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A slave teaches her master a thing or two about love... |
Kaia'at smiled gently at her lord and touched his face, a very familiar gesture among the Apsiu; yet he allowed it, with no complaint. He merely looked at her, and staring back at him she suddenly realized something they had never done. Her eyes lit up. "Hakh'tua!" she exclaimed. Antakh blinked. "Hakh'tua?" She smiled again and nodded. "To be a form of nesakh'ai." "Nesakh'ai." He frowned. "That's the word for--" She nodded, cutting him off. "To be common among Kana. To be a skill among females. To know hakh'tua very well." Her smile grew broader, proud. "To be very pleasurable. To give you hakh'tua, yes?" He hesitated as if uncertain. "What does it entail?" "For Lord to have to do nothing. For Kaia'at to do. To be difficult to explain...few words. To show you!" She carefully lowered herself to her knees, which was somewhat difficult, considering her swollen belly; her hands went for Antakh's kilt and he suddenly and deftly jumped out of her way. Kaia'at glanced up, frowning with confusion. "To not wish for hakh'tua?" "Kaia'at." He lowered his voice, as it had been almost a yell. "I'm not certain what you wish to do...it seems demeaning to me, for you to be on your knees like that..." His mate's frown grew. "To not be de--demee--" A distressed look entered her eyes as all the words left her. She let out a pathetic mew; she'd tried so hard to learn her mate's tongue, to now forget it all when she needed it most. Antakh quickly touched her shoulder, reassuringly. He spoke, this time in Higher Apsi. "Do you understand the Kana tongue?" Kaia'at looked at him again, then nodded, relieved. "Yes." "Please explain to me what you wish to do. I'm afraid I don't understand." "It is a method of proving our males' ownership over us," Kaia'at said. "Hakh'tua. It comes before nesakh'ai. The Kana find it highly pleasurable. The more skilled a female is at giving it, the more prized she is. I was very skilled at it." "But I don't own you," Antakh explained. "You don't need to prove anything." Kaia'at's mouth twitched. "I am your female. To prove ownership," she added quickly, before he could retort, "is not the only use for hakh'tua. It is one of our methods of...'foreplay.' It is most pleasing for the male, though the female feels high honor in giving it." She touched his arm. "Please let me honor you by giving you hakh'tua." Antakh didn't look convinced, but offered no objection. Kaia'at knelt again, pulled up his kilt in front--she noticed how he flushed and glanced quickly around, to make certain no one was hanging about--then she leaned forward, licking at his sheath. Antakh gasped and started. He went fully hard, his member rising. She could tell he hadn't expected this. Pleased, she wrapped her lips around it and began moving, up and down, tongue swirling, her hands sliding up beneath the back of his kilt to fondle his buttocks. His muscles were tight. She stroked him with her tongue for a short while before he put his hand on her shoulder and stopped her. Puzzled--he hadn't come yet--she glanced up. "This hakh'tua," he said, voice husky. "Don't the males ever do it for the females?" "What?" Kaia'at shook her head. "No. Only females give it to their lords. They can never receive. Why do you ask?" "It seems hardly equal." He took her arm, lowering his kilt. "Can you crouch? Low to the ground? Is it too difficult for you?" She shook her head and complied, though still uncertain as to what he was thinking. As soon as she was down as low as she could get, considering her belly, she felt Antakh carefully pull up the bottom of her dress. Ah, she thought. He wants to be done with hakh'tua, and wishes for nesakh'ai already. She submissively lowered her head and awaited his entry, only to start with a squeal as soon as she felt something wet against her, down below; to her surprise Antakh's weight kept her down. He was above her, yes--but facing the other way. Instead of his member, it was his tongue she felt, flicking and teasing at her, warm and wet; he nuzzled deeply, burrowing his head between her legs. Kaia'at squealed and writhed at the feeling. "My...My Lord!" she gasped. "What is this you're doing to me?" He didn't reply, but she knew what it was. Hakh'tua! He was giving her hakh'tua! She'd never realized it could even be done this way! She squealed and tried to restrain herself the harder he nuzzled, until a sharp jab of his muzzle sent her body into paroxysms. She mewed loudly, felt him move, turn himself about, whisper in her ear, his voice still husky. "Lady, Kaia'at, is it good with you that I wish for nesakh'ai now?" Kaia'at bit her lip and nodded. "Yes, Lord. Nesakh'ai after hakh'tua. I submit to you, always. You are my lord; I am your female. Nesakh'ai would bring great joy to me now." In response her mate lifted her hips from the ground, placed his hands on her shoulders, and mounted her almost immediately, earning a high mew from Kaia'at. She realized he had been hard for her the whole time. Now his animalistic, Apsiu side took over again as he pushed in, in, in, repeatedly. Kaia'at moved one hand to clutch her swollen belly, protecting the child within her from pressing against the ground. Antakh snorted and puffed as he thrust; Kaia'at found herself wondering if she would give him a son or a daughter, a Kana or a Moru. She wondered how he would react to seeing his child at last. But there was hardly time to think of that now. Her mate pushed into her heavily, rapidly, sating his lust. His wings flapped. Kaia'at whined, clutched at her belly; it felt as if he pushed through to her core. She came some time before he did, but when Antakh climaxed and spurted several minutes later with a hoarse groan, she shuddered again, waves of pleasure passing over her. When he removed himself she pushed herself up and leaned against him heavily, nuzzling exhaustedly at his shoulder. "Oh Lord, My Lord!" she exclaimed in Lower Apsi. "You couple with me most magnificently. I shall be honored to bear your child. You give nesakh'ai as powerfully as any Kana lord. You are a true Kana inside, at the very least when you make love to me. I shall always submit to your every desire, My Lord!" She was rewarded only with a strange look and the statement, "Kana?" It, and nesakh'ai, were the only words Antakh had been able to understand in her outpouring. She flushed with embarrassment, suddenly remembering his inability to understand her tongue. "I...I merely wish to say how much I enjoy being with you, My Lord. You have treated me much more kindly than my Kana masters." He blinked, and his eyes lowered a little. "I sometimes wish you would not think of your former mates so much." Kaia'at quailed and shook her head furiously. "Oh no, no, My Lord! They pale beside you, always! I--" "That's not what I mean... I mean that you seem to dwell so much on your past...a past that's obsolete by now. Kana and Moru. Or at least, I thought it was obsolete..." He stood, straightening his clothes, and only now did she notice how his wings drooped, and she felt her heart sinking as well. Something...something that she had said...was wearing on him heavily, heavier than his child pressing against her ribs. Please REVIEW if you rate. Please DO NOT RATE if you won't review. Thank you! This item is NOT looking for literary critique. I already understand spelling/grammar, and any style choices I make are my own. Likewise, I am NOT seeking publication, so suggestions on how to make this publishable are not being sought. This item IS looking for people who are simply interested in reading, especially in long/multipart stories, and who like to comment frequently. My primary intent is to entertain others, so if you read this and find it entertaining, please let me know so and let me know why. If in the course of enjoying the story you do find something that you feel could use improvement, feel free to bring it up. Just know that that's not my primary purpose in posting this here. If you have any questions about the story or anything within it, feel free to ask. I do hope you enjoy! :) |