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Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Article · Comedy · #426405
So much drama you'd choke...
Come meet the students of Purple Hills Academy! Let me introduce you to a few friends of mine. Oh yeah, me, I'm...

Emmie- I have long, wavy dark mahogany hair with light brown streaks and blue cat eyes. My personality is... Well let's just say not exactly the nicest. Watch out, my looks can be decieving. People mistake me for the nice, sweet girl but I'm cunning and revengeful and I have boyfriends in plenty. I am head cheerleader and what I say is right, it doesn't matter if it's wrong. Aunt SunKiss

My friends...

Vikki- The natural bitch, my best of best friends. She loves to torture and have revenge like me. She has long straight brown hair with blonde streaks and striking green eyes. Beware of this chick, she can seriously manipulate your life! She is popular, and every year, she gets the lead role in the school play. sylverwolff

Lauren- The sweet one, with the great personality. Vikki and I are popular with our looks and our attitudes, while Lauren is popular because she can give sugar a toothache. She's a friend to depend on, who is thoughtful and nice. She has shoulder-length straight blonde hair and dazzling blue eyes. Professor Q

I may be getting new friends, who knows?
Now announcing the other characters...

Jenn- Dark eyes, black hair, and the dark clothes, she's the goth! No, she isn't evil and no, she doesn't want to eat your soul. Jenn is actually sweet once you get to know her and you'll learn that the goth is only her appearance! kelendria

Dianna- She has natural beauty but doesn't show it, until Emmie, Vicki and Lauren decides to do a little make-over. Thought to the outside viewers, Dianna is a quiet, sweet girl with natural beauty and grace, inside she is evil, wicked, snobby, and generally just like Emmie and Vicki. To others she seems sweet and caring but she'll do everything to twist things her way. Watch out, she decieves you and then leaves you helpless without even knowing she's the one to hate! emmeh84

Marie- She's a spunky one, and would be popular if she took care of her appearance a bit more. Her hair and eye color's constantly changing and her clothes cry out 'weird'. She would stand up for any freaks getting ragged on and she's very independent.runaway

In this campfire, you can be any of the above characters and if they are all full, then I'll add more or something... Oh yeah, the rest of the students in Purple Hills Academy, make them into anything you want!
I changed my mind! If you take a long time and you don't let me know your reason why you will take a long time to write your addition, I will skip you... Sorry!

"Um... Emmie?" A nervous voice peetered out.

Emmie looked around, wondering what feeble boy was talking to her. Behind her stood a boy about nine inches tall and very skinny.

"Yes?" Emmie asked, crossing her arms impatiently.

"Um... Sorry to bother you, but I'm having this party this Saturday night... and..."

"Oh?" Emmie asked, raising an eyebrow.

"And... Um... Would you... Would you like to come?" He asked hopefully.

"Who else is coming?" Emmie asked.

"Um... I dont... Know?" He said, ending in a question.

"I have better things to do, sorry." Emmie said, turning around and walking away.

Dammit, that stupid boy, he made me late for chem. I already have a tardiness record! Emmie thought angrily and she walked to her class. The bell rang as soon as she stepped into her class. Vikki sat in her chair looking, as usual, like the queen.

"Late again?" Vikki asked evilly while examining her nails.

"Some stupid child asked me to a party," Emmie said, snickering slightly.

"Oh, a child?"

"Some ugly child too. Oh well, I don't have the time or the patience to babysit some morons on a litte idiot's birthday party. I have better things to do." Emmie said, pushing back her wavy hair.


"Well, I so need a manicure... And don't you think Mark is adorable?"

"Attention class! Attention! Open your pages to page 69! Now!" Barked the teacher.

There was some titters around the room at the mention of the page. One girl sat in front of Emmie turned around, laughing loudly and snorting a few times. Emmie rolled her eyes disgustedly.

"Oh grow up," she said.

Immediately, the girl snapped back into attention up front and stayed completely still for the entire class. After the bell rang, she walked stiffly out the door trying to go unnoticed as Vicki glared at her and smirked. Vikki suddenly grabbed Emmie's arm.

"Look, there's the freak Jenn." She whispered, pointing to a girl only a few feet away from them.

"Hehe, look at that shirt! Completely drab don't you think?"

"I hear she shops at 'Thriftin Shift'. Has no money or something."

"Well, she looks absolutely gross."
A Non-Existent User
I walked around the corner and through the girls' bathroom, passing the two freaks Emmie and Vikki. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Aren't your faces freakish enough without adding that junk to it?" I asked sweetly.

"Don't you look dead enough without wearing as much black as possible and like, totally not having a tan?" Vikki answered.

"A dead person would have more personality than you two," I answered acidly. "You do everything together. Even your names rhyme. Emmie and Vikki. And Emmie, what are you doing with a girl named Vikki anyway? An Emmie is supposed to be sweet and caring. Vikki just drips acid and- Oh look, vice... just add a k and an i and you have... Vikki!"

"Go bury yourself," Vikki answered, turning back to the mirror.

"I think I will," I said, walking out of the bathroom, "I'd get away from you. Bury you, and good old Mother Earth would throw you up."

I rolled my eyes and walked outside. Emmie wasn't that bad. Vikki though... ugh! Typical bleepin' cheerleader. If you don't wear a skirt up your butt and your hair so high you'll fall over, you're not worthy to walk within thirty feet of me.

I walked across the street and waited to catch the bus.
*     *     *

When I got home, it was almost dark. As I walked up the door to my house, I saw the porch light flickering. My dad had forgot to change the bulb again. Not that he...

