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Rated: GC · Chapter · Fantasy · #2332887
Derzell awakes to a nightmare
Chapter III - Another Bite

The backlit monastery was an immense dark silhouette towering over the carriage in which Derzell and his father traveled. His father too was a dark silhouette against the light and he towered over him like the dark cloud of an incoming storm. However, while Derzell's fear of the monastery derived from the fact that it was an unknown thing, he was afraid of his father precisely because he knew him and feared him and his opinion of him.
Derzell tried to glance at his father, just for a second, but he was already staring at him with disdain. Derzell looked down at his feet and his noble shoes inlaid with floral patterns. Derzell had become very good at distinguishing his father's shoes. His feet and legs were very recognizable to him.
-Here perhaps they can do something with a creature as filthy as you. - His father reproached him.
The door of the monastery opened and the carriage came in stopping in the middle of the courtyard, Derzell took a second to look out as his father got out. Some confreres came forward. A young Father Orion, a beardless Father Lucius and a very young Starion, no more than eighteen years old. Everyone wore a collar made of portalite.
Derzell got out of the carriage with difficulty, the transport was still too high for a child like him. Derzell looked down at the mixture of gravel and earth of which the courtyard was composed, ignoring the confreres who welcomed him into the monastery and trying to avoid their and his father looks.
-Do what you want with it! - exclaimed his father, taking him by the hair.
Derzell felt a bit of pain from being grabbed by the lock and then burning when his father threw him forward and his hands had to withstand the impact of his body with the gravel.
The father got back into the carriage without even looking at him. Derzell couldn't see his face, but he knew it was his usual expression of hate and anger.
Starion hurried to help Derzell to his feet. However, Derzell laid on the ground, weeping, watching the carriage drive away.
-Father! - He shouted with a broken voice as the carriage left the monastery.
Starion then hugged him, and brought his small face against his chest, letting him vent and cry.
Once calm, Derzell walked away, wiping away his tears, and stared back at the ground.
-I apologize sire. - said Derzell, holding back tears.
-My name is brother Starion you must be Derzell. - Starion said.
Derzell nodded.
-Welcome to the order of Santo Luper. - Orion said, placing his hand on Derzell's shoulder.
Derzell looked up, the three of them smiling at him. The boy smiled, for once, at ease and closed his eyes.

Derzell walked under the colonnade of the cloister of the dormitories. It was raining and it was cold, he was struggling to breathe while the collar of the order tightened more and more. He looked up and saw a confrere running holding an altar boy by the wrist and entering a door.
Derzell froze, then he saw Starion running, chasing the confrere with concerned expression, and entered the same door.
Derzell wanted to run, following his friend, but his muscles were heavy and sore and he could hardly walk. He heard screams, the boy was crying. He was struggling to walk towards the door. The columns seemed to increase with each step and it was getting colder and colder.
Several friars, his confreres, suddenly arrived from a corridor to his left and took him by the arms, slowing him down further, calling him an "abomination" and a "delusion". Derzell tried to fight them but his muscles were weak and he couldn't fight them off. Despite this, with great effort he pushed himself further and further.
After walking with what seemed to be boulders on their legs, the confreres disappeared and Derzell finally managed to reach and open the door.

The cold autumn wind cut Derzell's cheeks and stroked his long curly hair.
The weight of the equipment did not prevent him, the armor and equipment were now part of his body and he did not feel the weight of them.
His brown eyes scanned the tree-lined street. His gaze, focused on looking for dangers in the trees, but above all, he often met the disappointment of his servants and Derzell.
-Brother Derzell. - Starion called him, behind him.
-Yes, Starion? - Derzell replied.
-Don't you think it's time to rest?
-Maybe, but our mission is to move forward.
Starion was now altered and clearly angry at him, -Okay Derzell.
-If Valtur has endured the cross for my sins, I will endure the lack of sleep,- Derzell chuckled in response.
Starion remained silent and then with anger between his lips, he hissed, -You blasphemous sinner.

