He layed down on the bed and looked at the ceiling. "Promise me something...when we reach the end of this...you won't try to stop me from staying behind will you? "he sighed looking at her. "I'm not understanding what you want me to do but I promise "she sighed as she hugged him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Four years later; ---------------- After traveling across the mist continent and traversing the Frozen island, lost island and reaching the forgotten isle's. The group had almost reached the end of their journy. Angeless now had the power to match Kuja. Artemis was now even more of a warrior. But the rest of the group was growing more uneasy. They all knew that the end was near. For better or worse the peak of the battle was coming. The rushing of destiny hurrying to meet the point of convergance. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "It's been along road...getting from there to here. But I promise we can all go home after this. Even if it hurts to remember the losses we have gained so much. At first we made each other mad but over the years we have become more than just company, we have become friends and to me even family "sighed Angeless. "Well you still like to make speaches so that hasn't changed "laughed Velrin. "Well we're here so wether it's victory or painful defeat...I'm in "Smiled Lucriea. "I haven't left you lot yet...no matter how much you annoy me "smiled Azurel. "Good because...I want all of you to remember. If I tell you to get out...do it. I don't want to risk any of you getting hurt "sighed Angeless. "He's going to cry "teased Velrin. Angeless wiped his eyes and held up the glass. "To a long life "laughed Angeless swigging the drink down. "About time "they all said at the same time. "Do you want to go and... "asked Artemis making allittle getsure? "Okay...but we'll have to be quick "whisspered Angeless. ~~~~~~ 20 minutes later ~~~~~ Angeless and Artemis came back looking flushed and somewhat more cuddly than usual. |
Artemis sighed, smiling in a strange way as she leaned against Angeless. She felt like she was about to fall asleep. He smiled and wrapped his arm around her in a sort of protective way. "You don't have to protect me anymore....." she mumbled. "I know..but I want to." He said, kissing the top of her head. "O.k...I'm going to ignore you two..." Yelled someone else in the group. Sighing, she started to doze off when she picked up someone that was extremely angry. "Are any of you mad...?" Artemis asked uneasily. "Does disgust and annoyance count as mad?" Azurel quipped. "No..i'm talking murderously angry..." She said more uneasily. "Like that dragon?" Lucricea laughed. "Yeah..that might be it.." Artemis groaned. "Ohh goody.." Angeless grinned, drawing his Katana. |
"You know what...I bet 500 gil I can kill this thing without my Masamune "laughed Angeless holding out his Masamune to Velrin. "I'll take that bet... "laughed Velrin taking the sword. "Oh I want some of that action "giggled Lucricea. "I'll put 5555 gil on him getting his ass kicked "laughed "Artemis!! "asked Angeless? "What? You think I'd let that one lie there? "laughed Artemis. Angeless thaught about it and shrugged his shoulders. He wandered over to the dragon and waited. It slammed it's scaly arm down where Angeless was standing. He was holding the dragon's paw up above himself. He was looking strained as he began to tilt his body to one side. "Ahhhhh "he shouted as he threw the dragon over himself and onto it's back. He ran at the dragon and it snorted a jet of flames at him and when the fire cleared he was nowhere to be seen. "Where'd he go? "asked Velrin looking around? He was doing a backflip through the air and he was holding onto the top of his boots. He pulled out two 8 inch long daggers from his boots as he straightend out of his flip. He landed on the dragons belly and cut into it. Steamy hot blood sprayed up into the air by about 15 meters and came down like a crimson fountain. He rammed one dagger into the dragons chest and swirled it in a circle mutalating the heart underneath. The other he stabbed into the side of it's neck and pulled it across quickly. The dragon twitched and then didn't move again. Angeless pulled out his daggers and swirled them expertly and tucked them back into his boots. "Damm...I forgot you had those "sighed Velrin. "Well I didn't...I guess I'll have to punish...you for betting I'd get my ass kicked "laughed Angeless looking at Artemis. |
"Oooh I'm soooooo scared.." Artemis teased. "You'd better be...." Angeless smiled rather evilly before grabbing her and squeezing her tightly. He started tickling her and she tried to squirm away from him but he swept her up in his arms. "Hey..you..cheater.." She said in between giggles "Put me down..." She didn't finish because he started kissing her. "Oh boy..here they go again.." Velrin sighed. "Do they ever do anything else?" Someone else commented. She really wasn't paying attention though... |