"Damn..." I whispered. "They're fighting again."

"Get out of my house!" I heard my mom scream. "You're drunk, get out!"

"You can't throw me out, you ****** *****!" he yelled back. I heard glass shatter and my mom sobbing, then heard the screen door slam and saw her run out of our yard and across the street and knock on her friend's door. It opened and I heard a voice inviting her in. No way was I going in my house now.

I ran into our yard, making sure no one saw me, and got out my bike. I got on and started riding down the street towards my grandma's house. My dad was probably so drunk by now that he probably didn't even know if he was alive, much less me. and by the time my mom realized that I should be home, my grandma would have called her and let her know I was at her house.

A tear slipped down my cheek. I hadn't even known I was crying. I thought I had stopped that a long time ago.

Emmie stepped out her door just as Dave did. He lived across from her and have been childhood friends. She couldn't imagine getting in love with him, though most girls she knew could. She walked to his car and slid in as he opened the door and hopped into his side. After a while of silent driving, Dave turned his head slightly.

"So why are you so quiet today? You're usually happy when we go to partys," he said.

Emmie sighed letting her dark eyelashes slightly touch her cheek. Under her eyelids she was glaring down at her fists. Dave raised his eyebrow and kept looking at me with those friendly eyes.

"My parents are getting a divorce," Emmie finally said, her voice flat and toneless.

"Jacky and Tom? Are you serious? They were a happy couple!" Dave said, letting some anger into his voice.

"Were." Emmie said.

A mood of discomfort settled over the two of them. Emmie's parents were like a second set of parents to Dave. When they pulled up to Fed's house, Emmie walked out of the car without a word. At the door stood Vikki arguing with Fed. Or, more like Vicki glaring Fed down and saying a few stinging words while Fed stood there looking scared and helpless. As Emmie and Dave neared, they heard the conversation.

"So the little freak is coming? You invited her?" Vikki said, letting an edge in her voice.

"No Vikki, but I heard she was planning to come anyway," Fed mumbled, looking down.

Vikki placed her hands on her hips.

"Well then, I trust you to throw her out," she said before turning to Emmie and smiling.

Emmie smiled back, her eyes glinting with malice. Vikki laughed and together, they went into the house.

"Hi Emmie, hi Vikki!" Lauren called from the sofa.

Emmie waved and glared at the guy sitting next to her. He moved over graciously letting Emmie sit.
A Non-Existent User
I hung my head off the bed in the guest room of my grandma's house. Boooooored.... My grandma was really nice, and she usually had stuff for us to do, but she was out again on a date with Al. I grinned. My grandma was not a normal grandma. Al was married. They had been going out for like 30 years, and Al's wife still didn't know. I laughed and sat up.

Didn't Vikki's stupid brother have a party at his place tonight? Yep- of course I wasn't invited, dear Vikki would faint if I showed up- but that was even more reason to go.

I stayed at my grandma's house a lot lately, because of my mom and dad. It had gotten worse in the last couple years, the fighting and all. Because I stayed over there so much, I had a lot of clothes there.

I walked over to the closet door and opened it, staring at the clothes hanging off the hangers. My short black skirt... my long black skirt... my medium black skirt... my long black skirt with the slit... that's it. I took out the long black skirt that had a slit all the way almost to the top of my thigh. Stepping into it, I looked for a shirt to wear.

There was more black... hmmm. Shoved to the side of my closet was something white. That's different... I pulled it off the hanger and looked at it. It was a white shirt made up some slippery material. It had a square Queen Ann neckline and sleeves that were tightly fitted until the elbow. The fabric on top of the arm was open, lacing up with a white silk cord. The lower arm part of the sleeve swept down into long, sweeping bell sleeves.

I smiled and slipped it off the hanger and over my head. I didn't remember buying it, but I really liked it and it fit perfectly. White was different for me, but it looked good. The bodice and torso were fitted, a white silk ribbon forming an empire waist under the chest.

I laced up my black four-inch heel combat boots. They came half-way up my calf and looked great with my skirt. Half an hour later, I was ready. My midnight black hair was down and straight, the long bangs at the side of my face I kept framed it perfectly. I had lots of black eyeliner and mascara on, and dark purple eyeshadow and lipstick. Black nail polish topped it off.

I hopped off the stoop and locked the door, heading towards Fed's house. I smiled. Matthew would be there- Rage was playing, and he was the lead singer and base guitar player. He was really quiet, but also really hot... I didn't usually like guys, none of them would like me; I'm too weird, you know, I'm the "goth" and all. But I did like him.

"Damn..." Fed and Vikki were on the front porch, fighting about something. Or rather, Vikki was yelling and Fed was cowering. I snuck around to the back of the house and climbed in through a window that was open. I looked around. I was in someone's bedroom.

"Damn." All I needed was to have that reputation too... I slipped out of the door and crept down the hall when I heard someone behind me.

"Check she didn't leave some poor blood-drained kid in there." I closed my eyes and turned around. When I opened them I swore again in my head. Some guy I didn't know was standing there- and Matt was with him.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you... by now "the poor, blood-drained kid" might be Turned. And you wouldn't want to be caught in a dark room with a half-insane, newly-Turned vampire, would you?" I said sweetly.

The other guy turned pale and murmured something that sounded like "whatever" and turned and ran. Matt stayed. He looked at me.

I rolled my eyes. "What? There is not a dead kid in there, OK? I'm not evil, I don't want to eat your soul."

He shrugged. "Never said you did." I blinked.


