Most of the things in this folder are set to members of the site or private. Not to be rude, but if you aren't a member and you're just strolling by, then you have no need to know me on a personal level. Considering this is mostly filled with journals, that qualifies as personal in my books!
** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **
DaRe To bE DiFFeReNT! Image by and of Ms Kimmie 
I keep this area much the way I keep its offline counterpart--my beloved trunk. The trunk is filled with old journals, notes, letters, photos, scrapbooks, and other such sentimental proofs of my fondest memories. I consider this my "online trunk" and the seeming lack of order is half the fun for me. Just as the rest of my house is neat and clean, so is my portfolio. But the trunk! No, the trunk is sacred and doesn't need a pledge from lemons. I pledge my heart to it instead.
LOVE IS ALL AROUND - by Sonny Curtis
Who can turn the world on with her smile
Who can take a nothing day
and suddenly make it all seem worthwhile
Well it's you girl and you should know it
with each glance and every little movement you show it
Love is all around no need to waste it
You can have the town why don't you take it
You're gonna make it after all
You're gonna make it after all.
i HaVe To BeLieVe i'M GoiNG To MaKe iT!