The village sat in the distance, difficult to observe, almost foggy.
-There. - Derzell said, stopping his horse, his squire, Starion, and his respective companions.
Starion approached observing the hollow and sharpening his eyes, some houses had collapsed and every now and then, something seemed to move between the buildings.
-Strange that the Inquisition did not intervene. - commented Derzell
-The Inquisition is not everywhere brother. Pray Valtur that they don't discover you. - Starion replied.
-Sire. - A squire called - should we prepare a camp for the both of you and to let the beasts rest?
The squire, Derzell noticed for the first time, his face was similar to Valtur's, beard and mustache as long as his hair, aquiline nose and blue eyes.
Derzell was speechless by the man who looked so much like Valtur.
-Derzell, you don't intend to attack now, do you? You will make him a martyr! - cried Starion.
Derzell looked up at his brother, standing in front of him with the crossbow in his hand.
-So Derzell, what do we do? -
Derzell looked down, his hands covered with blood, looked up at Starion who held the squire's head. The village was on fire and at one point, the church bell tower collapsed. A black mass, demons, poured over the rest of the valley by the hundreds, while the sky turned red and the stars fell from the sky.
-You should be the martyr. - said the head of the dead squire.
Derzell looked up at the sky.

His father's shadow looked at him in horror and judging him.
-What did you do? - cried the father angrily.
-I didn't mean to. - Derzell moaned in terror of his father.
-You killed her! - His father accused him.
-It wasn't me. - Derzell tried to defend himself.
-You are a dishonor! - said his father giving him a slap that made him lose his balance and led him to fall.
Derzell was crying. He looked around the room. His mother laying on the ground with a bloody throat and a knife in her hand.
-It was you, with your sorcery, who convinced her! - accused him while kicking him.
Derzell folded back into a fetal position.
-No, Dad, please! - He asked for mercy.
-You are an abomination! - cried the father.
Derzell screamed in terror.
The father drew his sword and pointed it at him.
-I'll kill you demon!
-No! - He shouted, bringing his hands in front of his face to parry the blow. Suddenly the father was thrown away against a wall.
Derzell stood up, he didn't want to hurt his father. He then ran to his rescue. But when his father was close to him, he slapped him away.
-You are a monster. - Derzell's father said terrified as he left the huge hall.
Derzell fell to the ground crying. He closed his eyes wishing he were dead.

-Feed me! - said a distant voice.
-What? - Derzell asked, opening his eyes again. He was in the monastery's library looking out over the valley where the burning village of Lazriel sat from one of the windows.
-FEED ME! - Shouted in response the voice now closer.
Derzell turned, a werewolf staring at him.
Derzell took his sword, carried it in front of him, preparing for the attack.
-Feed me! - repeated the creature before throwing itself on him.
Derzell closed his eyes.

A voice echoed in his ears, a voice known to him, a friendly voice.
-Father Valtur, protector of mortals, savior of believers. Chosen by the Gods at their death, ascended to eternal life to guide our souls to salvation.
It was not the first time Derzell had heard these words from this voice.
-Protect this brother of mine, a mortal and sinner like all of your children, but also a believer and pious like your angels.
They sounded like a chant
-Save this son of yours, who has suffered so much. Save my brother Derzell.