"So what?" he answered.

"So why are you standing there? Don't you have to go play or sing or whatever?"

He shook his head. "Nah, not yet." He kept standing there. God, he was more quiet than I thought.

"OK, well... um, I got to go, I- guess..."

He nodded and turned around. "See you in chem."

"Ya... bye." He walked down the hall.

"Cool outfit," I heard. I smiled. That was... intersting.
Lauren had been one of the first people at the party. She had missed school because of a stomach virus and was worried that she wouldn't get to go, but it had miraculously gotten better at about two that afternoon.
When Lauren had realized that she was well enough to go, she had jumped out of bed and jumped into the bath. She wasn't like Vicki or Emmie in the fact that as long as you looked good you were perfect, so she had just cleaned herself and gotten out of the tub.
After having dried herself off, she blew dry her hair and brushed it straight before braiding it down her back. She was never really fond of extraneous things, which is why she was surprised to be as popular as she was.
When it was about 5:30, she put on a little bit of eyeliner, light eyeshadow in a brownish color, and clear lip-gloss. Lauren was into the whole "au naturale" look, not really liking the feeling of make-up on her skin.
Still wearing only her undergarments and a towel, Lauren looked into her closet for a comfortable, yet stylish outfit to wear to Fed's party. Picking out a pair of baggy, light blue sweat pants and a white midriff that said 'I may be a princess, but I'm certainly not a bitch' in the same light blue as the pants, Lauren put them on, finishing herself off with some nike back-less sneakers.
Lauren had chosen the shirt because Vicki had gotten it for Lauren for her birthday and because it really did describe her. Lauren was certainly the sweet one, always smiling and friends with everyone, even the so called 'unpopular' people. That was something Lauren did with pride.
Grabbing the keys to her VW beetle, Lauren ran out of the house and was at Fed's a full fifteen minutes early to help set up.
Finally, Emmie and Vicki showed up, Vicki having a slight argument with Fed about Marie coming. Lauren wanted to go over and tell Vicki that it would make her look cooler to let Marie in, but she was trapped on the couch by some guy who's name was Scott. Lauren knew hom from Rage and thought he was kinda cute, but she wanted to talk to her friend.
Finally, she saw them come in and waved to them.
"Hi Emmie, hi Vicki!" She called out from the sofa. Emmie kicked Scott off the couch and sat down next to Lauren, but Vicki had noticed a cutie across the room and went to talk to him.
Lauren saw Marie come and weasel her way past Fed to enter. The girl began to freak dance with some guy, but Vicki soon was over there, yelling at her. Finally, Jon went over and pulled her away. Lauren listened in to what he told her.
"Stay away from Vicki and her squad," Jon said, pulling Marie away.
"Why" Marie asked.
"The football players don't care about hurting a girl that Vicki, Emmie, or Lauren don't like," Jon said, and Marie nodded.
Emmie had long since gotten off the couch to dance with Dave, so Lauren got up and walked over to where Marie and Jon were standing.
"Oh, well if it isn't Lauren. Come to torture me, to complete the cirlce for today, huh? Yeah, once one of you tortures Marie, all of you do," Marie said, sarcastically.
"Well, I hadn't come to torture you, actually, but if want me to," Lauren said, smiling sweetly the smile that had won her popularity.
"Well then, why are you over here?" Jon asked.
Lauren smiled. "I just came over to apologize for Vicki. She had no right to do that. And, the football players won't beat you up if even one of us three says they can't, so come on out and dance," she said, inclining her head.
Marie was shocked. This was one of the popular girls. Vicki and Emmie's best friend. How could Vic and Emmie be so bitchy and Lauren be sweeter than sugar?
"How are you their friend? It's like you're complete opposites," Jon said, speaking Marie's thoughts.
"Well, it's not all that well known, but Vicki is incredibly popular because I go over and smooth things over with people she's pissed off. She'd have a lot more enemies if not for me. And, unlike them, though they are real sweeties once you get to know them, I try to be friends with everyone, even those who Em and Vic call rejects. I believe in the power of friendship."
Just then, someone came out of one of the bedrooms. Lauren looked over to see who it was and saw that it was Jenn, the goth.
"Hey Jenn. Why didn't you just come in the front? If Fed didn't let you in, I would've talked to him. You didn't need to sneak in," Lauren said sweetly.
Marie and Jon were in utter shock that these words were coming out of the mouth of a friend of Emmie's and Vicki's. It was just...whoa.
"Come on, let's join the party. And, if Vicki rats at you, just tell her that I let you in."
Lauren smiled and then walked over to where Scott was sitting.
"Hey Scott, wanna dance?" She asked.
"Sure," Scott said, standing up and beginning to dance with Lauren. Some of the people who were dancing around them stopped to watch. It was well known that Lauren was a great dancer, but no one knew a thing about Scott's dancing ability. Nor had they thought it would be so good.
"Go Lauren," Vicki said from the side, where she was dancing with a hottie.
Lauren smiled and continued to dance with Scott, all the while watching what Vicki and Emmie were doing. She had to make sure they were nice, after all.
A Non-Existent User
Well, being that Melvin is such a close match to me... Melvin is who I will be!
Not really sure what I am doing!

         Melvin had been teased for most of his life.  He was the first one to get glasses, the first one to get beat up for aceing the tests, but the last one to be picked for anything.  An outcast, you might say.  You might also say that he has grown up in some ways but has not grown in popularity or grown amongst his classmates.  He is still looked down upon by almost everyone else andhe hates it.  He does have one main advantage over almost everyone else; he gets the grades and grants and scholarships to make up for his lack of popularity.  Hopefully, in his mind, he might even meet his equivelant in the form of a girl someday!  But, for now, he can only hope.