"Hey this isn't all we do...we do plenty of things that would make you go red "laughed Artemis. Angeless went red and covered her mouth just as she was about to say something else. "Honey they don't want to know what we get up to "he said struggling to keep her quiet. "But...They...asked what...else...we do!...Angeless...is very....good in Be... "he didn't let her finish the sentence and covered her mouth while she was tickling his side in an effort to escape. "Okay thats more than we needed to hear "sighed Velrin walking off with Lucriea. Azurel just chuckled and wandered over to the dragon to examine it. "What what did I say? "asked Artemis? "Nothing....their just worried about whats going to happen...Velrin is concerned that I might loose and the other two are just concerned about whats going to happen "he sighed knowing the feeling he had deep down. "Is this about what that seer told you....about your fate being intertwined with one another? "asked Artemis? "You cannot Change your fate....no man can. Thats why I have to face Kuja....to find the answers...why I was created "he sighed knowing exactly what she mean't. He saw the same thing he saw everytime he closed his eyes. The two beings of light and dark fighting for eternity. The Tree of life. A broken body falling. The destruction of the tree of life. He remembered what the seer had told him exactly one year ago. "I know what you saw...for I have also seen it...these are the events that are going to pass. The final outcome I cannot see...There is only you and Kuja in this future....But...I must warn you....You cannot Change your fate....no man can. You must face Kuja....you must win...for all of our fates now rest in your hands "sighed the Seer. ~~~ "I promised you that I would protect you until the end....But...I fear that may not be enough "he said as he heard something faintly. It was a male voice singing a hym of some kind. "Can you hear that? "asked Azurel coming back over? The others came over aswell. "What is that? It sounds like singing? "asked Lucriea? Artemis was looking around for the source but couldn't work out where it was coming from. "It...feels like peace...pure goodness "said Artemis. Angeless noticed Velrin was looking at him. "The hym of the faith "said Angeless looking at Velrin. Velrin nodded and indicated the ring on Angeless's finger. Angeless looked at it and it made sense. "The Ring.....it's resonating "said Angeless. "Impossible....it's the Angel trigger "said Lucriea backing away from them. "What? "they all asked her? "No...it wasn't meant to play out like this...You're....you've changed the very nature of the ring. Pure darkness to pure light. Such a thing should not be possible...you've surpassed all mortal bounds....you and Kuja are beyond all of us "said Lucriea. |
Artemis sighed, getting a bad feeling. She wrapped her arms around herself and looked up sadly. "something awful is going to happen." She said to herself, trying not to cry. Angeless noticed she was nearly in tears and ran over to her, wrapping his arms around her shoulders. "What's wrong Artemis?" He asked, looking at her. "I don't know..I guess I'm scared." |
He hated seeing things like this. He already knew what must be done. He would have to go in alone. Find a way to get them out of the way. Their safty was all that mattered. "Surly....you don't plan to come and fight me little brother? "spoke a voice in his ear. He looked around quickly only to see nothing. "It's no use trying to see where I am. They can't hear me...and you can't see me. I'm just a voice in your ear...no need to speak just think real loud "sighed Kuja's voice softly. Angeless sat down for a moment acting as if he was thinking of their next course of action. "I'm coming for you...and theres not a thing you can do about it. "Foolish...just like our dear father. If you sided with me you could have acess to more power than you could ever imagine. We could change anything we wanted...You could even alter the time line "spoke kuja as his voice faded in and out. He felt a vission surge through him of the tree of life and all the energy inside being spun into a spell to shape the world and it's timeline to the ends of Kuja. Himself using his newfound power to correct time. Fighting on even as the world fell apart around himself. A pike of stone falling heading right for him. His soul crystalizing as it was torn from him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I think I finaly know why you chose to stay behind. You always were a stubborn man. But I also think you were affraid to die. More than that....you couldn't face the idea of losing who you were "Spoke a robed woman over a gravestone. She was holding a radient white jewel that glowed with a pure white light. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ He knew in the bottom of his heart that to save them he'd die trying. He also knew that he would reshape history to cure the world of the scourge that was Kuja. "I'll see you real soon Kuja "sighed Angeless with an unatural amount of strength in his voice. He stood up and looked at them all. For a moment the world spun and the next they were all standing on a branch hi up in the tree of life. He already knew how to alter reality to some degree. All he had left to do was to fight and die. |
