Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/347229-The-Caves-Of-Orshire
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #347229
As the party ventures into the caverns, the unthinkable happens
Chapter 4-The Caves of Orshire

The air in the caverns was thin and stuffy. Turushkna looked around, peering about as if in search of something. Suddenly he turned around glancing behind him.

"Filgid...did you hear something behind us?"Turushkna whispered to the wizard in the dark.

"I did not hear a thing but the sound of your voice,"Filgid answered softly,"please try to relax. These caves lead right to the brigde of Keeldor, there we shall be safe."

"But Filgid,"Turushkna whispered loudly,"We are not safe now!"

The sudden change in volume of Turushkna's voice startled Dongo, who slowly turned to the two at the back of the group.

"Sire, is everything alright?"Dongo asked concerned.

Turushkna smiled grimly and sighed,"Of course, everything is fine...."

"Do you see what your constant worrying is done?"Filgid said,"I know the troubles of which you speak, but for all our sakes, keep the suffering to yourself, it will do us all good...trust me."

Turushkna nodded as the group continued their trek into the caves. The ground began to slowly slope downwards, and the sound of running water could be heard.

"Orshire spring..."Yujin murmered,"Filgid, is the legend true that this river has healing powers?"

"So they say my dear boy, but I have never ventured far enough into the depths of these caves to be certain,"Filgid answered as he ignited a piece of orange crystal on his staff.

"This place doesn't gives me a bad feeling Filgid, it is unwise to journey through to the other side,"Turushkna sounded worried.

"It is either stay here, or face Tahl and whatever evil he brings with him,"Filgid answered, and he felt a soft current of water at his feet,"Well, I suppose we have found Orshire Spring, let us find the opposite bank and set up camp for the night."

The party moved across the shallow stream and Goodwill was the first to the bank. There were little patches of tall grass along the riverbed, and in some areas it was quite muddy. Goodwill found a spot where the ground was relatively dry and solid, he led the group towards it.

"This seems like a good spot,"Goodwill said to Filgid.

"That is is my boy,"Filgid answered kindly,"You've got good eyes."

As the six crusaders set up camp, a low rumble could be heard throughout the cave, Turushkna was the first to pick up on it. He looked around nervously and his eyes met Filgid's and he just nodded solemnly. Turushkna closed his eyes and made a cross with his hand on his chest, riciting the same Orshiric prayer from before. Slowly, in the distance, down one of the long cavern branches, there came a soft glow of fire into view, and then the sound of footsteps. Yujin noticed it and unsheathed his dagger.

"Sire, there is a glow of fire in the distance....shall we retreat?"he yelled to Turushkna.

"No, hold your ground....we shall meet our visitor,"Turushkna answered as the fire's glow glowed brighter.

"Turushkna, what do you think it is? Is it Tahl?"Dongo asked as he drew an arrow from his quiver and loaded his bow.

"No, it cannot be, Tahl would come from the entrance, behind us, rather than from deeper in the cave,"Turushkna whispered, slowly drawing the Blade of Wolyas from his side.

The blade glimmered in the glow of the fire, as a figure rounded the corner out of the cavern and into the main cave the six warriors were huddled close together in.

"Well well, who iss thiss?"A strange voice hissed.

"We do not owe you the comfort of knowing our names, state your name and your buisness in the caves!"Turushkna called.

"Very well then, I am Jadior, and this is my home, what buissness do you have here?"the figure answered as his long snake like tongue flicked.

"We mean your home or you no harm, we are merely trying to escape the foes that hunt us,"Dongo answered, lowering his bow.

"But you have now caused me and my home harm, you have led whatever hunts you here! To my house! Get out! Get out now!"Jadior yelled angrily.

"Jadior, please lower your voice, you are only quickening the process, the quieter we are, the less chance there is of them finding us,"Turushkna motioned for Jadior to silence.

"It is a bit too late...for that,"A low and grim voice laughed.

Turushkna slowly turned around to look into the eyes of Tahl, and behind him were many Jarlinx, many on foot, some now dismounting from their steeds.

"You have done great work Jadior,"Tahl laughed as he tossed him a bag of golden coins.