I'll do better next time!

Emmie bubbled up with laughter as Vikki started to throw Marie out of the party. Emmie didn't mind Marie, nor Jenn actually. She was just naturally cruel. She let her eyes travel around the room and she saw Lauren talking to Marie and Jon, all of them looking comfortable and a bit surprised. Emmie casually walked by them and they didn't notice. She caught a bit of their conversation.

"... Don't worry... the football team wont hurt y... for any of us..."

She heard Lauren say, so quiet she could barely hear it. Oh really. We'll see about that. Emmie thought. She walked up to the three and smiled, tipping her head a bit to the side and seeming innocent.

"Hi, what are y'all talkin' about? Not me I hope." She said, sweetly.

"Oh no, just about... You know, things..." Lauren said.

"Oh how quaint. Oh I must go, there's Rochelle and she's not supposed to be here. Ta-ta~" Emmie said.

Rochelle looked up from the lounge chair. A guy was beside her talking to her. When he turned around, Emmie noticed him as one of the football players. The quarterback, Darren. Emmie smiled and Darren smiled back, running his hand through his hair and showing his perfect teeth.

"Why Darren and... Er, Darren's friend. Hello, how are you two doing?" Emmie asked, grinning at Darren.

Darren turned beet red and seemed to bounce away from Rochelle.

"Uh. You know, I was just uh... Saying goodbye to her... Wanna dance?" He said hurriedly.

"Oh, no. Continue on your little.. chat. But my dear Rochelle, you were not invited little one." Emmie said sounding sorrowful and pityful.

Rochelle smiled proudly, "oh I am, I came as Darren's date."

Emmie raised an eyebrow and then looked at Darren who glared at Rochelle in a horrified stare. Smirking to herself, Emmie waved off Darren's excuses and protests as she walked away. She knew that Rochelle will be leaving soon. Darren will make sure to that.
A Non-Existent User
I hung around in the kitchen. Didn't these people have any food? Oh, of course not. They were rich. They probably ate out every night. I was bored. Everyone was avoiding me- which I usually liked. Of course they didn't want to get caught hanging around an enemy of Emmie or Vicki. Which I could understand. No one likes to get beat up by a football player.

And of course, I knew why I was their enemy. I was "goth," I dressed in all black and wore dark make-up, I was weird. I was a freak. And I usually liked it. People left me alone, they didn't interfere with my personal life. Which was the way I wanted. I didn't want anyone to find out about my homelife. It was embarrassing.

People left me alone for two reasons: One, Emmie and Vicki didn't like me. Enough said.
Two: They were afraid of me; they thought I was either going to look at them the wrong way and perhaps cause them to shrivel up and die, or I was going to suck the living blood from their veins one night.

But sometimes I wished it wasn't like that. Sometimes I wished that I had friends, that people weren't afraid of me, liked me for once. The last time I had had a friend was in third grade. After that, Vicki decided she didn't like me and Emmie followed her lead, and all of a sudden no one liked me. My best friend had moved to Viginia, where her dad had got a job. And in 7th grade, when I first started the whole goth thing- when my mom and dad had gotten really bad- that just pushed it over the edge.

I had been fine for the last couple years, but now... with my mom and dad fighting more and I staying away from home more, I had started to get really lonely. The sad thing was, I was very, very lonely right now, in the middle of a house full of people.

A tear slipped down my cheek. I hated myself for crying. I heard a noise behind me and turned around. Matt was standing there. Tonight was not my night.
Lauren looked over at Emmie and Vicki with forboding. She knew that Emmie had heard her conversation, and probably only snippets, which was even worse. Walking over to them, she smiled.
"Hey girls," she said, happily, giving each of them a kiss.
"What is this we hear about telling the freaks that the football players won't do stuff for us?" Vicki asked, tapping her foot.
"No no no, I said that if we say that they can't do something, they won't do it. As in dancing. Marie and Jenn won't ever be able to dance with one of them because we won't let them," Lauren said, trying to say something to cover up without actually being mean.
Emmie and Vicki bought it, however, and smiled. "True true," Emmie said, smiling. "I'm sorry I didn't trust you Lauren. Can you ever forgive me?"
Lauren smiled and nodded. "Of course I can," she said.
Emmie did her little giggly laugh thing and then gave Lauren her usual air kiss on both cheeks before joining the party. Vicki smiled and then went over to join the party as well. Lauren smiled, and did nothing else, even though she felt like sighing with relief, and walked out to join the party.
busy... sorry...
A Non-Existent User
     I just looked at Matt and sighed. Tonight was really not my night. I wiped the tears off my cheeks- God, I hated myself for crying- and pushed past him into the other room, where Emmie, Vicki, and Lauren were talking- almost looked like a fight... but I didn't care today. I just walked out the front door, ignoring Fed's face, which looked like he had just found a bug in his soup, got my bike, and rode home. Well, to my grandma's house.
     By the time I got home and changed into my pajamas, my grandma was home. I hopped into bed when I heard the door opening and closed my eyes. I didn't feel like talking tonight. My grandma didn't know I was at her house yet, as she had been gone the whole night, so when she saw me in the guest room, she gave a little "oo!" and jumped. She came in and smoothed my hair down, then kissed my forehead.
     "Poor thing, her parents must be fighting again," she said softly, then went to call my mom to let her know where her daughter was. If she even remembered that she had a daughter.
Lauren looked at Marie and gave her a look that said 'Please do this. I'm in enough trouble with them anyway. I really don't want to embarass you, or anything, but please!'
Marie must've read the look correctly because she shrugged. "Why not? Just another way to prove that you're wrong," she said, the crowd cheering their approval.
"Fine! Come to my house tomorrow afternoon and we'll be taking you to the mall," Emmie said, turning on her heel and walking towards the bathroom to fix her make-up.
Vicki laughed and looked over the crowd with an expression that said 'Freaks' before walking towards the bathroom herself.
Lauren, as usual, was the last one to turn around and leave. But before she did so, she smiled at Marie.
"Thank you, Marie. By the way, could you turn that louder? I happen to like Green Day and Basketcase is one of my favorites. Oh, and don't worry, I won't let Vicki and Emmie go too overboard to prove that they're right. This'll be a fair competition."
Then, looking over the crowd with a smile, Lauren turned around and was the last to go into the bathroom. She brushed her hair while Vic and Emmmie redid their make-up and talked about what to do with Marie.
"I think we should make her a brunette and put blonde streaks in her hair. Oh, and straighten it," Lauren said, smiling at her friends.
"I like that, Lauren. Good idea," Vicki said, smiling, but with an expression that clearly read 'Why didn't I get to be the one to say that?'.
"And, soft colors for make-up. Nothing too overboard," Lauren continued. "If we want to be proven right, we can't make her look too freakish."
"Yeah, but could she get any more freakish?" Emmie asked. Vicki and she began to laugh and, after a moment, Lauren joined in too.
"Well, just to be on the safe side, I think we should go with Lauren's idea," Emmie said, when she finished laughing. "Make her look like us, but no better and certainly not overboard."