Derzell opened his eyes. In front of him, an intricate wooden ceiling made of chests, decorated with thousands of angelic images.
He knew that ceiling. Unfortunately, he had seen it several times, fortunately never for too long. It was the ceiling of the infirmary. He still remembered how Father Orion complained about the exorbitant costs that the monastery had covered to have those ceilings painted and how father Lucius said, it was necessary. In that sudden awake after that nightmare he could see why.
-Derzell? -Starion called.
Derzell, shifted his gaze to his right. Starion was kneeling at the foot of his bed with his arms consort in the act of prayer. Fortunately, for the order, there were few confreres in that place.
Derzell was lying on a bed in the infirmary. Several bandages covered his body and he felt pain everywhere.
-Starion? - Derzell asked confused.
Starion jumped up and hugged his friend, causing him pain, especially where the bandages were deeper.
-Forgive me. - said Starion.
-Don't worry, rather what happened, I remember the library and a wolf... - The memories were confused but as time passed Derzell regained consciousness and memory of the fight in the library.
-You did your duty Derzell, you were badly beaten and I think we saved you just in time. The monks of the archive thank you. - Starion said, smiling.
-And the guard? - Derzell asked.
-Which guard? - Starion asked perplexed.
-The one in the library, if it hadn't been for him I wouldn't have had anything to fight that beast with. - Derzell recalled.
Starion was silent, looking around, and then looked back at his friend - surely, the other brothers saved him. Now think about resting and healing your wounds.
-How long have I been unconscious? - Derzell asked, he was getting more and more aware of the situation as if the fog in his brain was dissipating.
-A day and a half, brother, you slept even more than you usually do. - Starion joked, hinting at a smile.
-Yeah. - Derzell chuckled.
-Derzell, I have to ask you a couple of questions, do you feel like answering? - Starion asked.
-Of course brother! - Derzell replied, making himself available.
-The wolf that attacked you, did you understand where it came from?
-No, I was inside the library; the guard was making the rounds. Maybe he has found a way to climb the walls of the kitchens.
-Possible, and did he try to communicate with you?
Derzell was puzzled by this question - No, as soon as he saw me he charged me.
-I understand. - Starion concluded, taking his chin and starting to think.
-What? - Derzell asked.
-Sorry? - Starion replied.
-What do you understand?
-Oh no, right... You know, in some legends it is said that werewolves are capable of communicating with humans and do not just attack.
-I guess I caught the belligerent type of werewolf. - Derzell joked.
-Yeah! - Starion chuckled.
The two laughed than as the fog of memory disappeared the clarity of the nightmare started to disappear.
-While I was unconscious I dreamed brother, - Derzell started - and I did dream the werewolf speaking to me before attacking, is that helpful? - Derzell asked.
Starion paused for a few second glancing away, than he laughed - brother, dreams are dreams, some say that you can predict the future with them or understand the deepest parts of a soul but I say that you were just knocked out.
-You must be right brother. - Derzell agreed.

The two joked a little more about this and that while an altar boy brought Derzell a meal of lentils and wild boar shank.
The altar boy was very tempted by that dish; Derzell deducted simply looking at his face. The boy was already eating those Lentils with his eyes.
-Hey, taste some lentils. - Derzell said to the boy.
The altar boy looked at his confrere confused.
-Don't worry, it's not a trial to tempt you, I just want to know how hot it is. - smiled Derzell.
The altar boy smiled and then obeyed. He took the wooden spoon into the bowl he had brought and after blowing, took a bite.
-How is it? Is it good? - Derzell asked.
-Yes. - Replied the altar boy.
-Thanks, you can go now. - He said, standing up from lying down to sitting.
Derzell's neck ached; bringing his hand to it, he could feel the collar. The boy left the bowl to Starion and ran away.
-I don't think I had ever seen you so kind to altar boys. - commented Starion.
Derzell hinted at a smile - the dream begins to disappear, but I think it started with a memory. I remembered when I first arrived at the monastery. I hope he had a simpler and kinder childhood than mine. -Commented.
-Sooner or later they have to grow up, the sooner they get used to the difficulties of life the better. - commented Starion.
-Now I understand why you hesitated to follow orders. - Derzell replied hesitatingly, ignoring Starion's remarks knowing very well that he was the first to not believe that.
Starion remained silent.
-Forgive me brother. - Derzell said, looking him in the eye.
Starion smiled and placed his hand on Derzell's arm - nothing to apologize for brother, you are young and enterprising, and you still have a lot to learn. - Said Starion getting up - but you are already well underway.
Derzell smiled, then felt the collar again.
-The collar, have you put it back on for me? Most Holy Luper, forgive brother, I was too tired I should have put it back on myself! - Derzell began agitatedly
-Derzell, my brother, calm yourself. - Smiled Starion, - Your vote does not cease because you lost it in battle, we have put it back, don't worry. Now I must go, the council of the wise is about to meet, I will come and see you again, brother. - Starion greeted him, handing him the still warm bowl and greeting him.
Derzell took a bite and said goodbye to his friend who was leaving. Then, like a bolt from the blue, his mind lit up.
-Did you check that he did not scratch or bit me? - Derzell asked as Starion had almost left.
-Of course, apart from a few stab wounds and splinters, it didn't even scratch you. Don't worry, you won't turn into a man-eating beast! - replied Starion.
Derzell watched his friend walk out. He then took another bite.

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