Okay I'm officialy ending this one. I know...its now the second oldest item in my port. But its doing my nut that I haven't ended it. So here we go....although knowing me I'll keep editing it till Im satisfied. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Angeless walked away from the people that had become his family. He turned back to look at them all one last time. The expression on his face was simple. Velrin had the same look in his eyes. They both knew he wasn't going to be coming back. "Stay strong and keep them safe "was all he sighed as he turned from them. "I'll do my best "spoke Velrin. He pushed off lightly and hovered there in the air for a moment. His face was so stern and yet sad. He darted upward leaving a trail of glowing white feathers that billowed about them all before settling on the ground. "What the hell is he doing? "asked Lucriea? "Azurel Go after him... "asked Artemis? "I'd never catch up to him...even if I could he's made sure none of us can follow him "sighed Azurel showing them the barrier of magic he'd cast over them. "This is his fight...he's sacrificing himself to save us...Giving up what he wants the most a life with you "sighed Velrin watching the streak of White that was Angeless. The explosions litering the air around Angeless as he flew ever higher became more intensive. Bombs vainly trying to halt him and failing. His powers had finaly peaked. The defences were great but they had underestimated The power that Angeless had. If any could see Angeless's eyes they'd have seen a complete void. No emotion no sence of feeling at all. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ They began to fight barely seconds after they saw each other. The fight itself lasted barely a scant 5 seconds and already Angeless was down. But to a pair of men who could selectivly alter the flow of time around them it had already been hours. "BROTHER is this all that you've got. Even after attaining the power of a god you still can't beat me "Laughed Kuja. Angeless got to his feet shakily. His expression was blank and showed no emmosion. The blood that was trickling from his mouth and nose was staining his face. "I grow bored of you Brother "sighed Kuja. Angeless disapeared from sight and Kuja slammed into the floor face first. Kuja wasn't stupid he'd made plans incase something like this happened. "If I die this whole planet goes with me "smirked Kuja holding up a ball of compressed magics before throwing it up into the air. "I have only 3 words for you "sighed Angeless coming closer. The orb of magics was already expanding and becoming even brighter. It had already begun to sink downwards towards them and eventualy the heart of the planet. "Don't say it! "shouted Kuja trying to back away. "I forgive you "sighed Angeless as he stared at his brother face to face. They stood there for what seemed an age acepting one another. Seeing each other for the first time as Brothers and not enemies. "I can't stop it...its gone to far. "Kuja sighed glancing upwards. "I'll find a way...I always do "sighed Angeless as they stood there looking around. "Guess this is goodbye...huh baby brother? "sighed Kuja? "...Kind of funny really...My kids never gonna know her father...she's beautyfull "sighed Angeless looking at the sphere of magic that was now hovering just above them. The magics engulfed them and it pulsed outwards blasting the top of the tree apart. They were surounded by darkness and heat. A place were Chaos reigned. Yet he could see Kuja waiting there for him somewhat changed. No longer was he handsom but rather a shape of fire and shadow. "This place shows us as we are in truth for a time before we fade away...A demon lived in my heart. While in your's beats the heart of a godling "sighed Kuja as he began to fade. Angeless grabbed Kuja's hand for a moment. "Go do your thing baby brother "smiled Kuja before fading away completly. Angeless was filled by a newfound strength of will. "I don't want this to be the same fate that awaits those I love. I'll stop this thing even if I have to wipe my soul out of existance "thaught Angeless as his wings began to unfold. He had always been able to absorb magic. Why should this be any different? The more he took in the more his wings grew. "What's that light? "asked Velriin pointing up? "He's ascending...I can feel his pain from here "exlcaimed Azurel. The wings were now so large that they were almost blotting out the sky. Shining with an almost Divine light. Ever expanding outwards from the orb of darkness that stood out in stark contrast to the white wings. "Divine grace's keep him safe "whispered Artemis. -------------- And as the Gods looked upon the face of Gaia. They saw one of the socalled lowly Mortals taking oblivion itself into his heart. Changing and becoming something more than they could percieve. "He will try and he will fail...This worlds death is now " "I do not agree...Those wings are those of the Divine grace....The Scion of Gods...this is no ordinary mortal " Even though their gaze could see to the ends of the universe they could not peirce the wings that now encircled all of Gaia. "This mere mortal...Would dare to call upon 'His' power. By what rights? " "Because...you Gods don't lift a finger while we suffer...So I'm going to make things right for the entire plannet "sighed Angeless As the wings opened revealing Gaia. The wings flapped slowly but they rose all the same. "Imagine a perfect world and then never loose sight of it "he thaught as he let himself go. The Flash of Light the enveloped the plannet came not from the orb but rather Angeless countering it by using all his power to alter the world. To bring back those that deserved life. Putting his very own life and soul into the planet...becoming Gaia. Making the world better....setting things right. |