Emmie smiled, her eyes narrowed. She had plans for Marie, no matter how hard Lauren tried to fend for her. Lauren Emmie thought venemously. Somehow, she had the impression that Lauren was the cause of alot of distasteful happenings. Such as the make-over. Emmie caught Vicki just as she was coming out of her class.

"A word with you... Alone," Emmie said pointedly at a blonde girl that seemed to be trying to make friends with Vicki. As the girl scurried off, Emmie pointed to the bathroom.

They walked in and checked the stalls, banging them open and revealing empty toilets.

"What is it?" Vicki grumbled, turning and checking her hair in the mirror.

"It's about Lauren, and Marie," Emmie said, watching as Vicki turned to face her with an identical evil grin.

"What should we do about them? Lauren for sure is pissing me off," Vicki started, "and what was up with Marie today? I hardly call it normal when people cheer her on. Reminded me kind of like all those other movies where the good shits win in the end. How lame and totally quersque," Vicki said.

"That my sis, is why I came up with a plan," Emmie said, evil glinting in her eyes. Vicki looked interested, crossing her arms and smiling thoughfully.

"First, we do the make-over thing for Marie. We treat her like a best friend. We should have another one... Jenn? The weird girl who wears all black, she's perfect. We'll do them over, dress them up all pretty with make-up and popularity. We'll go to school as their best friends. Boom, instant popularity. They love the popularity, and suddenly Lauren feels out of league. Goodness, I know that girl had a jealous bone in her body. Then, we bring out the worst out of our sweet friend," Emmie said disgustedly.

Vicki smiled back, "And what then?" She asked expectantly.

Emmie coyly twirled her hair in her finger, "and then, we see which one we like best. Consider it an audition," she said bubbling with laughter.

"My dear, I love the way your nasty mind thinks," Vicki said.
A Non-Existent User
Jenn unlocked her locker and got her books out for her first class. All of a sudden Emmie walked by and- what was that? A smile?! Emmie smiled at her. Jenn shook her head and prepared herself for something that she definitely knew was coming.
Lauren walked into class and smiled at everyone in general before sitting down next to Emmie and Vicki.
"Hey, girls, I just want to apologize for how I've been these last few days. My little brother got killed a week ago and I just want to appreciate everything because of that. I know I was stepping outside the boundaries by talking to Jenn and Marie, but, they are people, too and I know how easily it can be taken away. I really do love you two. I hope you know that."
Vicki and Emmie looked at Lauren and then at eachother.
"Your little brother was killed? Why didn't you tell us?" Emmie asked.
"I was just so upset. He was only eight, you know, and it was a drunk driver."
"Well, I am sorry, then," Vicki said, but Lauren got the impression that she really wasn't all that sorry, at all.
"Should we tell her what we're going to do?" Emmie asked Vicki.
"Yes, I think that we should."
"Alright, Lauren. We have something to tell you. Listen closely..."

Before Emmie and Vicki could explain the plan of the makeovers minus the part about choosing the best, Mrs. Simmone cleared her throat asking for attention. The three settled in and became quiet.

*** After Class ***

"Alright, we're doing a make-over on Jenn, Marie and Dianna. You know them, the goth, the weird one, and the geek," Vikki explained.

"We're going to give them a taste of our world, see if they like it. Show them which life is better." Emmie said with a grin.

Lauren nodded slowly, thinking. Then, she smiled. It seemed harmful enough, so she thought. If the three girls didn't like the new life, they could just return to their old self. If they did like it, then she guessed they would be happy to be one of 'them'.

*** After School ***

"Okay Jenn, Maria, Dianna. Let's get to work, shall we?" Emmie said, clapping her hands together gleefully.