"Not a problem sire, not a problem at all,"Jadior answered as he bowed and headed back down the caverns.

Suddenly Tahl motioned for a bow from one of the Jarlinx, and loaded it with an arrow. He drew back and shot an arrow right into Jadior's back. As Tahl's back was turned, handing the bow back to a Jarlinx behind him, he quickly slipped into action.

Turushkna drew the Wolyas from it's sheath and drove the blade into the horse Tahl sat upon. As Tahl lay sprawled across the ground Turushkna positioned his blade on his neck, but Tahl motioned hastily with one hand and a mob of Jarlinx leaped onto Turushkna's shoulder, taking him to the ground.

"Grab a stone!"Jay yelled to Goodwill.

Jay grabbed a stone from the riverbed and quickly started to battle away the Jarlinx, cracking the rocks against their skulls and backs. But they almost seemed unaffected. Jay quickly threw down the rock and drew out his mace. He swung it high above his head and caught a Jarlinx in the stomach, tossing it to the wall.

Tahl threw Turushkna to the cave floor, just into the shallow waters of Orshire Spring, and he drew his sword.

"Turushkna, surrender, or die!" Tahl yelled.

"I would rather venture into the fires of Rockoida then surrender to your hideous ways of life!"

Turushkna kicked his feet into Tahl's chest and he fell to the cave floor with a thud. Turushkna climbed to his feet and yelled at Tahl to get to his feet, a fire in his eyes. Turushkna raised his sword high above his head and began to swing downward but was knocked to the cave floor as well by a Jarlinx. The creature dove on top of him and drew his knife, he then pressed it against Turushkna's neck and began to whisper softly.

"You were foolish to light that fire, but even more foolish to come into these caves, do as Tahl says, surrender now it is the only way!"

Turushkna trembled a bit and tried to knock the Jarlinx off of him, but he pressed his knife harder against his neck, threatening to slit it. Turushkna, with a sudden burst of energy grabbed the Jarlinx's wrist and snapped it backwards, rolling him off of him.

"Dongo, toss me the Blade of Tigre!"Turushkna yelled.

Tahl's eyes lit up with desire when he heard those words uttered. He saw Dongo raise the sword out of a long black bag and toss it towards Turushkna. Tahl knew what he had to do. He took off running towards Turushkna and with a great cry he slammed him out of the way with his shoulder. Turushkna stumbled and fell into the shallow waters of the spring nearby. He looked up and saw Tahl with the Blade of Tigre in his hand, his eyes dazzling like gems, he looked towards Turushkna and laughed.

"Tahl, I command you, give that to me,"Turushkna yelled struggling to his feet.

"I do not think you are in a position to command me to do anything Sire Lorofax....I have the blade now, you are under my control,"Tahl said grimly,"at least if you value you life."

"I warn you, if you try to use the sword in your own evil ways, you will fail, it is impossible to harness it's power!"

"This may be true, but you know of a way to command the power of this saber....I know you do...out with it!"

"There is only one way....and that is leagues upon leagues to the land of Graznor, the seventh jewel is located there...and even then, only in legend. You can search long and hard, and it even still may be in vain."

"If it is in vain...well then this sword will hold no power struggle against the will that is my own, it seems to be a win-win situation for me....go home now, all of you, and I will spare your lives."

"Tahl!"Dongo yelled,"I will not turn my back on something so important, not when the fate of Raldicon rests in your hands, you can go to Graznor yourself, but you can be sure we will be there waiting for you!"

"Very well then, you fools shall get what is coming to you, but not yet....I shall let you wait for that."

Tahl motioned for his army of Jarlinx to follow him out of the cave, and they slowly trudged out into the darkness.

"Sire, shall we take that way?"Yujin asked Turushkna.

"No, they will be expecting it, we shall have to use our original plan, and head through the caves and to the bridge of Keeldor,"Turushkna answered,"everyone, pack up your gear, time is of the essence, our job is now twice as important!"

Turushkna and Filgid led the group down a corridor that was dimly lit, as if some force was motioning them that way. And off they went, into the darkness, to whatever lie before them.

"A Ray Of Hope
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