They all nodded at each other and sat down on the three chairs all ready for them. They were at Emmie's house, in her bathroom. Scissors, hair curlers, gel, make-up, and the works lay scattered around everywhere on the counters, extra chairs, and any other places available. The mirrors were covered with a black curtain, Vicki had insisted it be a 'surprise' to the girls.
Lauren smiled at Vicki as the girl took up making over Jenn. Emme had Marie to make over and Lauren had been assigned Dianna. Dianna was the all around nerd, with thick rimmed glasses, plaid skirts reaching just below the knees, thigh high socks, mary janes, and white shirts. The girl's hair was pitiful, a curly, unruly and an ugly shade of red that did not suit her at all. She did, however, have beautiful green eyes and a body that could wear stylish clothing.

"Alright, Dianna, I'm going to dye your hair, but you're not going to see it at all until I'm done because you're going to have this mask on, ok?" Lauren knew that the girl was incredibly nervous, so she wanted to be as nice to her as possible.

Smiling at the work Vicki and Emmie were doing to the other girls, Lauren covered Dianna's eyes and worked the auburn-ish dye into her hair. When it had been in for a sufficient amount of time, she took Dianna to the shower and washed it out. Lauren felt the girl shivering and felt sorry for her, so she always spoke kindly, not poking or prodding the girl like a doll.

When Dianna was back in her sink, Lauren brushed it through and parted it down the middle so she could cut it. It had been predecided that Dianna's hair should be straightened, dyed, and cut to about the shoulders with layers coming up to her cheekbones. Lauren picked up her scissors and cut the girl's hair precisely as it had been ordered. Then she blew dry it straight and ran some defining lotion and mousse through it, to make it shinier and stand out more.

"Alright, Dianna, I'm taking the mask off to do your face now. Your hair is behind your ears and clipped up, so you can't see it. I'll show it to you when you're done, alright?"


Lauren smiled and picked up the foundation. Putting it lightly on the spots that needed it, Lauren patted some light powder over it to make the foundation stay and then put a light, peachy colored blush along her cheek bones, to add some color to her otherwise pale face.

"Thin lips, bold color," Lauren mumbled to herself as she first out-lined Dianna's lips in a beige color and then filled in with a shiny gloss of the same shade. Already, Dianna's face looked more stand outtish and gorgeous.

"You know, you really are a pretty girl. If you only tried harder, you could be gorgeous," Lauren told Dianna, which seemed to make the girl calm down totally. Vicki and Emmie noticed this and looked somewhat shocked that this trembling, nervous little girl was now totally calm and serene.

Because her lips were really bold, Lauren didn't want to make the eye make-up too overload, but the girl's eyes were so pretty that they had to stand out, so Lauren chose a bluish-green shadow and decided to put on light eyeliner and mascara. First applying the eyeliner and then having Dianna open her eyes slighly to put on the mascara, Lauren finally added the eyeshadow to the lower lid and sealed it with a shimmery power-like sealer.

"Finished," she said, just as Vicki and Emmie said it. The three girls laughed slightly and then looked at eachothers work. Marie and Jenn looked gorgeous, but they weren't as naturally beautiful as Dianna, so, even though Vic and Emme were better at applying make-up, Dianna looked the best.

"All three of you look great!" Lauren said, trying to relieve some of the tension in the room. Each of the three make-up artists, as they had become, stepped up to the mirror and took off the veils.

"So, what do you think?" Lauren asked in general to the three girls.

As the three girls looked at themselves, they seemed to be taken back and at loss for words. Lauren stood by them grinning from ear to ear. Noticably, Dianna was the best-looking. Emmie felt a tug and turned to see Vicki motioning towards Emmie's bedroom. Emmie nodded and followed her inside.

"So, I'm going to like Dianna. She doesn't cry out 'rebel' like the other two. Well, we'll just have to see which one's best at acting popular then." Vicki said, smiling.

"Yes... Dianna seems... moldable," Emmie mused, giggling.
A Non-Existent User
Jenn looked at herself, shocked. She had expected to be different but- this was ridiculous. Vikki had made her put on self-tanner; her skin was now a light tan. She had removed her dark make-up and put on a light blue eyeshadow with a shimmer powder over that, and light eyeliner and mascara. She had used a natural blush, bringing out the color in Jenn's cheeks, and her lips were now a dark red color, as they were thin.

Vikki had also made her change; she had taken her black skirt, shirt, and boots and put them somewhere secret. Now Jenn wore a light blue stretch tank with spaghetti straps, and denim capris. Her shoes were chunky heels with straps that looked like woven straw or hemp. Her fingernails were no longer black; now they were done in a French manicure, and her toenails matched her shirt.

Jenn had warned them not to cut her hair, and they hadn't, either because they liked it long, or because they had considered her warning sincere; it was the same length as before. However, they had made one, very drastic change.

Jenn was blonde.

"This. Is. Ridiculous. I want my hair back, I want my clothes, my make-up, my skin back."

"Jenn, Jenn, Jenn..." Vikki smiled sweetly. "I'm so pleased with my handiwork, you couldn't just think of getting rid of it! Oh no... you're wearing this to school tomorrow!"

Jenn narrowed her eyes. "I am NOT doing that."

Vikki smiled maliciously. "Does the "Nutcracker" ring a bell?" Jenn went pale under her tan and sighed.


"I knew you'd agree. Kisses!" Vikki answered sweetly and went to talk to Emmie and Lauren in another room. Jenn sighed heavily again and looked over at Marie, who was staring at her reflection in the mirror.

Suddenly Jenn got a diabolical idea and smiled evilly, walking over to Marie. "So- Marie... you know, I'm just feeling so grateful for this wonderful make-over," Jenn said sarcastically, "that I would just love to return the favor!" She smiled and Marie turned her head, looking like she wanted to do it, but not believing.

"They'll never do it."

"Oh, they'll do it," Jenn returned, a cunning look in her eyes, "if they have the right motivation. Remember what Vikki said about the Nutcracker? That, my dear, was blackmail. You see, when I was five and oh-so-naive, I went to a little Halloween party at Vikki's house. Vikki happens to have pictures of me dressed as the Sugar Plum Faery." Jenn scowled and Marie widened her eyes.

"You went as- the Sugar Plum Faery?!"

"Hey, I wasn't always a goth." Jenn shook her head as if getting rid of the memory, then continued. "Anyway... when Vikki was five and oh-so-naive... she came to a birthday party at my house. I," she said evilly, "happen to have 5-year-old Vikki wearing a diaper on her head and singing a lovely self-composed tune called "Put Your Diaper On Your Head." Jenn and Marie burst out laughing.

"Oh, she'll definitely do it," Marie panted, out of breath.

"Yea. She will. So all you have to do is find something about Emmie that'll make her do it too. I don't think we have to worry about Lauren," she said thoughtfully, looking at Dianna. "She doesn't seem to mind too much."

Marie nodded slowly. "Definitely. I would pay to see Vikki as a goth," she said, relishing the thought.

"Well you won't have to pay... she'll be coming to school as one." Jenn leaned back and thought out the details of her Cunning Plan.

OOC: I know, I'm terribly mean and diabolical... yet it'll be so fun! ::smiles evilly:: Next time I add we can do the makeover. ::laughs diabolically:: mwahahahaha!
"You girls did an awesome job, you know! The ultimate queens of beauty have done it again!" Lauren smiled her award winning knock-em-dead, teeth baring(you get it) smile.

"Well, you didn't do so bad yourself, Lauren, sweetie," Vikki said, twirling her hair on her finger.

A bell went off inside Lauren's head. She wasn't sure if Vikki knew, but she had just warned Lauren of the entire plan. The girls weren't there just for a test to see which was liked more, it was to find someone to replace her! Lauren's naturally kind heart had gotten her in trouble.

Keeping a completely neutral face and smiling again, she looked around. "I'm gonna go see how the girls are doing. Be right back."


Walking out of the room, Lauren caught a bit of the conversation of turning Emme, Vikki, and herself into goths for a day and shook her head slightly. Blackmailing Vikki definitely wasn't the way to go.

"Jenn..." Lauren said, walking over to them. "Blackmailing Vikki might have repercussions that you don't want to deal with. I personally wouldn't mind it at all, but surely there is a better way to get Vikki and Emme into it. And, I'll see if I can help you. Those girls are really too high on their hair spray."
A Non-Existent User

Dianna looked at herself. Her incredibly wild, frizzy red hair had turned into shorter, layered, straight auburn hair.

"Di, we need to get you some contacts, but for now, we got you some better frames." Lauren said, as Dianna saw her large, thick black frames had turned into small, silverish, practically invisible glasses that framed her green eyes and blue-green eye shadow.

Another thing that suprised Dianna was the choice of clothes Lauren had put her in. Not only were Di's clothes much trendier, they were very--very 'showy," as Dianna would put it.

"This is-it's-different..." Dianna said, as she looked down at her short denim skirt, that highlighted the bluish-green eyeshadow she had on her eyes. The skirt had a glitter spray paint effect on it around the edges in dark red. She also had black calf boots on, and a v-cut spaghetti strap tank top that was the same red as the red on her skirt.

"You definitely have the body for all of this, Dianna. Definitely." Lauren said.

Dianna couldn't deny, in her mind, that she loved everything about her new look. It was much more Emmie than Lauren.

"Well, I see Emmie helped you out with this outfit? Because it's so not you, Lauren, sweetie." Dianna said, as a new surge of confidence, if not ego, rushed through Dianna's veins.

"Well, um, Emmie suggested some stuff. But I, I made the final decis-"

"Yes, I can tell this is very Emmie. She is very commanding over you, I can tell." Dianna said, as she could see, more and more, Lauren's vulnerability in the group.

"Well, I'm not a mat for her to stomp on. She's no better or more important than me or anyone else." Lauren replied, defensively.

"Oh, Lauren, child, don't become upset. I was only making an observation." Dianna said, as she smirked at the idea of Lauren thinking she was equal to Emmie.

Emmie tapped her fingers onto her arm and she stood by the door, listening to Dianna and Lauren's coversation. She smiled and motioned Vikki over.

"Perhaps, we will have to do no molding after all," Emmie whispered, giggling.

Dianna seemed just like her, strong, confident, and most of all, smart. Not even a few minutes into the role of being popular and she had already seen the points that dear Lauren obviously lacked. Dianna's past as the 'sweet one' made her even better. As these thoughts were turning itself over in Emmie's head, Dianna walked out and started, seeing Emmie there. Emmie smiled sweetly.

"Di, mind if I talk to you?" Emmie said, turning around and striding away not expecting an answer.

Vikki followed after Di, taking precautions that none of the little 'innocents' happened to overhear.

Emmie sat down, motioning the seat across from her. Without hesitation, Di sat down. Emmie admired how she wasn't intimidated by her. Most people were, and that just made them weak and worthless.

"You'll do as a replacement for Lauren. You suit the role as our friend better than Lauren ever did. Of course, we'll have to stay attatched with dear Lauren, who knows what that little two-timer can do?" Emmie said calmly.

"Thanks. You'll do as my rep boost," Di said, smiling evilly. Emmie smiled back, Di reminded her of her and that was good enough for her.

"I have something to caution you with that you might be interested in. Back in that room we were in, the girls were talking about blackmailing you guys into their 'world'. Apparently, Jenn has a picture of you, Vikki, wearing a diaper on your head." Di said.

Emmie grinned towards Vikki who scowled. "We'll just have to do something about that," she said.

"Oh yes, and Marie says she has something on you too Emmie. She didn't say exactly what though. Lauren said she'd be able to help them..." Di said.

"Hmm I might have an idea. I'll deal with that. Vikki, you're alright on your own with Jenn?" Emmie asked.

Vikki nodded, a cruel smile beginning to form on her face as she thought of what she would do.

Emmie turned to Di.

"Tomorrow hun, will be your birth to our world and Lauren's departure."

(Heheh, nobody ever said I couldn't be mean and diabolical either :)... Oh yes, and there will be no make-over, my char has a rep to uphold..)
A Non-Existent User
"Right," Jenn said to Lauren. "Like Vikki and Emmie are just going to happily agree to becoming a goth and- whatever Marie was planning. The only way to do it is through blackmail." She sat back, crossing her arms. Then she sat up, thinking.

"Wait- why are you so interested in helping us, Lauren?" Just then the door opened and Emmie, Vikki, and Di came out, all with cruel little malicious smiles on their faces.

"Damnit. Something not good is going to happen..." Jenn muttered, she and Marie exchanging looks.
Lauren looked over at Emmie and Vikki, her eyes narrowing slightly. She knew what they were up to. They were tring to excommunicate her from the group; to replace her with Di. Oh, they thought they were so smart, hiding it behind the guise of a make-over to prove that being trendy was better. Well, she would go along with their little game. Everyone knew people liked Lauren better than Vikki and Emmie. People really liked Lauren, they only pretended to like Vik and Emme because they were bitches. But perhaps that fear would lead them to make her a pariah.

"Oh, Lauren dear, would you take the other two girls into the other room for a moment. We're going to make a few changes to Di's look. Is that alright?"

Lauren would not sink to their level. She was better than that. Smiling, she nodded. "Yes, of course. Come on Jenn, Marie. Let's let the masters work."

Lauren walked out of the room and into the living room, Jenn and Marie following. When Lauren was sure that Emmie and Vikki wouldn't hear, she turned to Jenn and Marie. "You two asked why I was helping you. I'll tell you why. Those girls didn't do this to show you that being trendy was better for popularity; they're doing it to find a friend to replace me. Because I'm too nice."

"What? I don't get it." Marie looked over at Lauren and raised her eyebrow.

"Those two are classic bitches. I'm not. Naturally, we clash in many ways, and those two got tired of me ruining their image of being better than the unpopular people. Don't you get it? Dianna is my replacement friend. And, us, we're going to be thrown to the dogs; unless we can do something about it."

"And, what can we do?" Jenn asked.

"Find something on them. They've done so much around me that I could've turned them in for...but I didn't because I'm too nice. Now...now is the time to really take action. We get something on Vikki and Emmie and everything'll be fine. Now all we need to do is get something on those two..."
A Non-Existent User
"What's wrong with this, Emmie?" Di asked, referring to her outfit.

"Well, nothing, and something. You look awesome. But I'm thinking maybe something a little 'cuter' and not as 'sexy.'" Emmie replied.

"What? You mean preppy? I may be trying to be like Lauren, and you guys, but I don't like the all out prepped up look. Not at all." Dianna said, firmly.

"Okay, chill, Di. Not 'preppy,' just a little lighter. As Emmie said, cuter." Vikki cut in.

"Dianna, we're not gonna stick you into some shit you don't like. We just want to make sure to show the best of you." Emmie added in.

"Okay. All for the cause...Of eliminating that oh-so-fake Lauren." Di agreed to Emmie and Vikki's suggestion.

About ten minutes later, Dianna's redo was done, wearing a cute spaghetti-strap tank top that matched the blue-green color of her eyeshadow, a sand-colored, rough edged mini skirt, and sand-colored strappy platform sandals.

"Well, that works...The rough edge and shortness to the skirt atleast aren't so expected." Dianna said, in decent satisfaction.

"Yes, I think it's a perfect start to the replacement of little miss 'perfect.'" Emmie said, and Vikki nodded in agreement.

"So, are we done?" Vikki asked.

Before Emmie could reply, Dianna thought of something that had been on the back of her mind, "I think that girl knows what we're doing, Emmie. No, I don't think she knows, I know she knows." Di said confidently.

"Why do you say that, Di?"

"If Lauren was doing the makeover without that thought in her head, she wouldn't have put me in something so very different from herself. But she knew that one of us was going to be competition for her. She couldn't make me look horrendous. But she could make me look less like her, to create less comparison between me and her." Di ended her long chain of thought.

"Shit, girl, you' catch on faster than anyone else I've ever met!" Vikki said, suprised at Dianna's [correct] prediction on Lauren.

"Yeah, I agree, Vikki. You're damn good at all the psychological crap that goes along with getting rid of someone." Emmie said.

"Why thank you, thank you," Di said, as she did a joking bow and curtsy.

sorry, don't want to hold the cf up so i'll skip!

© Copyright 2002 Aunt SunKiss, xx-xx, Professor Q, A. M. Brandt, emmeh84, (known as GROUP).
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